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文章利用2003年和2008年两轮城镇住户收入调查数据,对农民工的代际差异从工资收入决定和留城意愿两个维度进行了统计分析、实证检验与时点间的比较。回归结果表明,两代农民工在工资收入决定与留城意愿两个层面并不存在显著的代际差异,农民工整体仍倚重职业流动来提升其收入水平。具体来看,新生代农民工尤其是2008年的新生代农民工具有更高的教育水平,但其教育回报率并不存在显著的代际差异,也没有随时间而"水涨船高";两代农民工均倚重职业流动来提高其收入水平,在2008年表现得更为突出;两代农民工在两个调查年度均表现出很高的留城意愿;影响农民工留城意愿的因素主要表现为时点差异而非代际差异;迁移型职业流动不利于2008年新生代农民工留城意愿的提高;除城市可提供的收入水平外,养老、医疗等社会事业的发展水平是影响农民工整体是否留在城市的重要因素。  相似文献   

文章提出了资质过度感对离职意愿的影响机制模型。以316名HR从业者为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,文章发现认为自己"大材小用"的员工会产生更加强烈的离职意愿,并且组织支持感和职业身份认同均对员工资质过度感与离职意愿之间关系产生负向的调节作用。  相似文献   

陆李 《价值工程》2011,30(31):240-240
运用理论分析的方法,立足心理学视角,从知、情、意、信、行五个方面论述了军人职业认同形成的心理和实践过程,进一步探讨了军人职业认同形成的心理本质。  相似文献   

旨在研究组织嵌入与职业嵌入对任务绩效的效应机理,本研究以社会学习理论为基础,探讨离职意愿在上述关系中的中介作用.研究以河北省两个城市的383名员工和93名主管为调查对象,在验证了量表信效度的基础上,构建结构方程模型对假设进行检验,结果表明:(1)组织嵌入和职业嵌入均与任务绩效呈显著正相关,即组织嵌入和职业嵌入越高,任务绩效越好;(2)离职意愿在组织和职业嵌入与任务绩效的关系中起到中介作用.  相似文献   

文章在分析家族企业发展现状的基础上,根据新的形势,从宏观的角度引出职业经理人这一特殊的社会群体。进而通过实际情况分析家族企业和职业经理人合作过程中所出现的问题,了解引起合作受阻的影响因素,为提出解决问题的措施提供重要依据。文章最后从家族企业和职业经理人两个方面提出了具体的解决方法和措施,也强调了实行职业经理人制度,努力实现家族企业的职业化管理,将是家族企业实现转型过程中的必然选择。  相似文献   

本文以三亚市的五星级酒店为例,结合代际差异理论和职业认同理论,将酒店员工划分为4个代际:婴儿潮、X世代、Y世代和Z世代,将职业认同分为职业实践、职业肯定、对承诺的认同和对承诺的再思考四个维度,研究不同代群酒店员工的职业认同,并利用SPSS27.0软件进行数据分析处理,得出以下研究结论:不同代群酒店员工的职业认同存在显著代际差异,婴儿潮、X世代在职业认同上要明显高于Y世代、Z世代,存在显著性差异,而其他组内经过比较之后无显著性差异。  相似文献   

地理标志产品对促进经济发展、特别是农村经济发展具有重要意义。但是,当前我国地理标志产品的分布极不均衡,以广西为例,有一半左右的县还没有地理标志产品。文章从县域的视角,采用Probit模型和Logit模型对影响广西地理标志产品的因素进行实证研究。结果表明,自然环境资源、经济发展、企业能力、政府意愿对促进地理标志产品发展具有显著的作用,而农民意愿的作用不明显。因此,为促进广西地理标志产品的发展,要在积极发挥市场和政府的合力与强化农民意愿两个方面努力。  相似文献   

陈浩 《中外企业家》2009,(22):122-123
员工敬业表现为员工认同组织,愿意为实现组织目标贡献额外的努力。工作价值观影响员工工作意愿或目标,进而影响其努力程度及工作表现,是了解员工的态度和动机并以此分析其行为的基础,以工作价值观为基础的敬业度管理是提升员工敬业度的有效途径。  相似文献   

职业经理人并不是"先天性企业家精神缺乏症"患者。发挥职业经理人的企业家精神,价值观认同是基础。对于希望引进职业经理人的国内高科技企业来说,无论怎么评价价值观认同的重要性都不过分。判断价值观认同,需要更多地思量细节和过程  相似文献   

本文介绍了医学生的职业认同感研究现状,重点就近年医学生职业认同感现状进行归纳整理,旨在加强医学生职业认同教育的针对性,进而系统地为提高医学生的职业认同和促进护理学科的发展提供理论依据,引导医学生树立科学正确的职业观,以期为医学生的培育探寻新路径提供参考依据。  相似文献   

史玉敏 《价值工程》2014,(19):258-259
岗位任职教育的快速发展,迫切需要进一步研究探索实践教学改革新举措,这是破除实践教学发展瓶颈的唯一途径。本文首先分析了任职教育实践教学的分类,然后研究了任职教育实践教学的现状与问题,最后说明了任职教育取得的许多丰硕的成果,但仍然有曲折的道路要走,要努力改革实践教学中存在的问题,才能最终促进任职教育的快速发展。  相似文献   

Public relations must continually foster a good public image in the community. Without a positive image, development efforts will not succeed.  相似文献   

We examined the discursive processes through which a new professional role identity for registered nurses was legitimized by analysing introductory textbooks over time. We theorize five ways of rhetorically legitimizing a new professional role identity: naturalizing the past, normalizing new meanings, altering identity referents, connecting with the institutional environment, and referencing authority. In contrast to previous research focused on legitimizing new practices, we contribute to the institutional literature by showing that legitimizing a professional role identity requires the incremental development of new arguments where the past is not delegitimized. Our findings also indicate that instead of a progression from moral and pragmatic legitimacy to cognitive legitimacy, legitimizing a new role identity may focus only on moral legitimacy. Finally, our study highlights the importance of interactions between the professional task environment and the wider institutional environment as part of the process of legitimizing a professional role identity.  相似文献   


Hybrid professional managers appear less effective in introducing management into public professional settings than policymakers hope. To date, research has offered little understanding of professionals’ identity transition challenge and the role of social interactions underpinning this process. We studied the identity work of hybrid doctors inside a large public health-care organization, finding that it takes place through processes of familiarizing with management, rationalizing being a hybrid, and legitimizing the new role-identity. We contribute to the literature by showing that identity work is distributed and enabled by social interactions beyond the professional group. Implications for policymakers and executives are discussed.  相似文献   

In the healthcare context, both nurses and doctors derive their professional identities from diverse backgrounds, thus resulting in two distinct professions. Becoming a leader and forming a leader identity that is separate from a strong professional identity is a difficult task. However, assuming a leader identity is considered an important aspect of actually being a leader, not just a professional with a leader position. The current article explores authenticity in generic healthcare leader identity formation by utilizing the concept of professional identity. Instead of committing to the humanistic ontological roots of the authentic leadership construct, the research analyzes the concepts of self and authenticity from an existential–experiential perspective. A conceptual framework of self‐sourced healthcare identity formation, including leader identity and professional identity, is presented. The framework shows how leader identity originates in the leader's experiencing self‐in‐situation, which is understood as the source of authenticity. The experiencing self, or the self as a subject, is differentiated from the experienced self, or the self as an object, by which professional identities are formed. The conceptualization provides a way of understanding and developing leadership in fields consisting of strong professional identities. The applications of the framework are also discussed.  相似文献   

人力资源开发学科:在争议中健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在20世纪90年代,人力资源开发作为一门学科在国际领域内达成共识,人力资源开发专业逐渐壮大。人力资源开发在经历理论的不断的成熟和实践地位的提高,在培育个人专业素质和提升组织绩效方面具有重要作用,逐渐向一门成熟学科迈进。然而,在该学科发展道路中,由于受到学科属性、研究切入点和文化属性影响,人力资源开发学科发展中产生许多争议。当今,人力资源开发的学科身份、本质、理论与实践的关系和未来发展存在的争议,但人力资源开发作为一门独立学科将健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the distinctive characteristics of the internal labour market of the public administration. It gives some examples of innovation in human resource management (particularly in the field of performance-related pay), and discusses whether and how these processes provide a solution to the problems of identity, efficiency and conflict that have affected the public administration on a broad front over the last decade. The main results of the analysis have revealed the weak institutionalisation of the public administration. The selection criteria by which the organisation determines the professional mix of occupational structure and creates a basis for performance behaviour and attitudes are very weak. Limited mobility and poor wage dynamics are the factors most strongly affecting the internal labour market. This, along with other factors discussed in the paper, makes it extremely difficult to enact private sector principles suitable to the public administration (regardless of the specific traits of the organisations concerned). Without certain structural and social preconditions, managerialism cannot provide a solution; legislation alone is not sufficient to bridge the gap and does not create the conditions for improving the organisation of public administration.  相似文献   

Without visiting a company or investigating how it conducts its business and what efforts it uses to control its inventories, we have a technique to measure its effectiveness. This technique involves calculating the inventory turnover ratio (turns) and comparing it to turns achieved by similar companies. Once we have determined that there are apparent opportunities for inventory reduction, the next step is to analyze what can be done to effect that reduction. But that's the topic of another lesson.  相似文献   

Organizations investing in project management need to be assured of a concrete return. Without the ability to clearly define its value, project management joins the long line of initiatives (i.e., TQM, information systems, training, human resources) struggling to prove their worth to organizations. However, demonstrating a concrete value in organizations has been illusive and even paradoxical. This paper describes the conceptual model underlying a major international research project designed to yield a broad perspective on the value of project management. This model and research design will be of interest to researchers, project managers, professional organizations, and senior executives.  相似文献   

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