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Cybersecurity has become a topic of great interest since 2010. Accounting issues surrounding cybersecurity governance, management, and disclosure have gained attention from accounting standard setters, large accounting firms, and professional associations, but only a limited number of studies have looked at cybersecurity disclosure. In this study, we examine whether the content of cybersecurity disclosures of Canadian firms comprising the S&P/TSX 60 index is aligned with best practices—that is, financial regulators' guidelines in that matter. A content analysis was performed of documents issued between January 2017 and mid‐2018, consisting of recent annual information forms (AIFs), annual and quarterly management's discussion and analysis (MD&As), proxy circulars, material change reports, and news releases. To assess the nature and extent of cybersecurity disclosure, we developed a scoring grid featuring 40 items based on financial regulators' guidelines. Results show that cybersecurity disclosure levels are low. Companies vary widely in the amount of detail they provide, and the information is often not company‐specific. The variations among industrial sectors involve the categories related to cybersecurity risk, cybersecurity risk mitigation, and other items. Most of the companies provided cybersecurity disclosures in the annual MD&A, and several reiterated some disclosure items in the AIF and proxy circular. The results of this study highlight some areas where cybersecurity disclosures have evolved and others where they could be improved. They suggest that some firms strive to avoid boilerplate language and be more company‐specific. The findings also suggest that financial regulators could issue more stringent requirements.  相似文献   

Within the study of teacher training, it is generally accepted that a teacher's behaviour and success in the classroom is influenced by their personal beliefs. This paper discusses teachers' pedagogical beliefs, domain-specific beliefs and conceptions of teaching and learning. We outline empirical results from various studies which explore lecturers' and teachers' perceptions of vocational training in the field of accounting education; then present an empirical study in German commercial schools, conducted via surveys (n= 225 teachers in commercial schools) and in-depth follow-up interviews (n?=?21 teachers). Using cluster analysis we identify different teacher types or belief systems regarding teaching and learning in accounting education: predominantly constructivist or instructional. Of particular interest is a mixed type, which includes both paradigms and emphasises the importance of structured lessons and systematic teaching. Verbal data allow a more detailed analysis of the different pedagogical orientations. We established significant relationships between teachers' beliefs, including domain-specific beliefs, self reports on the organisation of classroom activities and teaching patterns. All in all, the findings show a dominance of instructional ideas and teacher-centred teaching practices in the domain of accounting.  相似文献   

Expressing concern about the Canadian capital market environment, Boritz (2006) suggested that the accounting and auditing profession may be paying limited attention to quarterly reports. This study investigates whether fourth‐quarter adjustments are significantly different from the previous three, thereby limiting the reliability or faithful representation of the firms' results for each quarter. This study includes four years (2003–2006) of quarterly financial information of 353 Canadian public companies. Our results indicate that the volatility of net income in each of the first three quarters is considerably lower than in the final quarter. While lower volatility can improve predictability, the resulting relevance may be limited. The low volatility of reported earnings in the first three quarters suggests that either earnings management is taking place or that management may not be exercising sufficient care at the end of each of the first three quarters on the measurements that generally accepted accounting principles call for and readers of financial statements expect. This could result in quarterly financial statements that do not faithfully represent the underlying resources and obligations of the reporting firms at the end of the quarter, or the firm's performance during the quarter. Our findings support Boritz's proposition for increased audit requirements for interim reports and changes in the approach to the annual audit to integrate it more closely with interim financial reporting.  相似文献   

Salterio (2012) hypothesized that adaptations of an audit efficiency measure, audit report lag (the length of time between the financial statement year‐end date and the auditor's report date), could provide measures of underlying auditor–client management (ACM) negotiation likelihood. Salterio argued that these measures would enable archival researchers to examine issues that heretofore were the exclusive domain of experimental and field researchers. Using an audit report lag measure and a measure of abnormal audit report lag lags (the residual based on audit report lag determinants model), we show that a larger lag is associated with higher audit fees after controlling for other known determinants of audit fees. We also show that larger lags are associated with higher levels of discretionary accruals—that is, lower accrual quality. Based on our findings, we suggest that there is support for Salterio's hypothesis that audit report lags and abnormal audit report provide valid archival proxies for the differences in year‐end ACM negotiation likelihood. We suggest that this proxy will allow researchers to study issues related to published accounting numbers in light of whether negotiations are likely to have occurred in addition to providing regulators and others the means to determine what clients of audit firms are more likely to have different types of ACM relationships.  相似文献   

Many businesses operate legally while pushing the ethical values of society. This case follows the actions of a manager who uses particular metrics to improve his business at the cost of increasing the community's ethical concerns. The objectives of the case are to have students recognize ethical concerns arising from the metrics, assess how these impact business strategy, propose improvements while understanding the ethically sensitive environment in which the business operates, and devise an effective approach to persuade others to implement proposed changes. This case demonstrates to students the complexity of many ethical issues in business and challenges them to consider the interaction between ethical boundaries and a profitable corporate strategy. It highlights the importance of ensuring that both qualitative—here, ethical—and quantitative considerations are incorporated in any management accounting decision‐making tool.  相似文献   

This accounting case involves the evaluation of various alternatives based on a real‐life personal property investment. The Condominium Townhouse Investment (CTI) case uses introductory management accounting concepts and analyses to introduce students to the case method of learning. The main concepts reinforced are relevant costs and revenues, including differentiating between opportunity and sunk costs. Students are not only asked to define and identify these items, but to consider choices centered on the decision alternatives in their role as accountants in public practice. This case is especially valuable because it offers students the chance to become engaged in an analysis and decision‐making situation that they can relate to both personally and professionally because, one day, they themselves are likely to become involved in a home ownership decision. The case focuses on real estate as a personal business investment, and requires both qualitative and quantitative analysis, with more emphasis on the qualitative aspect. In addition, the teaching notes include methods and strategies for students to use in an introductory managerial accounting class or level‐1 MBA class.  相似文献   

Sustainability Northwest (SNW) is a fictional not‐for‐profit organization (NPO) that seeks to develop thought leaders for a sustainable future. This instructional case allows professors to assign students with up to six different roles, including SNW's chair of the board, executive director, volunteer treasurer, and the external auditor. Unique learning objectives include (i) the application of the CPA Canada Handbook, Accounting—Part III to prepare an NPO's financial statements using fund accounting, (ii) the development of recommendations to improve an NPO's board of directors, (iii) the analysis of system flow documents to identify control weaknesses, and (iv) the preparation of an audit planning memo. Instructors can use this case in several milieus. First, professors can foster a student's ability to integrate technical knowledge by (i) assigning students all six roles in a capstone course to promote integration within an individual course or (ii) assigning multiple roles across multiple courses to promote integration across a program of studies. Second, instructors can focus on a particular technical skill by assigning specific roles. This case is ideal for senior‐level undergraduate students or graduate students.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of an asset impairment–related regulatory reform on earnings management in China. Chinese Accounting Standard No. 8 (CAS No. 8), which prohibits the reversal of long‐lived asset impairments, was promulgated to constrain managerial opportunism with respect to previously recognized impairment loss reversal. CAS No. 8 forbids the reversal of long‐lived asset impairment losses only, while allowing the reversal of short‐term asset impairment losses. Based on a sample of China's A‐share listed companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange during the period 2001–2008, we reveal that managers use less current asset write‐downs and more reversals in the post–CAS No. 8 period. However, such reporting practices do not appear to be influenced by managerial incentives to avoid reporting losses and/or for “big bath” accounting purposes.  相似文献   

Student preferences for delivery options were obtained within a monetary framework by asking students to purchase their ideal course structure. Results show that accounting students prefer to spend more on tutorials but purchase less lecture time; the difference due to the higher cost of tutorials compared to lectures. Face-to-face classes were preferred to web-based materials. Within lectures and tutorials students prefer more time devoted to teacher-centred activities than student-centred activities. Monetary valuations, where students must take into account the cost of delivery as well as effectiveness, provide insights for teaching staff and administrators, who need to simultaneously enhance teaching and learning, satisfy student preferences and operate with limited resources. Online and/or student-centred learning may not be compatible with preferences of accounting students. Teachers need to balance calls to change educational delivery and learning activities with preferences of accounting students, or ensure they educate students on why non-preferred approaches are undertaken.  相似文献   

In Arrow's classical problem of demand for insurance indemnity schedules, it is well-known that the optimal insurance indemnification for an insurance buyer—or decision maker (DM)—is a deductible contract when the insurer is a risk-neutral Expected-Utility (EU) maximizer and when the DM is a risk-averse EU maximizer. In Arrow's framework, however, both parties share the same probabilistic beliefs about the realizations of the underlying insurable loss. This article reexamines Arrow's problem in a setting where the DM and the insurer have different subjective beliefs. Under a requirement of compatibility between the insurer's and the DM's subjective beliefs, we show the existence and monotonicity of optimal indemnity schedules for the DM. The belief compatibility condition is shown to be a weakening of the assumption of a monotone likelihood ratio. In the latter case, we show that the optimal indemnity schedule is a variable deductible schedule, with a state-contingent deductible that depends on the state of the world only through the likelihood ratio. Arrow's classical result is then obtained as a special case.  相似文献   

Current standards define fair value as the market price at which an asset could be sold or a liability could be settled in the normal course of business. Setting aside measurement issues, assessing the relevance of exit values has intensified in recent years as fair value becomes a pervasive component of accounting regulation. The current debate about accounting measurement is framed in terms of making a choice between fair value and historical cost. In this article I argue that this is not a correct framing of the issues; knowledge of fair value alone cannot help investors to evaluate stewardship, because they would not know how much resources the management had sacrificed to obtain that fair value. To properly evaluate stewardship, investors need both types of information, historical cost and fair value.Using this information, a rate‐of‐return‐like index of stewardship quality is proposed. This commentary concludes with a statement about three significant drawbacks of relying solely on fair value accounting.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon educational research to examine lecturers' conceptions of teaching introductory accounting. A critical review of relevant research indicates that lecturers' conceptions of teaching may be specific to particular disciplinary and educational contexts. Thus the context of introductory accounting may yield its own unique domain of lecturers' conceptions of the objectives, approaches, outcomes and problems of teaching. A model of teaching conceptions (Fox, 1983) is identified as particularly relevant for the analysis of conceptions within a disciplinary context. The phenomenographic research study reported in this paper analyses lecturers' conceptions of teaching introductory accounting within the framework of Fox's model. Results indicate both the relevance of Fox's model as well as some key contradictions and uncertainties within conceptions of the teaching of introductory accounting. Such contradictions and uncertainties have to do with, amongst others, a tension between a professed priority for conceptual understanding, a difficulty in articulating concepts and an emphasis upon technical mastery of topics and problems. The results indicate the need for further research but also provide a conceptual framework through which lecturers might reflect upon the manner in which introductory accounting is, and can be, taught.  相似文献   

Prior accounting literature has recognized the need for integrating ethics with accounting education (Langenderfer & Rockness, 1989; Loeb, 1988), and suggested that films and video cases are very useful for discussing ethics in the classroom (Homer & Steneck, 1989). This teaching note discusses a widely circulated video case on ethics in management accounting. The teaching note presents a framework for analysis and shows how the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants issued by the Institute of Management Accounts can be applied to the case in resolving ethical problems. Additionally, it discusses how changes in the case regarding performance measures, budgeting, incentive policies, and the type of information used could influence the company's ethical environment. Although this teaching note is specific to the case, the general approach outlined herein may be used for other ethics cases in management accounting.  相似文献   

This article describes a new pedagogical tool, text‐to‐video animation software, that accounting instructors can adopt to easily generate quality videos that address a variety of accounting learning objectives. Although this tool can be used to enhance traditional pedagogical methods, such as case analysis and discussion, it can also be used to address accounting learning objectives not currently addressed by traditional pedagogical methods. This article outlines the benefits of adopting and using this tool in financial and managerial accounting courses, and encourages further study of its effectiveness.  相似文献   

All top‐50 and more than 80% of the top‐500 Australian listed companies now reward their executives with stock options (ESOs) of one kind or another.1 We address the question: “Which method of accounting for ESOs — current practice, the US FASB's recommended practice or the AASB's preferred position — most closely reflects investors' pricing decisions?” We answer the question using models that relate a company's stock price to its earnings and book value of equity calculated according to these three choices of accounting treatment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses IBM's teaching of financial accounting via the Internet. The seductive nature of the hyperreal pedagogy in IBM's @9pGuide to Understanding Financials@2p is explored in two stages: first, by means of a technical critique; and second, by examining the @9pGuide's@2p rhetorical features. Particular focus is given to IBM's use of pictorial metaphors as visual rhetoric. We conclude that the curriculum of IBM's web-based financial accounting teaching contains much more than is apparent upon superficial examination. IBM's website paraphernalia constructs beliefs and shapes public discourse. Like all curriculum, IBM's @9pGuide@2p is contestable social construction.  相似文献   

This two‐part case focuses on red flags of attempted earnings management for a St. Lucian company that is moving from 100 percent family‐owned to selling 50 percent of the family's shares to an equity fund. In order to increase the earnings growth rate in the three years leading up to the proposed sale to an equity fund in 2021, the earnings for the most recent three years (2016–2018) have been artificially depressed. The resulting byproduct of the earnings management is the underprovision of income taxes for the past three years, which is detected by the tax authorities in St. Lucia. The student assumes the role of a tax auditor for the tax authority in St. Lucia assigned to audit Castries Merchandising Inc. (CMI), a merchandiser of building products, hardware, and automobile parts. In Part 1 the student is provided excerpts of the financial statements of CMI with some anomalies that have been detected by a software program. In Part 2 the student is provided with further information of excerpts from the trial balance and an interview with the CFO, who is a member of the family ownership group of CMI and also a Canadian CPA registered in Ontario. Drawing on the student's knowledge of auditing, accounting principles, and financial statement analysis, the student's task is to both reassess the income taxes for the years 2016 to 2018 and contemplate how management may be manipulating the financial statements in order to benefit from the planned future sale of CMI's shares to an equity fund.  相似文献   

Over time, accounting standards have moved toward presenting more items at fair value on the balance sheet. Consistent with this trend, IAS No. 36 permits an impairment loss on a long‐lived asset to be reversed if the economic value of the asset recovers. This article uses empirical data from an experiment conducted with 118 managers to explore the implication of allowing impairment reversals on a manager's decision to record the loss. Results suggest that permitting reversals significantly increases the likelihood that a manager will record the impairment, especially if the manager has a bonus plan. The bonus plan effect is not caused by the manager's intention to smooth income through impairment reversals, but by his disutility from a bonus forgone if the value of the asset recovers but accounting rules prohibit him from reversing the loss.  相似文献   

One of the pioneers of value‐based management discusses his life's work in converting principles of modern finance theory into performance evaluation and incentive compensation plans that have been adopted by many of the world's largest and most successful companies, including Coca‐Cola in the U.S., SABMiller in London, Siemens in Germany, and the Godrej Group in India. The issues covered include the significance of dividend payouts (are dividends really necessary to support a company's stock price and, if so, why?) as well as the question of optimal capital structure (whether and why debt might not be cheaper than equity). But the most important focus of the interview is corporate performance measurement and the use of executive pay to strengthen management incentives to increase efficiency and value. According to Stern, the widespread tendency of public companies to manage “for earnings”—or in accordance with what he refers to as “the accounting model of the firm”—often leads to value‐destroying decisions. As one example, the GAAP accounting principle that requires intangible investments like R&D and training to be written off in the year the expenses are incurred is likely to cause underinvestment in such intangibles. At the same time, the failure of conventional income statements to reflect the cost of equity almost certainly encourages corporate overinvestment. Stern's solution to this problem is an executive incentive compensation plan in which rewards are tied to increases in a measure of economic profit called economic value added, or EVA, which research has shown to have a significance relation to changes both in share value and the premium of market value over book value. Moreover, by combining such a plan with a “bonus bank” that pays out annual awards over a multi‐year period, boards can ensure that management will be rewarded not for good luck but rather for sustainable improvements in performance.  相似文献   

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