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面对当前金融危机的形势,产业结构的调整面临重大压力。投入产出模型是分析经济总量与产业结构之间关系的有利工具。利用投入产出模型中的经济结构系数矩阵的特征,研究出了各部门最终使用之和最大情况下的最优产业结构存在的条件.最优方向的产业结构,取决与产业结构的技术水平,即投入系数矩阵(技术系数矩阵)。并给出各个部门的总产出对最终使用的边际贡献大小,在此基础上,给出了最优产业结构下的最终使用增加向量模型,最后通过给出一个例子,说明面对当前金融危机的形势,我国产业结构的调整方向.  相似文献   

基于SDA法的能源消费影响关键要素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于投入产出结构因数分解法,本文分行业研究了影响中国能源消费的关键要素,将影响能源消费变动的因素分解为能源强度变化、技术系数变化、国内最终消费比例变化、资本形成总额比例变化、出口比例和进口比例变化以及最终需求总量变化等6个指标。研究结果显示,技术系数变化是影响中国能源需求量变动的最主要因素;能源强度变化、出口比例和进口比例变化也是影响能源消费量变动的主要因素。在影响中国能源消费变化的各行业中,电力、蒸气及水的生产和供应业,金属产品制造业等6个行业对中国能源消费具有重要影响。  相似文献   

基于投入产出方法的能源消耗强度因素模型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
能源消耗强度的影响因素可概括为结构因素和技术因素.运用投入产出方法,可以从生产的角度用产业结构和能源直接消耗技术、从使用的角度用需求结构和能源完全消耗技术建立能源消耗强度因素模型,全面地对能源消耗强度进行因素分析.在实际应用中,还需要在投入产出方法的基础上进行改进和补充,构造实用的和扩展的能源消耗强度因素模型并进行因素分析.  相似文献   

投入产出生态占用模型及在中国的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为可持续发展测度的指标之一,生态占用模型衡量了支持既定人口现有资源消费水平所必须的土地面积。投入产出分析的引入,弥补了生态占用模型在区分中间投入和最终使用、反映产业间联系结构、识别环境影响发生的真实位置等方面的不足。本文讨论了投入产出生态占用模型与传统生态占用模型间的内在联系,并对模型内组分生成的相关方法进行了比较和分析。最后,应用中国2002年投入产出数据进行实证分析,估算了国内最终使用、出口、进口各项在土地占用和能源占用中的影响。结果表明:中国是土地占用的净进口国和能源占用的净出口国,但进出口影响很小。土地占用中,第一产业占用最多,第二产业和第三产业以间接占用为主。能源占用中,第二产业占用最多,第三产业以间接占用为主.  相似文献   

面对中美贸易摩擦、俄乌冲突等外部冲击,全球价值链断裂风险增加,中国开始更多地谋求国内大循环的发展,这深刻地影响了能源的消费和利用。首先运用省份嵌入全球的投入产出模型从最终需求来源地的角度构建了国内价值链嵌入指标,以测算各省份-行业参与国内价值链循环的程度;然后基于2002—2017年中国30个省份13个制造业的三维数据,采用高维固定效应模型实证研究了国内价值链嵌入对能源效率的影响和作用机制。研究表明,国内价值链嵌入显著抑制了能源效率,这一结论在考虑替换变量、改变聚类标准误、剔除样本极端值、使用工具变量等因素后仍成立。异质性检验表明,在低污染行业、高技术行业、2008年之前、沿海地区,国内价值链嵌入对能源效率的负向影响均更加明显。机制分析表明,国内价值链嵌入对产业结构和生产率产生了不利影响,从而抑制了能源效率提升。因此,要优化国内价值链产业布局,提高各环节的分工合作水平,推动能源技术的研发应用。  相似文献   

在构建的结构分解模型中将海洋渔业捕捞量变动分解为资源消耗强度变动效应、经济技术系数变动效应、最终需求水平变动效应、最终需求系数变动效应和最终需求分布变动效应等。根据山东省1997年和2007年的投入产出表提供的数据,运用构建的模型对该省近十年的海洋鱼类、软体动物和甲壳动物等三类海洋渔业资源捕捞量变动的因素分解效应进行了分析。结果表明:海洋渔业资源捕捞量下降与资源消耗强度变动效应、经济技术变动效应正相关,而与最终需求变动效应负相关;最终需求水平变动、最终需求系数变动和最终需求分布变动对三类渔业资源需求量变动均具有增量化作用,其中最终需求水平变动的增量化作用最明显;不论是减量化作用,还是增量化作用,鱼类资源需求的五类变动效应最为明显;经济技术变动效应的六部门分解效应中,工业部门的减量化作用最为明显,渔业和服务业部门的增量化作用最为明显。  相似文献   

基于最终需求视角分析中国经济增长的动力来源,可以为中国经济发展模式转变提供新的思路。本文利用国家统计局的投入产出数据,使用非竞争型投入产出模型,对1987—2007年间中国经济增长的动因进行了系统分析。结果表明:(1)包括消费、投资及出口在内的最终需求对于我国经济的拉动效果呈现下降趋势,当前经济的生产诱发效果重心主要在工业部门,且迅速地从轻工业向重工业转移;(2)1987—2007年间中国经济的依存结构发生了本质变化,经历了从"内需依存型"向"出口导向型"转变;(3)中国经济增长主要来源于最终需求的拉动,但动力来源结构在此期间发生了根本性的变化。最后,本文结合实证分析结果对中国经济发展方式转变提供了相关建议。  相似文献   

谭娟  陈鸣 《经济学家》2015,(2):72-81
国际贸易隐含碳测算是调整能源消费与贸易结构、提高能源使用效率的重要依据。本文基于WIOD数据库非竞争型投入产出表,采用多区域投入产出(MRIO)模型对中国与欧盟直接进出口以及中国从欧盟进口加工再出口商品的隐含碳总量进行了测算,并利用指数分解法(LMDI)对影响中国出口欧盟隐含碳总量的出口规模、出口结构、能源结构、能源消耗效率以及生产技术五类效应进行了分析。通过对1995—2011年的数据测算表明,中国对欧贸易的进出口隐含碳总量跨期增幅明显,且出口远高于进口。在效应方面,能源结构、出口规模要素与隐含碳排放呈稳定的正相关,生产技术要素与之呈稳定的负相关。大幅提高生产技术,优化贸易、能源消费结构是降低中国对欧贸易隐含碳的必要手段。  相似文献   

投入产出方法作为一种经验研究方法被大量用于实际经济问题的分析,但是模型假定与方法性质的理解却是合理使用投入产出方法的前提。投入产出模型的突出特点表现为以生产为中心、结构性和方法的系统性。投入产出需求拉动的数量模型和成本推动的价格模型构成了其核心分析框架,两类模型都是以生产为中心;数量模型和价格模型所体现的产业间相互影响不仅包括直接联系,也包括间接联系,从而具有结构性特征。从系统性来看,这一分析框架以生产为核心形成模型的内生边界,并可以进一步对内生边界和概念进行调整;此外,通过引入分配系数建立供给驱动模型,以及与优化模型相结合扩展为广义投入产出模型体系,构成系统性的分析框架。为此,本文从投入产出模型的基本性质出发,对投入产出方法结构性的内涵、模型系统内生边界的划分和调整、需求拉动和供给推动模型体系的对称性,以及广义投入产出体系的对偶性等若干基本问题展开充分讨论,由此提出笔者对投入产出方法性质的思考。  相似文献   

"3E"系统模型强调社会发展系统中能源、经济、环境三个子系统之间综合平衡与协调发展。我国工业化经济的发展带来能源生产与消费需求的增加,然而不合理的能源生产与消费结构,以及能源利用的低效率,却导致我国环境污染和生态系统失衡。文章在分析我国能源生产与消费现状的基础上,提出能源生产与消费模式的改进措施,以期促进能源-经济-环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

The (physical) output adjustment model and the price adjustment model are presented. By the two models we quantitatively analyze the influences of alterations of one sectoral (physical) gross output and of one sectoral price on another sectoral (physical) gross output and on another sectoral price, respectively. Hence, a basic nature of the Ghosh inverse and a fundamental character of the monetary Leontief inverse are obtained. The proposition that a matrix of intermediate output (input) coefficients alters if the vector of output (price) adjustment coefficients is nontrivial holds, if and only if this matrix is C-irreducible. It is impossible that (i) the adaptation of output system causes all sectoral final output rates (or input multipliers) either to rise or to fall collectively, or (ii) an adjustment of price system causes all sectoral value-added rates (or output multipliers) either to increase or to decrease jointly. However, maybe (i) a change of output system enables some sectoral final output rates (or input multipliers) to rise (fall) and all others to be constant, and (ii) an alteration of price system enables some sectoral value-added rates (or output multipliers) to increase (decrease) and all others to be fixed, whose necessary and sufficient condition is that the matrix of intermediate output (or input) coefficients has at least one non-final (or non-initial) class. The proposition that the vector of final output rates (or input multipliers) changes if the vector of output adjustment coefficients is nontrivial is true, if and only if the matrix of intermediate output coefficients has only one final class. The proposition that the vector of value-added rates (or output multipliers) alters if the vector of price adjustment coefficients is nontrivial holds, if and only if the matrix of intermediate input coefficients has only one initial class. The necessary and sufficient conditions and the matching economic explanations for possibility and uniqueness of the economic adjustment that enables (i) all sectors to have a uniform final output rate (or input multiplier), and (ii) all sectors to have the same value-added rate (or output multiplier) are respectively given. I would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

本文根据新古典资本需求理论和实际余额效应理论建立了一个包含投资需求和投资效率的前瞻性泰勒规则模型,并构造了一个反映企业投融资需求状况的企业综合状况指数,将其引入扩展的前瞻性泰勒规则模型,然后从宏观和行业两个层面对加入企业综合状况指数的前瞻性泰勒规则进行了检验和比较。研究发现:(1)前瞻性利率传导的企业资产负债表渠道基本有效,短期名义利率对于超过80%行业的企业综合状况指数缺口的反应系数显著,但对不同行业的反应差异较大;(2)短期利率对企业综合状况的反应系数较小,而对通胀缺口和产出缺口的反应系数相对较高,显示货币当局调整利率可能更多的是针对通胀缺口和产出缺口反应;(3)货币政策对资产价格“反应不足”,其对股价的反应系数非常小,对房价的反应系数不显著。  相似文献   

Input–output analysis is usually based on tables of accounts expressed in uniform monetary or physical units. However, from a process system modelling perspective, tables of accounts in sector specific units may be more useful for evaluating the effectiveness of new production technologies on reducing pollutant emissions. Using the sector specific unit conceptualization of an IO table, one can consider the effect of changes in direct input coefficients for a particular sector on the complete set of total input coefficients independently from the other direct input coefficients. A process system modelling based method for calculating the total industrial outputs from a new technology matrix together with the new relative prices for each sector output is presented. The method is then used to study the effect of technology changes in the steel making industry in Liaoning Province, China on prices and pollutant emissions.  相似文献   

This study uses a model with explicit energy sector linkages to estimate the macroeconomic impacts of the 1986 collapse in energy prices. The model combines features of neoclassical macroeconomics to estimate final demand spending and of general equilibrium analysis to estimate substitution possibilities. The model allows price and wage rigidities yet permits interfuel and input substitutions. The simulation results suggest three conclusions. First, the most significant macroeconomic impact of the 1986 oil price reduction is the sharp drop in inflation. Second, output and employment gains are relatively small due to the sharp drop in energy sector output. Finally, the estimated gain in real output due to lower energy prices is close to the output loss resulting from the trade deficit increase during 1986. This may be one reason why no substantial increase in economic growth occurred following the 1986 collapse in energy prices.  相似文献   

《Economic Modelling》1986,3(3):175-196
This paper reports on a macroeconomic model of Korea. The model consists of markets for output, prices and labour, the balance of payments and money, and emphasizes in its structure the openness of the economy. A complete listing of the model equations and statistics of its performance are presented. The paper then discusses both the external and internal policy impacts on main domestic economic conditions, on the basis of the multipliers obtained for changes in fiscal, monetary, exchange rate policy instruments and changes in foreign economic activity and interest rates.  相似文献   

In most nations, paths of monetary aggregates and prices consistently depart from stationary trends. This paper shows that this is a fundamental implication when monetary authorities of interdependent countries seek to smooth their home output and prices in the presence of incomplete world output-market integration and structural asymmetries. Using a two-country model with interdependent output supply schedules, we show that this conclusion holds whether the exchange rate floats or is fixed. It also holds if monetary policies are coordinated. Therefore, optimal monetary policy choices by central banks yield stationary paths for money and prices only under very specific conditions.  相似文献   

A small macroeconometric model designed to analyse the major macroeconomic aggregates in the open economy of Greece is presented. The specification of the model is based on the assumptions of the ‘Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate determination’. Also, it contains an Expectations Augmented Phillips Curve and consists of seven equations. The empirical findings suggest that for the period 1954–81, the Greek economy did not behave consisently with the particular theoretical or other persuasion model. However, the empirical model tracks reasonbly well the historical values of the endogenous variables and it captures the cyclical behaviour of the economy. The evidence suggests that monetary policy had no significant influence on output growth with its role being confined on determining the balance of payments. On the contrary, fiscal policy played a dominant role in output determination and prices variation.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable economic growth is closely linked with the agricultural growth. This is especially true in the context of under-developed countries. Pakistan is a typical under-developed country that has huge labor force employed in conventional rural economy and more than half of the population relies on agriculture for subsistence. The study examines the agricultural growth through developing a model using the data from agricultural sector of Pakistan for the period 1972–2010. The model is primarily based on input–output reduced form structural equations approach. It is then estimated by GMM, validated and used for deterministic simulation analyses. Finally the validated model is used to critically analyze the impact of fiscal, monetary and energy policies on the agricultural output. We conluded that recent fiscal and monetary policies should be continued, while the energy policy needs to be modified in order to improve the agricultural GDP and reduce the rural poverty situation in the country.  相似文献   

The authors consider a model with two final goods, one intermediate good, and two primary factors. One final good and the intermediate good are produced using primary factors, labor and capital. The other final good is produced using labor and the intermediate input. Producers of the second final good exert oligopsonistic market power on the intermediate input, which captures real world phenomena prevalent in the food processing and other manufacturing industries. If the capital/labor ratio in one final‐good sector is in between those of the intermediate‐input sector and the combined intermediate‐input and the other final‐product sectors, and if the oligopsony power is sufficiently large, the model generates results that are not adherent to the standard two‐sector Heckscher–Ohlin model. Results that deviate from the H–O model include the relationships between factor prices and commodity prices, the price–output effect, tangency between the price line and the PPF, and the curvature of the PPF.  相似文献   

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