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I attempt to explain why there is not much evidence on compensating wage differentials for job disamenities. I focus on the match between workers’ preferences for routine jobs and the variability in tasks associated with the job. Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, I find that mismatched workers earn lower wages and that both male and female workers in routinized jobs earn, on average, 5.5% and 7% less than their counterparts in non‐routinized jobs. However, once preferences and mismatch are accounted for, this difference decreases to 2% for men, and 4% for women, not statistically significant in both cases.  相似文献   

abstract Drawing from Karasek's job demands–control model, this study investigated how perceived amount and clarity of interdependency in managers’ jobs affect role stress, and the extent to which job control moderates these relationships. Results show that amount of interdependency was positively associated with role conflict, and clarity of interdependency was negatively associated with role ambiguity. There was also support for the job demands–control model as greater job control reduced role ambiguity when clarity of interdependency was low. Although higher job control produced lower role ambiguity when both clarity and amount of interdependency were low, higher job control did not produce lower role ambiguity when clarity of interdependency was low and amount of interdependency was high, suggesting that the buffering value of job control on reducing role stress is contingent on the task interdependencies that managers confront.  相似文献   

Meaningful work has become an increasingly important job outcome for individuals in recent years. Studies indicate that many employees lack experienced meaningfulness in their work and that organizations have not done a good job at creating meaningful and emotionally satisfying work experiences for employees. A person–job fit approach to meaningful work and employee retention is described that consists of matching individual self-concept with job tasks and behaviors. It is proposed that this self-concept–job fit will be strongly related to meaningful work. It is also proposed that meaningful work is related to important outcome variables valued by organizations, such as increased worker performance and employee retention. Path analysis supports the proposed relationships. Implications for human resource management activities and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The gender wage gap has declined over time. However, most of the remaining gap is unexplained, partly because of gender convergence in wage‐determining characteristics. In this paper, we show the degree of convergence differs substantially across Europe. In some countries, predominantly in Eastern Europe, the gender wage gap is entirely unexplained. However, in other countries, differences between the characteristics of men and women explain a relatively large proportion of the wage gap. Gender differences in job preferences contribute 10% to the wage gap, which is more than job tenure, previous employment status or field of study. The role of job preferences is particularly strong at the top of the wage distribution.  相似文献   

abstract Favourable organizational status and prestige has a substantial role in shaping constituents' attitudes and actions. The status and prestige of an organization is often a reflection of its achievements or performance. In the present study, we investigate the role of organizational performance or achievement (as assessed by organizational members) in evoking employees' identification, adjustment, and job performance. The results of this study indicate that two forms of organizational performance (labelled as perceived social responsibility and development and perceived market and financial performance) are associated with organizational identification. However, when compared to perceived market and financial performance, perceived social responsibility and development had a larger effect on organizational identification, which in turn resulted in enhanced employees' work outcomes – adjustment and job performance.  相似文献   

工作绩效与工作压力之间的关系一直是组织管理者和学术研究人员关心的问题。本研究在探讨二者关系时采用了两组压力指标和表单绩效指标,通过对被调查者的压力指标数据和绩效指标数据之间的关系进行实证分析,分析影响男女员工压力反应的工作绩效因素,对男女员工工作压力与绩效关系进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

对于中国人来说.”环保”是一个让人感觉怪异的词。一方面大家出于道德,不得不表示自己是一个支持环保的人;而另一方面,生活中的各种琐事又在提醒着大家,环保是一件需要花钱的事,而且通常是需要额外花钱。比如在2008年年初的时候闹得沸沸扬扬的限塑令的问题.在网上就有人说.人人都知道保护环境很重要.可是超市里没有塑料袋还是很不方便啊.让我每次多花那五毛钱买一个塑料袋.  相似文献   

员工工作倦怠、离职率高是很多现代企业面临的共同问题,企业通常通过提高工资、福利或给予股票、期权等长期激励的方式来应对,但这些外部刺激并不能长期奏效.本人在阅读文献和人力资源管理实践过程中不断思考和总结,发现不同的个体对于同一环境中的组织支持感甚至都有不小的差异,也就是说即使企业自认为已经很好地对待员工,员工本人如没有相应的成熟度,或者说自我同一性处于某种状态,其工作投入度和最后的工作绩效依然不会高,离职率也不会下降.本文依据自我同一性状态、组织支持感与工作投入度三份量表,通过网络问卷调查并测算了256位不同背景的中国员工自我同一性探索程度(EIE)、自我同一性承诺程度(EIC)、工作投入度(JI)、组织支持感(POS)值.利用SPSS16.0进行统计分析,结果表明:1.个体的自我同一性承诺状态与工作投入度正相关;2.个体的组织支持感与工作投入度正相关;3.个体的组织支持感在自我同一性和工作投入度的关系之中起调节作用,组织支持感每升高一个级别,自我同一性延期支付与自我同一性混乱的的个体工作投入度明显增高;4.个体的性别与自我同一性无显著相关,但个体的年龄与学历与自我同一性显著相关,年龄越大的个体,自我同一性探索越充分,学历越低的个体,自我同一性承诺程度越高;5.个体的年龄、性别、学历与工作投入度无显著相关.  相似文献   

文章通过对广西桂林市生产制造企业167名员工进行调查,研究工作嵌入、组织支持感及离职倾向之间的关系后发现,工作嵌入对组织支持感具有显著的正向影响,工作嵌入、组织支持感对离职倾向具有显著的负向影响,且组织支持感在工作嵌入与离职倾向的关系中发挥了中介作用  相似文献   

Many researchers have suggested that meeting time, scope, and budget goals, sometimes called ‘project efficiency,’ is not the comprehensive measure of project success. Broader measures of success have been recommended; however, to date, nobody has determined empirically the relationship between efficiency and overall success or indeed shown whether efficiency is important at all to overall project success. Our aim in this article is to correct that omission. Through a survey of 1,386 projects we have shown that project efficiency correlates moderately strongly to overall project success (correlation of 0.6 and R2 of 0.36). Efficiency is shown through analysis to be neither the only aspect of project success nor an aspect of project success that can be ignored.  相似文献   

在对西安等地区302名单位员工进行问卷调查的基础上,探索工作重塑是否影响、如何影响员工幸福感.以自我决定理论为切入点,构建了工作重塑、人—岗匹配、员工幸福感以及支持性人力资源实践四个变量间的研究模型.结果显示:工作重塑正向影响员工幸福感;人—岗匹配在工作重塑与员工幸福感之间起到了部分中介作用;支持性人力资源实践调节了工...  相似文献   

许多实证研究表明,单个股票的Beta和其收益之间并没有显著的相关关系,由此否认传统CAPM模型所揭示的风险-收益关系.但在所用模型中的预期收益和实证检验中运用的已实现收益是两个不同的概念,本文运用Pettengill et al提出的条件CAPM模型对上海股市重新作检验,研究发现在牛市中Beta和收益呈现出显著的正相关关系,在熊市中Beta和收益呈现出显著的负相关关系,且两者显示出一定的对称性.研究结果表明,在上海股市中条件CAPM模型具有相当的应用空间.  相似文献   

服务业对外开放与竞争力关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用协整方法与VEC模型,对中国1991—2013年的服务贸易进口、服务业外商直接投资、GDP、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入同比增长率之间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明,从长期看,服务贸易、服务业外商直接投资、经济总量对服务业竞争力的提升具有正向作用,但服务贸易、外商直接投资的短期波动对服务业竞争力的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

本文在<广义财务论>的基础上,论述了广义财务与相关学科的关系,具体包括:财务学与会计学的关系;财务学与财政学的关系;财务学与金融学的关系;财务学与经济学的关系;财务学与企业管理学的关系.在此基础上,提出了财务学是一门独立学科的观点.  相似文献   

Abstract . A technological revolution may be seen as the process when more flexible or warranted technological relations break through destructive forces so decisively that the institutional-technological structure is transformed into what Clarence Ayres called a set of “efficient organizational structures.” Growing flexibility of such relations can lead to broader public access to the means of life This creates conflict because ceremonial forces are expressed through repressive. obstructive and exploitative institutions in technology and science so that there is a greater benefit to those rested powers than to society, and because the vested interests ability to withhold or charge heavily for access to economic opportunity would be reduced. Two processes are at loggerheads: encapsulation vs. liberation. A ‘general trust’ in ‘technology’(used as an euphemism for the anti-consumer business power system) abandons the main thrust of the ceremonial instrumental dichotomy: the scientific-technological process is the social context in which the forces of warranted or warrantable knowledge are expressed through community institutions enlarging accessibility and participation on a peer-to-peer basis. Thus the reconstructed dichotomy is both a coinflict theory and a conflict resolution theory.  相似文献   

本文提出货币当局的资产负债结构对基础货币和货币乘数产生重要影响,这种影响是通过改变公众的现金持有偏好和商业银行的准备金需求来间接实现的。对我国1994~2006年季度数据实证研究,单位根检验、Johansen协整分析及误差修正模型显示存在货币当局资产负债结构影响现金持有偏好与准备金需求的长期协整关系和短期波动规律,以国外净资产比重持续上升、商业银行再贷款比重不断下降及央行票据比重陡然上升为主要特征的货币当局资产负债结构调整,导致我国基础货币过快增加和货币乘数持续上升。  相似文献   

The difficulty of explaining the paradoxical nature of organizational life has resulted in reductionist approaches, which present the relationships between processes as causal and linear. The relationship between training and economic performance, the contribution of training to individuals' adaptability to change and the significance of knowledge and learning to organizational competitiveness are just some examples of the perceived linearity of the relationships between processes. The relationship between training and learning falls in the same category in that it is assumed to be very strong. This article makes a contribution to this debate by providing new insights about the relationship between training and learning. Using recent empirical findings from a longitudinal study in the Financial Services Sector, this article examines some of the basic differences between training and learning using the individual manager as the unit of analysis. These differences reveal some of the conditions that shape the relationship between training and learning. The findings from the study suggest that the relationship between training and learning may appear strong on the surface; however in essence it may be superficial and mechanistic.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between cultural orientations, shared corporate ethical values, job characteristics, and organizational commitment for Turkish industrial sales managers and retail managers, replicating and extending the study done by Hunt, Wood, and Chonko (1989). This comparative study found that organizational commitment is a positive function of both Turkish industrial sales and retail managers' personal attributes/characteristics, shared corporate ethical values within companies, and task identity, autonomy, variety, and feedback as main components of job characteristics. The perceived level of cultural orientations of managers, on the other hand, differs significantly between two groups: companies with bureaucatic orientations affect organizational of commitment of their employees negatively whereas innovative and supportive ones affect positively.  相似文献   

近年来,供应链绿色化、全球化已成为国内外众多学者的研究热点,但是对于如何将全球供应链和绿色供应链更好的融合,也成为众多企业关注的焦点。文中通过初步探讨这两种供应链的相互关系,重点研究了两者相互结合后为企业所带来的积极和消极作用,并结合跨国企业向绿色目标努力的案例分析,希望为供应链管理理论的研究开拓新的思路,为笔者今后的研究打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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