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This paper looks at the relationship between the likelihood of being in regular wage employment and parental education for Malawian youth. It uses data from the third integrated household survey (IHS3). Only a mother's education is found to have a statistically significant effect on the likelihood of being in regular wage employment for young females and males. It is established that the effect of a mother's education on young males is significantly larger than that for young females. The paper also finds that, regardless of gender, a mother's education complements/reinforces the positive effect of a youth's own education on the probability of being in wage employment. The evidence from this paper points to the existence of an intergenerational poverty trap; with children of uneducated mothers or mothers with low education finding themselves outside regular wage jobs.  相似文献   

Summary A static limited dependent variable model is formulated to analyse the Dutch labour market from an individual's viewpoint. Results suggest that high minimum labour costs are an important source of unemployment. Secondly, the reduced-form participation equation is replaced by a neoclassical labour supply equation. Thus, also the effect of high minimum wage rates on employment through labour supply is taken into account. Supply appears to be forward bending and participation is insensitive with respect to unemployment benefits. Simulations suggest that the effect of lowering the productivity threshold by reducing before-tax minimum wages dominates supply effects.The author wishes to thank Geert Joosten, Arie Kapteyn, Peter Kooreman, Bertrand Melenberg, Viji Narendranathan and Theo Nijman for helpful comments and the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics for providing the data. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the policies of the CBS.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Protektion, starre Reall?hne und Besch?ftigung. — In diesem Aufsatz wird ein Portfolio-Modell für eine offene Volkswirtschaft vorgestellt, mit dem die Besch?ftigungswirkungen analysiert werden, die von der Einführung eines Zolls bei flexiblen Wechselkursen und starren Reall?hnen ausgehen. Von den L?hnen wird angenommen, da\ sie sich nur allm?hlich einem exogenen Reallohnziel anpassen. Das Modell wird unter verschiedenen Annahmen über die Verwendung der Zolleinnahmen gel?st. In jedem der F?lle wirkt der Zoll zun?chst expansiv. Dagegen h?ngen die langfristigen Besch?ftigungseffekte entscheidend davon ab, wie die Zolleinnahmen verwendet werden. Abschlie\end werden die Ansto\wirkungen für den Fall einer vollen Indexierung betrachtet.
Résumé Protection, la résistance du salaire réel et l’emploi. — Cet article présente un modèle de balance de portefeuille d’une économie ouverte qui est appliqué pour analyser les effets d’emploi d’un tarif des douanes imposé sous les conditions des taux de change flexibles et de la résistance du salaire réel. Il est supposé que les salaires s’ajustent graduellement à un objectif exogène de salaire réel. Le modèle est solutionné sous quelques suppositions concernant la disposition des recettes douanières. Dans chaque cas, l’effet immédiat est expansif. En contraste, il est démontré que les effects d’emploi à long terme dépendent décisivement de la disposition des recettes douanières. Finalement, les effets d’impact sont reconsidérés pour le cas d’une indexation totale.

Resumen Protección, resistencia de salarios reales y empleo. — En este artículo se presenta un modelo de equilibrio de cartera de una economía abierta para ser usado para analizar los efectos de empleo de una tarifa impuesta bajo tasas de cambio flexibles y resistencia salarial real. Se supone que los salarios se ajustan gradualmente hacia una meta exógena de salario real. El modelo se resuelve bajo varios supuestos sobre la disposición de ingresos tarifarios. En cada instancia, la tarifa es expansionaria por impacto. En contraste, los efectos ocupacionales de largo plazo resultan girar críticamente trente a la disposición de ingresos tarifarios. En una sección final, se rcconsideran los efectos del impacto en presencia de una indexación completa.

The path‐breaking work of Card and Krueger, showing that a higher minimum wage can increase employment, turned the age‐old conventional wisdom on its head. This paper demonstrates that this apparently paradoxical result is perfectly plausible in a competitive general equilibrium production structure of a small open economy with a non‐traded good, without recourse to monopsony, spatial heterogeneity, heterogeneity of consumers and so on, the usual theoretical drivers behind the result. Following Jones and Marjit, we build a simple general equilibrium model with production complementarity and we show that a higher minimum wage can raise aggregate employment. Expansion in the non‐traded sector following a wage hike may be consistent with the overall expansion of the export sector in a multi‐good framework, an unlikely outcome in a conventional two‐good model which cannot accommodate with production complementarity.  相似文献   

Skill compression, wage differentials, and employment: Germany vs the US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Germany's more compressed wage structure is widely viewed asthe main cause of the German-US difference in employment andunemployment, but part of the compression is due to Germanyhaving a narrower distribution of skills than the US. Even adjustedfor skills, however, we find that Germany has a more compressedwage distribution than the US. But relatively little of theUS-German employment difference can be attributed to the compressedwage distribution. We find that jobless Germans have nearlythe same skills as employed Germans and look more like averageAmericans than like low skilled Americans, which runs counterto the wage compression hypothesis. Given these patterns, thepay and employment experience of low skilled Americans is apoor counterfactual for assessing how reductions in pay mightaffect jobless Germans.  相似文献   

刘刚 《特区经济》2012,(6):206-208
研究通过建立相关的数据模型,分析广西1990~2010年整体经济和三次产业的增长与就业程度的数据,得出二者的相关系数,并对比分析产业的发展现状。提出了总体社会经济和三次产业的发展状况,就如何推进产业增长和实现就业增长提出符合相关性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the returns to military service in off-farm wage employment and the implications of military service on the rural-urban transition in rural China. We exploit government-induced variations in aggregate enrollment rates as our instrumental variable. Using data from the China Family Panel Studies, we find a substantial positive effect of military service on off-farm wage employment and earnings for men of rural origin, which is comparable in magnitude to the estimated returns to a college education in China. We also provide evidence that the earnings premium is likely to be explained by improved access to urban formal employment, political and human capital accumulation. However, in spite of the off-farm employment gain for all cohorts, we find that the positive earnings premium of military service is mainly concentrated among the pre-1970 cohort.  相似文献   

Gao  Bo  Ma  Jing  Wang  Zheng 《Review of World Economics》2021,157(2):347-373
Review of World Economics - This paper studies the employment and wage effects of VAT rebates to exporters with comprehensive firm-product-level data of China. It is found that the adjustments in...  相似文献   

沈楠 《特区经济》2013,(1):40-42
从浙江省三大产业产值与就业人口的发展现状出发,定量分析产业结构与就业结构的相关性,为政府决策提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

The likely impact of the EMU on the variability and level ofemployment is analysed. The major conclusions are as follows.(i) Although an inflation-target regime will constrain monetarypolicy of a non-participant in the EMU, it still leaves considerablescope for exchange-rate changes in the case of country-specificdemand shocks, provided that there is some nominal price andwage flexibility. (ii) Variations in payroll taxes can be usedas a substitute for exchange-rate changes in the EMU, but itwill be an imperfect substitute. (iii) Money-wage flexibilityis likely to be larger inside than outside the EMU, but probablynot by much. (iv) There are various mechanisms through whichthe EMU may affect the incentives for labour-market reform toreduce equilibrium unemployment, but the net impact is highlyuncertain.  相似文献   

This article finds that African American and Latino workers have borne a disproportionate share of employment costs associated with defense cuts in California’s aerospace industry. The data for this analysis come from administrative files, which contain demographic and employment-related information for everyone who collects unemployment-insurance benefits. The analysis shows that African Americans suffered higher displacement rates, longer unemployment spells, and poorer outcomes in new jobs than whites. Latinos were disadvantaged in several ways, but not consistently in all categories. Asian Americans, on the other hand, generally fared better than whites. These results show that economic dislocation, in the form of defense cuts, reinforces racial inequality in the labor market.  相似文献   

Eastern Germany and the Conflict between Wage Adjustment, Investment, and Employment: A Numerical Analysis. — In this paper, some light is shed on the dynamics of the adjustment process in eastern Germany by studying the linkages between the dynamics of wage adjustment, investment, and employment. An extended dynamic investment model, which includes adjustment costs for capital and revision costs for investment, is presented. This model is specified according to the east German economy and analyzed numerically by an optimization method based on direct collocation. Results are obtained for the time horizon of adjustment and for the implications of different wage strategies on the path of investment and employment.  相似文献   

某一产业的发展对就业的促进不仅在于产业本身吸纳劳动力,还在于本产业的发展能促进其他产业的就业,这种隐性的就业机制是产业促进就业的重要方式,应该引起足够的重视。本文根据现代服务业的特性,从乘数效应、产业关联、技术进步和劳动力供需配对四个方面分析了现代服务业的隐性就业机制。  相似文献   

Past studies of racial discrimination in the for-hire sector of the motor carrier industry find that deregulation is an effective tool for mitigating discrimination. These studies argue that regulation provides a refuge from competition that allows employers to discriminate and pass costs on to consumers. Thus, increased competition of deregulation allows less latitude to discriminate. This study reexamines the impact of deregulation on racial employment in the trucking industry. Specifically, micro-data are used to measure and decompose increased minority participation of for-hire drivers following deregulation. The findings of this paper concur that deregulation increased minority participation in the industry. However, the new findings suggest that only a fraction of this increase can be attributed to employers having less latitude to racially discriminate.  相似文献   

Manufacturing wage, employment, and hours adjustments are significantly different among developed countries, typically between Japan and the US. The problem of explaining the differences is closely related to that of what effect the extent of wage flexibility has on labor market adjustments. However, prevailing theories are invalid or incomplete for explaining the differences. The differences in the adjustments cannot be unrelated with institutional features of the labor market. Indeed, the extent of wage flexibility depends on the differences in the institutional features. Using a new model with such an idea, this paper theoretically re-examines the cause of the differences in the adjustments. The crucial causes are the characteristics of wage flexibility as well as the differences of the institutional features. The characteristics are that wage adjustment is discontinuous, infrequent, and has a lower limit in comparison with changes in demand.  相似文献   

Important problems and trends in the restructuring of major processing industries of the Russian Federation’s food complex at the current stage of creating an effective market economy are discussed.  相似文献   

杨丽艳 《特区经济》2011,(9):204-206
本文从宁夏产业结构的演变入手,通过考察产业结构与就业结构之间的相关关系发现,第二产业内部结构"重型化"与第三产业发展相对滞后是造成宁夏就业规模难以伴随经济高增长而不断扩大的症结所在,并据此提出了一条经济增长与扩大就业相协调的产业结构调整路径。  相似文献   

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