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Given that many overindebted households have low or no assets and income, governments have increasingly tried to adapt their consumer bankruptcy regimes to the needs and capacities of these NINA (“no income, no assets”) debtors. Most notably, since the mid‐2000s, some countries from the Anglosphere have created low‐cost, means‐tested, and administrative (i.e., nonjudicial) debt relief procedures as alternative to traditional bankruptcy for NINA debtors. By contrast, in some European countries such as Germany, legislators have tried—but until today failed—to create efficient debt relief measures for NINA debtors. This contribution aims to make English‐speaking readers familiar with the history of consumer insolvency law in Germany, with a focus on legislative developments regarding NINA debtors, and to identify actors, institutions, and ideas that have contributed—especially during the 2000s—to the failure of consumer bankruptcy reforms addressing the main problems of NINA cases in Germany (i.e., high hurdles to relief for debtors, high administrative efforts for trustees and courts, high costs for the public purse, and yet very few payments to creditors). The German case is relevant not only because it is a striking case of failure to adapt a debt relief regime to NINA debtors but also because German consumer bankruptcy law—despite its shortcomings—continues to serve as a template for insolvency law reforms in European and other countries.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1990s the number of consumer insolvencies in England and Wales has grown exponentially. The UK's Insolvency Act 1986 offers two formal responses to personal insolvency: bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements (‘IVAs’). While consumers have used both these debt relief mechanisms in increasing numbers in recent years, IVAs—regulated agreements between debtors and creditors facilitated by a licensed insolvency practitioner, usually taking the form of a 5‐year payment plan—grew faster than bankruptcies between 2003 and 2006. However, the level of new IVA approvals fell back in 2007 and the first half of 2008. This article charts the transformation of the IVA from a bankruptcy alternative originally designed for insolvent traders and professionals into a tool of consumer debt relief. It then seeks to explain both the stellar rise in IVA usage among consumer debtors and the subsequent stalling of IVA growth. The rise of consumer IVAs can be attributed largely to supply side changes in the market for debt resolution—in particular the emergence of volume providers commonly referred to as ‘IVA factories’—while a sustained backlash against the procedure and the providers instigated by institutional creditors demanding higher recoveries accounts for the subsequent decline in approvals. The article concludes by considering the near‐term prospects for consumer IVAs within the context of the increasingly complex UK debt resolution market. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to identify and assess the features of Australian bankruptcy regulation as they apply to consumer insolvency. Although Australian bankruptcy law makes no explicit recognition of ‘consumer bankruptcy’ as a regulatory target in itself, the Australian legislation nevertheless has a number of features that impact on what would generally be seen to be consumer bankrupts. After providing an outline of the legislative framework within which consumer bankruptcy operates, the paper examines the consumer insolvency aspects of this legislation, together with an assessment of proposed reforms. Some brief comparisons of the ‘consumer’ features of Australian regulation with that of the more fully developed consumer provisions of the Canadian and the United States bankruptcy legislation, are made in order to highlight the Australian position. The Australian Act has historically drawn heavily on English bankruptcy legislation but inevitably Australia has to some extent developed along its own path. Notable is the reasonably vigorous approach to discharge from bankruptcy. The proposed reforms to the Bankruptcy Act, which have followed a detailed consultative process, are largely directed to consumer debtors. Some of these reforms are directed against a perceived debtor abuse of the bankruptcy system. Other reforms, such as increasing the availability of debt agreements, are more generous to insolvent debtors. On the whole the reforms appear to be based more on political than empirical grounds.  相似文献   

A significant policy issue in personal insolvency concerns the debtor with little income and few assets who may be unable to afford bankruptcy in those jurisdictions which require payment to access the individual bankruptcy system. The challenge of addressing the situation of these debtors is one experienced both by long standing personal insolvency systems and newer system in emerging markets. This article introduces a special issue of the International Insolvency Review which considers the responses of several common law, civil law and mixed regimes to this policy topic. The article discusses the background to the English Debt Relief Order enacted in 2009 as a procedure for low‐income debtors, outlines salient issues raised by its implementation and discusses research themes related to the existence of the “No‐Income‐No Asset” debtor, including the structure and financing of the bankruptcy system, the contribution of NINA procedures to access to justice, the role of intermediaries in the bankruptcy system and the political economy of bankruptcy reform.  相似文献   

从法政策角度考量,自然人破产制度可以使债权人获得公平受偿,使债务人获得重生,这是自然人破产制度确立的最重要原因;而信贷消费的迅速发展,是我国确立自然人破产制度的社会基础。我国面临的城乡二元结构、信用体系的不健全只是建立自然人破产时必须予以考虑的法技术问题。在建立自然人破产制度时必须正视城乡二元结构、信用体制缺失等问题,并逐步建立自然人财产申报登记制度,完善信用制度。  相似文献   

This article provides an account of the emergent phenomenon of ‘bankruptcy tourism’—forum shopping by debtors for favourable personal insolvency law—within the EU and with particular reference to England and Wales. After outlining the structural features of the European legal framework that make forum shopping for personal insolvency law possible, including the EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings and explaining why England and Wales in particular has proved to be an attractive ‘tourist’ destination, the article charts how the official receivers and the courts in England and Wales have sought to manage the influx of foreign bankruptcies in terms of legal principle and process drawing on two reported cases, Eichler and Mitterfellner. It will be seen that the institutional response in England and Wales has been twofold. First, the ‘problem’ of forum shopping debtors has been framed as a problem of policing the line between genuine and fictional relocations. Secondly, there are signs that the procedural onus on debtors to evidence their claim to English jurisdiction before a bankruptcy order is made has been increased, a move that can be interpreted as a form of institutional resistance designed to raise the barrier to entry. Having sought to illuminate the problems, costs and inconvenience associated with forum shopping from a practitioner standpoint, we explore the ‘good’ versus ‘bad’ forum shopping question and consider the scope for reform of the EC Regulation. Adopting a creditor perspective, we conclude provisionally that the Regulation could usefully be reformed to limit the scope for insolvent debtors to switch their COMI in anticipation of filing for bankruptcy. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chapter 11 structures complex negotiations between creditors and debtors that are overseen by a bankruptcy court. We identify conditions where the court should sometimes err in determining which firms should be liquidated. Such errors affect actions by both good and bad entrepreneurs. We first characterize the optimal error rate without renegotiation. When creditors and debtors can renegotiate to circumvent an error‐riven court, for one class of actions a blind court that ignores all information is optimal. For another class, the court should place the burden of proof on the entrepreneur. The robust feature is that the court should sometimes err.  相似文献   

The debt agreement option under bankruptcy law was introduced in Australia in 1996. Since its introduction, it has undergone significant review, and two sets of amendments have been crafted to meet issues as they have been raised. Its popularity is reflected in the increasing proportion of debt agreements compared with the other two debt relief options available under bankruptcy legislation, bankruptcy and the personal insolvency agreement. A review of the debt agreement scheme has recently been undertaken, but the government has yet to respond to its recommendations. Meanwhile, the work of comparative bankruptcy scholars has found new impetus from the treatment of consumer debtors during the Global Financial Crisis. At the same time, at the international level, there is growing interest in developing general principles for the treatment of personal insolvency, despite the acknowledged diversity of approach to personal insolvency at the national level. This paper examines the debt agreement framework and how it fits within the comparative bankruptcy literature and the developing international principles for the treatment of personal insolvency. Copyright © 2014 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

In early 2005, the Brazilian Congress approved a new bankruptcy law. The new legislation increased creditor protection and improved the efficiency of the bankruptcy system. This paper evaluates the empirical consequences of a bankruptcy reform on a poorly developed credit market. Using data from Brazilian and non-Brazilian firms, we estimated, using two different models, the effect of the bankruptcy reform on contractual and non-contractual debt variables. In general, both models yielded similar results. Concerning contractual debt variables, we found a significant increase in the total amount and the long-term debt and a reduction in the cost of debt. For the non-contractual debt variable, we found no effect in the loans’ ownership structure.  相似文献   

The Dutch Bankruptcy Code (DBC) has not changed fundamentally over the more than 110 years of its existence, at least as far as corporate insolvency proceedings are concerned. On 1 November 2007, however, a committee of insolvency experts presented a draft for an entirely new code to the Ministry of Justice. Whether this new code will gain the force of law and whether this will happen within the near future remains uncertain but the proposals will in any event dominate discussions on insolvency law in the Netherlands for the foreseeable future. The main goal behind many of the proposals is improving the ability to successfully restructure companies that experience financial difficulties. To this end the proposals include various measures that would weaken the position of (secured) creditors. The proposals include widening the scope of the cooling-off period during which secured creditors are unable to enforce their security by granting the administrator a right of use of assets subject to security interests. The ability to rely on early termination clauses in contracts is also reduced during the cooling-off period. The position of secured creditors is further weakened by a proposal to grant the right to sell assets that are subject to security interests to the administrator if he continues the business. Under the current bankruptcy code, secured creditors can largely ignore insolvency proceedings, there is no general stay on enforcement and, early termination clauses in contracts are generally thought to be valid and enforceable during insolvency proceedings. Although banks have already argued that weakening the position of secured creditors will limit the ability to restructure companies, it seems safe to assume that the relatively comfortable position that secured creditors currently enjoy during insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands will be under fire due to the proposals for a new bankruptcy code. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新的企业破产法应当正确对待金融行业在市场中的主体地位,发挥企业破产法在整合全社会经济运行当中的规范作用,减少政府对国有企业破产的干预。同时,法律应当在微观经济中加强对债权人利益的保护。  相似文献   

Canada does not have a low‐cost bankruptcy option for debtors with low incomes and low assets. In this article, we present empirical evidence of the need for such an option by estimating the number of debtors who might benefit from it. We then review the successful low‐cost bankruptcy options in operation in New Zealand and in the United Kingdom and recommend that Canada adopt a similar system.  相似文献   

Against a background of rising debt levels, this article examines the range of solutions available to a debtor in financial difficulty in Scots law and the recent proposals for reform of bankruptcy law in Scotland brought forward by the Scottish Executive as part of its new approach to debt management and enforcement in Scotland and considers the extent to which they may accord an over‐burdened debtor the opportunity for a fresh start. It concludes that while the emphasis on providing appropriate solutions for over‐burdened debtors with a view to enabling them to make a fresh start evidenced by these proposals is to be welcomed, they may not yet have struck quite the right balance in this respect. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Different types of bankruptcy restructuring procedures are used in most legal systems to decide the fate of businesses facing financial hardship. We study how bargaining failures in an under-researched type of restructuring procedure, a formal out-of-the court procedure impacts the economic performance of participating firms. Croatia introduced a “pre-bankruptcy settlement” (PBS) process in the wake of the Great Recession of 2007–2009. A novel dataset provides us with annual financial statements for both sides of more than 180,000 debtor–creditor pairs, enabling us to address selection into failed negotiations by matching a rich set of creditor and debtor characteristics. Failures to settle at the PBS stage due to idiosyncratic bargaining problems, which effectively delay entry into the standard bankruptcy procedure, lead to a lower rate of survival among debtors as well as reduced employment, revenue, and profits. We are the first study to track how bargaining failures diffuse through the network of creditors, finding a significant negative effect on small creditors, but not others. Our results highlight the impact of delay and the importance of structuring bankruptcy procedures, to rapidly resolve uncertainty about firms’ future prospects.  相似文献   

所有权担保的实现有形式主义和功能主义两个路径,其中功能主义采用担保程序的实现路径,是双方当事人真实的意思表示,有利于债权人和债务人双方的利益,也有利于维护担保关系的稳定。实践中,首先应当遵循当事人选择的路径;协商不成,法院再判定采用担保程序;破产案件中,法官在面对原被告方不同诉求时,可以采纳《企业破产法》第109条进行裁判。登记技术的进步和登记制度的发展可以有效地弥补功能主义的效率缺陷。  相似文献   

The key feature of the modern US personal bankruptcy law is to provide debtors a financial fresh start through debt discharge. It has long been believed that the primary goal of the discharge policy is to preserve human capital by maintaining incentives to work. We provide the first test of this fresh start argument by estimating the effect of personal bankruptcy filing on work effort using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Our econometric approach controls for the endogenous self-selection of bankruptcy filing. We find that filing for bankruptcy does not have a positive impact on annual work hours for bankrupt households, a result mainly due to the wealth effects of debt discharge.   相似文献   

What are the positive and normative implications of eliminating bankruptcy protection for indebted individuals? Without bankruptcy protection, creditors can collect on defaulted debt to the extent permitted by wage garnishment laws. The elimination lowers the default premium on unsecured debt and permits low-net-worth individuals suffering bad earnings shocks to smooth consumption by borrowing. There is a large increase in consumer debt financed essentially by super-wealthy individuals, a modest drop in capital per worker, and a higher frequency of consumer default. Average welfare rises by 1% of consumption in perpetuity, with about 90% of households favoring the change.  相似文献   

Following in the steps of the USA and UK, China introduced partnerships with limited liability in 2006, the same year that a market‐oriented bankruptcy statute was enacted. Although the bankruptcy statute enshrines basic elements of modern bankruptcy law, it fails to stipulate specific rules for partnership bankruptcy. As partnership with limited liability acquires increasing importance, especially limited partnerships as a popular form of private equity firms, a partnership bankruptcy regime becomes indispensable. This article considers the experience of the UK and USA in order to make proposals to establish a partnership bankruptcy regime in China. Although partnership bankruptcy law can be formulated by analogy to corporate bankruptcy law, special considerations must be given to the characteristics of partnership such as unlimited liability and lack of separation of management from ownership. Further, as partnership bankruptcy may lead to partner bankruptcy and vice versa, conflicts between partnership creditors and partners' personal creditors must also be considered. Copyright © 2014 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Optimal bankruptcy laws across different economic systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We model fundamental differences across economic systems andpropose optimal bankruptcy laws. We show that creditor-debtorrelationships in a given economy are affected by the abilityof creditors to obtain information about fundamentals and themanagers' ability to strategically use their private information.An optimal bankruptcy law utilizes creditors' information whileminimizing managers' use of strategic information. Our proposedlaws for a developed bank-based system like Germany includea creditor chapter only, for a developed market-based systemlike the United States include both a creditor chapter and adebtor chapter, and for an underdeveloped system include botha creditor chapter and a debtor chapter that gives the managermore protection than in a market-based system.  相似文献   

论破产清算企业的内部控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业内部控制无处不在,无论持续经营企业还是破产清算企业都是如此。本文以我国企业破产清算过程中暴露出的内控问题为背景,以新破产法和企业内部控制基本规范为依托,探讨了构建破产清算企业内部控制制度的必要性,总结了我国企业破产清算中所出现的问题,提出了基于广义和狭义角度的我国破产清算企业内控架构,分析了破产清算企业内部控制的主要难点及其对策。  相似文献   

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