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The 2011 Global Economic Crime Survey instituted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) confirms the economic crime in Malaysia to be on the increase and, therefore, requires immediate attention to stem the tides. In anticipation of the challenges occasioned due to a shift from the modified cash basis to the accrual basis of accounting, the Malaysian State's determination to move from a developing nation to a developed nation, and to be ranked among the first 10 in 2020, this paper presents the need for forensic accountant and auditor capability (i.e., mindset and skills) on forensic accountant and auditor competence (i.e., task performance fraud risk assessment (TPFRA)) in the Malaysian public sector. It also draws the attention of the users of public sector accountants and auditors to the understanding of fraud mechanisms and how to deal with fraudsters. The population of this study comprised the accountants and auditors in the office of the Accountant General and Auditor General of Malaysia. The objective of this paper is to investigate the competence requirements of accountants and auditors in the effective and efficient utilization of capability requirements, which have the potentials to usher in the best global practices in fighting fraud in the Malaysian public sector.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, in the current period, public investment plays an important role in the improvement of technical infrastructure systems, economic and social development of motivation to promote national development. However, the question is how to ensure that these sources of funds are used most effectively in terms of limited resources. In this article, the author would like to emphasize the critical role of the state auditor which is not only in the transparency of information, in enhancing the trust of the citizens, but also in providing important and reliable information to the public sector agencies, units, investors, and people in the society. From that, it could help to serve the management and administration of revenues and expenditures of the state budget as well as reasonably and efficiently using financial resources and assets. In case of perfectly conducting those tasks, they will contribute the power to the economy, fight corruption as loss or waste, and detect and prevent violations of law; improve the efficient use of the budget, the money, and property of the state; and serve effectively for the operation of the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels of the implementation and monitoring function to decide important issues of national and local governments. With the above information, these matters in Vietnam will be solved through this paper that consists of five parts: (1) the basics about the current public investment in Vietnam; (2) the role of state auditing in improving performance management and monitoring of investment; (3) the limitations of state auditing in public investment; (4) many solutions to promote the role of state auditing in improving the effective investment activities; and (5) conclusion.  相似文献   

This study attempts to examine the relationship among ethical climate, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention in the context of the Malaysian external auditor's work environment. The questionnaire is sent to a sample of external auditors from Malaysian Big Four (Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), Ernst and Young, Deloitte KassimChan, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)) main offices. There are 167 useable responses. The regression results have provided evidence that ethical climate is directly, significantly, and positively associated with job satisfaction. In contrast, ethical climate appeared not to be directly related with external auditor's turnover intention. Both job satisfaction and organizational commitment were identified as significant predictors in explaining turnover intention, since they had a significant and negative effect on external auditor's turnover intention. This study also implied that job satisfaction had a significant effect on organizational commitment. Furthermore, the findings revealed that organizational commitment partially mediated the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The results extend the literature on external auditor's turnover intention and provide insights for human resource management in accurately assessing employee's turnover intention in order to improve retention and reduce actual turnover particularly in audit firms.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the relationship between audit committee attributes (audit committee independence, financial expertise, meeting frequency, gender diversity, and ethnic composition) and the propensity for fraudulent financial reporting. The sample includes 116 fraudulent and non-frandulent firms listed on Bursa Malaysia from 2005 to 2010. The finding of this study indicates that audit committee independence is positively associated with fraudulent financial reporting. The higher the proportion of independent or outside directors on the committee, the higher the possibility of financial fraud, and vice versa. The results also show that the expertise of members of the audit committee is negatively associated with corporate fraud. This suggests that when audit committee members are financially literate, they are more competent to curb fraudulent financial reporting. However, the findings for frequency of audit committee meetings, gender, and ethnicity show that there is no relationship between these variables and corporate fraud. The result of this study is robust after controlling for other firm-specific effects.  相似文献   

王磊  张海晓  姜力琳 《价值工程》2009,28(7):158-160
随着审计不断发展,审计重要性逐步引起人们重视。重要性水平的应用贯穿于整个审计过程始终,对于科学地制定审计计划、确定抽查的样本规模和提出审计评价意见都有重要影响。如何恰当理解和应用重要性水平对于提高审计效率、防范审计风险至关重要。在审计过程中,能否做到合理地确定审计的重要性水平,直接关系到审计是否能够得以顺利地实施。  相似文献   

构建一套公共工程绩效审计评价指标体系直接关系到政府投资公共工程绩效审计的监管效率与审计质量的提高.在对公共工程绩效审计评价理论进行分析并借鉴国内外相关研究成果的基础上,15个由多维度层级结构组成的公共工程绩效审计评价初始变量指标得以提出.通过预测试与先导性测试,筛选出绩效审计评价指标,最终指标变量被确立.评价模型建立在对数据验证性与探索性因子分析的基础上.实证结果表明,所设计的评价指标具有良好信度和效度,评价模型具有较好拟合优度.  相似文献   

通过对2001年—2009年中国首次公开发行证券的审计相关数据进行模型检验后发现,在中国首次公开发行证券的审计中,行业专门化的审计师通过实施差异化的竞争战略获取审计收费溢价,进而获得超额利润,行业专门化的发展道路可以成为会计师事务所行之有效的一种竞争战略。  相似文献   

绩效审计实施瓶颈、技术支撑与治理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新旧世纪之交的公共管理改革呈现出以绩效为重心的演进趋势,绩效审计广泛活跃在世界各国的政治、经济和社会生活之中,并逐渐成为全球政府审计的一种潮流和发展方向。基于理论研究现状薄弱与审计报告结果缺陷,解析转型期绩效审计实施瓶颈,进而研究绩效审计技术支撑与治理机制,将有利于渐进式改革的有序推进。  相似文献   

审计制度自身的缺陷以及注册会计师的不恰当行为是导致审计失败的内部根源,被审计方和证券市场监管方存在的问题是造成审计失败的深层次原因。文章指出,应强化注册会计师职业道德教育,实现审计市场与会计市场分离,完善上市公司法人治理结构等对策,规避注册会计师审计失败。  相似文献   

内部审计模式经历了控制基础审计、流程基础审计、风险基础审计、风险管理基础审计等发展阶段。本文认为,追溯内部审计模式的历史演进,分析各类审计模式的产生背景,寻求推动其发展的动因,对于我国内部审计模式的跨越式发展将会产生积极的效应。  相似文献   

公共工程投资绩效的审计评价是一个多因素综合的过程。以公共工程投资项目的基本特征为出发点,构建公共工程投资绩效评价指标体系,并通过引入专家可信度的非线性优化层次分析法确定各指标所占权重,综合运用多层次灰色模糊评判方法对公共工程投资绩效进行全面审计评价,既拓展了政府绩效审计理论研究,也是一揽子计划中财政政策实施效果评价在理论上的新尝试。  相似文献   

持续审计是信息时代审计方法的创新,持续审计与传统审计的根本差异体现在审计时间上,同时持续审计也体现了对传统审计理论的促进和发展。鉴于此,文章通过对持续审计与传统审计的比较分析,归纳持续审计的特征,为持续审计在国内的研究和应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文立足于我国新兴资本市场中上市公司自愿接受中期财务报告审计这一独特的典型现象,借助于深圳证券市场的经验数据,以“审计需求动因”为理论基础,尝试通过构建经验模型,分析自愿接受中期财务报告审计的企业所具备的公司治理特征。本文采取Spearman描述性统计和Logit回归分析方法进行研究,研究发现资产负债率和资产收益率显著影响是否自愿接受中期财务报告的审计,独立董事比例、第一大股东持股比例及控股如否、管理层持股比例、两职合一以及股权制衡因素影响均不显著。  相似文献   

从科学的高度剖析政府审计,以受托责任理论为切入点,利用审计的三方关系构建政府审计理论框架,是政府审计理论研究的突破口。政府审计是基于受托责任产生的,在政府审计中也存在着审计委托人、审计人和被审计人三方之间的关系,这个关系是政府审计的本质体现,也是政府审计理论框架构建的逻辑基础和科学基础。基于受托责任构建的政府审计理论,有利于调整审计人在关系中的定位,对审计实务具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

For a long time, Vietnam has modifications in all aspects in the society. For many years, Vietnam has improved features in administrative works as well as in different areas, such as public administration, finance, and accounting In the accounting content, budget accounting is an important thing which is worth noting. However, along with the achievements, Vietnam is also facing a number of limitations to be overcome for ensuring transparency in the state budget. Since then, the main purpose of the article is to provide a general picture of budget accounting in Vietnam and what has not been done through finding the relationships with budget regulations and international public sector accounting. The results showed that Vietnam will transform and issue the new law on budget and build up a new model for controlling information published by data accounting system in the future.  相似文献   

The objective of improving the state accounting system is to build a state accounting system based on a single and complete database which is applied uniformly across all public authorities and agencies from central to local. Such an accounting system must ensure a reliable and smooth flow of information among all the entities that take part in the preparation, allocation, execution, and finalization of the state budget. In order to improve the quality of financial information, to harmonize, and to develop accounting profession globally, the trend of international economic integration requires the standardization of accounting legislative framework among countries and first of all, the harmonization and unification of the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of financial information. Financial statements of each business in the private sector and financial statements of the government in the public sector in different countries should be transparent and presented in accordance with the accounting standards and principles and in line with international practices so that the financial information will be able to be compared and evaluated. Therefore, financial statements of each entity in the public sector and the consolidated financial statements of public sector entities issued by the government in different countries must be prepared and presented in a unified form to suit the international public sector accounting standards. Accordingly, with the application of the interview method in research, the main objective of this article is to focus on searching for the bases and consideration for the application of international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam in current conditions. This article consists of eight sections: (1) what are international public sector accounting standards? (2) accounting entities of the public sector; (3) the limitations of current public sector accounting in Vietnam; (4) financial information to meet the requirements of state management and to comply with international practices; (5) the advantages of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (6) the difficulties and challenges of applying international public sector accounting standards in Vietnam; (7) learning experiences from other countries; and (8) conclusion.  相似文献   

内部审计风险具有客观性、特殊性、隐蔽性、持久性和可控性特征,其形成原因包括主观原因与客观原因。要防范内部审计风险,需要从提高内审人员综合素质、更新内部审计技术和方法、提高内部审计机构独立性、改善微观环境和完善内部审计规章制度五个方面入手。  相似文献   

内部审计在防范会计舞弊中的有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,会计舞弊案件的大量增加,注册会计师越来越多的被卷入法律诉讼,由此极大地动摇了公众对注册会计师审计的信心;而美国世界通信公司会计舞弊案的发现,引起了世界各国政府对内部审计查错防弊职能的关注。本文通过对我国会计舞弊的特点和动因分析,重新探讨了内部审计对防范会计舞弊的有效性,并在此基础上对内部审计在防范会计舞弊中的对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

This paper acquaints readers with the practice of effectiveness evaluation in the public sector. The purpose of this paper is to study performance measurement according to the changes in public sector reform by focusing on performance-based budgeting in Russia. This paper suggests that the construction process of performance measurement should be aligned with outputs and outcomes of budget policy. The main research materials for this paper are based on data from a survey and follow-up interviews of budgetary managers and accountants. The survey result sets priorities and weighted some indicators to the measurement of effectiveness in the public sector. The data of this study were not large, but the study led to understanding how effectiveness is seen by budgetary managers and how measurement systems should be structured. Texts and contents from different sources such as financial annual reports and budgetary entities' websites provided insightful and interesting findings.  相似文献   

国家审计信息产品属性分为纯公共产品、准公共产品和私人产品,它们在一定条件下相互转化.纯公共产品审计信息的价格为税收.在准公共产品审计信息中,依照申请人要求而公开的审计信息的价格为收费;其他审计信息没有价格.在私人产品审计信息中,二次开发的审计信息的价格为市价;其他审计信息没有价格.国家审计信息的最优公开范围为纳税的边际成本等于边际收益.  相似文献   

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