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web2.0是一种不仅"可读"而且"可写"和"可交互"的互联网,它是互联网发展的一个重要阶段.目前,Web2.0应用已经深深渗透到各种互联网应用当中.本文主要介绍Web2.0的各种应用所基于的几种新兴理论.  相似文献   

Web2.0时代,网络电子杂志发展迅猛,成为继博客之后互联网又一颗冉冉升起的新星.本文联Web2.O技术背景,简单概述网络电子杂志的发展现状,并在此基础上,预测网络电子杂志未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,互联网也进入了第二代,即web2.0的时代.Web2.0在政府中的应用不仅促进了政府信息服务理念和方式的变革,而且也为政府管理和体制的变革提供了重要的平台.  相似文献   

杨速炎 《新经济》2008,(5):54-56
随着互联网发展到Web2.0时代,好像什么都在向2.0时代发展,就连我们平常吃个饭也忍不住进入了2.0时代。虽然一般人不知道网络订餐2.0具体是什么定义,但越来越多的都市白领已习惯了在网上订外卖,习惯了去某间餐厅前先上有关网站看看大家的评价,也习以为常的通过某些网站来享受订餐的优惠。  相似文献   

江浙地区农家乐开展互联网营销较早,在Web2.0的冲击和社交媒体迅速发展的背景下,传统网络营销方式已经成为农家乐开展旅游电子商务的发展瓶颈,本文就江浙地区开展农家乐社会化营销进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   

以前,想找一个好的餐馆吃饭,可能大多数人都是借助亲朋好友的口碑宣传,现在,选择自己中意的餐馆有了更便捷更周全的选择方式,那就是通过互联网.大众点评网就是这样一个网站,你在网上可以按照"菜系"、"地区"、"氛围"等条件搜索出合乎条件的餐馆,再根据网友点评分数高低排序,最后选择一家就餐--这堪称是互联网Web2.0时代的吃饭方式.  相似文献   

中国网民所经历的互联网行业是最风云突变的,尤其是当前Web 2.0概念的普及、互联网社区化以及生活服务网络化的概念更加明显,人们真正体会到了一张无处不在、触手可及的信息网络.与此同时,移动通信的发展则更为迅速,相对于中国1.6亿网民的数量而言,移动通信的用户数量已经达到6亿.在便携、便捷的需求下,移动互联网开始成为移动通信与互联网不谋而合的发展愿景.  相似文献   

随fWeb2.0交互武技术的发展,我国电子商务进入了全新的时代,消费者需求的个性化特点日趋凸现.本文介绍了基于Web2.0时代下电子商务平台的定制市场营,分析了Web2.0时代下电子商务的定制市场营销所具有的优势,并且对营销组合进行了初步的策略研究.  相似文献   

SNS模式下的电子商务网站发展探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在互联网飞速发展的Web2.0时代,网络用户开始追求更加实用、真实的应用体验,渴望将虚拟网络和现实社会有机结合,于是社会网络服务(Social Networking Services,SNS)应运而生。近几年,我国的SNS热潮风起云涌,不仅建构起一个又一个庞大、有机的网络社会,而且也带来了无限商机。SNS网站如何进行盈利已经成为人们普遍关心的一个问题,除了其在广告,增值服务和网页游戏等方式外,电子商务与SNS模式的联姻也许更能体现它的价值,文章探讨了SNS模式特点下的电子商务网站的发展。  相似文献   

现在Web2.0成了一个筐,什么都能够往里装.我发现老企业、新企业都给自己扣了一个2.0的帽子.这样2.0的市场就很乱,就不纯洁了.很多企业都打着2.0在投资.笼统地来讲,我对2.0的看法是这样的,我认为2.0应该不是一个概念,不是说你用了Wiki、有了博客就叫做2.0,实际上每个企业都是2.0.  相似文献   

物联网对经济发展产生了又一次信息推动,以实现人与物之间的实时信息传递改进社会活动过程中各种功能的运作方式、对经济效率产生推动,其功能在于以实时管理提高时间、空间上的资源配置效率、促进经济发展,提高社会运作效率,促进社会发展水平的提高;在微观层面改善人与物的关联,促进生活质量的提高。物联网的发展可以持续提高经济活动在各个方面的效率,不断降低各方面成本,因此可以为经济的良性发展产生推动作用,是经济复苏和发展的有效路径。物联网对于经济发展的引领主要在于其在技术上和生产方式、流通方式等方面所带来的创新。物联网与经济增长相互依存,是经济增长的主要构成要素,是经济系统形成与发展的一种主导力量。此外,物联网的发展在长期会从根本上改变经济发展模式、人们的生活模式、活动方式,从而引起公共管理的相应变化并进一步深入影响社会经济发展。  相似文献   

Despite its potential, the World Wide Web is not yet a real or viable alternative for marketing channels in Spain. This research attempts to identify and evaluate the factors that contribute and facilitate the development of the Web as an environment for commercial activities in the food and beverage sector in Spain. Spanish consumers have traditionally shown little interest in all forms of distance buying and direct marketing. A range of factors may facilitate this development such as continuous growth in access to the Internet, continued evolution of computer technology, reductions in Internet connection tariffs, and communication speed. Consumers' income, the availability of information online, and the online consumption experience may also act as an impulse for commercial developments on the Web.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2005,52(1):19-29
Decision making to reach for sustainable development of a region can be seen as a debate about the possibilities to integrate social, economic, physical, ecological, and cultural development goals. To make this integration successful, it is necessary to consider a region as a socio-environmental system (SEnS). We use this system concept to make sure that different types of goals and their adverse side effects will be taken as much as possible into account in decision making for regional sustainable development. For setting development goals, we have constructed a framework that we present here.First, we formulate the requirements for goal setting for sustainable development. This results in a kind of framework as search-and-check instrument. This framework can be used to translate people's development goals into valuable characteristics of the socio-environmental system considered. Then we present a case to illustrate the use of the framework in regional development plans. The case shows that the instrument can provide a more balanced survey than usual in practice. For the people involved, it shows which type of goals is missing in the debate about the development of their region.  相似文献   

人口老龄化是一种全球性的不可避免的人口发展趋势,如何实现积极、成功的老龄化,使老年人充分发挥作用,老年教育起着非常重要的作用。发展老年教育也是促进老年人与社会共同发展的重要途径。实现“积极老龄化”,不仅可促进老年人的身心更健康,而且还可挖掘他们的潜力和智慧以贡献于社会。社区“老年大学”是契合中国老年人口特点和教育需求,具有便利性和可及性,能够有效保障老年人受教育权利,改善老年人生存发展现状的教育形式。本文从四个方面对以下问题做了分析:1.中国老龄化的现状;2.社区“老年大学”建设对积极老龄化的重要性;3.我国老年大学的发展特点;4.加强社区“老年大学”建设的具体措施和建议。  相似文献   

周明  张科 《技术经济》2009,28(10):80-86
网络中的虚拟社区是现代舆论传播最为自由的空间,良好的社区交流利于舆论的有序发展,反之,如果社区中出现欺诈或不文明情况时,将严重影响网络舆论的有效发展。因此对网络虚拟社区进行有效管理对国家经济政治文明的发展具有重大的影响。而要对网络虚拟社区进行有效的管理,首先必须了解网络虚拟社区中人员交流的特征。本文采用网络挖掘和社会网络分析技术相结合的方法,对虚拟社区的典型形式之一——网络论坛中的社区模式及成员间交流的特征进行了凝聚子群分析,并对划分出的子群进行凝聚性检验。得出结论:网络论坛中成员间通过交流形成不同的虚拟社区,社区内部成员具有明显的凝聚性,社区间的成员联系则较少。  相似文献   

With the evolution of the Web and development of web-based search engines, online searching has become a common method for obtaining information. Given this popularity, the question arises as to how much time people save by using search engines for their information needs compared to offline sources, as well as how online searching affects both search experiences and search outcomes. Using a random sample of queries from a major search engine and a sample of reference questions from the Internet Public Library (IPL), we conduct a real-effort experiment to compare online and offline search experiences and outcomes. We find that participants are significantly more likely to find an answer on the Web (100 %), compared to offline searching (between 87 % and 90 %). Restricting our analysis to the set of questions in which participants find answers in both treatments, a Web search takes on average 7 (9) minutes, whereas the corresponding offline search takes 22 (19) minutes for a search-engine (IPL) question. Furthermore, while raters judge library sources to be significantly more trustworthy and authoritative than the corresponding Web sources, they judge Web sources as significantly more relevant. Balancing all factors, we find that the overall source quality is not significantly different between the two treatments for the set of search-engine questions. However, for IPL questions, we find that non-Web sources are judged to have significantly higher overall quality than the corresponding Web sources. In comparison, for factual questions, Web search results are significantly more likely to be correct (66 % vs. 43 %). Lastly, post-search questionnaires reveal that participants find online searching more enjoyable than offline searching.  相似文献   

网络深刻地影响和改变着人类社会,也影响和改变着人类政治生活的范式和政治参与方式。随着网络技术的发展,网络政治参与呈现出与传统政治参与相区别的诸多特点。新的政治参与主体、多元的政治信息来源、多发的政治参与触发点、复杂的参与动因、新的作用机制,使得网络时代的政治参与不仅获得了全新的参与手段和工具,而且以全新的理念和全新的作用方式进行。  相似文献   

“互联网+”背景下新一代信息技术与实体产业深度融合,智能化战略成为制造企业顺应科技革命和产业变革趋势,重塑竞争新优势的重要选择。以美国GE、德国Siemens、日本Toyota与中国Haier作为研究对象,应用复杂系统理论进行多案例分析,构建“资源要素—核心能力—系统创新”智能化战略转型综合模型,明确不同国家制造企业因资源、能力和系统差异而形成的不同模式,在转型出发点、落脚点以及目标、路径等方面存在的显著区别。结论不仅从微观动态层面为理解制造企业智能化战略转型提供了基本信息,也有利于从系统论角度构建制造企业智能化战略转型发展框架,对中国制造企业转型升级具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

以WoS数据库中工业互联网平台研究文献为对象,采用文献计量法对工业互联网平台研究文献进行统计分析,对工业互联网平台研究学科知识结构、热点和趋势进行总结。研究发现:工业互联网平台领域学科知识结构由工业互联网平台与工业4.0、云制造平台与企业商业模式、物联网与平台基础设施、工业互联网平台与智能物流、物联网与企业信息系统5部分构成。研究热点方向主要包括工业互联网平台知识管理与商业模式、工业互联网平台应用与产业创新、工业互联网平台与制造企业生产管理。最后,提出以“工业互联网平台基础架构—工业互联网平台运行机制—工业互联网平台产出结果”为主线的工业互联网平台理论框架,并从3个角度提出未来研究方向,旨在为国内工业互联网平台学术研究和管理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

The rapid transition towards a “digital economy” was enabled by a converging set of innovations. Computing saw the development of the semiconductor transistor, integrated circuit, personal computers (PCs), operating systems, and graphical interfaces. The physical layer of telecommunication was enabled via the emergence of optical fiber and new wireless communication technologies, while networking saw the development of the Internet (essentially packet switching) and the World Wide Web. These advances combined to realize a series of new applications of information and communications technologies (ICTs) such as business software, e-mail, and e-commerce. However, progress seriously stumbled with the collapse of the dot com bubble, which among other things revealed a huge amount of misdirected investment that could have been used more productively. The question of the day is thus how to realize new “killer apps” to stimulate a new round of growth. The use of cell phones for communicating text, pictures, and video is a rapidly expanding area, but it seems unlikely that these applications will have a macroeconomic impact. Entertainment is a key industry whose fortunes are entwined with ICTs. Indeed, the application of ICT to innovating entertainment products is an important driver for the continued growth of the industry. Distribution of music and video via the Web could significantly stimulate demand but also raises the thorny question of how to protect intellectual property rights (IPR) of content providers. Another possible killer apps are interactive video-on-demand and telecalls/teleconferencing. The latter would, among other things, stimulate adoption of telework. The current Internet is capable of handing neither one-way transmissions of high-quality video nor interactive video-on-demand. There are bottlenecks both for the “last mile” connection from Internet service provider (ISP) to the home but also the “first miles” from originating server to ISP. The effective first miles bandwidth has not increased along with improvements in equipment, essentially because demand increases with capacity and thus traffic jams on the net continue. Digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies over telephone wires, and possibly wireless networks, will play important roles in getting over the last mile hurdle. Upgrading the first miles will probably require new networking protocols beyond TCP/IP that support multimedia and also changes in the economic model of information transfer via the Net.  相似文献   

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