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A third wave of technological advancements, which is often referred to as “digitalization,” is affecting organizations across the board. This paper aims to present a comprehensive synthesis of the extant scholarly work on digitalization in the accounting literature. It does so through a systematic literature review that focuses on articles on digitalization published by the highest-ranked accounting journals in the period 2007–2017. By conducting a thorough review, we extend Rom and Rohde's (2007) literature review on integrated information systems (IIS) in management accounting. Furthermore, we utilize a modified version of the framework proposed by Rom and Rohde (2007) to classify and interpret the literature. This allows us to understand the differences between IIS and digitalization in accounting, and to illuminate avenues for future research. The paper concludes with an overview of three main differences in how IIS and digitalization have influenced accounting, and three concurrent avenues for future research on digitalization in accounting: the elusive boundaries of accounting, power relations, and knowledge production for decision making.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the risk-return trade-off by taking into account the model specification problem. Market volatility is modeled to have two components, one due to the diffusion risk and the other due to the jump risk. The model implies Merton’s ICAPM in the absence of leverage effects, whereas the return-volatility relations are determined by interactions between risk premia and leverage effects in the presence of leverage effects. Empirically, I find a robust negative relationship between the expected excess return and the jump volatility and a robust negative relationship between the expected excess return and the unexpected diffusion volatility. The latter provides an indirect evidence of the positive relationship between the expected excess return and the diffusion volatility.  相似文献   

This article revisits the opportunism problem faced by an upstream monopolist contracting with several retailers over secret agreements, when contracts are linear. We characterize the equilibrium under secret contracts and compare it to that under public contracts in a setting allowing for general forms of demand and retail competition. Market distortions are more severe under secret contracts if and only if retailers' instruments are strategic complements. We also investigate the effect of opportunism on firms' profits. Our results remain robust whether retailers hold passive or wary beliefs. We derive some implications for the antitrust analysis of information exchange between firms.  相似文献   

We examine optimal individual and entity-level liability for negligence when expected accident costs depend on both the agent's level of expertise and the principal's level of authority. We consider these issues in the context of physician and managed care organization (MCO) liability for medical malpractice. Under current law, physicians generally are considered independent contractors and hence MCOs are not liable for negligent acts by physicians. We find that the practice of reviewing the medical decisions of physicians affects their incentives to take care, which in turn implies that it is efficient for MCOs to be held liable for the torts committed by their physicians.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between plant-level predictive analytics use and centralization of authority for more than 25,000 manufacturing plants using proprietary US Census data. We focus on headquarters' authority over plants through delegation of decision-making and design of performance-based incentives. We find that increased predictive analytics use is associated with reduced delegation of decision-rights to local managers, increased centralization of control over data gathering and reduced plant managerial payrolls. In terms of incentives, predictive analytics use is associated with more accurate targets and tighter linkages between rewards to workers (performance-based bonuses, promotions and firings) and measured performance. Overall, our findings suggest that predictive analytics use is associated with increased centralization of authority in headquarters.  相似文献   

工作流的权限和路由控制是为了让工作流的运转更顺畅、更智能,其在工作流应用中的表现是:每个参与者应该完成也只能完成其职责范围内的工作。这是如何动态地准确定位一个参与者候选人的问题。工作流权限总是和部门、职位等组织结构信息联系在一起,通常组织模型单元分为部门性、职能性、区域性等几大类。  相似文献   

This paper examines the interrelations and time-varying correlations for eight assets. One-year rolling correlations reveal that each of the 28 correlations exhibit both positive and negative values. Linear regressions reveal that given macroeconomic and financial variables contain predictive power for different asset return correlations. The term structure of interest rates and consumer sentiment feature as prominent predictor variables. Structural break tests and non-linear regressions indicate a cycling of correlations between high and low risk periods. In seeking to consider the economic content of the interrelations, we construct a safe and risky portfolio and show that the correlation between these portfolios can allow for improved market timing. Further, the safe and risky portfolio returns and correlation exhibit predictive power for macroeconomic conditions and may be used in a leading indicator role. The results presented here should be of interest to investors and policy-makers as well as academics wishing to examine the relations between both asset returns and financial and real markets.  相似文献   

Networks of formally independent firms are interesting because they claim to be able to build competencies, exploit complementary resources and redesign strategies faster than firms can change. By networking, firms are said to get access to resources in a flexible way and typically by interacting with other firms non-hierarchically, directly and based on trust. Accounting and management control would appear counter-intuitive to such an arrangement. However, based on empirical observations from three horizontal networks where firms rally around projects, it appears that controls create durability and predictability. Self-regulation and orchestration mechanisms establish the network as a network enterprise seeking to develop and exploit complementarities in the diversity of network competencies and resources in different ways. Structural and functional approaches such as transactions cost economics are weak in explaining the ways in which relations are constructed and governed. We propose that accounting can be conceptualised as an actor helping to mediate, shape and construct inter-organisational relations through self-regulating and orchestration mechanisms. Self-regulating mechanisms allow interaction and exchange to occur unobtrusively, while orchestration mechanisms involve structuring these interactions. Both mechanisms are organised around various kinds of accounting—such as transfer prices and intellectual capital statements—and around the construction of segmentation in the network that provide it with a topology of centres and peripheries. Trust, it appears, is not a property of such a situation. Trust is a problematising devise. It is raised as a concern in the networks when trusting is absent.  相似文献   

许多初创企业的老板或负责人,大多数有了一个特别或了不起的创意,就开始筹划创业.有的家里有钱能够帮助扶持一下;有的需要找亲戚朋友筹借资金;有的找人一起合伙拼凑资金.无论以何种方式作为走向创业的第一步都无可厚非,我仅从以下四个方面谈谈我个人对于创业的体会. 第一,融资.融资通常是创新企业都会想到的事情,做大做强需要资金.有些人会说类似于"有了资金我一定做得比某某人更好!"之类的话.大多数人讲"融资"好似就是讲钱,要融进来多少资金,但我想重新分析这个词语,从另一个角度来看"融资".  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how firms influence regulatory decisions through media capture. Using the unique Chinese regulation setting, we find that higher public relations expenditure reduces a negative pre-IPO media tone and this relationship is weaker when both firms and media outlets face higher legal punishment risks. By linking the incentives for media capture to regulatory decisions, we further find that a less negative media tone is associated with a higher likelihood of IPO approval. In sum, our findings document that firms can capture media tone and, thus, obtain preferred IPO approvals from regulators, which in turn reduces resource allocation efficiency in an emerging market.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the nexus between labor and financial markets, focusing on how labor union’s attitude in the wage-setting process and the firm’s investment strategy affect asset returns. We assume that the labor union’s relative preferences between wage and employment depend on selected measures of firm’s financial performance. The paper shows that if the labor union ties its preference for wage to the firm’s dividends (or to any other quantity measuring available liquidity), then the volatility of the firm’s returns increases. Consequently, equities have to grant high expected returns in order to remunerate the increased volatility. This mechanism offers an explanation for the “equity premium” (that is the difference between the equity return rate and the risk free rate). It is a welcome result that the simulated excess return is about the empirical estimate and that it is obtained with a plausibly low parameterization of the shareholders’ risk aversion.  相似文献   

Evidence to date on the market value of investor relations (IR) strategies is limited. We test the market relevance of IR activity directly employing a proprietary database measuring IR quality across all firms listed on NYSE, Amex and NASDAQ. Although, in theory, ‘repackaging’ and communicating existing information should have no market impact, we find that firms with higher quality IR strategies are rewarded with significantly higher valuation multiples. In addition, increase in IR quality is associated with increases in analyst following and liquidity. Overall, our findings are generally stronger for small firms which are more likely to be ‘neglected’. Our evidence is consistent with effective IR successfully raising firm visibility leading to enhanced recognition and reduced information asymmetry in line with Merton (1987 Merton, R., 1987. A simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information. Journal of Finance, 42 (3), 483510. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1987.tb04565.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and thus ‘fairer’ firm valuation as argued by IR professionals.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Prior studies document that managerial overconfidence potentially increases the risk of financial misstatements, and that overconfident managers...  相似文献   

Bridget Rosewell 《Futures》2005,37(7):699-710
Social science is enmeshed from the outset in an interaction between individual agents, collective action and analytical response. The desire to implement policy and create a preferred outcome provides further complication. There is a fundamental confusion between knowledge in the system and knowledge about it. Classical market analysis divorces the two; in practice agents use both. Moreover, they use their knowledge to change the system. A given set of rules may therefore produce a variety of outcomes. Unless this phenomenon is better understood and analysed, policy-making will continue to produce unexpected and indeed undesired outcomes. Complex systems approaches offer a way forward into these issues which is beginning to bear fruit in thinking clearly about how systems can and should be analysed.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether high-ability managers’ earnings smoothing is motivated by the need to mitigate the adverse effects of heightened information asymmetry triggered by mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on managers’ reputation capital (job loss) and firm value. We document that acquirers led by high-ability managers engage in more pre-acquisition earnings smoothing and experience more significant announcement abnormal returns and operating performance in post-M&A periods than their low-ability counterparts. This result is consistent with the theory of managerial response to asymmetric information, amplified by M&As, where high-ability managers use earnings smoothing as a signaling device to ensure that the market quickly discovers their superior abilities, to increase acquirers’ future growth prospects and avoid the adverse effects of information asymmetry on managers’ job security and career prospects in a competitive executive labor market.  相似文献   

A sender‐receiver game a la Crawford‐Sobel is analyzed where the sender has expertise on some but not all the payoff‐relevant factors. This residual uncertainty can either improve (even allow full revelation) or worsen the quality of transmitted information depending on a statistic called the effective bias. For symmetrically distributed residual uncertainty or quadratic loss functions, (i) the quality of information transmission is independent of the riskiness of residual uncertainty, (ii) it may be suboptimal to allocate authority to the informed player, (iii) despite players' preferences being arbitrarily close, it is impossible to assert that the receiver prefers delegation over authority or vice versa.  相似文献   

Tom Horlick-Jones 《Futures》2004,36(4):441-456
Transdisciplinarity has been hailed as a potentially effective means of addressing increasingly complex societal problems, the nature of which cut across the boundaries between orthodox disciplinary knowledges. In this paper we are concerned with an approach to achieving a form of transdisciplinarity which entails making linkages between scholarship and practice, as well as across disciplinary boundaries. Such ‘border-work’, we suggest, provides important options for engaging with a range of practical economic and quality of life related problems. Moreover, it offers new and challenging possibilities for scholarly work and understanding. We discuss some practical and conceptual difficulties associated with discipline-based investigations, and illustrate these difficulties by focusing on risk-related phenomena. Here we argue that much of what is interesting and important about the character of risk tends to be lost by the generalising, decontextualising and reductionist tendencies of discipline-based research. Finally we consider two existing approaches to establishing a practice for border-work. These have both attempted to combine an appreciation of the active character of practical reasoning by human agents with the constraining and affording nature of social and material contexts.  相似文献   

Peter M. Allen 《Futures》2005,37(7):729-744
Instead of modelling socio-economic situations as mechanical systems with fixed, predictable behaviour, we now see that socio-economic systems are really complex systems, in which various possible structural changes can occur giving rise to a range of different possible futures. This necessary future uncertainty automatically imposes an uncertainty on the precise pay-off that any particular action or decision that an agent may take. Because of this, the decisions that agents will make are also uncertain and this poses limits to our ability to model socio-economic systems and therefore to the knowledge that we can have at any time about the future. Because of this constant knowledge decay, what matters in real world situations of markets and business is the generation of new, current knowledge. Contrary to traditional science in which the natural laws are independent of who knows them, in social and economic systems, knowledge of system behaviour decays over time, and is in any case used up when it triggers new behaviour in the system. Several examples of evolutionary market systems are presented which demonstrate how knowledge is constantly created and destroyed, and the problem of change, innovation and design are shown to be part of a ‘boundedly rational’ view in which imperfect search gives rise to ‘good enough’ behaviour. All of this is a radical departure from the traditional approach that falsely believe in the optimisation of designs, behaviours and profits. Complexity tells us that we must accept risk and uncertainty and work loosely, keeping our options open as much as possible.  相似文献   

We examine if managerial ability affects the efficiency of the contracting environment with lenders. We find that higher ability alters the balance of information-sensitive covenants demanded by outside investors, increases the issuance of bonds with longer maturity, and decreases the issuance of senior secured debt. We also document higher ability reduces the risk premium demanded by investors on information-sensitive debt. These results are collectively consistent with the premise that the mitigation of information risk is an important dimension of managerial ability that has a direct bearing on the structure and pricing of corporate debt.  相似文献   

J.S. Metcalfe  R. Ramlogan 《Futures》2005,37(7):655-674
In this essay, we explore the view that the growth of knowledge is a complex evolutionary process. We pay particular attention to the division of knowing in a knowledge economy, to the restless nature of knowledge and to the principle of variation and selection that makes the growth of knowledge an evolutionary phenomenon. The foundations for this discussion are located in Adam Smith's suggestion that the most fundamental aspect of the division of labour is the division of knowledge, and the consequential existence of roundabout and combinatorial ways of producing knowledge. This notion of roundaboutness also connects our discussion with the writings of the Austrian school of economists. It is this school of thought that has come closest to understanding the open-ended and evolutionary nature of knowledge based economic activity. The theory of complex adaptive systems, when applied to the economic and social domain, has enabled us to confront the distinction between knowledge and the institution of social understanding. We map the difference between knowledge, which is private, and understanding, which is social. If knowledge is a characteristic of individuals, understanding then becomes an emergent phenomenon arising from the interaction between individuals in specific contexts. Understanding has boundaries it has components that possess great heterogeneity and is sustained by the connections of information flow. It is a socially distributed process whose growth is dependent on a systemic context, on the way a given set of individuals interact to share information and thus to further develop their idiosyncratic knowledge. Recognising that understanding is necessarily distributed leads to the insight that economic activity, which is necessarily social, depends on shared understandings, that is to say, correlated knowledge. This provides a clue as to the unpredictability and unevenness of knowledge accumulation, and of course the unpredictability of capitalism as a knowledge driven system.  相似文献   

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