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Turkey and the EU: Politics and Economics of Accession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses political and economic aspects of Turkishaccession. Under present rules, Turkey would have the greatestnumber of council votes within twenty years, and receive thelargest budget transfer. Free migration may increase the Turkishimmigrant population in Germany from 2 to 3.5 million in thirtyyears. Most of the economic effects will be felt by Turkey,particularly in agriculture. The main obstacles to accessionare not economic, but political. Historical experience stopsTurkey from eliminating the decisive political role of the military,giving Kurds and other minorities cultural rights and upholdingbasic human rights.(JEL F02, F15, F22)  相似文献   

本文认为,建立社会主义新政治经济学的指导思想仍然应是马克思主义。其研究对象是生产关系及其经济运行;新政治经济学也应该讲政治。  相似文献   

Buckles and McMahon have designed an experiment which can be used in all types of colleges to provide evidence on the best methods of teaching elementary economics. They have tested the hypothesis that class lectures which do no more than recapitulate assigned readings fail to help students learn elementary microeconomic theory. Grade point average and performance on the TUCE pretest were found to be important variables, but attendance at lectures was not. The authors discuss the implications of their findings and suggest further research efforts.  相似文献   

政治经济学是对政治和经济二元容介态的科学描述.虽然"物本"思维催生了所谓超越社会政治的"纯粹经济学",但广义虚拟经济时代的到来必使经济研究回归政治和经济二元容介态的正确轨道.历史已经证明,凡靠军事政治霸权谋取广义虚拟经济主导权的国家,都必身陷泥淖.只有以"制文化权"为主导,实现文化、经济和政治军事三位一体的软、硬实力协调发展,取得制定"游戏规则"的话语权,并对公共政策和制度进行兼顾行政和市场的科学设计,充分重视人力资本的作用,才能得政治经济学的真谛,成为广义虚拟经济时代的真正赢家.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has transformed markets supplying public goods. Analysis of five real-world Australian markets reveals the eligibility rules for access and ongoing participation, interaction of participants, the role of intermediaries and government, the extent of competition, complex regulatory regimes shaping and controlling these markets, and key market outcomes. Contrary to neoliberalism's free market rhetoric and the view promulgated by mainstream economics, a spectrum of market configurations and governance regimes were found along with participation being highly dependent on technology access and skills, market outcomes inconsistent with policy rhetoric, market interrelationships posing adverse cumulative impacts, and government is strongly interventionist through multiple roles.  相似文献   

Politics and the stock market: Evidence from Germany   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyze the interaction of stock market movements and politics in Germany. Evidence from popularity functions and VAR-based evidence suggests that stock market returns have affected the popularity of German governments. We only find weak evidence that the political process has had an impact on the stock market. In contrast to empirical evidence for the U.S., we do not find that German stock market returns tend to be higher during left-wing than during right-wing governments. Also in contrast to results for the U.S., we find no evidence for an election cycle in German stock market returns.  相似文献   

簇群与新竞争经济学   总被引:100,自引:0,他引:100  
既然公司能够从世界各地获取资本、商品信息和技术——而且往往是通过鼠标的点击就能获取,那么我们就有必要重新思考关于公司和国家如何竞争等众多的传统观点。理论上,更为开放的全球市场和更加快捷……  相似文献   

新结构经济学-重构发展经济学的框架   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
经济发展本质上是一个技术、产业不断创新,结构不断变化的过程。发展经济学在二战后刚成为现代经济学中的一个分支时,结构主义的观点占主流,认为经济结构外生决定,强调市场失灵及政府在改变经济结构、促进经济发展中的作用。由于结构主义所主张的以政府主导产业结构升级的政策在发展中国家普遍失败,到了20世纪70年代以后,发展经济学转而以华盛顿共识为主流,强调政府失灵,片面侧重市场的作用,并且忽视了对结构及其变迁问题的研究。本文提出新结构经济学的理论框架,认为经济结构内生决定于要素禀赋结构,并倡导以新古典经济学的方法来研究经济结构及其变迁,以及政府、市场在此过程所起的作用,以弥补当前发展经济学的不足。  相似文献   

新──制度经济学是西方经济学流派中的一个重要的非主流学派,本文在介绍新──制度经济学的产生及基本观点的基础上,对其学术意义和发展前景作了评价。  相似文献   

For the open economy, the workhorse model in intermediate textbooks still is the Mundell-Fleming model, which basically extends the investment and savings, liquidity preference and money supply (IS-LM) model to open economy problems. The authors present a simple New Keynesian model of the open economy that introduces open economy considerations into the closed economy consensus version and that still allows for a simple and comprehensible analytical and graphical treatment. Above all, their model provides an efficient tool kit for the discussion of the costs and benefits of fixed and flexible exchange rates, which also was at the core of the Mundell-Fleming model.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent books on the 17th- and 18th-century economics for the Lght rhq shed on the origins of economics wuh porticular reference 10 Hutchison's Before Adam Smith. The three sections focus successively on the role of secularization in the origins of economics, Hutchinson's chronological divisions as used in his book, and some relationships between this part of the history of thought and modern controversy. The importance of recent research on Jansenist theology and economic order, pre-Smithian economics as crucial to understanding identification of an alternative surplus approach or production-exchange dual in economics are emphasized in sections 1 and 3 respectively.  相似文献   

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