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消费者情感依恋是消费者与产品或者品牌之间的情感联结,是研究消费者忠诚形成的一条新路径,也是近年来消费者行为研究的新视角.综观20多年来国外心理学依恋理论及营销学中有关消费者情感依恋的研究成果,人们对情感依恋理论的起源、内涵、影响因素及作用机理已有相当了解,这对于企业与消费者形成稳固的长期关系、赢得持续竞争优势具有重要的...  相似文献   

基于特质激活理论与社会交换理论,探究积极心理品质对创新行为的影响,并检验工作自主性的中介作用和员工感知的企业社会责任的调节作用。结果表明:积极心理品质对知识型创新行为有显著的正向影响;工作自主性在积极心理品质与创新行为之间具有部分中介作用;员工感知的企业社会责任正向调节积极心理品质与创新行为的关系。  相似文献   

作为个人与组织之间关系的桥梁,顾客对企业的认同对顾客的态度、顾客的购买行为及企业的绩效有正向影响,是企业进行顾客关系管理需要关注的重要方面.为此,需要构建一个以顾客认同为基础的顾客关系分析框架,考察企业身份、企业形象、企业社会责任等因素如何影响顾客认同的水平,以及这种认同对顾客购买意向和口碑传播的进一步影响.以零售企业为对象的实证结果表明:企业身份、企业形象对顾客认同有正向影响,企业社会责任对顾客感知企业形象有正向影响;顾客认同对顾客的购买意向和顾客的口碑传播有正向影响.因此,企业可以通过影响顾客认同的形成因素来强化顾客认同,进而增进顾客对企业及其产品的忠诚.  相似文献   

商店形象对顾客惠顾意愿的作用机制,一直是营销学界关注的热点。本文以超市消费者为研究对象,运用结构方程模型检验了商店形象、顾客感知价值与惠顾意愿之间的关系。研究结果表明:商品形象、价格形象、促销形象与服务形象对顾客感知功能价值存在显著正向影响;商品形象、促销形象、服务形象及氛围形象对顾客感知情感价值存在显著正向影响;顾客感知功能价值与情感价值均对惠顾意愿有显著正向影响。这些研究结论对零售企业具有管理启示作用。  相似文献   

文章通过运用一个概念模型并提出一些假设:企业社会责任部分地通过顾客满意这个中间变量影响其市场价值;企业社会责任与其市场价值的关系依赖于企业产品质量或创新能力。实证研究表明。顾客满意在企业社会责任和其市场价值之间能够起到中介效应;企业能力在企业社会责任与其市场价值之间能够发挥调节效应。  相似文献   

文章通过运用一个概念模型并提出一些假设:企业社会责任部分地通过顾客满意这个中间变量影响其市场价值;企业社会责任与其市场价值的关系依赖于企业产品质量或创新能力。实证研究表明。顾客满意在企业社会责任和其市场价值之间能够起到中介效应;企业能力在企业社会责任与其市场价值之间能够发挥调节效应。  相似文献   

负面消极的领导行为深刻地影响着整个组织运作过程和结果。文章从破坏性领导的概念及其边界入手,借助社会交换理论和情感事件理论,选取情绪疲惫、犬儒主义作为中介变量,团队心理安全作为调节变量,来探索破坏性领导对员工态度和行为,尤其是对其离职意愿的影响。研究表明破坏性领导对员工个体层面行为和心理感知等方面均存在着显著的正向影响,员工心理感知与态度也会直接影响员工在企业中最终的行为与态度,并且情绪疲惫和犬儒主义在破坏性领导与员工离职意愿之间存在着显著的中介作用,而团队心理安全在破坏性领导与员工离职意愿之间存在着负向调节作用。  相似文献   

企业社会责任活动应当服务于企业的战略目标。文章以零售企业所面临的环境保护主题为背景,探讨了顾客中心和利润中心两种战略性企业社会责任的消费者响应。结果表明,顾客中心的企业社会责任与利润中心的企业社会责任相比,能够使顾客对企业产生更积极的企业社会责任联想,形成更好的态度,并提高其惠顾意愿。同时,从顾客价值的不同角度,消费者的企业社会责任支持对于顾客中心的企业社会责任的消费者响应具有正向或反向调节作用。  相似文献   

企业社会责任意识对其自身发展及社会经济的影响具有较为重要的作用,文中将线上零售企业作为研究视角,对线上企业社会责任与企业品牌塑造之问的关系进行研究。首先,梳理并总结国内外关于企业社会责任与品牌塑造的文献资料,了解企业社会责任和品牌塑造间的关系。在此基础上,建立企业社会责任各维度与品牌塑造之间相互作用的关系模型,并提出研究假设。研究结果表明,在线零售企业社会责任的各个维度与线上企业品牌塑造存在相关性,其中在线企业社会责任中的对消费者的社会责任、环保责任及公益慈善社会责任对在线零售企业的品牌塑造呈现显著的正向相关影响。  相似文献   

为研究服务员工情绪智力对顾客忠诚的作用机理,构建了一个以情绪智力为前因,以服务质量、顾客满意为中介,以顾客忠诚为结果的理论模型。研究结果表明:服务员工的顾客情绪评估及情绪运用通过服务质量正向影响顾客忠诚。顾客情绪评估及情绪调节通过顾客满意正向影响顾客忠诚。情绪调节对服务质量及情绪运用对顾客满意度均不产生显著影响。因此,为提升顾客的忠诚度,服务性企业应通过加强员工招聘、培训及合理配置服务团队来改善服务员工的情绪智力。  相似文献   

In this research, the authors propose a contagion effect of social media use across business suppliers, retailers, and consumers. After developing and validating social media usage measures at three levels—supplier, retailer, and customer—the authors test social media contagion effects and their ultimate impact on multiple performance measures. The conceptual framework and empirical results offer new insights into the contagion effects of social media usage across the channel of distribution as well as important social influence mechanisms that enhance these effects. Consistent with the predictions, social media use positively contributes to brand performance, retailer performance, and consumer–retailer loyalty. Also, the effect of supplier social media usage on retailer social media usage and in turn on customer social media usage is moderated by brand reputation and service ambidexterity. With the ever-increasing growth and adoption of social media applications and similar technologies, this research provides a framework to promote usage by supply channel partners which ultimately influences performance-related outcomes.  相似文献   

从顾客感知的角度探讨服务技术创新的结果表现、效率、易用性、感知控制、便利性和感知风险等特点与服务忠诚的关系,研究表明:服务技术创新的结果表现、效率和易用性与服务质量正相关;便利性对服务忠诚具有直接的正向作用,感知控制与服务质量和感知价值都无显著相关;而顾客的感知风险与服务质量和服务忠诚之间存在负相关;同时也证实了服务质量和感知价值都对服务忠诚具有正向影响的观点。服务企业应积极地进行技术创新,尤其要重视能吸引消费者尝试使用并重复使用的因素,并把监控与减少消费者的风险感知作为吸引消费者使用创新性服务技术并培养其忠诚的重要工作。  相似文献   

We explore patterns of store choice and shopping behavior in the domain of women’s specialty clothing stores. Based on previous research, four exploratory research propositions are examined to note patterns in customer loyalty to their “favorite” stores and the incidence of shopping at competing stores. We conduct a vulnerability analysis to note which stores have customer segments most vulnerable to marketing efforts of competitors. Our findings suggest customers in the women’s specialty clothing market do not exhibit 100 percent loyalty to the favored retailer, and the share of trips to the favored retailer is generally constant among stores. The primary implications to retail managers are that they should be most concerned withincreasing the customer franchise base (those naming the retailer’s store as “favorite”) rather than focusing on increasing thefrequency of shopping trips among those customers that comprise the current franchise base.  相似文献   

文化元素在产品设计上应用得越来越频繁,企业把文化元素应用到产品设计中,满足消费者的情感需求,成为企业营销发展的新趋势。本文以王老吉“百家姓”产品为例,基于情感营销的理论,以情感反应的三个维度——设计情感、产品情感和渠道情感为中介变量,构建产品设计与顾客满意度关系模型,运用实证分析方法探究情感反应的中介作用。研究结果表明,情感反应的三个维度在产品设计和顾客满意度的关系中存在显著的中介作用。据此,本文对企业如何有效地开展情感营销和提高顾客满意度提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

以顾客感知价值为研究视角,对经济型酒店顾客忠诚的驱动因素进行分析,构建经济型酒店顾客忠诚驱动模型,强调经济型酒店顾客感知价值对顾客忠诚具有直接决定性的驱动作用,而其驱动则从顾客的感知服务质量、情感价值、会员制、产品价值及获取便利性等5个方面来表现。最后,在以上分析的基础上,对基于顾客感知价值的经济型酒店顾客忠诚的培育提出4点可行性建议:向顾客传递更多的价值;培育忠诚员工;科学管理顾客信息及精心打造品牌。  相似文献   

顾客感知价值作用机制能够很好地解释企业内部资源对企业绩效的作用途径,从而为企业经营者以资源基础观为基础的战略经营思路向以顾客为中心的市场导向经营思路转变提供了理论依据。企业应该明确合理的产品定位和价值主张,努力提高为顾客提供的功能收益、情感收益和社会收益,同时考虑到从顾客角度所能感知的收益与成本,提高顾客满意度和忠诚度,进而提高企业绩效、创建自己独特的竞争收益。  相似文献   

As customer-organization relationships deepen, consumers increase their expertise in the firm’s product line and industry and develop increased switching costs. This study investigates the effects of customer investment expertise and perceived switching costs on the relationships between technical and functional service quality and customer loyalty. Technical service quality is hypothesized to be a more important determinant of customer loyalty than functional service quality as expertise increases. Both technical and functional service quality are hypothesized to have a reduced relationship with customer loyalty as perceived switching costs increase. Three-way interactions between the main effects of service quality, customer expertise, and perceived switching costs yield additional insight into the change in relative importance of technical and functional service quality in customers’ decision to be loyal. Six of eight hypotheses receive support. Implications are discussed for customer relationship management over the relationship life cycle. Simon J. Bell (s.bell@jims.cam.ac.uk; Ph.D., University of Melbourne) is a university lecturer in marketing at the Judge Institute of Management, the business school of the University of Cambridge. His research has appeared in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, theJournal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, andMarketing Theory, among others. His.areas of research interest include organizational learning, sales force management and internal marketing, services and relationship marketing, and corporate social responsibility. Seigyoung Auh (sauh@brocku.ca; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is an assistant professor of marketing at Brock University, Ontario, Canada. His research has been published in theJournal of Economic Psychology, theJournal of Business to Business Marketing, theJournal of Services Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and others. His research interests are in application of a resource-based view to marketing strategy, top management team diversity and marketing strategy, customer orientation (customer satisfaction) and loyalty, interface between marketing and entrepreneurship, and services and relationship marketing. Karen Smalley (B.Comm. Hons, University of Melbourne) is an honors graduate in marketing at the University of Melbourne.  相似文献   

随着互联网发展日益完善,人们逐渐将注意力从产品和服务的质量转移至体验上。文章结合整体网络产品理论,从初始产品用户体验、信息产品用户体验和产品平台用户体验这三个层面来理鳃B2C网站的购物体验。并以顾客忠诚的影响机制为出发点,探讨了体验与忠诚的关系,提出了本研究的模型和假设。通过问卷调查的方法得出了以下结论:(1)B2C网站购物体验对态度忠诚有正向影响;(2)B2C网站购物体验对行为忠诚部分有正向影响;(3)态度忠诚对行为忠诚有显著的正向影响;(4)认知需求在B2C网站购物体验影响态度忠诚、行为忠诚中调节效果不显著。  相似文献   

In two studies, the authors examine three targets of commitment in service provider–consumer relationships and their effects on customer loyalty. The results indicate that service consumers distinguish between commitment to a service company, commitment to an individual in the role of service employee, and commitment to an individual outside of the role of service employee (e.g., a personal commitment such as a friendship). In addition, these three targets of commitment are hierarchically related and have differential effects on various customer responses. The results have implications for both customer relationship managers and researchers studying such relationships.
Harvir S. BansalEmail:

Two different grocery shoppers can be equally loyal to the same supermarket but for entirely different reasons. For example, customer A may be loyal to a store because of convenience reasons while customer B may be loyal to the same store because he or she perceives that the store overall has very low prices. Because of these differences any attempt to segment the market based on store loyalty alone will be only partially effective. A more useful approach is to incorporate a motivation for patronage as well as a loyalty level in a market segmentation classification scheme. On data collected in Bangor, Maine, four types of grocery customers were identified and named price shoppers, convenience shoppers, involved shoppers, and apathetic shoppers. The particular advantage of the four group typology is that customers are defined in terms of response to marketing mix variables. Therefore, the implementation of or changes in marketing strategy is facilitated by the use of the typology.  相似文献   

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