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A good friend of China,who from ASEAN countries,once said that"The biggest difference of China between her past and present is that China is rich now with large foreign exchange reserves in the bags"Yes,the Chinese government is encouraging his enterprises to go abroad by various means.Facilitating Chinese en- terprises to invest globally is in accordance with China's present Go Global Strategy exactly.And The 2nd Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference (CEOIC), co-hosted by China Council for the Promo- tion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Ministry of Commerce of China is a good example to that.  相似文献   

In order to collect more precise information about the overseas investments made by Chinese enterprises in 2009 and their future investment plans, China CounciL for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) has carried out the fourth "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound investment by Chinese Enterprises" between December 2009 and March 2010. The objective of the survey is to collect in-depth information about the intentions and problems concerning the overseas investments of Chi- nese enterprises,  相似文献   

After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) conducted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009. We standardized the samples and enlarged the scale to present an in-depth landscape of the current conditions of and intention for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises as China adopts the "'Going Global" strategy to encourage outbound investment, and the development of outbound investment by comparing the results of this survey and the previous two surveys. This survey was also intended to find out Chinese enterprises' opinions on and demand for the "Going Global" policies and service system adopted by the Chinese government.  相似文献   

Is investing in Japan a good choice for ambitious Chinese enterprises? Xiong Lin, partner at the Beijing DaDi Law firm, reminded potential investors that understanding Sino-Japan cultural differences, local policies and the procedures concerning investment, as well as protecting intellectual property and prompt communication with local consulting firms are the keys to good preparation. She gave this advice at the "2009 Investment in Japan Seminar" on March 5, a seminar co-hosted by CCPIT (China Council for the promotion of International Trade) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) as the follow-up to a session held in 2007.  相似文献   

Executive Summary
After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) conducted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009. We standardized the samples and enlarged the scale to present an in-depth landscape of the current conditions of and intention for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises as China adopts the "Going Global" strategy to encourage outbound investment, and the development of outbound investment by comparing the results of this survey and the previous two surveys.  相似文献   

The World Bank said China's economy is expected to grow by 9% in 2005, and about 8% in 2006. In its quarterly update on the country's economy, the China mission of the World Bank said the economic outlook for China "remains good" in a stable macroeconomic environment and with favorable financial conditions. "We now project (China's) GDP (gross domestic product) growth of 9% in 2005,  相似文献   

On the afternoon of June 27,CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei met with German entrepreneur delegation of Asia-Pacific Economic Committee,led by Mr.Heraeus(chief of China Dept.)Wan said that CCPIT has worked closely with business associations throughout Germany.The priority for both sides at present is to encourage qualified Chinese enterprises to invest  相似文献   

The heavy emphasis on statistical rigor that business schools in American universities place on research is questionable in general and, for business schools in China, is not necessarily a good strategy by which either to produce useful research or to distinguish themselves from business schools in the United States. The reasons for this pertain to, first, what statistical analysis is good for in science; second, what statistical analysis is not good for in science; third, what statistical analysis is and is not good for in business research; fourth, how a large sample size is not generalizable but a single case is; fifth, how action research, design research, and Herbert Simon's "sciences of the artificial" all demonstrate rigor without statistics; and finally, the historical context that explains the turn to statistics in American business schools but is irrelevant to China. The recommendation is for business schools in China not necessarily to reject statistical research, but rather, to also pursue other, equally scientific forms of research, including those recognized by Herbert Simon.  相似文献   

In or Out?     
China on April 1 raised the tax rebate rates on exports of certain textile and apparel products from 15% to 16%. It , is the fourth time the government has raised the rebate rate since last August. Dating back to February 4, the State Counc-il executive meeting examined-and approved in principle the revitalization of the textile industry adjusts planning, in the planning, the country would increase textile and garment export tax rebate rate further from 14% to 15%. The measures are expected to boost China's textile and garment enterprises' profits by RMB 9 billion, it is significantly positive for the textile exporting enterprises since the country policies convey a positive signal to consolidate the international share of China's textile industry. Some experts firmly declare textile exports are set to languish this year with no signs of a quick pick up, notwithstanding the increase in tax rebates. Other asserts that with the relative domestic demand extending policies released by the government, the domestic market is expected to remain stable. In these circumstances, more and more enterprises are pushed or actively choose to eye on domestic market, but is "going in" really better than "going out" for them? If it is really a dilemma, how can they do to strike the balance?  相似文献   

2005 is the last year of China's No. 10 Five-vear Plan. With China's booming economic development, domestic enterprises are facing up with not only quite a lot of opportunities, but also some potential challenges, for instance, with the upgoing oil prices, the energy and the raw materials are no longer in efficient supply, this is a problem that domestic enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises have to face. How to deal with the situation, Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (Sinotrans) gives his comments when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade.  相似文献   

Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co,, Ltd, is a group company of large engineering technology and equipment focused on design and manutacturmg of turbo-machinery, a large key enterprise in China, one of the top 500 enterprises for machinery industries, one of the best 100 enterprises in income from sales of Chinese Machinery Industries in 2004, one of the largest 1000 group enterprises in China in 2004, one of the vanguard enterpriscs in Chinese industries in 2005, the key support enterprise aiming at 10 billion in production value during the "Eleventh Five year Plan" by Xi'an Municipal government.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis has made a huge impact on China export-based enterprises, among which the first affected industry was textile industry. According to the latest reports from China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued in November 2008, revealed that profits for the textile industry in China that had increased 36.9% in 2007, and decreased by 0.7% for the same period in 2008. This amounted in a total loss of RMB 22.13 billion, an increase of 97.7%, with the scope of loss reaching up to 20.4%.  相似文献   

In 2008, the momentum of the outward investment of Chinese enterprises was strong. The amount of outward investment continued to grow rapidly, and has for the first .time exceeded USS50 billion, reaching USS55.91 billion. China's automobile industry has undergone decades of development and has formed a huge production capacity, with part of its pioneering enterprises having conducted a number of useful attempts in internationalization. The once-in-a-century financial crisis influenced various industries in every country. Nevertheless, China's auto enterprises are facing a rare opportunity in outward investing. Enterprises need to achieve their own technological upgrading with the "going global" strategy in order to maintain long-term stability and sustainable development.  相似文献   

The 80th China National Sugar and Alcoholic Commodities Fair was held in Chengdu (capital of Sichuan province) from March 24 to 28. Sponsored by China National Sugar and Alcohol Group Corp., this is the 20th time for Chengdu to host such a big event. Since the fair was initially held in 1955, Sugar and Alcoholic Fair has become increasingly well-known in both China and abroad while sticking to the principle of serving enterprises. With its wide-range influence and its increasing popularity, Sugar and Alcoholic Fair is commonly recognized by enterprises in sugar, food and beverage industries.  相似文献   

"I want to remind China's investors to go to Ukraine as soon as possible, otherwise, the market will be occupied by western investors and the opportunities for China's invest-ments will disappear soon", said H.E. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, Ambassador of Ukraine to China when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in February. Ukraine, a country which has very good traditional friend-ship with China, has many similarities with China in quite a lot of fields, and it is also carrying out the economie reform. Therefore, the Ukraine Central Government's attitude to the people is very similar to the Chinese Central Government. Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev said. The interview with Mr. Serhiy Kamyshev, l feel, was done in a very friendly and leisure atmosphere,but the communication was very good. - By Reporter  相似文献   

Drawing on the empirical work of a broader study, this paper examines whether technology is being successfully transferred from universities to the IT-sottware SMEs present in China, and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship in effecting such transfers. A conceptual framework was generated to guide the investigation. Data were elicited using a detailed questionnaire which generated 53 usable responses; follow-up interviews with 17 of the 53 respondents; and four interviews with relevant government officials (civil servants from the Ministry of Science and Technology and state-owned banks). There were three main fmdings. Chinese software SMEs tend to be reluctant to adopt new technologies from local tmiversities; there is a lack of common purpose between the parties; and entrepreneurs who did undertake such technology transfer felt the process was badly impeded by the lack of available finance, and expressed fears about poor protection of intellectual property rights in China. The majority of the sample firms acted opportunistically, taking advantage of the benefits offered under government schemes to earn rapid returns mainly using extant technologies. These conclusions suggest that the Chinese government's policies in this area of technology transfer have had only limited success.  相似文献   

After thirty yeas "going out" of China overseas investment, we learn from our failed lessons and also successful experience. Chinese enterprises are now standing at a new starting point of "going out". China is transforming from ."capital input power" to "capital output power". With the approval of the National Development and Reform Commission of ER.C., the first China Overseas Investment Fair hosted by China Industrial Overseas Development & Planning Association was convened on November 3rd-4th in China World Trade Center, Beijing. With forceful and orderly preparation since the beginning of 2009, "COI Fair" aims at providing professional service for Chinese enterprises overseas investment, in forms of both exhibitions and forums.  相似文献   

The 2007 China(Qinghai)International Halal Food and Products Fair (CIHFP) is the first ioternational fair of halal food and products to be held this November in Xinning, Qinghai province.It aims to bridge global buyers,investors,brands and technology owners to the Chinese manufacturers and consumers of halal food products.Supported by the partner organizations around the globe,the CIHFP will serve as a China chapter and a good complement to the world leading halal trade fairs.  相似文献   

The President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Roh Moo-hyun announced that Korea fully recognized China's market economy status. Roh's announcement was made during a joint press conference with Chinese President Hu Jintao, who was on a state visit to ROK in November. China is now the largest trading partnet of ROK, with trade volume between the two countries expected to reach 100 billion US dollars this year. The two leaders agreed that the bilateral trade volume should be doubled to 200 billion US dollars by 2012. A significant milestone having been reached between the two countries, what kind of impact can be expected to follow from the events in regards to the bilateral economic and trade relations between China and ROK? With such questions in mind, China's Foreign Trade reporters interviewed Kim Ha-joong, Ambassador of ROK to China.  相似文献   

In recent years, bilateral investment between China and Canada has become more and more active. According to the report on overseas investment of Chinese enterprises released by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)at the 4th Chinese Enterprise Outbound Investment Conference, Chinese overseas investment is displayingan increasing trend, with the strength of Chinese enterprises and overseas investment rapidly growing.  相似文献   

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