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有形建筑市场作为规范市场主体行为,维护建筑市场秩序,强化建筑市场和承发包交易管理,提高建设工程交易透明度,建立公开、公平、公正的市场竞争环境,遏制建设领域不正之风的有效措施,得到党和国家领导人的高度重视,现已在全国各地普遍建立,并形成自我运行、闭合管理的体系。但如何充分履行有形建筑市场工作职责;如何满足有形建筑市场快捷高效办公的需要,  相似文献   

实验经济学方法的出现和大量应用使市场交易制度问题研究得以深入,并取得了大量重要的研究成果。市场交易制度与市场结构共同影响市场绩效是对传统的SCP分析范式的修正.交易制度可以将需求因素作为一个形成市场绩效的力量和评估主体,使对市场绩效形成的考察更加全面、深入。本文据此构造了市场交易制度影响市场绩效的假说并进行了理论和实验的证明。这一假说可以成为分析市场绩效、设计市场交易制度、制定政府规制和评估制度效果的重要方法。  相似文献   

各省、自治区建设厅,直辖市建委,计划单列市建委(建设局),新疆生产建设兵团建设局,总后基建营房部工程局,国资委管理的有关企业,有关行业协会: 为进一步规范建筑市场秩序,健全建筑市场诚信体系,加强对建筑市场各方主体的动态监管,营造诚实守信的市场环境,我们组织制定了《建筑市场诚信行为信息管理办法》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

为培育和完善建筑市场体系,规范市场主体行为,建立公开、公正、公平的市场竞争环境,提高建设工程交易活动的透明度和公正性,加强政府部门对建筑市场的监管,北京市有形建筑市场坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,突出以工程交易为本,以提高市场整体效能和服务水平为中心,以完善市场服务功能、规范设施建设、强化内部管理、推进有形市场建设为目标,致力于思想创新、工作创新、科技创新、管理创新,构建以市场为导向,以服务为特征的管理体系,有形建筑市场建设和管理取得了长足发展。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制的建立和完善,具有产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的现代企业制度的建立,供需双方成为市场的主体,供方提供的产品只有满足需方的需要才能在市场经济中生存和发展,否则,供方势必被市场淘汰。因此,供方为了自身利益,一方面加速进入市场...  相似文献   

市场经济的自主性要求建立权力有限政府,政府职能部门要从"以法行政"变为"依法行政",减少行政审批事项,放开相关主体的经济活动,减少体制和制度障碍,营造适度宽松的市场发展环境。同时,重点在引导和强化企业信用建设上做文章,建立诚实守信的行业自律机制,才能为施工企业可持续发展营造更加规范健康、公平有序的市场环境。  相似文献   

服务是有形建筑市场一个永恒的定位和主题。作为一个为市场各方交易主体提供工程承发包交易活动的场所,我市有形建筑市场作为政府监管部门整顿、规范建筑市场的一个重要载体,建设与发展始终离不开为政府监管和交易主体提供服务这个中心任务。中心在搞好一流服务工作上全面创新,狠抓窗口建设和员工职业道德规范,有步骤地在有形建筑市场领域拓展服务空间,全面提高行政效率和服务水平,为建设事业的赶超发展提供强大的环境支撑。一、完善“一站式”办公和“一条龙”服务,形成功能齐全、设备完善、服务先进的承发包交易环境(一)交易中心针对市场…  相似文献   

随着招投标监管制度的不断完善,市场各方主体行为的不断规范,有一个统一规范、竞争有序的监管体制定会为经济发展提供优质、高效、廉洁的市场环境。  相似文献   

目前,建筑劳务市场呈现四种组织模式并存,两种劳务市场交易并进的局面。统一规范劳务市场是当前整顿建筑市场的重要组成部分,要实现整顿目标,就要积极创建结构合理的制度环境和制定扶植政策,促进建筑市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

招投标制度作为工程承发包的主要形式在国内外工程项目建设中已广泛实施。近年来,我国建筑行业日渐繁荣,建筑市场竞争也日趋激烈。随着有形建筑市场的不断健全和完善,建筑市场招投标秩序明显好转,招投标制度的深化和市场的不断规范,招投标中一些深层次的问题也暴露出来,最近按照科学发展观的要求,结合自己的工作实际,就当前招投标市场存在的问题进行了调查研究并对解决的途径进行了浅析。  相似文献   

建立灵活的工程采购模式体系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
工程采购模式本质上是建筑市场的交易方式。不同的工程采购模式有不同的特点和适用范围。针对不同类型的工程建设项目应该有不同的工程采购模式与之对应。然而由于中国长期计划经济的影响,建筑市场的发育显得比较迟缓,还没有形成灵活的工程采购模式体系。我国的工程实践中绝大多数工程建设项目使用的是施工总承包的工程采购模式。目前的建设法律法规很大程度上也是基于施工总承包的工程采购模式。这种局面大大阻碍了我国建筑市场的发展和完善。如果不迅速建立起灵活的工程采购模式体系,将使得中国的建筑业无法与国际接轨,从而降低我国建筑业在国际竞争、合作中的效率和效益。目前妨碍建立灵活的工程采购模式体系的最大因素是工程采购模式的制度环境,也即与工程采购模式紧密相关的投资建设体制。因此迅速地清理、修改有关法律法规以及有关的规定以建立适应市场经济规律和WTO规则的工程采购模式的制度环境显得十分紧迫。  相似文献   

分析了在放松规制的环境下,电力企业进行技术创新所面临的市场及制度环境,并剖析了造成企业技术创新困境的制度原因。为了激励电力企业进行技术创新,实现企业绩效与社会福利的双赢,本文从促进市场化及加强规制者可信性承诺两方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Using data from Taiwan, this paper investigates the market discipline effects associated with the forced financial information restatement on management turnover, and how family governance intervenes with such market discipline. By integrating legitimacy theory, the institution-based view, and multiple agency perspective, we find that market discipline associated with the forced financial information restatement can be effective to trigger management turnover in an emerging economy. Family ownership strengthens such market discipline by promoting ex-ante management turnover but weakens such market discipline by deterring immediate/ex-post management turnover. On the other hand, family board control weakens market discipline in mitigating families-minority shareholders conflicts by deterring all ex-ante, immediate, and ex-post management turnover. The analysis contributes to our understanding of a firm’s legitimacy as the dominating force in supporting an effective market discipline on management turnover in a weak institutional environment. Families play multiple governance roles to intervene with such market discipline in a weak institutional environment in order to build a management team for their investment safety and maintain a management team for family private benefits of control.  相似文献   

The many futures of Asian business groups   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
What does the future hold for Asian business groups? This paper discusses three rival hypotheses whose predictions for the future of Asian business groups differ from the predictions of the prevailing institutional voids hypothesis. The latter is a two stage model that posits that business groups first emerge to solve market failures for affiliated firms. Subsequently government initiates the construction of a “soft market infrastructure” that plug institutional voids and so weakens the rationale for group affiliation. Groups should then unravel and dissolve. Yet, business groups remain important in Asian countries that have attained high levels of market development, which casts doubt on the institutional voids hypothesis. In this paper I review three alternative hypotheses of business group development—life cycle, state-led industrialization, and crony capitalism perspectives. A synthesis of these rival hypotheses suggests that Asian business groups are likely to persist in many possible future scenarios.  相似文献   

While it has been advocated that the generation and application of market knowledge shape marketing capabilities to commercialize new products, the weak institutional environment makes access to critical market knowledge challenging in emerging economies. Critically, managerial social ties with business and political institutions may complement the firm’s market orientation (MO) to obtain market knowledge that is not available in the open market in emerging economies. This study draws attention to the differential roles of business and political ties in complementing or inhibiting the effects of market orientation on exploratory and exploitative marketing capabilities in one of the “Next Eleven” emerging economies, Iran. The results help firms operating in emerging economies to identify the conditions under which business and political ties help to overcome institutional limitations, complement market-oriented efforts, and successfully commercialize new products.  相似文献   

Drawing on the institution theory and the resource-based view of the firm, we propose a contingent view on the relationship between host market's institutional environment, emerging multinational enterprises (EMNEs)’ capability, and their innovation performance in the internationalization process. Specifically, we examine three key aspects of host market's institutional environment: market maturity, intellectual property right protection, and cultural distance, to investigate their distinct impact on innovation performance. We further explore how the effects of institutional environment is contingent upon firm-specific absorptive capability. The analyses of a panel data of 735 Chinese EMNEs provide support for this contingent view, and the findings of this study thus can help advance our understanding of the internationalization process of EMNEs.  相似文献   

Firms in transition economies experienced a large exogenous shock in their external business environment in the late 1980s when these economies moved from a socialist‐oriented economic environment to a more market‐oriented economic environment. This paper examines the following research question in the context of this change: What are some factors that influence transition economy firms to successfully change their operating know‐how or knowledge sets to reflect the demands of their new environment? Building on some core ideas from literature on organizational imprinting, knowledge‐based view of the firm, and firm search, we suggest that two factors have a profound impact on a firm's ability to change. The imprinting effect of firms' prior socialist institutional and market environment adversely impacts their ability to change their operating knowledge. At the same time, firms that search for new knowledge from distant sources (located in mainly non‐socialist countries) are able to successfully change their knowledge to meet the demands of the new market‐oriented economy. Both of these aspects also have joint interdependent effects on the success of change; distant search mitigates some of the adverse impact of socialist market imprinting, but that is not the case for the impact of socialist institutional imprinting. These findings have interesting implications for both researchers and practitioners involved in transition economy settings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While product market choices have been central to strategy formulation for firms in the past, the integration of financial markets makes the choice of capital markets an equally important strategic decision. We advance a comparative institutional perspective to explain capital market choice by firms making an IPO in a foreign market. We find that internal governance characteristics (founder‐CEO, executive incentives, and board independence) and external network characteristics (prestigious underwriters, degree of venture capitalist syndication, and board interlocks) are significant predictors of foreign capital market choice by foreign IPO firms. Our results suggest foreign IPO firms select a host market where the firms' governance characteristics and third party affiliations fit the host market's institutional environment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Eric Parker 《劳资关系》1997,36(3):302-323
Wisconsin became the only state to adopt the German apprenticeship system for a sustained period of 1911 to 1933. The actual implementation is compared across sectors to identify the institutional conditions of successful state policy. The generalization of apprenticeship in metalworking and construction highlights the importance of secondary associations between government and the market. The subsequent divergence of these sectors suggests that the reconstruction of regional labor market institutions must accompany contemporary policy developments.  相似文献   

The environment of industrial markets is highly institutionalized, and research has documented different types of institutional work conducted by firms. However, the way in which individuals within organizations perceive and conduct such work is not well-understood. In this paper, we adopt the “inhabited institutions” approach to study how business-to-business managers experience the institutional work conducted by their companies as a strategic orientation. In-depth interviews with 34 managers reveal that institutional orientation is composed of three dimensions: the key institutional customers concept, institutional embeddedness, and market legitimacy. In addition, our study uncovers the relationships among these dimensions. The article concludes with the theoretical implications of the research as well as with a discussion regarding how a culture of institutional work, i.e., institutional orientation, can be instrumental in enhancing the performance of BtoB firms.  相似文献   

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