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绿色消费行为研究的意义不仅在于揭示绿色消费行为的规律,还能为推广绿色消费行为提供有益的发展建议。计划行为理论作为研究绿色消费最基础的概念框架,具有很好的信度与效度。计划行为理论由Ajzen和Fishbein所提出来的合理行为理论演变发展而来。基于计划行为理论研究绿色消费,其研究方法先是基于计划行为理论建立模型,通过问卷调查获取样本数据,然后再利用结构方程模型等数学方法验证模型,从而得出绿色消费行为的影响因素,以期为国内的相关研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对伴随信息技术的广泛应用而出现的企业合作-竞争战略进行评述。文章以发达国家企业近年的经营实践和相关的理论发展为依据,分析了合作-竞争战略产生的基本背景,阐述了合作-竞争研究在理论基础、行为描述、结构分析等方面的发展。文章还考虑在信息革命加速的情况下,我国企业经营的信息特征、比较组织效率和成长途径可能出现的变化,探讨了合作-竞争的实践和研究对我国企业的战略意义。  相似文献   

从外部环境用内部因素的关注、从静态资源到动态能力的分析,动态竞争理论将战略研究的重点转向企业间的竞争互动,注重企业战略管理过程中的行为特征;强调企业战略管理过程中互动的动态特征。互动性、层次性、合作性及其柔性构成了战略管理的重要特征,这为企业在动态环境下构建持续竞争优势提供了一个新的战略思维模式。  相似文献   

基于消费者效用的品牌权益模型及应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
品牌权益是品牌理论的核心内容之一。本文在现有品牌权益理论的基础上,以品牌战略营销为导向。以创造品牌价值为目标。从消费者效用的角度研究了品牌权益的价值源泉。建立了基于消费者效用的品牌权益模型,探讨了品牌识别系统、品牌的感知效用空间和品牌行为及品牌竞争优势之间的内在关系,提出了建立、维持、利用和提高品牌权益的路径和方法。  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论的绿色消费行为研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色消费行为研究的意义不仅在于揭示绿色消费行为的规律,还能为推广绿色消费行为提供有益的发展建议。计划行为理论作为研究绿色消费最基础的概念框架,具有很好的信度与效度。计划行为理论由Ajzen和Fishbein所提出来的合理行为理论演变发展而来。基于计划行为理论研究绿色消费,其研究方法先是基于计划行为理论建立模型,通过问卷调查获取样本数据,然后再利用结构方程模型等数学方法验证模型,从而得出绿色消费行为的影响因素,以期为国内的相关研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

专利竞争优势的理论探源   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
目前,专利问题不再仅仅是留给律师和工程师们的技术性工作,更应成为高层经理们制定战略时考虑的关键内容,但专利战略管理的理论研究还不够深入。本文认为垄断与创新,这个专利系统不得不面临的悖论难题却使专利竞争优势具有多种租金性质和存在一定的时空范围,也造就了专利竞争的立体性、多维性和复杂性。这不仅突出了开展专利战略管理研究的必要性和重要性。也为专利的差异化战略设计提供巨大空间和丰富的理论源泉。  相似文献   

作为显示企业减碳行动的重要途径,碳信息披露有利于利益相关者掌握碳排放信息,但在缺乏统一披露框架和有效监管的情况下,企业有动力夸大碳减排信息以迎合“双碳”战略导向。本文关注到企业对外披露的减碳信息与实际减碳行动之间的差别,对碳信息披露的迎合行为开展研究。理论层面,构建企业碳信息披露决策模型,讨论“言过其实”的迎合行为对碳信息披露溢价的影响,从投资者信心和债务融资水平两个角度考察溢价损失的作用机制。实证层面,以2012—2020年发布企业社会责任报告的制造业上市公司为样本,构造迎合指数对碳信息披露的迎合行为加以识别,进而验证理论假说。结果发现:上市公司碳信息披露过程中的确存在迎合行为,此种“言过其实”的迎合行为会带来碳信息披露的溢价损失;降低投资者信心及债务融资水平,是碳信息披露“言过其实”造成溢价损失的作用机制;伴随地区人均碳排放、环境规制和投资者识别能力的不同,迎合行为的溢价损失效应有所差异;碳信息披露对同行业竞争对手存在负向溢出,能够降低竞争对手的股票回报率,迎合行为则对竞争溢出效应有抑制作用。本文的结论不仅为甄别企业碳信息披露真实性提供理论依据,而且为资本市场强化上市公司迎合行为的...  相似文献   

基于委托-代理理论分析经济适用房开发商的行为选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于委托—代理理论,分析了经济适用虏开发商的行为选择。通过分析表明,在政府监控主体缺失的情况下,开发商所选择的占优策略是违规开发。因此,为避免道德风险问题,政府主管部门应当通过制定权利和义务、责任和利益相制衡的竞争和激励约束机制,将委托人的风险不同程度的转为代理人的风险,从而规范开发商的行为。  相似文献   

随着招投标监管制度的不断完善,市场各方主体行为的不断规范,有一个统一规范、竞争有序的监管体制定会为经济发展提供优质、高效、廉洁的市场环境。  相似文献   

不完全信息与网络产业激励性规制改革   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
规制体制改革的核心是解决信息不对称下的最优激励问题,规制体制设计的关键就是要设计有效的激励合约,为企业提供适当的激励以达到成本效率,从激励角度看,价格上限规制的效率最高,竞争是重要的激励性体制,网络产业竞争体制形成的关键是约束在位运营商排斥竞争行为和建立有效的互联资费政策。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research on the economics of unions and collective bargaining, emphasizing the implications for human resource management. Research findings on the impact of unions, strategic union avoidance behavior by management, strategic use of labor law by unions and employers, and conflict and conflict resolution in labor relations are discussed. The paper highlights unexploited connections between research on unioun impact and research on strategic behavior.  相似文献   

How can executives achieve a match between expected external environmental conditions and internal organizational capabilities that facilitates improved performance? This paper argues that a firm's choice of ‘reference points’ can help achieve strategic alignment capable of yielding improved performance and potentially even a sustainable competitive advantage. Building upon prospect theory and other relevant theoretical perspectives, the strategic reference point (SRP) matrix is developed. A firm's SRP consists of three dimensions: internal capability, external conditions, and time. A theory is developed which posits an optimal SRP structure, and propositions are offered which articulate the expected relationships between the SRP, strategic choice behavior, and firm performance. The paper closes with some suggestions for using strategic reference points in both research and practice.  相似文献   

Interfirm partnering has become a familiar aspect of corporate behavior as it is found in a large number of industries with many Companies participating in strategic alliances. This paper focuses on questions that are related to market structural issues of this phenomenon in an international context. It raises the question whether alliances establish stable networks of firms, and whether market leading firms dominate the world of strategic partnering. Our contribution stresses the need for a further understanding of cooperative behavior in terms of the increase of corporate flexibility and the extension of core competences of companies.  相似文献   

Integration of various theories is essential to completely understand and explain strategic alliances in a supply chain. The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework by integrating the features of transaction cost theory, resource-based theory, contingency theory, social exchange theory, and Kelley's personal relationship theory and test the framework through empirical research. The present study addresses the impact of strategic alliance motives, environment, asset specificity, perception of opportunistic behavior, interdependence between supply chain partners, and relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes. Besides, the study has also tested the role of relational capital as a central mediating construct. A sample of 2156 companies representing different industries in manufacturing in Malaysia was selected for the distribution of questionnaire. We tested the structural model using structural equation modeling (SEM). Based on the results, we conclude the following significant relationships: (1) strategic alliance motives and perception of opportunistic behavior on interdependence and relational capital, (2) interdependence on relational capital, (3) environment on strategic alliance motives, (4) relational capital on strategic alliance outcomes, and (4) the mediating role of relational capital. The current study adds significantly to the body of knowledge on strategic alliances and can help managers identify factors that influence the success of strategic alliances and provide a proper direction to develop robust and effective collaborative relationships between supply chain partners.  相似文献   

Many studies emphasize the importance of government support in technology development. However, this study is among the first to provide empirical findings of the relevance of government roles for the performance of technology development projects. Based on earlier research and the strategic management literature, a theoretical model and hypotheses are developed to study the relevance of government roles and project teams' strategic behavior for technology development projects. Our results show that government championship is an important positive factor for the performance of technology development projects. Government championing behavior overcomes regulatory barriers, enthusiastically promotes the technology's advantages, and gets key decision makers involved. As such, government championship has more impact than government financial/technical assistance on both project performance and benefits to customers. The findings also show that both the proactiveness and defensiveness dimensions of project teams' strategic behavior contribute positively to project performance and benefits to customers. The paper concludes with implications for practice: From a policy perspective, government should extend its technology policies by taking on the role as a champion, while companies should invest in building professional relations with champions in government.  相似文献   

Research Summary: What drives middle managers to search for new strategic initiatives and champion them to top management? This behavior—labeled divergent strategic behavior—spawns emergent strategies and thereby provides one of the essential ingredients of strategic renewal. We conceptualize divergent strategic behavior as a response to performance feedback. Data from 123 senior middle managers overseeing 21 multi‐country organizations (MCOs) of a Fortune 500 firm point to social performance comparisons rather than historical comparisons in driving divergent strategic behavior. Moreover, managers’ organizational identification affects whether they attend to organizational‐ or individual‐level feedback. These results contribute to research on performance aspirations and strategy process by providing a multilevel, multidimensional framework of performance aspirations in middle management driven strategic renewal. Managerial Summary: Middle managers are essential actors in strategic renewal. Their unique positions offer insights into operations alongside knowledge of strategy. In contrast to typical assessments of managerial performance with reference to a prior year, this research shows that performance comparisons relative to peers and other organizational units better motivate managers’ divergent strategic behavior. Our results also show that managers who identify with the firm are more attentive to organizational rather than individual performance discrepancies. Thus, our study unveils an important approach for organizations aiming to spark strategic renewal.  相似文献   

西方企业普遍实行战略性慈善捐助,强调企业的慈善捐助行为与企业相关利益者利益的兼容性。迈克尔·波特将其竞争优势理论运用于企业慈善行为的分析,最终形成独树一帜的战略性企业慈善行为理论。企业慈善捐助应该以一种能增加企业资源和利润的方式来进行,这对于我国企业选择承担慈善社会责任的模式有重要启示。中国企业应增强对慈善捐助在企业发展战略中地位的认识,把履行企业慈善社会责任与企业发展战略统一起来,作为一种战略性选择。  相似文献   

This paper uses cointegration analysis to study the competitive interaction among firms within the integrated and minimill groups in the Japanese steel industry. The use of cointegration analysis overcomes some of the limitations associated with prior attempts at modeling firm behavior within groups, and allows us to model strategies that take considerable time to adjust. Results indicate that several strategies displayed slow adjustment characteristics. All of the strategies that displayed these properties were cointegrated within the group. Finally, over the long run, the rate of strategic response to ‘shocks’ in the system varied across members and strategies: some converged, while others diverged from the group relationship. We conclude by discussing the relevance of our findings to research on strategic groups and competitive dynamics among firms. Thus the paper contributes to the literature on strategic groups and competitive dynamics, and illustrates the use of cointegration analyses to study the competitive behavior of firms. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

动态环境对公司创业战略与绩效关系的调节效应研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文研究创新、冒险、先动、竞争侵略等公司创业战略倾向与绩效的关系在动态环境中的表现。研究结果显示动态环境对公司创业战略—绩效关系存在调节效应。本文在部分实证研究结果上,取得了不同于国外学者的研究结论(动态环境对于先动性与绩效的关系具有负向调节效应),这种差异性正好反映了中国转型经济环境对于公司创业战略决策和结果的影响,这对于理解、解释中国企业的创业战略决策及其绩效具有启发意义。  相似文献   

In parallel with a theoretical acceptance of the importance of the laws of competition to formulate strategy, the realization is growing that cooperative behavior among firms is at the root of many success stories in today's management. This situation calls for an effort to develop a theoretical framework to study both aspects of firm behavior (cooperative and competitive) as compatible, complementary aspects of a unique reality. Indeed, the cooperative relationships of a firm can be the source of its competitive strength. This paper develops the concept of strategic network, as a tool to understand those cooperative relationships and their role in the strategy of the firm. There are three main tasks of the paper: first, to show that strategic networks are but a ‘mode of organization’; second, to study the economic conditions of existence of a network; finally, to analyze the conditions of existence of a network from the point of view of its internal consistency. In a final section some of the most obvious strategic implications of the framework are outlined.  相似文献   

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