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王凤霞  杨国利 《商业研究》2003,18(19):51-53
面对经济全球化的挑战,参与全球竞争成为任何一个企业都必须面对的事实。在国际竞争中的成功取决于中国企业能否成为世界级企业。因此,中国企业必须融入到国际体系中去,培养世界意识,采用世界级实践和标准,建立更为广泛的全球网络联系。  相似文献   

企业社会责任涵化和政策激励是驱动企业不断完善社会责任的动力。企业社会责任在供应链中的压力是不均匀的,可将供应链上的企业社会责任发展策略分为供应链前端的风险规避策略、供应链中端的核心优势策略和供应链后端的信息共享策略三种形式。现代企业的竞争是供应链的竞争,国际社会对中国企业社会责任关注的主要焦点是供应链。跨国企业主要受国际性标准影响,常常是购买方(国外大品牌)而不是政府管理者要求企业遵守劳动法,但从中长期来看,自愿性将逐步成为中国企业社会责任的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the theoretical predictions of the multi-cone Heckscher-Ohlin model and the empirical evidence for it. I extend Helpman (1984)by identifying additional restrictions that characterize the free trade equilibrium. I illustrate that the complete set of restrictions are the building blocks of a multi-cone factor content specification which is the factor content dual to Alan Deardorff's (1979)well-known chain of comparative advantage goods prediction. The theoretical analysis implies that the existing tests of Helpman are incomplete. Applying the complete set of restrictions to Choi and Krishna's data set of 8 OECD countries, I find limited empirical support. This is compatible with previous studies suggesting that OECD countries do not occupy different cones.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the measured income of family enterprises is a matter of importance in studies of, inter alia, human capital, income distribution, and consumption behavior. Enterprise surveys can measure this income through detailed questions. Household surveys offer a better perspective for a study of living standards and poverty: they capture more of the truly small-scale one-person enterprises; there is a wealth of relevant information about the household; and household surveys allow one to integrate family enterprises into household decisions about labor supply, risk sharing, enterprise start-up, and asset formation.This paper examines three enterprise income values that one may derive from household surveys held in the Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana. The three values vary much and do not correlate all that well. This sobering conclusion implies that relying on self-reported values of sales revenue, expenditures and enterprise earnings is risky. Greater effort should be made to measure the transactions of enterprises carefully. Using worksheets and cross-checking responses in loco should help, but since many enterprises do not use any accounting system, it may be necessary to monitor inflows and outflows either personally or with diaries.Without implicating anyone for any remaining errors, I appreciated the comments and assistance of Paul Glewwe, Valerie Kozel, Kalpana Mehra, and the referees of the Journal.  相似文献   

企业如何加强合同管理 规避和防范交易风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合同纠纷和合同欺诈已成为企业经营中经常遭遇的交易风险,合同管理因此成为企业管理的重要内容和职能。企业必须从做好签约前的准备、签订合同时注意问题以及合同履行中的风险防范与管理等三个环节加强合同管理,才能规避和防范交易风险,有效维护企业利益。  相似文献   

随着中国企业的不断壮大以及国际化进程的加快,越来越多地受到商标壁垒的阻碍,从而使企业的国际化进程受到阻碍。中国企业应提高自身知识产权的保护意识,利用有关的国际或地区性条约协定或法律,选择合适的代理机构,办理商标的海外注册。当商标被抢注后,企业、政府、行业协会和媒体应共同应对,以减少给企业造成的经济损失。  相似文献   

国际贸易合同适用国际贸易惯例的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际私法领域的国际贸易惯例与国际公法领域的国际惯例有着明显的区别。它与国际贸易合同的关系十分密切,无论惯例的适用、修改抑或排除都离不开合同的规定。最新国际贸易惯例有发展当事人意思自治原则的新趋向,允许甚至明确赋予合同当事人有选择、修改或排除适用惯例的权利。本文在探讨国际贸易惯例定义及其与合同关系的基础上,着重论证国际贸易惯例在合同中的实际适用及适用时应当注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

企业招聘存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
招聘是企业人力资源管理的关键一环。当前在企业的招聘过程中存在诸多问题,如招聘信息不对称、招聘标准不合理,以及新《劳动合同法》带来的新挑战等。应积极发挥政府的信息调控作用、制定严格人员甄选方法,以及合理合法规范企业用人方式等,使企业的招聘工作更加有效。  相似文献   

企业合作契约对于规范节点企业行为、提高合作效率具有重要作用。通过分析两种理念下企业合作契约形成机制,从合作范围、合作项目、合作效率等角度比较两种理念下企业合作契约,得出结论:供需网理念下形成的企业合作契约比供应链理念下形成的企业合作契约效果更好。  相似文献   

他曾是国企改革的风云人物,被称为"承包国有企业的第一人",创造过"一包就灵"的改革神话;曾先后4次受到邓小平接见,当选为中共十三大代表,荣获全国轻工劳动模范、中国优秀企业家、中青年有突出贡献专家等荣誉称号和两次全国五一劳动奖章;他曾是100家亏损企业的厂长,但经营的失败让他跌进人生的低谷。在历史变革故事的背后,印证着他传奇的人生。  相似文献   

保价条款不仅是违约责任条款,而且从缔约目的和实际功能来看还具有担保性,后者表现为保价约定既通过事先特殊防范措施保障用户债权的实现,又通过对限赔条款的排除适用使用户方能够获得更为充分的救济,尤其是其对不可抗力这一法定免责事由的排斥,更表现出其优越于一般担保措施的超强担保力。正是这一性质使保价条款成为快递服务合同的从合同,而从合同在成立判断上的独立性决定了该条款是否成立应依独立合同的成立标准来判断。保价条款的成立既包括通常合同之一般要件,又包括反映其个性特征的某些特殊要件,即前者要求当事人应对保价之必要条款协商一致,并对是否保价做出肯定性勾选;后者要求快递企业依法对保价条款履行了提示义务,且寄件人在缔约时依约支付了保价费。在对保价条款进行效力评判时,应明确评价对象仅限于特定条款范围,属于快递企业自主经营权并作为双方缔约前提的事项,并非保价条款的效力评价对象。对于保价条款中的低保低赔约定,可以根据故意、重大过失造成财产损失的免责条款无效之法律规定否定其效力,但不应适用《中华人民共和国合同法》中有关格式条款的效力规范判定其无效,也不应依据该法中的显失公平规定对其予以撤销。  相似文献   

关于江苏企业“走出去”的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在经济全球化条件下,企业"走出去",在国际市场占有一席之地,企业才能扩展自己生存与发展的空间.目前,江苏省国有大中型企业体制僵化,企业在缺乏技术优势和持续创新能力以及缺乏资金实力的情况下.难以真正"走出去",无法应对快速变化的海外市场.江苏省应优先推动民营、私营企业"走出去",优先推动对外承包工程和劳务输出,优先推动大中型企业到发达国家设立技术开发机构,鼓励大中型企业投资、收购海外高科技中小企业,把"引进来"和"走出去"结合起来,充分利用国内外两个市场、两种资源,提高江苏经济的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

The institutional guarantees of modern labour law, that provide the keystone of progressive liberalism, are often only reactionary to the entrenched concepts of socialist law. Adoption of institutions of “workers rights”, and employment protection based upon contract, inevitably nullify the ideological promise of the inalienable “right to work”. China, among the last bastions of theoretical Marxist socialism, and among the first socialist countries ready to accept that it has been in desperate need of reforming uneconomical state enterprises, seems willing to sacrifice ideological purity for economic development. Yet, if economic turnaround requires enterprise rationalisation in a market economy, it is understandable that Chinese labour requires the same kinds of protection against unbridled capitalism as progressive labour movements elsewhere. Doubtless, for those who have enjoyed no such institutional guarantees in the past, official commitment to improvement of labour conditions is better than no acknowledgment of need for reform of social policy whatever. Yet, the real question for students of social change is “Are these legislated reforms effective policy guides for local administration and the courts?”“|Or are they merely regulations for licensing compliance – primarily for foreign invested enterprises?”. In brief, “... to what extent are the new ‘workers’ rights’ realistically attainable sources of judicial remedies for individual workers?”  相似文献   

探讨续贷限制对于出口企业的影响,对于全面认识融资约束的微观经济效应具有十分重要的意义。据此,文章立足2007年续贷标准改变这一政策事实,基于中国2000-2015年上市公司数据,就续贷限制对出口企业创新的影响展开了分析。研究结果表明,第一,续贷限制不利于出口企业创新的提升,对企业专利申请总数、发明类专利申请数均产生了显著的负面效应。第二,这种抑制作用对不同企业的影响表现出一定的异质性。续贷标准紧缩对出口企业创新的抑制效应会因出口企业规模、所处行业、生产率水平以及要素密集度不同而有所差异。续贷限制对大规模出口企业、制造业出口企业、高生产率出口企业和劳动密集型出口企业创新的抑制作用更显著。文章的研究拓展了融资约束对于企业出口行为影响的认识。  相似文献   

Workers in Asian factories producing for Western markets suffer under inhumane working conditions. Suicides at Chinese suppliers of computer manufacturers and a fire in a Bangladesh garment factory recently drew public attention to this problem. But would workers in developing countries really benefit from better working conditions and higher wages? It may be more likely that countries implementing these improvements would lose in global competition. Therefore, developing countries are limited in their ability to raise labour standards on their own. This competitive situation, however, is the very reason why labour rights have to be negotiated internationally. Existing voluntary international standards of the UN, ILO or OECD are useful but not sufficient, and trade sanctions in the WTO framework pose dangers of disguised protectionism. More promising but still imperfect avenues are Free Trade Agreements that could be used to enforce minimum ILO labour standards and transparent certifications, e.g. for fair trade products.  相似文献   

经济全球化的迅速发展 ,使企业面向更为广阔的市场 ,全球绝大多数国家实行市场经济或正向市场经济转轨 ,从某种意义上说 ,市场经济就是信用经济 ,诚实守信是每个企业得以立足发展的前提。中国企业信用建设相对于发达国家来讲是比较晚的 ,水平还比较低。信用缺失给企业、社会造成很大的损失。中国已经加入WTO ,中国国际贸易企业要走出国门立足国外 ,首先要提高信用水平 ,如何提高企业的信用水平 ,这需要每个企业、商务部、政府和国家的共同努力才能实现。  相似文献   

Consumerism only reached Seychelles after a wave of market-liberalization reforms adopted in 2008 as a response to a dire economic crisis. Consumer law is therefore only a recent phenomenon in the country. The main sources of inspiration for Seychelles legislation are the UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection, the EU Directive on unfair contract terms, and the South African Consumer Protection Act. Policy initiatives tend to be modelled either on other small island countries or on Commonwealth countries. The formal legal framework is overall modern and in line with international guidelines. However, the article identifies two sets of challenges encountered in practice. First, local standardization efforts fail to address the matter of poor-quality products entering the market, and this lack of local capacity is insufficiently complemented by reliance on international standards. Secondly, consumers seldom rely on the adjudicatory mechanism provided by consumer laws and informal settlement mechanisms are preferred, which comes at the cost of depriving consumer law operatives of precious interpretative materials, leaving areas of legal uncertainty. While policy guidance from the political sphere would be needed, it is unclear how much attention consumer matters will receive in the medium term.  相似文献   

电子商务中BtoC方式订立的电子商务合同是消费者网上购物的主要模式,这种合同其主体资格的确认,对于企业来讲较为容易,而对于消费者来说则比较困难,其要约以企业在网站做出展示为准,承诺以消费者下订单为准,合同履行地的区分以履行的标的是否为实物而有所不同。  相似文献   

随着中国企业国际化的发展,国际采购必将为中国企业国际竞争力的提高与可持续发展作出越来越重要的贡献。国际采购不仅是企业的运作职能,更是企业的战略职能。运作层次国际采购向战略层次国际采购的发展可以划分为不同阶段。本文采用案例研究方法对不同阶段中国企业国际采购的特征进行实证分析。研究结果表明,中国企业国际采购发展的初级阶段主要是追求海外供应的高质量和高技术,随着国际采购阶段的深入,中国企业国际采购能力建设将更为完善,将追求更为多样化的战略利益。中国企业国际采购所面临的硬性成本与外部障碍的重要性下降,软性成本和内部障碍越来越重要。对于国际采购发展程度较高的企业,内部障碍对企业国际采购能力建设提出了更高的要求。但软性成本的阶段性特征表现得不明显,文化与商业习惯差异是比较普遍的软性成本,其他软性成本类型主要与企业特征或行业类型有关。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,标准对国际贸易的影响效应越来越显著。传统经济学通常把标准看作技术性贸易壁垒,然而标准化的实施对国际贸易也会产生一定的正面影响。文章基此角度先将国际贸易交易过程中的交易成本进行了划分,然后从交易成本理论的角度进行分析,发现标准的实施可以克服经济主体的有限理性、改善信息的不完全性与不对称性、通过打破贸易双方之间的锁定等一系列途径,降低了国际贸易过程中的准备成本、合同成本、控制成本,进而降低交易成本,促进贸易发展。  相似文献   

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