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Shorter Reviews     
Garcia-Ramon, M.D. and M. Monk (eds.), Women of the European Union: the politics of work and daily life Hoggart, Richard, The way we live now Hoyle, Brian (ed.), City ports, coastal zones and regional change MacGregor, Suzanne and Arthur Lipow (eds.), The other city: people and politics in London and New York  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Struyk, Raymond, J. (ed.), Economic restructuring of the former Soviet block. The case of housing Green, Eric Marshall, Economic security and high technology competition in an age of transition: the case of the semiconductor industry Gibson-Graham, J.-K., The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy Lorrain, D. and G. Stoker (eds.), The privatisation of urban services in Europe Herlyn, U. and B. Hunger (eds), Ostdeutsche Wohnmilieus im Wandel Preston, Peter and Paul Simpson-Houseley, Writing the city: Eden, Babylon and the New Jerusalem Reichhard, Christoph and Hellmut Wollmann (eds.), Kommunalverwaltung im Modernisierungsschub?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Graham Stephen and Simon Marvin, Telecommunications and the City: Electronic Spaces, Urban Places Van der Loop, Theo, Industrial Dynamics and Fragmented Labour Markets: Construction Firms and Labourers in India Théret, Bruno, L’état, la finance et le social: souveraineté nationale et construction européenne Bulmer, Martin and Anthony M. Rees (eds.), Citizenship Today. The Contemporary Relevance of T. H. Marshall  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books Reviewed: D. Lewis (ed.), Whistleblowing at Work Anne McBride, Gender Democracy in Trade Unions Ralph Darlington and Dave Lyddon, Glorious Summer: Class Struggle In Britain 1972  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift, Cities: Reimagining the Urban Elizabeth Wilson, The Contradictions of Culture: Cities, Culture, Women Edmundo Werna, Combating Urban Inequalities: Challenges for Managing Cities in the Developing World Nicholas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander and Rolf Lidskog, Consuming Cities: The Urban Environment in the Global Economy after the Rio Declaration Ian Borden, Joe Kerr and Jane Rendell, with Alicia Pivaro (eds.), The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space Michaela Hordijk, Of Dreams and Deeds. The Role of Local Initiatives for Community Based Environmental Management in Lima, Peru  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Governa, Francesca, The Urban Milieu. Territorial Identity in Development Processes Leyshon, Andrew and Nigel Thrift, Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation Carr, Leslie G., ‘Color-blind’ Racism Noin, Daniel and Paul White, Paris Madanipour, Ali, Design of Urban Space: An Inquiry into a Socio-spatial Process Gugler, Josef (ed.), Cities in the Developing World: Issues, Theory and Policy Yeung, Yue-man and D. K. Y. Chu (eds.), Guangdong: Survey of a province undergoing Rapid Change Healey, Patsy, Abdul Khakee, Alain Motte and Barrie Needham, Making Strategic Spatial Plans. Innovation in Europe  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Rachel Gibson and Stephen Ward (eds.), Reinvigorating Democracy? British Politics and the Internet Frank Webster (ed.), Culture and Politics in the Information Age: A New Politics? B. Wellman and C. Haythornthwaite (eds.), The Internet in Everyday Life Steve Woolgar (ed.), Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Setha M. Low (ed.), Theorizing the city: the new urban anthropology reader Sarah Holloway and Gill Valentine (eds.), Children’s geographies: playing, living, learning Saskia Sassen, Cities in the world economy Stephanie S. Pincetl, Transforming California: a political history of land use and development Clive Norris and Gary Armstrong, The maximum surveillance society: the rise of CCTV David Lyon, Surveillance society: monitoring everyday life Manuel Castells and Pekka Himanen, Suomen tietoyhteiskuntamalli Oscar W. Gabriel and Vincent Hoffmann–Martinot (eds.), Democraties urbaines: l’état de la democratie dans les grandes villes de 12 pays industrializes Joel Outtes, Recife: O génese do urbanismo 1927–1943 James O. Wheeler, Yuko Aoyama and Barney Warf (eds.), Cities in the telecommunications age: the fracturing of geographies  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Bagguley, P., J. Mark-Lawson, D. Shapiro, J. Urry, S. Walby and A. Warde, 1990: Restructuring: place, class and gender. Dunford, M.F., 1988. Capital, the state and regional development. Harloe, M., C. Pickvance and J. Urry (eds), 1990: Place, policy and politics: do localities matter? Henckel, D. (ed.), 1988: Arbeitszeit, Betriebszeit, Freizeit. Auswirkungen auf die Raumentwicklung. Henckel, D., B. Grabow, H. Kunert-Schroth, E. Nopper and N. Rauch, 1989: Zeitstrukturen und Stadtentwicklung. Rodriguez-Lores, J. and G. Fehl (eds), 1988: Die Kleinwohnungsfrage. Zu den Ursprüngen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Europa. Schildt, A. and A. Sywottek (eds), 1988: Massenwohnung und Eigenheim. Urry, J., 1990: The tourist gaze: leisure and travel in contemporary societies. Wheelock, J., 1990: Husbands at home: the domestic economy in a post-industrial society.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Anselin, L. and R.J.G.M. Florax (eds.) 1995: New directions in spatial econometrics. Herbert, David T. (ed.) 1995: Heritage, tourism and society. Baldassare, Mark (ed.) 1994: The Los Angeles riots: lessons for the urban future. Wacquant, Loic J.D. (1994) The new urban color line: the state and the fate of the ghetto in postfordist America. In C. Calhoun (ed.), Social theory and the politics of identity Leresche, Jean-Philippe and René Levy (eds.) 1995: La Suisse et la coopération transfrontalière: repli ou redéploiement?  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Ronan Paddison (ed.), Handbook of urban studies Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson (eds.), A companion to the city Michael Dutton, Streetlife China Allen J. Scott (ed.), Global city–regions. Trends, theory, policy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Louis Albrechts, Jeremy Alden and Artur de Rosa Pires, The changing institutional landscape of planning Robert Boyer and Yves Saillard (eds.), Regulation theory: the state of the art Neil Leach, The hieroglyphics of space: reading and experiencing the modern metropolis Ida Susser (ed.), The Castells reader on cities and social theory Martin Dangerfield, Subregional economic cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe – the political economy of CEFTA Richard Phillips, Diane Watts and David Shuttleton (eds.), De‐centring sexualities: politics and representations beyond the metropolis Michael Pacione,Urban geography: a global perspective  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.) 1993 Changing classes: stratification and mobility in post-industrial societies. Fainstein, Susan S. 1994: The city builders: property, politics, and planning in London and New York. Heinelt, Hubert and Margit Mayer (eds) 1992: Politik in europäischen Städten: Fallstudien zur Bedeutung lokaler Politik. Mollenkopf, John Hull 1992: The phoenix in the ashes: the rise and fall of the Koch coalition in New York City politics. Fainstein, Susan S. (1994) The city builders: property, politics and planning in London and New York. Power, Anne 1993: Hovels to high rise: state housing in Europe since 1850. Rothblatt, D.N. and A. Sancton (eds) 1993: American-Canadian metropolitan intergovernmental governance perspectives. Squires, Gregory D. (ed.) 1992: From redlining to reinvestment: community responses to urban disinvestment.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: William Brown, Simon Deakin, Maria Hudson, Cliff Pratten and Paul Ryan, The Individualization of Employment Contracts in Britain Lei Delsen and Eelke de JongThe German and Dutch Economies: Who Follows Whom? John P. Tuman and John T. Morris (eds.), Transforming the Latin American Automobile Industry: Unions, Workers and the Politics of Restructuring Theo NicholsThe Sociology of Industrial Injury Ian Proctor and Maureen PadfieldYoung Adult Women, Work and Family: Living a Contradiction Jack Barbash and Noah M. Meltz (eds.), Theorizing in Industrial Relations—Approaches and Applications  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Castells, M., Cherki, E., Godard, F. and Mehl, D. 1978: Crise du logement et mouvements sociaux urbains; enquěte sur la région parisienne. Godbout, J. and Collin, J.-P. 1977: Les organismes populaires en milieu urbain: contre-pouvoir ou nouvelle pratique professionnelle? Abu Lughod, J. and Hay, J. R. 1977: Third world urbanization. Costello, V. G. 1977: Urbanization in the Middle East. Aubin, H. 1977: City for sale.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Simmie, James (ed.), Innovation, networks and learning regions? Benko, Georges and Ulf Strohmayer (eds.), Space and social theory. Interpreting modernity and postmodernity Borja, Jordi and Manuel Castells, Local and global: management of cities in the information age Harris, Richard, Unplanned suburbs. Toronto’s American tragedy, 1900–1960 and Hill, Patricia, Dallas: the making of a modern city Wit, Joop W. de, Poverty, policy and politics in Madras slums: dynamics of survival, gender and leadership  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Paul Osterman, Thomas A. Kochan, Richard Locke and Michael J. Piore, Working in America: A Blueprint for the New Labour Market Brian Towers and William Brown (eds.), Employment Relations in Great Britain: 25 years of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service G. van Gyes, H. de Witte and P. Pasture (eds.), Can Class Still Unite? The Differentiated Work Force, Class Solidarity and Trade Unions Paul Smith, Unionization and Union Leadership: The Road Haulage Industry  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ball, M. 1983: Housing policy and economic power: the political economy of owner occupation. Cannadine, D. editor, 1982: Patricians, power and politics in nineteenth-century towns. Cornuel, D. and Duriez, B. 1983: Le mirage urbain. Histoire du logement à Roubaix. Dunford, M. and Perrons, D. 1983: The arena of capital. Fainstein, S.S., Fainstein, N.I., Hill, R.C., Judd, D. and Smith, M.P. (with Armstead, P.J. and Keller, M. ) 1983: Restructuring the city. The political economy of urban redevelopment. Feagin, J. R. 1983: The urban real estate game: playing monopoly with real money. Goddard, J. B. and Champion, A. G. editors, 1983: The urban and regional transformation of Britain. Regional Studies Association 1983: Report of an inquiry into regional problems in the United Kingdom. Klaassen, L. H. and Molle, W. T. M. editors, 1983: Industrial mobility and migration in the European Community. Lea, D. A. M. and Chaudhri, D. P. editors, 1983: Rural development and the state: contradictions and dilemmas in developing countries. Lins, J. 1982: Mitbestimmung im Wohnbau Von Technokratenherrschaft zu konkreter Demokratie. Magnusson, W. and Sancton, A. editors, 1983: City politics in Canada. Offer, A. 1981: Property and politics 1870–1914: landownership, law, ideology and urban development in England. Pahl, R.E., Flynn, R. and Buck, N.H. 1983: Structures and processes of urban life Pons, V. and Francis, R. editors, 1983: Urban social research: problems and prospects. Rapoport, A. 1982: The meaning of the built environment. Sarin, M. 1982: Urban planning in the third world: the Chandigarh experience. Taylor, M. and Thrift, N. editors, 1982: The geography of multinationals. Wynot, E.D. 1983: Warsaw between the world wars: profile of the capital city in a developing land, 1918–39.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Assies, W., G. Burgwal and T. Salman, 1990: Structures of power, movements of resistance: an introduction to the theories of urban movements in Latin America. Lombardi, M. and D. Veiga (eds), 1989: Las ciudades en conflicto: una perspectiva latinoamericana. Breckner, I. et al., 1989: Armut im Reichtum: Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen und Handlungsstrategien in ausgewählten Großstädten der Bundesrepublik. Brumfield, W.C. (ed.), 1990: Reshaping Russian architecture: western technology, utopian dreams. Crompton, R. and K. Sanderson, 1990: Gendered jobs and social change. Portes, A., M. Castells and L.A. Benton (eds), 1989: The informal economy: studies in advanced and less developed countries. Ross, R.J.S. and K.C. Trachte, 1990: Global capitalism: the New Leviathan. Von Beyme, K., 1987: Der Wiederaufbau: Architektur und Städtebaupolitik in beiden deutschen Staaten.  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Caulfield, Jon (1994) City form and everyday life: Toronto's gentrification and critical social practice. Curtin, Chris, Hastings Donnan and Thomas M. Wilson (eds) 1993: Irish urban cultures. Garrahan, Philip and Paul Stewart (eds) 1994: Urban change and renewal: the paradox of place. Hasson, Shlomo 1993: Urban social movements in Jerusalem: the protest of the second generation. Margolis, Maxine L. 1994: Little Brazil, an ethnography of Brazilian immigrants in New York City.  相似文献   

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