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Because the U.S. Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is at the center of the world dollar standard, it has a first-order impact on global financial stability. However, except during international crises, the Fed focuses on domestic American economic indicators and generally ignores collateral damage from its monetary policies on the rest of the world. Currently, ultra-low interest rates on short-term dollar assets ignite waves of hot money into Emerging Markets (EM) with convertible currencies. When each EM central bank intervenes to prevent its individual currency from appreciating, collectively they lose monetary control, inflate, and cause an upsurge in primary commodity prices internationally. These bubbles burst when some accident at the center, such as a banking crisis, causes a return of the hot money to the United States (and to other industrial countries) as commercial banks stop lending to foreign exchange speculators. World prices of primary products then collapse. African countries with exchange controls and less convertible currencies are not so attractive to currency speculators. Thus, they are less vulnerable than EM to the ebb and flow of hot money. However, African countries are more vulnerable to cycles in primary commodity prices because food is a greater proportion of their consumption, and—being less industrialized—they are more vulnerable to fluctuations in prices of their commodity exports. Supply-side shocks, such as a crop failure anywhere in the world, can affect the price of an individual commodity. But joint fluctuations in the prices of all primary products—minerals, energy, cereals, and so on—reflect monetary conditions in the world economy as determined by the ebb and flow of hot money from the United States, and increasingly from other industrial countries with near-zero interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of commodity own rates of interest in intertemporal analysis of consumer behaviour and presents a disaggregate analysis of intertemporal substitution in commodity demand and consumption. Commodity rates of interest are defined from the Euler equations implied by the intertemporal consumer choice problem. The relationship between commodity own rates and the real interest rate is derived, and the conditions for equality of commodity own rates are discussed. The intertemporal commodity substitution elasticities are characterised using commodity rates of interest, and the intertemporal substitution elasticity of consumption is derived from its constituent commodity demands. Evidence from estimation of the demand system and the consumption function reveals high intertemporal substitution for consumer goods as well as consumption.  相似文献   

通货膨胀目标制的理论基础直接来源于魏克赛尔的累积过程理论。央行的利率政策不但会影响一般价格的上涨,而且会导致资产价格出现泡沫。现时的房产价格与未来的产出和通货膨胀关系密切,应该在CPI中给予一定的权重。低利率、低通胀和资产价格膨胀共存并不意味着累积过程理论失效,而是因为其反馈机制和通胀度量出现了问题。  相似文献   

We explain periods of financial instability following drastic policy shifts within a Hayekian framework. Hayek emphasized that prices, established via the market process, help market participants to form coherent expectations about the future and coordinate plans with one another. In this paper, we elaborate on how policy shifts may undermine planning based on price signals and exacerbate uncertainty about the future, which can contribute to financial instability. Based on our postulated framework, we clarify how financial liberalization in the 1980s/1990s and the recent discretionary monetary policies in the advanced economies may have contributed to recurring episodes of financial instability in emerging markets. In particular, this paper provides an explanation for (1) why we observe financial instability mainly shortly following financial liberalization, and (2) why financial developments in the emerging markets are sensitive to unexpected monetary policy changes in the advanced countries in the current zero‐interest rate environment.  相似文献   

美元本位制、美元霸权与美国金融危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美元本位制下,美元霸权表现为中心一外围框架体系.在该体系下,中心国美国与外围国家的权益和义务不对称,地位不对等,而且框架体系本身具有内在的不相容性,这些特征决定了美元本位制的内在脆弱性,由此也使美国落入美元本位制的陷阱,造成美国国内利率下降、消费信用过度扩张、制造业陷入衰退等经济失衡,最后当信用泡沫破灭时,金融危机爆发.  相似文献   

This paper provides a survey of a range of issues involved in the analysis of primary commodity prices and the terms of trade. Particular emphasis is placed upon the long-run behaviour of the terms of trade between primary commodities and manufactures and the paper presents some new evidence regarding the long-run behaviour of Australia's terms of trade.  相似文献   

This paper examines a number of issues concerning the determination of short-term real interest rates. We include actual inflation and several measures of expected inflation in order to determine whether empirical results are sensitive to the choice of the inflation variable. The results strongly suggest that the estimated coefficients are unaffected by the choice of the interest rate variable and, implicitly, the inflation variable. Deficits are not found to have a positive effect on all measures of the dependent variable, while increases in the real money supply and the inflation variables depress real interest rates. [311]  相似文献   

We study the transitional dynamics of financial integration in emerging economies using a two‐sector model with a collateral constraint on external debt and trading costs incurred by foreign investors. The probability of a financial crisis displays overshooting; it rises sharply initially and then falls sharply, but remains non‐zero in the long run. While equity holdings fall permanently, bond holdings initially fall, but rise after the probability of a crisis peaks. Conversely, asset returns and asset prices first rise and then fall. These results are in line with the post‐globalization dynamics observed in emerging markets, and the higher frequency of crises that they display.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of interest rates on city‐specific house price to household income ratios is important for managing local housing markets. In particular, there is concern that keeping interest rates at sufficiently low levels can distort the relationship between local house prices and fundamentals. We use house price to income ratios across capital cities in Australia to investigate this issue and show that there is a national interest rate ‘transition’ point below which housing dynamics can become unstable. This result lends support to the presence of a duration‐dependent threshold effect (hitherto mainly explored in theoretical models).  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

服务外包是美国经济的重要组成部分。2008年以来,受金融危机的影响,美国服务外包呈现一定的下降趋势,但同时仍然保持比较稳定的发展,在市场动荡和新一轮产业升级和调整中孕育新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of global financial conditions, U.S. macroeconomic news and domestic fundamentals on the evolution of EMBI spreads for a panel of 18 emerging market (EM) countries using daily data. To this end, we consider not only the conventional panel cointegration procedures but also the recent common correlated effects method to tackle cross-section dependence that may stem from common global shocks such as contagion. The results suggest that the long-run evolution of EMBI spreads depends on global financial conditions, crises contagion and domestic fundamentals proxied by sovereign ratings. The results from panel equilibrium correction models suggest that EMBI spreads respond substantially also to U.S. macroeconomic news and changes in the Federal Reserve's target interest rates. The magnitude and the sign of the effect of the U.S. news, however, crucially depend on the state of the U.S. economy, such as the presence of inflation dominance.  相似文献   

中国是世界上最大的新兴市场国家之一,研究新兴市场公众公司财务报告架构改革与发展的经验和教训,能够为中国提供有益的启示。本主要探讨新兴市场的公众公司财务报告架构及其改革问题,并在此基础上概括和总结来自新兴市场公众公司财务报告架构及其改革方面的启示。  相似文献   

Under mild assumptions, the data indicate that fluctuations in nominal interest rate differentials across currencies are primarily fluctuations in time-varying risk. This finding is an immediate implication of the fact that exchange rates are roughly random walks. If most fluctuations in interest differentials are thought to be driven by monetary policy, then the data call for a theory which explains how changes in monetary policy change risk. Here, we propose such a theory based on a general equilibrium monetary model with an endogenous source of risk variation—a variable degree of asset market segmentation.  相似文献   

当前我国经济运行情况以及面临的问题 过去的一年里,我国经济保持了稳定增长的态势,在全球经济特别是关、日和欧三大经济体同时陷入衰退的情况下,2001年我国国内生产总值达到95800多亿元,同比增长率为7.3%。更令人感到鼓舞的是,中国在2001年加入WTO,正式成为世界贸易组织的一员,中国的对外开放进入了一个新的阶段。 但在成功数字的外表下,我们还应该看到中国经济的一些问题以及在2002年可能遇到或者已经遇到的一些难题。2001年中国经济增长前高后低,四个季度的经济增长一路滑坡,前3个季度的增长速度分别是8.1%、7.8%和7%,第4季度GDP增长也很难达到7%,11月份居民消费价格总水平比去年同月下降3%,又面临通货紧缩的威胁。2001年的经济增长,主要是由国内投资和消费需求的增长拉动的。由于国际经济严重衰退,一方面,我国出口增速下降,大约在6%左右,净出口减少,对经济增长的贡献度为负值;另一方面,促使外资流入加快,实际利用外资增长近20%,减弱了出口下降的影响。……  相似文献   

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