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本文从财政补助责任、补助资金总量和财政补助资金来源三方面对现行新型农村合作医疗财政补助政策进行评价,从静态和动态的角度对不同建设目标下的财政补助需求和未来年度财政补助水平进行推算,并以此为基础对现行财政补助政策优化提出相关建议,即深度细化与明晰财政补助责任,适时与适度调整财政补助目标,以兼顾平衡和发展的理念确定财政补助方向,开拓新主体以补充资金来源。  相似文献   

Eating-out is generally considered to be of increasing importance as a form of food consumption even though there are differing definitions of its scope. There have recently been some noteworthy additions to the available statistics on eating-out in the UK and these indicate its growth through time and its pattern across society. Eating-out involves a degree of interaction with others and has been studied by sociologists as well as by those whose interest primarily stems from ones in the agri-food chain or in food consumption. It also raises some interesting issues about how ‘externalities’ (and, in particular, those arising from smoking) are best allowed for in circumstances in which both application of the polluter-pays principle and very restrictive regulations may be considered impractical and inappropriate.  相似文献   

新兴市场国家农业政策改革进程历来备受关注。利用经济合作与发展组织的生产者支持估计方法,分析金砖国家农业支持政策的结构特征可知,以市场价格支持为重心保护农业生产者、逐步加大直接补贴投入额度、注重强化农业知识创新和基础设施建设成为当前金砖国家农业政策调整的主要趋向。鉴于此,应稳步推进农产品价格支持向直接补贴转型;坚持科技兴农导向,提振农业可持续发展能力;制定差异化保护策略,提高农产品支持的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

<正>我国的粮食直补政策在执行初期,实实在在地促进了粮食增产、粮农增收和国家的粮食安全保障。但时过境迁,随着工业化、城市化的快速推进及农业比较效益的进一步下降,我国农业的副业化、边缘化,农村的"空心化"及农民的  相似文献   

How consistent is a single farm payment system with rural development goals? A new economic geography model is used to compare coupled subsidies to ‘single farm payments’ effects on the location of farming, agro‐industry and non‐farm activity between rural and urban areas. This abstract model features a majority of employment in service sectors, farming vertically linked to manufacturing, and strong preferences for geo‐varieties. It appears that both coupled subsidies and single farm payments can decrease spatial agglomeration. But only the single farm payment policy raises welfare in both rural and urban regions of this stylised economy.  相似文献   

In 2000 and 2001, the West Virginia Department of Agriculture administered a pilot transport subsidy program to demonstrate the feasibility of moving surplus poultry litter nutrients to areas with nutrient-deficient soils. Three subsidy program goals were evaluated ex post : (1) attracting first time buyers; (2) subsidizing economically feasible litter use; and (3) encouraging environmentally appropriate litter use. The first two goals were met with 62% of participants being first time users and 89% of the subsidized litter being an economically feasible replacement for commercial fertilizer. Under the third goal, environmental protections provided by program participants were found to be comparable to those practiced by poultry growers. While the program met these goals over the short term, most participants did not become committed users of litter without continued transport subsidies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the impact of farm credit subsidies on the value of farmland in Canada. The price-components model based on the capitalization principle is developed and estimated using the pooled data from four selected provinces (Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba and Saskatchewan) from 1972 to 1991. The results show that increases (decreases) in interest subsidies are expected to increase (decrease) farmland and building values. However, the short-term impact is estimated to be small. The regional analysis shows that the abolition of interest subsidies across the country is likely to have a relatively higher impact on land and building values in Quebec than in the prairie provinces.  相似文献   

农业保险补贴政策及其对农户购买保险影响的实证分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文在对中国农业保险补贴政策实施现状进行分析的基础上,通过构建Logit模型,分析了农业保险保费补贴对农户购买行为的影响。研究表明,在政策推动下农业保险得到了发展,但农业保险补贴政策仍有待完善;保险补贴对农户购买行为具有显著影响;在目前的保费补贴水平下农户对保险保费补贴的期望越高则购买农业保险越少,反之亦然。  相似文献   

中国农业支持水平衡量与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用OECD的方法对我国1994—2003年的农业支持水平进行了实证分析。结果表明,我国农业支持水平总体呈上升趋势。20世纪90年代后期农业基础设施投资的大量增加、粮食保护价收购政策的实施使得农业生产者支持水平从2000年起由负向正转变。但是与世界发达国家相比,我国的农业支持水平依然很低,政府应该进一步加强对农业的支持和保护力度。  相似文献   

The sustainability of farming systems is currently under debate. There is concern that technological and other changes have long-run consequences, which may compromise future levels of desired outputs from agricultural and other resources. The paper traces developments in the theory of sustainability and discusses their application at the farm level. Findings include firstly, that sustainability should be regarded as an emergent property of an agricultural system. Its operational definition at the farm level thus may not apply at other levels in the hierarchy. Secondly, whilst individual farmers may attach value to “sustainability” goods, they are unlikely to adopt socially optimal levels without regulation or incentive. Finally, since sustainability issues at the farm level are usually long-run, dynamic and have social dimensions, a central task for farm management researchers lies in investigations which allow tradeoffs between different sustainability criteria to be determined and then optimised according to society's norms.  相似文献   

本文从梅州市的农业概况、农业补贴的基本情况、农业补贴政策存在的问题以及政策建议等几个方面来分析该市农业补贴绩效。目前农业补贴政策存在的问题集中在部分种粮补贴资金可能不能真正兑付到实际的种粮农民手中、缺少必要的工作经费、补贴标准偏低、部门协调有待加强。对此,我们建议:制定长期的种粮补贴政策,建立长效机制;补贴资金应给予实际种粮者;提供专项经费支持;鼓励农民规模化经营。  相似文献   

After fifteen years of agri‐environment policy it is now appropriate to take stock of these policies. This is important because these policies are scheduled to expand in the coming decade, their benefits are likely to continue growing and the demand for benefits is also likely to expand. This paper therefore reviews the current agri‐environmental situation, isolating some of the current challenges to the schemes implemented in the UK, and compares main options for their amelioration. Finally it focuses particularly on the “end of contract problem” arising from the weak sustainability of the policy benefits from short‐term voluntary contracts.  相似文献   

美国《2003年农业援助法案》及农业补贴新动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国2003年新出台的农业援助法案,再次扩大农产品补贴范围,及时修补了2002年新农业法执行中的一些漏洞,进一步提高了美国农产品的国际竞争力。但是,美国灾害救济中的直接补贴操作环节存在违规嫌疑,因此,要质疑美国的自然灾害救济补贴做法,力主将此类补贴纳入黄箱补贴范畴;紧密监控美国棉花的黄箱补贴,作好反补贴的前期准备。  相似文献   

吴剑辉 《南方农村》2013,29(4):32-36
本文从茂名市的农业概况、农业补贴的基本情况、农业补贴政策存在的问题以及政策建议等几个方面来分析该市农业补贴绩效。目前农业补贴政策存在的问题集中在补贴方式不完善,粮食增产增收政策目标有待加强;种粮补贴标准偏低,弱化政策效果;工作量大,缺乏工作经费;衣机购置补贴方案下达太迟,机具核实成本高。对此,我们建议:对种粮直补政策做适当的调整,促进农业结构的调整;提高补贴标准,增加工作经费;尽早下达农机购置补贴的实施方案,改革机具核实方法。  相似文献   

The article proposes a coherent framework for the evaluation of the redistributive performance of agricultural policy. An illustrative study shows that the vertical stance of policy in Scotland was progressive in absolute terms, reflecting the chronic dependence of Scottish agriculture on policy transfers. Nevertheless, the overall redistributive effect of policy was to increase absolute inequality in farm incomes because of horizontal inequities in the incidence of transfers, though neither systematic discrimination between farm types nor systematic reranking was the main cause. The targeting of policy transfers could be improved by the use of indicator variables more strongly correlated with pre‐transfer incomes.  相似文献   

Many recent publications have discussed the need for improving the management and effectiveness of government departments in Canada. It is suggested that an operations research concept of organization used in space programming may be adopted for use in agricultural departments. A strategy-objective chart, derived from the vertical normative relevance tree is presented as a possible tool to use for examining the relations between political aims and developing objectives, improving the effectiveness of government services and for other applications in public administration .
Plusieurs publications rÉcentes ont discutÉ le besoin d'amÉliorer l'administration et l'efficacitÉ des services gouvernementaux au Canada. 11 est suggÉrÉ qu'une organisation dans le concept de la recherche soit adoptée à l'usage des ministères de l'agriculture. Un tableau des objectifs stratégiques est présenté comme instrument à employer afin d'étudier les rapports entre les ambitions politiques et les objectifs en voie de développement, tout en améliorant l'efficacité des services gouvernementaux et pour d"autres utilitées dans l'administration publique .  相似文献   

We estimate the impact of removing an export subsidy on the local economies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, exploiting the large regional variation of a 1995 reform. We find that the loss of the subsidy resulted in significantly lower farm value‐added, farm asset values and local non‐farm employment. The results suggest that the subsidy removal had detrimental spillover effects on the local non‐agricultural economy that varied spatially across the Prairies. The point estimates suggest that the marginal effect of the subsidy loss on non‐agricultural employment was five times as large as those obtained from traditional estimates of the multiplier effect.  相似文献   

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