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曹顺妮 《中国企业家》2012,(16):115-117,114,15
天下事,大事小事,欲了了之,不了了之。我再管两年三年又如何?早晚还是要结束。曹德旺讲述如何跨过退休这道栏战士永远不会老,只不过难免让岁月缴了枪。万花筒般的人生上半部再怎么波澜壮阔,总归要迎来谢幕的时刻。60岁还是65岁?当是否延迟退休年龄成为社会讨论的焦点话题时,中国第一代企业家却格外恋栈,退休这道坎,有时候比创业更折磨人。  相似文献   

This study addresses the development of environmental strategies and associated management control in the international hotel industry, a sector of major economic and environmental impact hitherto largely neglected in the environmental management and accountability literature. The low key level of commitment to environmental management currently exhibited by the industry is considered in the context of dominant systems of hotel management performance evaluation and control, as well as the industry's current strategic management and budgetary practices. Informed by Giddens' structuration theory, the study offers a new theoretical framework, environmentally efficient resourcing, as a structured approach to the development of hotel environmental strategy and its management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Squatting as a housing strategy and as a tool of urban social movements accompanies the development of capitalist cities worldwide. We argue that the dynamics of squatter movements are directly connected to strategies of urban renewal in that movement conjunctures occur when urban regimes are in crisis. An analysis of the history of Berlin squatter movements, their political context and their effects on urban policies since the 1970s, clearly shows how massive mobilizations at the beginning of the 1980s and in the early 1990s developed in a context of transition in regimes of urban renewal. The crisis of Fordist city planning at the end of the 1970s provoked a movement of "rehab squatting" ('Instandbesetzung'), which contributed to the institutionalization of "cautious urban renewal" ('behutsame Stadterneuerung') in an important way. The second rupture in Berlin's urban renewal became apparent in 1989 and 1990, when the necessity of restoring whole inner-city districts constituted a new, budget-straining challenge for urban policymaking. Whilst in the 1980s the squatter movement became a central condition for and a political factor of the transition to "cautious urban renewal," in the 1990s large-scale squatting — mainly in the eastern parts of the city — is better understood as an alien element in times of neoliberal urban restructuring.  相似文献   

管视西方城市经济学和城市地理学研究的流变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李青 《城市问题》2001,(4):8-10,49
20世纪特别是战后半个世纪以来 ,世界经济社会发生了深刻且日益迅速的变化。城市研究作为科学体系中的一部分 ,随着经济学、社会学及其他相关学科的研究进展而推进着 ,一方面 ,由于城市发展及城市问题的综合性 ,在城市研究上 ,出现了十分明显的多学科综合的倾向 ,另一方面 ,呼应相关学科的发展 ,城市研究也出现了大体一致的研究阶段与理论分化。本文仅从城市经济学和城市地理学两个领域看城市研究中的一些变化。   一、城市经济学研究的流变  城市经济学的产生可以从 1956年纽约大都市地区研究项目算起 ,这个研究的最终成果于 1959年出…  相似文献   

At its June 2002 meeting in Paris and Caen, France, the members of the International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA) collectively agreed on a declaration to express the organization's urbanist agenda. This declaration operates on two levels: one makes five statements conceived in the tradition of earlier (for example situationist) manifestos; the other is a set of concise statements on the state of the globalization process in the era of globalization and neoliberalism. Subsections of the declaration deal with an urban world, a global city, migrant cities, unsustainable urban‐natural relations, neoliberalization, attacks on democracy, community vulnerability, the rise of racism, and some thoughts on possible alternatives. The strategic purpose of this declaration was to be an intervention at meetings of the international urban community, for example for the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in January 2003 and similar regional and local events. The declaration is published here in order to invite debate among other scholars and activists on the issues raised in its theses and statements.  相似文献   

This paper examines how managers of scientific researchers in a major UK pharmaceutical company attempt to cope with the demands of generating creative research while exercising control over highly-qualified workers. The paper considers some models applicable to HRM in research before turning to research management at Glaxo Research and Development Ltd. Focusing on the management of working time and performance-related pay as control devices, and drawing on labour process perspectives, the authors examine the impact of these on the research process. As there is a high level of indeterminacy in research work, the operation of these controls by line managers is necessarily subjective. This may encourage behaviour which runs counter to the organisational goal of developing new chemical entities. It is suggested, in conclusion, that a fundamental tension between creativity and control characterises the management of commercial research, and is exacerbated by the dynamic nature of the firm's environment.  相似文献   

Sandercock, L. K. 1975: Cities for sale: property, politics and urban planning in Australia. McMaster, J. C. and Webb, G. R. , editors, 1976: Australian urban economics: a reader. Webb, G. R. and McMaster, J. C. , editors, 1975: Australian transport economics: a reader.  相似文献   

Changes in population for the nation's largest central cities are decomposed into their regional shift and city-suburban disparity components. These decompositions, performed within an information theoretic context, provide a basis for distinguishing urban development policy roles among the federal, state, and local governmental sectors.  相似文献   

Congestion and pollution externalities associated with automobile driving are examined for their effect on urban structure. A monocentric urban model which incorporates household preferences for both an unpolluted environment and for leisure time is presented, and used to evaluate alternative pricing and emissions policies on automobile use and their effects on city structure. Optimal tax gradients for driving are derived, and compared with second best cases of per mile taxes and no taxes. As externalities gradients become more nonlinear, the welfare gains from employing optimal taxes rather than a per mile tax are increased. The appropriate choices of an emission standard, highway capacity, and highway pricing policy must be made simultaneously and depend on household preferences.  相似文献   

This article is a theoretical contribution to the debate about which qualitative intervention methodology is best suited to building stronger partnerships between researchers and practitioners in educational research. In the first part of this article, two types of intervention methodologies gaining impact in the field are contrasted in light of Yrjö Engeström’s criticism. This discussion lays the groundwork for the main claim in the second part of this article that dialogical work between researchers and practitioners focusing on ‘contradictions’ and the ‘object of activity,’ can provide analytical tools to improve understanding of challenges in intervention research.  相似文献   

每一个企业几乎每年都有培训预算,然而,企业将时间与金钱投资在人员培训与发展,尤其是领导力发展上,其效益到底在哪里?随着在推动领导力的进程中遭遇失败案例的不断出现,我们或许应该找到企业推动领导力发展失败的真正原因以及解决方法。  相似文献   

20多年来,城市科学为探索城市发展规律,促进我国城市的建设和发展发挥了重要的作用.作者从城市科学的研究内容、研究方法和当前关注的重点问题三个方面谈了对城市科学的一些认识.  相似文献   

广西北部湾经济区开放开发已上升为国家战略,加强专利开发和保护工作,对广西北部湾经济区产业发展和区域创新能力的增强有着重要的现实意义.文章通过分析广西及北部湾经济区重点产业的专利申请现状,提出加快广西北部湾经济区专利开发的对策.  相似文献   

一、必须打破常规 有些时候,你必须打破常规。——汉堡王餐厅 现状的常规 根据定义,企业家常常打破常规,即使只是现状的常规。大部分企业家甚至做得更多。 好的管理人员为他们的员工制定好表现标准,达到了这个标准就对他们进行奖励。把所有的点连起来,得到一个和事先规定好的一样的模型,你就能赢得奖励。  相似文献   

This study examines in detail how the toolmakers, Sandvik Bahco have designed and used their management control system to implement their chosen differentiation strategy. Unlike most other studies in this area we have chosen to describe and analyse the control system at the management and the operational levels. The study shows that changes in the learning process at the operational level elicit a need for more, and more comprehensive, information. This means that the borderline between the control systems at the two organisational levels is beginning to dissolve. However, it becomes no less necessary that a control system should be highly adaptable. Rather, it is a question of using a frame of reference that is partially common to the two organisational levels in order to create a meaningful dialogue between them. In this way it is possible to facilitate the choice of strategic orientation as well as its implementation.  相似文献   

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