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The concept of reflective thinking needs to be instantiated for more effective educational implementations and practice in the process of thinking and learning. This article therefore expounds on the elicitation and classification of the Reflective Acts derived primarily from various studies conducted on reflective practice, student reflections and metacognition. In order to elicit and classify the Reflective Acts, the study employed three sequential phases of analyses: qualitative meta-analysis, purport analysis and Intention Clustering Method. As a result, 17 types of reflective acts were identified and classified into four main categories: Interpretive, Associative, Transformative and Affective. It is concluded in the article that through the presence and awareness of Reflective Acts, the concept of reflective thinking will be better comprehended, perceived and retained, engendering the process of reflective thinking into a straightforward practice to guide individuals to perform structured, efficacious and successful reflective acts in order to improve the quality of their reflective thinking and learning.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the use of multiple objective functions in regional decision-making. After a survey of various multi-objective programming models an interactive procedure for determining a best-compromise solution is discussed. The method is illustrated by means of an empirical application in the field of regional industrialization policy.  相似文献   

Managing knowledge: changing ways of wealth creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R&D will have to be at the core of enterprises which expect to prosper in the new economy. Investors now realise there is a link between R&D investment and long-term growth, so share prices are boosted for companies which know how to extract value from R&D spending. The IT and pharmaceutical industries are probably the leaders in new ways of managing knowledge more effectively.  相似文献   

为了进一步完善科技创新体系,细化科技管理工作,黄陵二号煤矿积极探索并在科技创新管理中成功实施了绩效考核管理办法,使得各单位创新工作扎实推进,充分调动了公司各级广大员工科技创新的积极性,促进了黄陵二号煤矿科技创新工作水平的有序提升。  相似文献   

Altan  Elcin 《Quality and Quantity》2018,52(2):1219-1233

The aim of this study is to investigate Educational Managers’ perceptions of reflective thinking, strategic thinking and enterprising. An interview technique, one of qualitative research methods, was used in this research. 9 participants, 3 directors from the Ministry and 6 directors from the Special Education of the National Ministry of Education. The factors, to specify reflective thinking, strategic thinking, and enterprising, specified on the interview form, were referred to in preparing authentic interview questions. The same questions were asked to all educational directors. The researcher met individually and received answers through interviews. The number of women participants were higher. The directors had 21–30 years of service and the ones in their present institution had 10–15 years of service. Among the participants, the number of the ones who decided to be directors was bigger. The number of participants who had a positive opinion about the sufficiency of the directors of the Ministry and the school directors was higher. All the participants stated that they developed their communication and were more patient in terms of their positive way of living specified in the interview questions. As for the strength of the institution, the participants stated that the directors of the Ministry disagreed with the power of the institution, but the school directors stressed that there was a strong working group at schools which reflected the power of the institution. For the weakness of the institution, the involved in the Ministry expressed the negative outcomes of political appointments and applications. On the other hand, the school directors complained that their demands from the Ministry for teacher shortage and the physical structure of the school building are not met. The authorities expressed that the institution did not have long-term strategic visions. Whereas, the school directors stressed that the vision of the institution has been explained in detail and the staff were well aware of it. In addition, it was explained that they had both long-term and short-term strategic plans. It has been noticed that all the participants exhibited enterprising skills and added a lot of innovations to the institution. The findings of this research indicated that there was a significant difference between the Ministry and the school directors in terms of strategic plans, visions, missions, positive–negative experiences and expectations. At the same time, the Ministry admitted that, although not institutionally, they benefited from reflective thinking, strategic planning and girişimcilikten, they were in a dead-end as an institution. On the other hand, the school directors, both as individuals and institutions, benefited from reflective thinking, strategic planning and enterprising, and expressed that their pessimism was related to their expectations from the Ministry. The Ministry stressed the need for radical changes in terms of administration and expected the government to study on this issue. The school directors stated that they had expectations from the Ministry, but they tried to find solutions to their problems from outside.


Recently, there has been increasing demand by stakeholders for firms to demonstrate how they create value within the context of their operating environment. Consequently, a new reporting approach, integrated reporting (IR), was conceptualised with its development linked to the firm's integrated thinking (IT). Yet very little is known about the effects of IT on firms' reporting decisions. Hence, we investigate whether IT influences firms' decision to publish an assured sustainability report. Using an international dataset, we find that IT is positively associated with sustainability reporting assurance. We also find that this association is moderated by the type of legal system such that for firms in code law countries, the IT effects are reduced. Nevertheless, the effects of IT remain strong, indicating that IT is important for reporting decisions regardless of the firm's contextual setting. These findings have implications for policymakers and organisations interested in promoting high-quality sustainability reporting.  相似文献   

经济全球化的推进和技术的飞跃发展,导致一个明显的结果是竞争的动态性不断增强。在过去的十多年中,企业的外部经营环境发生了剧烈变化。其表现为竞争范围扩大.创新成果扩散加快,顾客需求持续变化等特点。竞争要素从成本、质量、速度上升到提供优异的顾客价值上来。许多实现了高速发展的企业如美国西南航空公司、戴尔电脑公司、沃尔玛公司等在竞争战略上采用了“价值创新”的思  相似文献   

地名管理中的问题及解决途径——以深圳市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地名管理是城市管理的一项基础性工作.以深圳市为例,针对深圳地名管理工作中存在的突出问题,从观念、法规和技术等层面,提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) researchers have recently turned their attention to using various levels of analysis in examining the relationship between HRM and performance. Despite several calls for research that integrates multiple levels of analysis, HRM research has yet to apply a multilevel approach to its full advantage. In our view, the paucity of multilevel research is rooted in the lack of what we label multilevel thinking: the application of multilevel principles. In this conceptual paper, we develop 9 guidelines based on tailored multilevel HRM principles that offer a course of action for scholars who are interested in conducting multilevel HRM research. Following Kozlowski and Klein (2000), we build these principles around the what, how, where, when, and why questions in multilevel HRM research. Based on an analysis of 88 empirical multilevel HRM studies, we identify the approaches commonly applied when using multilevel principles, explain the weaknesses in current multilevel HRM studies, and offer what we consider good examples of a rigorous approach.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善 ,作为城市社会经济发展载体的城市建设事业 ,必须主动顺应改革大趋势 ,建立与市场经济相适应的建设体制和运行机制 ,才能促进城市建设的各行各业健康发展。多年的城市建设工作实践告诉我们 ,城建行业的改革要把握重点 ,分类指导 ,围绕政企分开、政事分开、企事分开、管养分开找对策 ,从六个方面理顺管理体制、完善运行机制、强化市场竞争 ,做到行政机关减员增效 ,事业单位转变职能 ,服务行业进入市场 ,国有企业转换机制。   一、以减员增效为目标 ,实行政企分开、政事脱钩 ,推进管理部门转变职能  …  相似文献   

There is no more pervasive economic doctrine than the belief that an increase in industrial concentration results in greater monopoly power and higher profits, but some recent American research contradicts that traditional hypothesis. This paper summarizes that research and presents new Canadian evidence, taking the first step toward ending Canadian dependence upon cross-section data. Time-series analysis shows that changes in concentration between 1948 and 1965 did not bring the traditionally expected changes in profit rates. Most cross-section tests with the new evidence also contradict the traditional hypothesis. These findings encourage further open-minded questioning and suggest some avenues for additional research.  相似文献   

Transformational leaders increase job satisfaction and well‐being among workers. According to the cognitive‐experiential self‐theory (CEST), all behavior is guided by two information‐processing systems: a rational and an experiential system. Study 1 examined the relationship between information processing and transformational leadership among experienced school leaders (N = 183). The rational system had a strong positive correlation with transformational leadership, whereas the experiential system was weakly correlated. Study 2 (N = 126) examined constructive thinking and transformational leadership. Global constructive thinking, emotional coping, and behavioral coping all had strong positive correlations with transformational leadership. These results suggest that improving leaders' awareness of their own information‐processing and thinking systems might encourage more productive transformational‐leadership techniques.  相似文献   

<正>其实转型也好,融合也好,实际上都是在寻求一种适合自己发展的商业模式,这就需要我们用创新的思维来给自己的企业重新定位。今天的第二届品牌住宅物业发展论坛很有意义,演讲的嘉宾也很有份量,包括业内的、业外的,对话的主题也很有吸引力。让物业服务更简单、更有价值,现在已经成为全行业的共识,我觉得这是个很好的事  相似文献   

王静 《企业技术开发》2012,(10):126-128
借鉴国内外企业人才培养的成功经验,重庆巨能建设有限公司实施了"师带徒"人才培训方法。文章结合该方法在实践中的运用,提出了企业人才培养的新思路。  相似文献   

Externalization of employment relations was a general trend among businesses in the 1990s. As a consequence we observe an increasing use of temporary workers, outsourcing and insourcing. This paper is concerned with the consequences of externalization of employment relations from the perspective of employees. The paper is based on an in-depth empirical study of a corporate adjustment programme in a large government-owned energy producer in Sweden. The company is trying to stimulate internal mobility by means of training programmes, adjusting its workforce to changes in market demand without lay-offs. I argue that externalization of employment relations is not only a matter of temporary, administrative or geographical distance between employer and employee. Instead a complementary form - externalization of responsibility - is suggested. The results may have consequences for the understanding of human resource policies aiming at employability.  相似文献   

城市雨水利用中的景观营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对城市内涝、雨水流失和地下水位下降等问题,分析了美国利用雨水营造雨水景观的成功案例如"雨水花园"和"绿色街道"工程,在此基础上提出利用园林景观的手段和材料加强城市雨水蓄滞能力,提高雨水下渗量的景观途径,并分析了具体办法。  相似文献   

基于电厂信息化建设体系的要求,在本次研究中将以电厂信息化的建设现状为研究点,结合实际情况,对如何促进电厂信息化建设进行分析。  相似文献   

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