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一、日本企业管理的新变化   IT时代,日本企业管理发生了许多变化。这里归纳为八条:   1由政府主导走向企业主动。日本执行政府主导型市场经济模式,政府对企业经营实 行强有力的指导。自 90年代日本经济长期萧条,在泡沫化中苦苦挣扎以后,面临 IT革命, 这种模式出现了松动的迹象。在拯救日本经济的行动中,日本企业采取了更加主动有效的措 施,在企业内部机构、人事等方面积极变革。日本政府 2000年 10月份修订经济预测指标, 将年度增长率由 1%调高到 1 5%,依据的就是 4个月民间设备投资数( IT业 )大幅增 加,收益明…  相似文献   

培训观念的变化。首先,经理的学习和进步也是企业的学习和进步。作为一个经理或企业家,一生中需要不断地学习、接受培训或教育。因此,从“学校教育”→“一次培训”→“多次培训”→“成人教育”→“终身教育”这一系列观念的出现和替代,是社会组织之间或个人之间竞争的结果,其加速了科技进步和经济发展。  相似文献   

积极吸收利用外资,特别是引进外商直接投资,发展外商投资企业,是我国对外开放政策的重要组成部分。福建作为对外开放的前沿省份,凭借长期享有的优惠政策及灵活措施,发挥独有的人缘、地缘优势,在吸收利用外资方面一直处于全国领先行列。改革开放以来,作为外资主体的...  相似文献   

吴敏 《经济前沿》2001,(1):43-44
一、IT带动日本经济世纪交替的年月里,“IT”这个意为“信息技术”的英文缩写在日本媒体中频繁出现。从经济企划厅、通产省等日本多个官方机构发表的统计数字来看,时髦的“IT”正在成为日本经济复苏的火车头。据调查,日本IT产业(包括电脑软件开发、电脑系统的建立、管理与运用、信息处理等)的营业额连续3年增加,1999年日本IT市场总值达到了4.9679万亿日元,比1998年增加了3.2%。这说明了在经济普遍不景气的环境下IT行业仍保持了旺盛的增长势头,而且有越来越多的企业投身于IT产业之中。IDC预测,日本IT产业今后会更加坚挺,20…  相似文献   

程应涛 《经济师》2003,(4):277-277
人才流失是目前建筑施工企业的突出问题。文章详细分析了中铁建系统几次重大的人才流失过程以及人才流失的趋势、渠道、原因 ,并针对人才流失问题 ,提出了几条预防措施  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和进步,IT企业的管理模式也在不断的创新变化,企业的管理模式也在不断的进步,不断突破以往的模式,建立起新的秩序和运行方式.这对于人们固定的思维形式也有着很大的冲击,企业管理模式的改变影响着企业文化和企业正常运行,本文通过分析IT企业管理模式的创新得出更适合企业发展的结论,也和以往的企业管理模式进行对比,进一步得出优点和缺点可以促使企业加以改进.  相似文献   

西方发达 7国加俄罗斯 (G8)高峰会议于今年 7月 21~ 23日在日本冲绳召开。引人注目的是峰会通过了《关于全球信息化社会的冲绳宪章》 (以下简称《宣言》 ),及其在日本社会所产生的冲击波。下面就有关情况做一介绍。   G8冲绳 IT宣言的主要内容   《宣言》共 19条,其主要内容可归纳为如下五个部分:   1.序论   信息通讯技术 (IT)是支撑下个世纪的最重要的技术之一,它将为所有人提供巨大的机会。通过对 IT技术的有效利用、通过对知识和智慧的活用,将发挥人类的所有潜能,实现经济的可持续增长、民主主义的强化以及国际社会…  相似文献   

德国既是中国引进技术和吸引投资的重点来源国,近年来也成为中国企业实施"走出去"战略的重要目的地国之一.20世纪80年代国有贸易公司来德国设立代表处或贸易分公司后,国有金融和运输企业纷纷进入德国金融、运输等服务行业.进入21世纪后,在中国实施"走出去"战略的推动下,中国企业投资德国出现多元化的发展趋势,除设立贸易公司外,不少企业并购德国同行业厂家,或收购部分股权和收购德国破产企业,开始在德国进行生产性投资,并已取得初步成果.但中国企业在德国投资并购并非一帆丰顺,仍然面临着许多困难和挑战.  相似文献   

陈晓娜 《经济师》2014,(8):233-234
当今时代,人才竞争态势越演越烈,人力资源管理也成为企业发展的重中之重。新的历史条件下,创新的事业呼唤创新的人才,必须在创新的实践中发现人才、培养人才、管理人才,造就一批领军人才与开发型、研究型工程师,以及基层骨干队伍。只有拥有了优秀的人才资源,才能在激烈的市场竞争中抢夺先机。文章分析了新形势下企业人力资源面临的问题以及形成这些问题的原因,阐述了创新人力资源管理理念,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

当今社会中企业处于信息化的环境中,信息化的竞争愈发激烈,想要在大数据时代脱颖而出,就需要具备一定程度的信息化实力,基于此,企业IT的规划与建设对一个企业的发展来讲是十分重要的,各大企业都应对企业IT的规划问题予以足够的重视.本文通过对IT策划的概念和必要性以及企业IT规划的着力点进行分析,总结了企业IT规划的具体方法,...  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to decompose demand changes for factor input and explore the factor that information technology (IT) capital stock has largely increased in Japan. The Allen partial elasticities of substitution are calculated and the variations in factor input demand are broken down into two effects—price effect and output effect, using industry-level data. From an estimation of the total cost function, the following conclusions are presented. While IT capital stock and ordinary capital stock are complementary, IT serves as a substitute for labor. The factors influencing the high growth rate in IT capital stock are the decrease in the prices of IT and ordinary capital services, and the increase in the labor price, in addition to the output effect. On the other hand, labor demand declines due to both the downward rigidity of wages and the decrease in prices of two kinds of capital services.  相似文献   

近几年,哈萨克斯坦紧跟国际发展潮流,开展信息技术标准研究和制定,为信息产品的开发、设计制造、质量检验等提供了重要技术依据,也为电子商务的发展奠定了较好的基础.哈萨克斯坦信息技术标准以国际标准为主,而本国制定的标准很少,基本不存在技术标准壁垒.信息技术产品市场迅速扩大,网络和系统集成市场正在快速成长,软件市场处在孕育阶段,市场潜力很大.但本民族信息处理技术和软件产品的开发和应用,成为制约该国信息化的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the volume of information flow in Japan which is carried by the various media. New statistics were compiled in order to understand the volume of information flow. A new integrated indicator which enables us to compare each of the media with other is composed. This is represented by the unit of ‘word’. The volume of supply of information and the volume of consumption were distinguished. The change of relationship between the supply and the consumption of information was examined by means of time series analysis of the volume of information flow in correlation to the economic and societal indicators. The costs of information flow were estimated. By estimating the distribution cost of the information, it was possible not only to understand the total cost to society for the circulation of information, but also to compare the efficiency of the media by comparing the unit cost of each medium, that is to say, the total cost divided by the total volume of information flow. Analysis of the actual state of information flow and positioning of the media were made in relation to the supply and consumption volume as well as cost of information flow.  相似文献   

This paper develops and assesses a broad functional category approach to arriving at metrics for assessing technological progress. The approach is applied to three functional categories of information technology — storage, transportation and transformation by first building a 100 plus year database for each of the three functional categories. The results indicate generally continuous progress for each functional category independent of the specific underlying technological artifacts dominating at different times. Thus, the empirical results reported in this study indicate that the functional category approach offers a more stable and reliable methodology for assessing longer time technological progress trends. Therefore, this approach offers the promise of being more useful in technological forecasting for large-scale change even as its ability to forecast specific dominant technological trajectories has been compromised.  相似文献   

Why do some countries provide education and other quasi-public goods through government production while others rely heavily on the private sector?. When private provision is used, why does the nonprofit organization (NPO) often prevail over the for-profit form? Why do nonprofits concentrate on the provision of quasi-public human capital-enhancing goods, such as education and health care? This paper examines these interrelated questions. Section 2 argues that the relative size of the private (nonprofit) sector is determined by excess demand and differentiated demand for quasi-public goods and by the supply of religious entrepreneurship in the society and industry under examination. Section 3 applies this theoretical model to the case of Japan.  相似文献   

企业技术创新能力综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评价企业的技术创新能力是我们认识与把握技术创新这种创造性活动的本质与规律,系统总结创新经验的主要手段。它对于正确制定技术创新战略,提高企业技术创新水平,减少创新不确定性具有重要意义。本在构建了技术创新能力评价指标体系基础上,用层次分析法和模糊集合论等理论对评价指标进行权重分析并对指标进行综合评价。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal acquisition of information in a model of job assignment within a firm. We consider a firm with two types of jobs, skilled and unskilled. The firm draws workers randomly from the general population, and a worker is either talented or untalented. Initially, a worker's productivity in the firm is unknown to the worker and the firm. Workers are equally productive in the unskilled job, but talented workers are more productive in the skilled job than in the unskilled job, and untalented workers are more productive in the unskilled job than in the skilled job. Before assigning a worker to a job, the firm can test whether the employee is talented, and the firm is able to choose the accuracy of this test. We assume that the cost of a test is increasing and convex in test accuracy. We show that (1) the accuracy of the firm's test increases with the cost of a mismatched worker; (2) increased optimism about the worker's ability need not lead to less rigorous testing; (3) the probability that a worker is assigned to the skilled job need not increase as the gain from assigning a talented worker to a skilled job increases, or the loss from assigning an untalented worker to a skilled job decreases, or the fraction of the population that is skilled increases; and (4) a longer testing period, allowing as many as two tests of workers, leads the firm to use a less expensive, and less accurate, test initially than when there is only one opportunity to gather information.  相似文献   

From a low initial base it is not difficult for developing countries to close the relative digital divide with the developed countries. A more challenging and novel question is whether, because of leapfrogging and other latecomer advantages, developing countries have grown faster than developed from the same initial starting point. Or, is it the case rather that the disadvantages of being a latecomer exceed the advantages? Are there any pronounced outliers among the developing countries and what are their distinguishing characteristics? Using a number of methods and data sources I seek to answer these questions in a tentative but provocative manner.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information systems and advances in healthcare technology paired with current concerns arise over patients' safety and how to cure them efficiently, the healthcare information systems are attracting the attention of more and more people. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual model, appropriate for the intention to use healthcare information systems, by adopting the system, service, and information qualities covered in the Information System Success Model proposed by DeLone and Mclean [1] as the external variables and integrating the three dimensions of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use — referred to in Venkatesh and Davis' updated Technology Acceptance Model, TAM [2]. This study first analyzes relevant researches on the intention to use such systems as the basis for the questionnaire design, then conducts questionnaire survey among district hospital nurses, head directors, and other related personnel. After the questionnaires are collected, SEM is used to analyze the data. The analysis shows that the proposed factors positively influence users' intention to use a healthcare system. Information, service and system quality influence user's intention through the mediating constructs, perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use. Managerial implications are provided accordingly. Suggestions for introducing healthcare information system are then provided as well.  相似文献   

Moore's Law has created a popular perception of exponential progress in information technology. But is the progress of IT really exponential? In this paper we examine long time series of data documenting progress in information technology gathered by [1]. We analyze six different historical trends of progress for several technologies grouped into the following three functional tasks: information storage, information transportation (bandwidth), and information transformation (speed of computation). Five of the six datasets extend back to the nineteenth century. We perform statistical analyses and show that in all six cases one can reject the exponential hypothesis at statistically significant levels. In contrast, one cannot reject the hypothesis of superexponential growth with decreasing doubling times. This raises questions about whether past trends in the improvement of information technology are sustainable.  相似文献   

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