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今年四川大米的供需与价格走势如何──四川大米市场1996年形势展望方言1995年国内大米市场总体平稳,供需矛盾逐渐缓和,年底籼米价格回落,粳米价格稳定。目前,四川籼米批发价格为2230元/吨,与年初相比下降了2.2%;江西、湖南等省早籼米批发价格分别...  相似文献   

近日,农业部农产品市场监测预警专家组发布2011年7月农产品市场监测信息。稻米 国内大米价格稳中有涨早籼米批发价1.78元/斤,环比持平;晚籼米1.95元/斤;粳米2.20元/斤。国际大米到岸税后价高于国内7月份,我国晚籼米批发价1.95元/斤。同期泰米离岸价为每市斤1.57元,  相似文献   

本文运用协整研究方法,通过Eviews计量工具,从统计学角度对国内主要大米(粳米、籼米)市场近年来的协整状态进行了研究。研究结果表明,国内主要粳米和籼米市场大部分都有协整关系,价格变化表现出“销区市场影响着产区市场”的状态,其中,粳米市场的价格中心在浙江,而籼米市场价格中心在广东。  相似文献   

中国大米市场价格共因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内容提要:本文利用持续—短暂模型(permanent-transitory model,简写为p-t模型)分粳米和籼米对中国大米市场价格共因子进行了分析。研究发现,在中国粳米市场价格长期行为的形成过程中,湖北、天津、黑龙江、吉林、浙江和江苏的影响比较大,其中,浙江起主导作用;在中国籼米市场价格长期行为的形成过程中,广西、湖北、湖南、江西、四川和浙江的影响比较大,其中,江西起主导作用。在决策过程中,决策者应重点考虑对影响较大的地区采取有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

为探讨食品级惰性粉对成品大米外观及蒸煮食用品质的影响,在粳米、籼米、糯米中分别添加0mg/kg、50mg/kg、100mg/kg、200mg/kg、400mg/kg、600mg/kg的食品级惰性粉,采用外观检测法和品尝评分值法进行比较研究。研究结果表明:添加食品级惰性粉后的粳米、籼米、糯米的蒸煮品质与空白对照之间差异不显著。在大米外观品质检测仪条件下,添加食品级惰性粉后的糯米外观变化不明显;添加食品级惰性粉后的粳米和籼米外观变化明显,随浓度增加,米粒表面白色斑点逐渐增加,当食品级惰性粉浓度低于100mg/kg时,粳米和籼米米粒表面的白色斑点肉眼无法识别。  相似文献   

以6种市售大米为研究对象,利用质构仪、色差仪及感官评价等检测和评价手段,对不同品种稻米进行基本蒸煮品质、质构特性以及色差等食味品质的评价,旨在探究不同大米品种(粳米和籼米)对扬州炒饭品质的影响.结果表明,粳米更适合扬州炒饭的制作.  相似文献   

籼稻和粳稻是世界上两个主要的栽培稻亚种。也是中国两个主要的栽培稻亚种。籼米与粳米无论是外观还是内在品质都有明显的差别。蒸煮后籼米饭表现为干、散,而粳米饭则表现出湿润、有黏性。世界上.籼稻的种植面积比粳稻的种植面积大,但不同的消费者对这两种稻米有不同的偏好,相互间替代率较小。  相似文献   

大米按粘性不同,可分为籼来、粳米、糯米等。籼米粒瘦而长,膨胀性大.饭拉松散;粳米粒大而白,粘性运中,饭粒柔软香滑,可口耐饥;糯米粒圆而亮.粘性强。选好品种后,怎样鉴别其质量呢;一看硬度。表面光亮、整齐均匀、硬度大的来,蛋白质含量高,是优质大米;米粒瘦而小、断求多、掌确易碎的本.蛋白质含量低.品质欠佳;灰粉多.掌碾成粉状的来,蛋白质已开始变质,品质差。二看腹白。米粒的腹部有一个不透明的白斑,在中心部位的叫“。J白”.在外腹部的叫“外白”。腹白小的来是以籽粒饱满的稻谷加工的.腹白大的米不够成熟或含水…  相似文献   

目前,我国粮食出现了阶段性和结构性过剩。从结构上讲,由于历史的原因,粮食生产主要是以高产为目标,许多粮食品种高产但质量较差,已很不适应社会的需求,以大米为例,我国目前大米胀库严重,但库存在的主要是劣质大米,而优质大米却不能满足市场需求,需要从国外进口优质大米平衡市场。加入WTO后,我国粮油市场将不可避免地受到冲击,我国现行粳米价格高于国际市场40%,玉米价格高46%,小麦价格高60%,大豆价格高84%。美国每年有300万吨小麦对华出口,从而更加剧了国内粮食市场供过于求的态热,从价格上看,对我国粮油的冲击,势必导致国内粮油价格进一步走低;从质量上看,我国粮食质量较差,很难与国际市场展开竞争。为迎接“入世”的挑战,我们应该早下手,细研究,在调整粮食种植结构,改善品种质量上下功夫,以进行长期有效的市场竞争。  相似文献   

粮食市场总的态势是高、优质品种俏销,劣质品种滞销,具体来说,粳籼型糯谷、大豆均趋紧俏,优质籼米粳米销路看好,小麦和一般大米处于平销状态。从大米的品种差价来看,以标—晚杂米为基础,外销双送价格标—糯米高42.86%,标—粳米高12.24%,标—早籼米低6.5%。由此可见,种植优质品种不仅好销,而且还可以取得较好的经济效益。粮食质量差,品种不对路,流通便不畅。优化粮质、调整品种种植结构,是解决粮食流通不畅的有效途径,那么,怎样才能做好优化粮质、调整品种的种植结构呢?笔者认为应抓好以下几项工作。第一,要正确理解优质粮食的概念。不少人认为,精度高  相似文献   

The Ricegrowers' Cooperative Limited is a single-desk seller of NSW Japonica rice on the export market. Confidential monthly price data supplied by the Cooperative were used to examine 'pricing-to-market' in four of its major export markets. The hypothesis of a competitive market was rejected. The Cooperative has been able to vary mark-ups over different markets and with respect to the importer's currency in each market. The exchange rate results in particular suggest that the Cooperative has been able to exercise market power to obtain price premiums.  相似文献   

We investigate the degree to which the wheat markets of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are in spatial equilibrium and how reforms to the CAP affect the speed of convergence to the long–run relationship. Due to the interrelationship among these markets and the nonstationarity of our data we introduce a seemingly unrelated regression–augmented Dickey–Fuller and error correction methodology. We argue this methodology is more efficient than ordinary cointegration and error correction models. Empirically we find strong evidence of efficient spatial markets and conformity to the law of one price. Market liberalization reforms in the EU increased the comovement of domestic and world wheat prices; our post–Uruguay Round price transmission elasticity was 0.183.  相似文献   

Volatile commodity prices have become commonplace in the world economy. Although is widely accepted that commodity‐rich countries are affected by this phenomenon, information about how commodity price shocks impacts their regional economies is scarce. This work analyses how shocks in copper prices impact the economies of the major copper‐producing regions in a developing country, such as Chile. To achieve this goal, a two‐step method is implemented. First, we estimate long‐term copper prices using the Wets and Rios approach (2015) and these estimates are then contrasted with those forecast by the Chilean public advisory committee. Second, a general equilibrium model is implemented to simulate the effects of both expansive and restrictive copper price cycles within major producing regions in Chile. Our results show that the proposed approach yields more homogeneous price projections than those made by the Chilean Government, which, in turn, are very close to variations in response to negative shocks. The price simulations confirm that price cycles affect the savings of government and business, which directly dampens regional production, mainly via investment, capital mobilisation and diversification of production. Because of this, fiscal revenues generated by copper sales act as a trade cycle term multiplier in regional economies. Overall, within copper‐producing regions, we suggest implementing long‐term policies to improve profit distribution efficiency.  相似文献   

文章采用超越对数形式的随机前沿生产函数测算了19个玉米主产省(区)的玉米生产技术效率,并利用双重差分模型检验临时收储政策对玉米生产技术效率的影响。研究发现:东北三省一区的玉米生产技术效率处于较高水平;南方丘陵和西南山地地区技术效率明显低于其他主产区。政策实施效果方面,临时收储政策对玉米生产技术效率有正向影响且这种正向影响不因时间的推移而逆转。因此,尽管临时收储政策会扭曲市场并增加财政负担,但是确实给农户提供了稳定的预期从而推动了技术效率的提高,随着玉米收储制度市场化改革进一步推进,应当避免政策改革中农户预期改变导致的技术效率损失。  相似文献   

中国林业生态效率与生态生产率的测度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过界定林业生态效率的内涵,建立林业生态效率评价指标体系,运用DEA模型和Malmquist指数法对全国30个省市(港、澳、台、藏除外)的林业生态效率和生态生产率进行测度表明:中国林业生态效率在近十年呈小范围波动性变化,全国总体的林业生态效率均值为0.912,并且地区及省市间差别较大;TFP指数均值达到1.037,表明中国林业生态效率的发展水平整体在缓慢提高,技术进步变动指数是导致总林业生态生产率TFP指数提高的主要原因之一,不同地区和省市间各分解指数也存在很大差异。适当改变林业的生产经营方式,适度调整林业发展规模对于各省市提高林业生态效率和生态生产率是十分必要的。  相似文献   

This paper comprehensively examines price transmission from world, neighbour country, and internal commercial hub markets to Nigerian urban markets, as well as from urban to rural markets within the country, for seven key food security crops (maize, millet, sorghum, rice, cassava, yams and cowpeas). There are three key findings: (i) tradability matters for price transmission, but tradability varies across crops and regions. The strongest international linkages are with neighbouring countries. Rice price transmission is high across all markets, while coarse grain price correspondence is low with world prices but high with neighbour country market prices; (ii) our results imply that local conditions matter for price transmission, and are relatively more important than trade for some crops (e.g. yams, cassava) than others (e.g. imported rice, maize); (iii) larger than expected long‐run price transmission parameters in world and neighbour countries for rice and coarse grains suggest that, in these select markets, there are either large transactions costs or quality premiums that vary systematically with border prices, and/or mark‐ups captured by traders with market power.  相似文献   

目的 厘清苹果产业绿色全要素生产率增长的动态变化及产区差异,是促进苹果产业高质量发展的关键。方法 文章基于2004—2018年我国8个苹果主产区面板数据,利用超效率SBM模型和全局ML指数,从静态、动态不同角度,对我国苹果环境技术效率和绿色全要素生产率进行测算,并分析不同产区之间的差异。结果 (1)我国及各主产区苹果环境技术效率均未达到最优状态,区域差异明显,黄土高原主产区高于环渤海湾主产区,与不考虑非期望产出相比,环境技术效率明显偏低;(2)规模效率是当前我国苹果生产技术效率主要来源,黄土高原主产区纯技术效率略高于规模效率,环渤海湾主产区纯技术效率偏低;(3)苹果绿色全要素生产率整体提高,区域间增速差异较大,黄土高原主产区增速高于环渤海湾主产区;(4)技术效率是我国苹果绿色全要素生产率主要增长源泉,技术进步贡献度相对较低。结论 我国苹果绿色全要素生产率存在较大提升空间,各产区要通过因地制宜制定苹果产业发展战略、充分借助农业科研院所创新优势、加强果农高素质培训等方式提高苹果绿色全要素生产率。  相似文献   

Relationships between the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) estimated World Market Price, the Thai milled rice price, US transportation-adjusted cash rough rice price, and the Chicago Rice and Cotton Exchange rough rice futures price are examined for the 1987–1991 marketing years. Specifically, a cointegration analysis is used to address the pricing and informational efficiency of the respective markets. Testing indicates the system is described by two cointegrating vectors. The analysis preformed herein provides insight into the pricing performance of several world rice markets.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this study to assess the market power of major Asian exporters in world rice market using standard oligopoly models. Quantity has been used as the strategic variable based on previous literature. Structural and reduced form approaches have been used. Results indicate that the major Asian rice exporters like Thailand, China, and India face a downward sloping demand curve whereas the United States does not appear to possess market power. However, the results are inconclusive about the precise market structure. The results, in the backdrop of the history of world rice markets, indicate a need for Asian exporters to rely more on trade than on domestic stocks in order to reduce the thinness of world rice market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the institutional environment on West African cotton farmers’ technical efficiency (TE). First, key aspects of the cotton sector institutional environment are discussed, including input and credit access, and producers’ organisations. Then, a stochastic frontier production function, which incorporates technical inefficiency effects, is applied to farm level data collected in Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali. The survey includes farmers’ evaluations of the cotton sector institutional environment. Results suggest that institutional level features influence producers’ TE, besides farm‐level characteristics. Cotton growers who report a negative experience with the joint liability programme, who identify the cotton price mechanism or access to credit as the main constraints to performance, and who cultivate more hectares of cereals are technically more inefficient in producing cotton. Findings suggest that cotton farmers in Mali are less technically efficient in producing cotton than in Burkina Faso and Benin. Agricultural development policies focusing on reducing farmers’ financial stress, particularly through the establishment of adequate price mechanisms (i.e. higher farm‐gate prices and timely payments to farmers) and improvement in the input–credit markets should be encouraged to improve TE in West Africa.  相似文献   

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