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退休教师的客观存在在各个高校都有.这个特殊群体有着自身优秀的资源的.一些学校发现这些资源,并进行了开发利用.返聘这些退林教师回到学校图书馆协助学校开展阅读辅导工作,收到了良好的效果.  相似文献   

由于当前我国老龄化程度加深,在劳动力紧张的背景下,中国将实行渐进式延迟退休政策,逐步提高退休年龄,以满足社会劳动力的需求。然而,延迟退休势必会增加青年人的就业压力,同时增加企业的负担。为缓解该政策所带来的社会问题,本文主张政府鼓励老年人口再就业。可以从个体特征与家庭代际关系两方面,研究老年人选择再就业的影响因素;通过实证研究,建立logistic模型,进一步分析各影响因素的影响比重及其作用机理,以期为政府出台及完善相关政策提供理论支持。  相似文献   

延迟退休问题已成为当前社会争论的焦点。文章首先阐述了我国当前老龄化社会的现状、特点及问题,然后对现阶段我国退休政策中存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上详细分析了延迟退休对我国劳动力市场的短期和长期影响。通过以上分析,提出了在我国实行延迟退休政策的三点建议。作者认为,在中国老龄化社会形势加剧的状态下应逐步推行富有"弹性"的延迟退休政策,在实现人力资本得到充分利用的前提下,进一步促进社会公平,保障劳动者合法的就业及退休权利,以缓解当前及未来的社会压力。希望笔者的研究工作可以为中国政府有效推行延迟退休政策提供一定的指导和帮助。  相似文献   

62岁的潘某原为某公司员工,2010年3月退休。同年4月,潘某被返聘回公司工作。后来,潘某在上班途中被刘某驾驶的货车撞伤,潘某伤情被鉴定为十级伤残。事发后,刘某驾车逃逸,交管部门认定刘某负事故全部责任。  相似文献   

为了降低用工成本,一些企业将目光投向了退休人员、少年儿童和外国人,但现实中企业与上述人员之间出现的法律纠纷屡见不鲜,同时企业在行政处罚、社会保险、用工保障等方面也面临着法律风险。为此,本刊特整理相关案例供广大经营者参考。退休人员返聘常见法律问题分析退休人员返聘,是指已经达到退休年龄(通常为男满60周岁,女满50周岁,女干部满55周岁,特殊岗位可提前)的人员继续或重新受雇于用人单位,从事有报酬工作的行为,退休人员身份的特殊性导致双方权利义务关系不同于普通劳动关系。  相似文献   

林永德 《商》2013,(13):46-46
高绩效工作系统的提出对于企业人力资源的充分利用有了新的突破,随着我国人口结构的改变,企业面临着前所未有的挑战,广泛实行员工返聘制度将是未来发展趋势。虽然在医院,高校等行业返聘现象盛行多年,但对于返聘员工的薪酬,绩效管理体系建立很不完善。本文就将从高绩效工作系统理论的提出入手,具体研究对于返聘员工的绩效管理策略。从而对于高绩效工作系统的建立起到辅助作用。  相似文献   

退休作为一种社会生活事件性应激源,对于是否影响健康及对健康影响机制的研究结论尚未明确.基于2010年中国综合社会调查数据(CGSS2010),对退休事件影响我国社会成员健康的作用机制进行了探索性分析.退休是导致个体健康状况,包括身体健康状况和精神健康水平降低的重要因素之一.具体表现为:退休事件对个体的健康存在着显著的负向影响,即退休会在一定程度上导致健康水平的降低;退休事件对健康的影响存在着性别差异.相对于女性,退休对男性健康的负向影响更大.此外,健康也是退休与其他人口学特征、家庭变量及社会变量合力作用的结局,表现为受教育程度、婚姻状态、经济状况、锻炼频率等与退休事件合力对个体的健康水平产生了显著影响.  相似文献   

离职员工的返聘,是近些年来人力资源管理出现的一个新现象。本文首先采用SWOT模型对企业返聘前任员工的内外部环境进行综合分析,进而针对返聘工作中存在的问题提出相应的对策建议,以期为国内企业返聘优秀离职员工的管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

延迟退休是应对老龄化带来的社会养老负担增加等一系列问题的重要举措.作为一项复杂的公共政策,退休年龄调整会对我国经济增长,养老保险,企业竞争力以及就业等方面带来巨大影响,管理层在付诸实施延迟退休政策前必须认真考虑其影响.  相似文献   

如何科学的制定退休政策,成为学者之间争论的焦点。本文主要解释了延迟退休,提出延迟退休的原因是老龄化程度加剧、人口预期寿命提高。之后分析了延迟退休对我国经济增长的优势与劣势,机会与威胁,进行SWOT分析,提出建议对策,加大投资力度,提高劳动者的质量,也要转变经济产业结构,适应人口结构转变。  相似文献   

酒店员工忠诚度培养探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酒店员工流动问题的核心在于员工对酒店忠诚度低下,加强对员工忠诚度的培养是减少员工流动的关键。员工忠诚度的影响因素有个人因素、酒店内部环境和外部环境等。应树立以人为本的管理理念,建立合理的薪酬体系和有效的激励体制;推行公平的竞争机制,给予员工更多的参与机会,以提高员工对酒店的忠诚度。  相似文献   

Employees' awareness of their impact on corporate reputation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Corporate reputation is critical for cultivating stakeholder relationships and, specifically, for regaining public trust. Corporate reputation results from the firm's interactions with stakeholders, emphasizing the important role employees play in reputation management. However, employees are not necessarily aware of, or prepared for, this extra-role assignment, indicating a gap in research and a managerial challenge. The purpose of the present article is to identify how employees' awareness of their impact on their employers' reputation is influenced by pride, job satisfaction, affective commitment, and perceived corporate reputation. An online survey of employees working for firms ranked in Fortune's America's Most Admired Companies Index provides empirical evidence. The findings underline the prominent effect pride in membership has regarding employees' awareness of their impact on corporate reputation. Study findings further deliver insights into opportunities and risks for managers who wish to use internal reputation building strategies to enhance corporate reputation.  相似文献   

以知识型员工离职过程分析为基础,根据设计的知识型员工离职预警模型,可以构建有效的离职预警管理系统,以有效地控制、防范知识型员工离职风险,从而促进企业又好又快地可持续发展。  相似文献   

公司简介中信建设有限责任公司(以下简称“中信建设”)成立于1986年3月,是大型综合性跨国企业中信集团的全资一级子公司。截至2012年12月,中信建设员工总数达891人,包括管理人员148人,技能人才743人。中信建设在2012年美国《工程新闻纪录》225家全球最大国际工程承包商中排名第47位。  相似文献   

2012年2月14日,国家电网山东电力集团公司(以下简称"山东电力")超高压公司的巡检工人高森度过了一个别样的情人节。这一天,高森和他的创新小组研制的"架空线路清障检测机器人"荣获国家科技进步二等奖。由此,高森成为全国迄今为止第9位获此殊荣的一线工人。当晚,妻子马恒艳乘高铁从济南赶赴北京,与高森分享了这份喜悦。同样值得记住的是,2012年12  相似文献   

The top-down perspective (i.e., life satisfaction influences job satisfaction) and the dispositional perspective are the focuses of the current study's research on life-work spillovers. This study investigates the impact of life satisfaction on job satisfaction under different situations of work-family conflict. The results of a field survey reveal responses from 121 sales managers from 26 hotels in China to test the moderating effects of work-family conflict on the relationship between life and job satisfaction. Analysis involves hierarchical regression with follow-up examination utilizing simple slope analysis. The results imply that employees facing less conflict between work and family tend to carry positive aspects from daily life to the workplace. The results also support the value of managerial efforts to have an organizational climate welcoming to employees' families. Even in China, where labor resources are abundant, family-friendly policies would help to increase the business success of hotels.  相似文献   

This study extends previous research on gap analysis of service quality by including not only functional service quality but also relational benefits. To this end, a field study was carried out in 36 hotels and 35 restaurants. The samples consisted of 213 employees and 657 customers. A questionnaire format was used to measure both functional and relational service quality, as well as customers' loyalty. When comparing employee and customer perceptions, gaps potentially range from ‘overestimation’ (employees' perceptions are greater than customers' perceptions) to ‘underestimation’ (customers' perceptions are greater than employees' perceptions). In general, the results indicated that the employees surveyed overestimated the service quality they offer to customers, although gaps were greater for certain service attributes than for others. In addition, some gaps were more related to customer loyalty than others. The findings also showed that employees' overestimation of relational benefits plays a moderating role, increasing the negative relationship between employees' overestimation of functional service quality and customers' loyalty. The theoretical and managerial implications of the results are discussed further in this paper.  相似文献   

Cases in which employees' uses of social media harm their company's reputation highlight the need for a measure to evaluate employees' company reputation-related social media competence (RSMC). Drawing on reputation and human capital theory and data from four occupationally diverse samples of employees, this study develops and validates a new, multidimensional measure of RSMC, or an employee's ability to use social media without causing harm to the employer's reputation. Exploratory factor analyses, first- and second-order confirmatory factor analyses, and structural equation modeling all provide strong evidence of the convergent, discriminant, known-group, and nomological validities of the proposed RSMC scale. The higher-order RSMC construct also relates to job demands and resources and to two behavioral outcomes: bad mouthing and positive word of mouth. The RSMC scale also exhibits test–retest reliability and ecological validity. Thus, the new scale offers both research directions and managerial implications.  相似文献   

随着服务业竞争日益激烈,品牌成为企业取得竞争优势的关键。作为服务的操作者和品牌的宣传者,员工在企业成功品牌的构建中起着重要的作用。但是,有的一线员工对品牌带来的破坏行为将给企业带来不可估量的损失,本文对此分析原因和治理办法。  相似文献   

在现代组织管理中,影响员工工作投入度的因素很多,除了个体特征、工作特征以及组织环境等因素外,最重要的因素就是领导者的能力。提升员工工作投入度,必须增强管理者前瞻力,明确组织和个人目标;注重管理者自身素质的培养,提升管理者的个人魅力;注重对组织整体运行和员工工作行为的引导,关心员工个人成长发展;创造关心员工的人文环境,凝聚员工的向心力量,从而极大地调动员工工作积极性,提升工作投入度。  相似文献   

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