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甘天文 《大经贸》2001,(11):49-50
根据我国政府的承诺,在今后五年时间内,金融服务业将逐步全面开放。在日前召开的第6届世界华商大会上,戴相龙行长介绍了入世后金融开放日程表。以银行业为例,在业务范围准入方面,加入 WTO 当年,允许外国银行向中资企业和居民个人办理外币业务。两年内,允许外资银行经营中资企业的人民币业务;5年内,允许外资银行办理城乡居民人民币业务。在地域准入方面,加入 WTO 后,中国将每年增加一定数量城市向外资银行开放人民币业务,5年后对外资银行办理人民币业务不再有地域限制。我国金融服务业长期受到政策的保护,内部改革又受到各种体制的束缚,尚未完全适应市场化运作,与外国很多银行相比还存在着"治理结构不完善、不良资产数量庞大、资本充足率水平低、资产流动性不强、服务品种手段单一、服务方法和水平比较落后及盈利不高"等问题。因此加入 WTO,金融业务的逐步开放无疑会使我  相似文献   

作为预测的前提,财务分析同样也是过去经营活动的总结.把财务分析作为财务管理的重要手段,用其能了解企业的财务状况及经营成果,可为领导提供决策依据.对企业财务分析的研究有着重要的现实意义,拟就目前我国企业财务分析中存在问题进行探讨,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

An increasing number of US.-based multinational companies have adopted a strategy of “inward-oriented” diversification in the 1980s. This article focuses on the ensuing financial performance of these firms, especially as compared to that of a group of U.S.-based domestic corporations. Specifically, well-known performance and risk measures are applied to a sample of multinational and domestic firms based in the U.S. The data are analyzed over three five-year periods (1979-1983, 1980-1984, and 1981-1985). The overall results, while providing total support for a few of the major issues and lending partial support to the others, seem to indicate that U.S. multinationals may have adopted a successful strategy in response to a changing global economic environment.  相似文献   

实现新经济时代下的财务管理创新是一个重大的理论和实践课题,必须从转变理财观念、创新财务目标、创新风险管理体系、提升财务人员素质与创新能力等方面进行综合考虑.  相似文献   

We investigate motivational drivers of financial advisor use, accounting for investor heterogeneity, with the goal of helping institutions increase the use of financial advisor services. The results from a latent class choice model reveal two distinct segments that differ in their approach to the financial advice decision. While higher levels of risk tolerance, trust, and self-efficacy increase financial advice use for both segments, albeit at much higher propensities for Segment 1, personality only matters for Segment 1. Moreover, their regulatory focus differs with Segment 1 being promotion and Segment 2 being prevention focused. Using these results, we offer suggestions for marketing strategies.  相似文献   

In the United States, entrepreneurs have been cussed and discussed, glorified and vilified, declared to be social misfits and bastions of the private enterprise system. Early in the life cycle of an entrepreneur, he or she may have been classified as being “unable to relate to family or peers,” later as “unwilling and unable to submit to or work with authority” to “jungle fighter” to “robber barron” to “philanthropist.” 5A common but incorrect assumption is that if one cannot adjust to the corporate environment, he or she should pursue an entrepreneurial career. Whether or not one can adjust does not preclude the necessity for the development of the skills and techniques required of a competent executive. The authors hypothesize that an entrepreneur must be a capable executive, and in addition, must possess a number of psychological characteristics to a greater or lesser degree than their corporate counterparts.This does not imply that all entrepreneurs are alike any more than all managers or executives are alike. Nor that the presence of a higher or lower level of a psychological trait or characteristic is itself sufficient for success. There are a number of sociological, psychological, demographic, and economic factors that appear to impact on the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations. Although neither the absolute level of the impact of a psychological trait nor the interrelationship of the combined factors on the final decision-making process are known, research has indicated that significant differences in the intensity level of psychological traits or characteristics exist between entrepreneurs and managers or executives.This article discusses those traits that entrepreneurs exhibit at significantly different levels than do their corporate counterparts; how these factors may influence the decision to enter entrepreneurial occupations: and how these same traits have the propensity, if ignored, to have a negative influence on both the entrepreneur's organization and personal life-style.Entrepreneurs tend to be 1) tolerant of ambiguous situations, 2) prefer autonomy (autonomy may be described as self-reliance, dominance, and independence), 3) resist conformity, 4) be interpersonally aloof yet socially adroit, 5) enjoy risk-taking, 6) adapt readily to change, and 7) have a low need for support. These factors can lead to serious problems in delegation and communication, two factors of paramount importance to a growing concern. They may also cause intense stress or loneliness for the entrepreneur. Fortunately, the traits of willingness to accept change and ability to adapt to it will help the entrepreneur to accept and respond to problems that arise due to poor delegation or communication. Coping methods and a tolerance of ambiguity will assist the entrepreneur in dealing with stress and loneliness. The main problem is to alert the entrepreneur to the potentiality of these problems—which is what this article attempts to do.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of national culture on adult financial literacy levels in 12 countries. Contrary to earlier financial literacy studies, our results are directly comparable across countries given that we use the standardized OECD/INFE financial literacy survey data and Hofstede's, 2001, cultural dimensions to capture financial literacy and national culture. In line with the financial socialization theory, we find that uncertainty avoidance positively influences financial literacy, while individualism negatively influences financial literacy. We conclude that national culture affects financial literacy and that it is important to account for cultural dimensions in future international financial literacy research.  相似文献   

A growing body of research shows evidence that financial economics played a significant role in recent financial crises, such as the subprime mortgage crisis, Enron and Long-Term Capital Management. This track record is a wake-up call for managers and investors who employ financial economic models. This paper demonstrates how financial economics decouples market prices from the valuation by customers and resource owners in a systematic way. As an organization principle, financial economics replaces value-driven investment by a theory-driven ruling of anonymous financial markets – a scenario warranting the title “financial socialism”. Implications for customer valuation, financial accounting, and a maxim for the sound application of financial economic models are presented.  相似文献   

Complaint management and the role of the chief executive   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to encourage a new stream of research into complaints and the role of the chief executive officer (CEO). The objectives of this paper were firstly to assess the intensity of dissatisfaction driving customers to complain directly to the CEO and secondly to ascertain if the reasons for complaining to the CEO were different to those of complainants using ‘normal’ channels. A leading financial services company in the UK provided access to its complaint letters and its CEO. Based on analysis of a sample of 100 letters sent to the CEO and 100 standard complaint letters, it was found that customers complaining directly to the CEO have a significantly greater intensity of dissatisfaction. However, unexpectedly, despite the greater positional power of the CEO, the reasons for complaining to the CEO were little different to the reasons for using the ‘normal’ channels. Interestingly most of the complainants to the CEO had multiple reasons for complaint suggesting that complaints to the CEO are motivated by multiple underlying service failures.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of inventory and financial instability on the basis of the crude oil market. The results show that, first, the basis rises with inventory, and this effect is higher during low inventory regimes. This validates the theory of storage in the crude oil market. Second, the basis rises with financial instability, and this effect is higher during turbulent regimes. These results warn the oil market participants that, to make decisions based on the basis variation, traditionally known as a signal of scarcity or abundance, the underlying cause of the variation has to be considered.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis hit nearly every country in the world, devastating their economies, decimating the financial resources of their companies and citizens, and nearly collapsing the banking systems in their countries. While risky financial instruments and bad home lending practices receive much of the blame for this downturn, too few innovations introduced in the years leading up to the crisis also contribute to this collapse or, at a minimum, deepening the resulting recession. This paper draws on theoretical literature and contemporary media accounts, building the argument for a significant impact of innovations on the economy and its potential role in pulling the US economy out of the financial crisis. The paper develops propositions based on this review and discusses implications for staving off future economic difficulties.  相似文献   

This study tests firms’ financing behavior, especially the causal relation between trade credit and bank credit around the time of the recent subprime financial crises. I find bank credit and accounts payable/receivable are simultaneously determined and there is a substitute/complementary effect between bank credit and accounts payable/receivable. Moreover, I test a cross-sectional response to crisis and find that firms with a more vulnerable financial position (i.e., financially constrained firms) are more likely to be negatively affected by crisis and, in turn, are more likely to cut their supply of credit to customers and increase their use of credit from suppliers.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - Entrepreneurs or small business owners are confronted by a number of risks in their business activities. Previous literature suggests that entrepreneurs balance...  相似文献   

医院财务管理是医院经济工作的核心,在医院管理经营中财务管理既具有独立性,又具有综合性,因此,医院的财务管理影响医院的整体发展.本文主要分析医院财务管理中的医院成本管理,通过对医院成本加强控制,从而加强对医院的财务管理.  相似文献   

财务治理作为企业管理的重要组成部分,对晋升企业价值起着越来越重要的作用.在市场经济环境下,企业发展的各种风险因素都集中体现在企业财务上,所以加强企业财务治理,更好地发挥财务治理在企业发展中的鼓励作用,对企业长期稳定发展是非常必要的.  相似文献   

The unification of “marketing” functions under the control of a chief marketing executive has long been regarded as central to implementing the marketing concept. While not accepting the logic that suggests that marketing orientation implies any particular set of organisational arrangements, this article examines new empirical data concerned with the role and status of the chief marketing executive and the marketing department, in a sample of manufacturing firms, to suggest that they function very differently in different companies.

Such distinctions have important implications for our understanding of how marketing operates in organisations, and the different ways in which it may be developed, both in manufacturing and in other sectors.  相似文献   

FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we examine the various links among foreign direct investment (FDI), financial markets, and economic growth. We explore whether countries with better financial systems can exploit FDI more efficiently. Empirical analysis, using cross-country data between 1975 and 1995, shows that FDI alone plays an ambiguous role in contributing to economic growth. However, countries with well-developed financial markets gain significantly from FDI. The results are robust to different measures of financial market development, the inclusion of other determinants of economic growth, and consideration of endogeneity.  相似文献   

“We have a great incentive system around here; make one mistake and you're fired.” Until recently, executives would have found no meaning in what is now a cliche. The traditional concept, however, of an employer-employee lifetime contract has under-gone discernible alteration since the 1950s. This article explores this growing trend toward “journeymen executives.” All the factors contributing to this new management lifestyle-fluctuations in the economy, demands for innovations, attitudes of employers, expectations of employees—are considered. The implications in the changes are explored and questions raised on how the new assumptions are working.  相似文献   

I develop and test a model to study the interaction between the commodity and stock markets. This study attempts to clarify the debate about the effect of financialization on commodity markets. Theoretically, the futures risk premium is determined by hedging pressure, stock market returns, and the commodity–equity correlation. Empirically, the effect of the stock market on the energy market became significantly greater for the futures risk premium in the period following the 2008 crisis. Furthermore, hedging pressure is a strong explanatory variable for the futures risk premium in various circumstances.  相似文献   

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