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We study the general equilibrium effects of land taxation on economic growth by extending the model developed by Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) to an endogenous growth model, where land is used not only as an input of production but also as collateral. Land taxation tends to hamper economic growth through the credit-contraction effect, but the overall direction on economic growth depends on the redistribution scheme of the tax revenue. Surprisingly, we show that if the tax revenue is fully refunded to entrepreneurs, the economy grows faster than a no-taxation economy. We calibrate our model and show that if taxation on land is raised by 1 percent, the land price initially falls by approximately 9.09 percent, while the economy grows faster by 0.6%.  相似文献   

社会信用与经济增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、良好的信用能促进经济增长和社会发展 最近全国都在谈论信用问题,企业界、学术界、政府、团体都在谈这个问题.为什么那么重要?大家看一看,由于诚信问题造成的损失有多大.最近我看了有位经济学家算了一笔帐,由于欠款,赖帐,由于假冒伪劣,由于不能按时交货,或者交货不付款,由于三角债等,这些直接造成的损失巨大,间接损失那就更大.有许多的生意人愿意跟外国人打交道,不敢与国内打交道,本国的市场太不可靠了,这样做生意的范围就变小了;还有因为各种不信用造成的各种法律纠纷,人事纠纷也都是花钱的,我估计整个的损失加起来相当我们国民生产总值的10%.换句话讲,我们有10%的财富,由于诚信上出问题给浪费掉了.如果我们在诚信上解决问题,我们就可以增加10%经济增长率,我们不用多劳动,不用多干活,10%就出来了.我们现在经济增长只有百分之几,如果我们讲好诚信,就有百分之十几的增长.这就说明诚信问题在经济增长中是举足轻重的因素.  相似文献   

This article investigates the macroeconomic effects of unionization in a Schumpeterian growth model with an endogenous product market structure and a unionized labor market. The endogeneity of the market structure and the trade unionism of the labor market interact and jointly determine the equilibrium unemployment, firm size, number of firms, economic growth, and distribution of income between workers and firms. We show that unionization governs the distribution of income between workers and firms and the unemployment rate, but it does not give rise to any growth effect on the economy. In addition, unionization discourages potential entrants and hence decreases the equilibrium number of firms. These results echo the empirical observation in the sense that unionization raises unemployment and alters the distribution of income between workers and firms, but it does not give rise to a significant, real impact on the firms’ investment and the economy‐wide growth.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(8):1119-1130
Recent analyses have established that there are significant costs as well as benefits to issuing indexed bonds. An assessment of the desirability of indexing hasproven to be clusive, perhaps because of the complexity involved in formulating the (presumably government) preferences by which indexing is to be evaluated and in ascertaining the optimal government policy with which to accompany indexing. This paper develops a general framework for examining indexed bonds. The envelope theorem is exploited to derive a convenient representation of the effects of indexing. The crucial elements in evaluating indexed bonds are the relative desirabilities of transferring purchasing power to the government and reducing consumer liquidity. The greater is the relative importance placed on the former, the more likely are the effects of indexed bonds to be favorably evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term relationship between financial market development and economic development in Belgium. We use a new data set of stock market development indicators to argue that financial market development substantially affected economic growth. We find strong evidence that stock market development caused economic growth in Belgium, especially in the period between 1873 and 1935. Institutional changes affecting the stock exchange explain the time-varying nature of the link between stock market development and economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the existence of a threshold level for inflation and how any such level affects the growth of Asian economies. We use a dynamic panel threshold growth regression, which allows for fixed effects and endogeneity. We observe a nonlinear relationship between inflation and economic growth for 32 Asian countries over the period 1980–2009. We detect an inflation threshold of approximately 5.43%, at a 1% level of significance. We find that inflation hurts growth when it exceeds 5.43% but has no effect below this level. Different estimation methods determine that the effect of inflation on growth is robust. Our findings may be useful to central banks as a guide for inflation targeting.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether Asian banks are still prone to moral hazard in the aftermath of the 1997 Asian crisis. Using a sample of commercial banks from 12 Asian countries during the 2001–2007 period, our empirical findings highlight that greater market power in the banking market results in higher instability. Although banks are better capitalized in less competitive markets their default risk remains higher. A deeper investigation however shows that such behaviour is dependent on the economic environment. Higher economic growth contributes to neutralize greater risk taking and higher instability in less competitive markets.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of housing prices using the province-level panel data that covers all the regions in China for the period 1999–2015. The bank credit is the primary determinant of housing prices. Remarkably, a one-percentage-point increase in the growth of bank credit leads to a subsequent appreciation in the growth of the housing price by 0.281 %. The sensitivity of bank credit varies across subcategories of buildings, and between the province-level analysis and the city-level analysis.  相似文献   

对处于同一平台的各级政府而言,要在国际国内竞争中取胜,就必须进行政府层面的立体创新,彻底改变计划经济体制下开成的行政型、经验型、粗放型管理模式,使之真正向市场化、知识化、集约化方向发展,实现政府综合管理体系的现代化、树立诚信政府的形象,惟此才能有效促进地方经济发展。  相似文献   

Asset market hangovers and economic growth: the OECD during 1984-93   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asses prices and investment were unusually weak throughout theindustrial world during the early 1990s. This paper highlightsthis stylized fact, and connects it with another: in most ofthe industrial world, asset markets boomed for several yearsbefore collapsing around 1989. The paper suggests that assetmarket bubbles during the late 1980s may have left the industrialworld with an 'asset market hangover' in the early 1990s, inthe form of sluggish asset markets and investment. Empiricalsupport for this hypothesis is provided based on cross-countrydata for equity and real estate markets in most industrial countries.We suggest that financial market developments not justifiedby fundamentals can substantially affect real activity.  相似文献   

In every episode of global monetary inflation originating in the Federal Reserve, we find both asset price inflation and goods inflation. The interrelationship between these two types of inflation depends both on cycle-specific factors and more general factors which transcend the cycle and stem from essential aspects of monetary disorder. The purpose of this article is to analyse the nature of this interrelationship and elaborate on the concepts of monetary disorder, goods inflation, and asset inflation. In today’s world of monetary systems where there is no stable demand for high-powered money (which itself is no longer a highly distinct asset) monetary disorder can be hard to recognize until quite late in the inflationary process. Asset price inflation now has a popular meaning quite different from the original found in Austrian business cycle theory. Two decades of widespread inflation targeting at around 2% per annum have encouraged us to ignore an old lesson. In a well-functioning capitalist economy under a sound money order, prices would fluctuate considerably upwards and downwards with a tendency to revert to the mean over the very long run. Finally the principles and hypotheses developed here are analysed in the laboratory of history, specifically for the greatest peacetime inflation in the U.S. (1963–80).  相似文献   

International trade and economic convergence: the credit channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lane  PR 《Oxford economic papers》2001,53(2):221-240
In this paper, we examine a particular mechanism by which internationaltrade accelerates economic convergence. We develop a model ofgrowth under credit constraints in which international tradeexpands access to credit. We show in numerical simulations thatreasonable values for openness generate convergence rates thatmatch well the empirical estimates. We econometrically investigatea key prediction of the model - that more open economies exhibitgreater debt to output ratios - and find substantial supportin the data for this claim. This remains true even when we controlfor a host of additional factors and conduct robustness checks.  相似文献   

Andrew Jones 《Local Economy》1998,13(3):278-282
Ashton, D. and Green, F. 1996: EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £18.95 paper, £55.00 cased.

Booth, A. and Snower, J. (eds) 1996: ACQUIRING SKILLS: MARKET FAILURES, THEIR SYMPTOMS AND POLICY RESPONSES. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £15.95 paper, £45.00 cased.

Deakin, B. 1996: THE YOUTH LABOUR MARKET IN BRITAIN: THE ROLE OF INTERVENTION. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £35.00 cased.

Godfrey, M. (ed) 1997: SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £59.95 cased.

Shackleton, J. with Clarke, L, Lange, T. and Walsh, S. 1995: TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT IN WESTERN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £55.00 cased.  相似文献   

罗成富 《特区经济》2005,(9):141-142
随着我国社会主义市场经济的蓬勃发展,市场经济既是法制经济,也是道德经济的观念已深入人心。在我国浩瀚的传统道德资源中,诚信思想博大精深。能否深刻认识诚信与市场经济的内在关系,是直接关系到我们能否适应市场经济发展的要求,推动我国社会主义市场经济发展的重大问题。一、  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Preise, Anreize und wirtschaftliches Wachstum. - In dem Artikel wird untersucht, wie sich politikbedingte Verzerrungen auf die Effizienz der Ressourcenallokation und das wirtschaftliche Wachstum in entwickelten, unterentwickelten und sozialistischen L?ndern auswirken. Eingriffe in die Güterm?rkte k?nnen in Form der Importprotektion, Preiskontrollen und Wettbewerbsbeschr?nkungen erfolgen. Auf den Arbeitsm?rkten verzerren die Arbeitslosenunterstützung, die Kündigungsschutzabkommen, die Sozialversicherungsleistungen und die Lohnsteuer das Arbeitsangebot, w?hrend Mindestlohngesetze und Sozialversicherungsbeitr?ge auf die Nachfrage nach Arbeit einwirken. SchlieΒlich sind Zinssatzverordnungen, K?rperschaftssteuern und Einfuhrbeschr?nkungen die haupts?chlichen Eingriffe in die Kapitalm?rkte. Nach der Betrachtung der wirtschaftlichen Wirkungen dieser Interventionen werden Vorschl?ge gemacht, wie die Verzerrungen beseitigt oder gemildert werden k?nnen.
Résumé Prix, incitations et croissance économique. - Cet article examine les effets des distorsions imposées par la politique sur 1’ efficacité de l’allocation des ressources et sur la croissance économique dans les pays développés, développants et socialistes. Les interventions sur les marchés de biens peuvent consister de la protection d’importation, des contróles des prix et des freins á la concurrence. Parmi les distorsions sur les marchés du travail, l’allocation de chómage, la protection contre le licenciement, les prestations de sécurité sociale et les impóts sur les salaires affectent l’offre du travail pendant que le salaire minimum et des cotisations d’assurance sociale chargent la demande du travail. Finalement, les régulations des taux d’intérét, les impóts sur les sociétés, et la protection d’importation sont les interventions principales sur les marchés des capitaux. Après une revue des effets économiques de ces interventions, l’auteur donne des recommandations á éliminer ou relacher les distorsions.

Resumen Precios, incentivos y crecimiento economico. - Este trabajo trata los efectos que tienen las distorsiones creadas por la politica económica sobre la eficiencia de la asignación de recursos y el crecimiento economico en los pafses desarrollados, en vias de desarrallo y socialistas. Las intervenciones en los mercados de bienes pueden manifestarse como restricciones a las importaciones, controles de precios y limites a la competencia. Entre las distorsiones de los mercados laborales, la compensación por desempleo, la reglamentación sobre la seguridad de las plazas de trabajo, los beneficios de la prevision social y los impuestos a los salarios afectan la oferta de trabajo, mientras que la reglamentación del salario mfnimo y los descuentos para la previsión social inciden en la demanda de trabajo. Finalmente, la regulaci?n de la tasa de interés, los impuestos a las empresas y la restriction a las importaciones constituyen las principales formas de interventión en los mercados de capital. Después de pasar revista a las consecuencias económicas de dichas intervenciones, este trabajo présenta recomendaciones para corregir o aliviar las distorsiones résultantes.

Empirically we investigate how three types of private capital flows could promote economic growth in recipient developed and developing countries. Our focus is on the role of stock markets as a channel through which foreign capital flows could promote growth. The findings reveal that FDI exhibits a positive impact on growth, while both foreign debt and portfolio investment have a negative impact on growth in all sample countries. However, our results indicate that stock markets might be a significant channel or leading institutional factor through which capital flows affect economic growth. The findings provide clear implications that the negative impact of private capital flows can be transformed into a positive one if the stock market development has attained a certain threshold level, regardless of whether it is in developed or developing countries.  相似文献   

日本信贷市场的"羊群效应"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡鹏 《亚太经济》2004,(4):30-32
对于日本银行业的放贷是否存在羊群效应,已经有很多理论解释,但很少是通过计量的方法对这一现象进行分析。本文通过分析日本银行业贷款的相关数据,用时间序列分析的方法,建立了统计模型,来研究日本信贷市场上存在的羊群效应。  相似文献   

Higher farm and manufacturing productivity associated with refrigerated exports led to New Zealand's attainment of the world's highest Human Development Index in 1913. Local responses to export opportunities increased the social depth of land ownership and fostered intensive growth. Closer settlement meant that land‐related income gains spread widely, but land market volatility also created instability. New Zealand had the world's highest GDP per capita in 1938, but it experienced long swings in its growth rates. Dramatic swings in rural land market activity engendered by the pastoral boom contributed greatly to a long depression in the 1920s; subsequently a new monetary regime facilitated fast recovery.  相似文献   

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