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In the context of austerity-inspired reforms to public audit in England we investigate the extent to which audit firms mitigate management bias in public sector financial reports. A substantial body of literature finds that both public and not-for-profit managers manage ‘earnings’ to report small surpluses close to zero by managing deficits upwards and surpluses downwards. Under agency theory, auditors acting in the interests of their principal(s) would tend to reverse this bias. We exploit privileged access to pre-audit financial statements in the setting of the English National Health Service (NHS) to investigate the impact of audit adjustments on the pre-audit financial statements of English NHS Foundation Trusts over the period 2010–2011 to 2014–2015. We find evidence that auditors act to reverse management bias in the case of Trusts with a pre-audit deficit, but find no evidence that this is the case for Trusts with a pre-audit surplus. In the case of Trusts in surplus, these findings are consistent with auditors’ interests being aligned with management, rather than principals.  相似文献   

The authors' study of audit committees in 450 large East Asian companies (150 each in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia) finds a strong positive correlation between the “cash flow” ownership (as opposed to just the voting rights) of large shareholders and the percentage of independent audit committee members. The study also reports a strong positive correlation between the “cash flow” ownership of large shareholders and the percentage of audit committee members with financial expertise and experience. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that larger cash flow ownership provides large shareholders with strong incentives for more effective governance. Conversely, the lower percentages of independent or professional audit directors at companies with large disparities between cash ownership and voting rights is consistent with the authors' hypothesis that entrenched large shareholders prefer inferior governance structures that pose fewer obstacles to their tendency to exploit the wealth of minority shareholders. Furthermore, the authors find higher valuations (market‐to‐book ratios) for companies with audit committees that consist entirely of independent directors and have larger percentage of members with financial expertise. And when viewed as a whole, the authors' findings provide support for the argument that ownership structure affects the composition of audit committees, and that independent and professional audit committees can help increase firm value.  相似文献   

This study seeks to answer the research question ‘using reliance as the pivotal consideration, what factors determine the efficient and effective interrelationship between internal and external audit?’, within the context of the Australian public sector. A qualitative approach, framed within agency theory, was adopted using a case study and structured interviews. Findings included factors supporting prior literature as well as some unique to the research described here. As a result, this article makes a contribution to the literature examining public sector internal and external audit interrelationships as well as the literature on police audit and performance. It also has practical implications for both the case study site and similar organisations throughout the world.  相似文献   

Does New Zealand's success story have lessons for developingcountries contemplating public sector reform? That questionusually elicits one of two reactions, both inadvisable in theauthors' view. The first reaction is to be impressed with theefficacy of the reforms and conclude that they should be adopteduncritically in other countries. The second reaction is thatthe special conditions existing in New Zealand are such thatnone of its reform experience is relevant to others. The authorstake a middle position, maintaining that poorer countries canindeed extrapolate from the experience of their higher incomeneighbor despite the different conditions under which they haveto operate. New Zealand's comprehensive overhaul of its publicsector affords both general principles and specific elementsrelevant to countries looking to improve the quality, efficiency,and cost effectiveness of their public service sectors, anda careful analysis of those reforms can ascertain what mightbe transferable and what principles might apply.   相似文献   

Iris Claus 《Fiscal Studies》2014,35(2):225-240
Different schemes used in property transactions raised concern in New Zealand that insufficient goods and services tax (GST) was being paid on the sale of property. To improve tax compliance in the property sector, various measures have been undertaken. Tax auditing of property transactions has been strengthened since 2007 and in 2009 the government issued a discussion document that proposed a legislative solution to some specific GST problems. Moreover, several court cases have ruled against abusive GST schemes. This paper estimates the impact on GST collection and compliance in the property sector following these actions. The findings suggest that GST compliance in the property sector has increased.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the associations between audit pricing and multidimensional characteristics of local governments by using a sample of Greek municipalities. The Greek institutional setting is interesting because it is politically pluralistic. Moreover, independent auditors appointed through a bid process exclusively perform the audits. Our results suggest a considerable variation on audit fees which is mainly driven by politically related factors indicating the importance of relevant theoretical anticipations in audit pricing in the public sector. Agency costs appear strong enough to explain audit pricing. We also confirm prior findings on the significance of audit complexity and size. Results also suggest that audit fees are reduced when an internal team dedicated to accrual accounting is appointed. Therefore, our conclusions offer practical implications for policy setters and regulators in the public sector in relation to audit quality.  相似文献   

R. G. Walker 《Abacus》2004,40(2):157-192
Since the 1940s, advocacy of the establishment of audit committees was undertaken by regulatory agencies, and subsequently by the accounting profession, and committees representing combinations of interest groups. Over time, this advocacy literature has reflected changing views about the key responsibilities of audit committees. Initially, audit committees were primarily concerned with negotiations with (or responding to) auditors, and reviewing financial statements prior to publication. Since the 1970s, formal guidelines or requirements have suggested additional responsibilities that involve oversight of the internal management of corporations. There is a pattern of renewed enthusiasm for enhanced corporate governance and for a stronger role for audit committees following spates of corporate crashes or disasters. Nevertheless, some of the lessons from those events continue to be ignored, so that arguably there are gaps in contemporary guidelines on audit committees. These gaps concern the need for audit committees to review the structure and design of delegations, and the adequacy of financial and operational information being provided to senior management and boards (particularly concerning subsidiaries and associated entities). These gaps are also reflected in the charters of the audit committees of Australia's top 200 listed entities. However, in some respects, Australian practice has gone beyond the recommendations embodied in recent guidelines. Drawing from literature and practice, this article proposes a model charter which, if adopted, may contribute to improvements in the effectiveness of audit committees.  相似文献   

The existence of audit committees in public companies can improve the quality of the financial reporting process, aid the actual and perceived independence of both the internal and external auditors, and improve financial statement users' confidence in the quality of the information. These benefits will be enhanced by disclosure of audit committees in the financial statements. This study examined the incidence and form of the disclosure of audit committees in annual reports by major Australian public companies over the period 1988–1990. The results showed that disclosures by larger companies increased during this time. Rates of disclosure varied considerably depending on the auditor and was positively associated with the size of the organisation. Companies with audit committees are encouraged to consider enhanced methods of disclosure such as those outlined in AUP 31 Communication with an Audit Committee.  相似文献   

This study investigates the market for audit services in the UK National Health Service (NHS). The market has a number of interesting features, including the presence of the Audit Commission as a regulator, appointer and provider of audit services. Following a theoretical overview of audit pricing in the NHS, evidence is provided on the behaviour of private sector auditors in an environment where audit risk characteristics differ from the private sector. The research also investigates, for the first time in the public sector, the relationship between audit fees and non–audit (consultancy) fees. Comparisons are also drawn between audit fees in the public and private sectors in an analysis of audit fees by industry. Despite some key similarities, the study shows that a number of differences exist between private and public sector audit fee models. In particular, we find no evidence of Big 6 (or mid–tier) auditor premiums, but we do find a significant negative relationship between audit and consultancy fees providing support for the 'knowledge spill–over' hypothesis. In addition, the fees charged to trusts appear significantly lower than their private sector counterparts, despite trust auditors having additional duties to perform. Possible explanations for this finding are offered in the paper.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using confidential data from US manufacturing firms' tax returns and Inland Revenue Service (IRS) audit adjustments, Mills (1998) tests, and finds support for, her hypothesis that IRS audit adjustments increase as the book-tax differences increase. We test Mills' hypothesis using confidential data obtained from the New Zealand Inland Revenue (hereafter Inland Revenue). Confidential data provide the key variable of interest, Inland Revenue's proposed audit adjustment, which is not available from public sources. These data provide the exact audit adjustment amounts, eliminating measurement errors inherent in proxy variables, and enable a temporal alignment of the book-tax differences with the Inland Revenue audit adjustments, thereby enhancing the internal validity of the relation between book-tax differences and Inland Revenue audit adjustments. Because the results of our study using New Zealand data, another time period, a more diverse set of firms, and a different institutional environment are consistent with those of Mills, we argue for the generalizability of Mills' hypothesis that proposed audit adjustments are positively related to the excess of book income over taxable income.  相似文献   

Many countries are turning to the balanced scorecard to measure and manage performance in the public health sector. Questions remain, however, about the usefulness of this tool for promoting accountability and strategic management in this domain. This paper draws on diffusion of innovations theory and international comparisons to explore the effectiveness of a BSC in New Zealand hospitals. The findings suggest that the NZ hospitals BSC has some way to go in moving from its current status as a mandated reporting requirement to become an effective mechanism for supporting health sector accountability and management.  相似文献   

国际内部审计师协会(简称IIA)2009年发布了公共部门内部审计能力模型研究报告,本文从背景、原则、主要内容三个方面介绍了这份研究报告。通过这份研究报告,我们可以看出:公共部门内审人员胜任能力建设是一个不断制度化的过程;控制环境建设的完善程度将影响内审人员能力的提升;应通过相关法律、法规建设,政府审计建议,以及中国内部审计协会来推动我国公共部门内部审计制度的建立、完善。  相似文献   

Relationships between the NHS and social care services over the Past 25 years have a poor history. This article examines the strategies that have been used by central government and by local NHS and social care organizations to overcome difficulties of service co-ordination. The authors conclude that policies reflecting ‘networked’ modes of governance may stand the best chance of success, although evidence of improved impact and outcomes still remains scarce.  相似文献   

This article explains the concept of 'new' reward (for example variable pay, market-based pay, performance-related pay and team-based pay) and why recent UK governments have encouraged it. The extent and effectiveness of new pay practices in the public sector is investigated. The author concludes that the Government should not be pushing the public services to mimic what they perceive to be private sector reward practice.  相似文献   

This paper looks at board composition determinants in New Zealand. We document that the proportion of outside board members is inversely related to insider equity ownership supporting the notion that these variables are substitute mechanisms in controlling agency problems. We also find that board composition is directly related to debt, ownership concentration, and profitability and inversely related to growth and firm size. There is evidence that firms with influential CEOs have lower outside board representation. Finally, we document that the passage of the legislation reforming company and securities laws in 1993 was associated with increased outside members on the board.  相似文献   

This study investigates the challenges associated with designing a system to evaluate the mature operating phase of long-term partnerships with the private sector for the provision of public services (PPPS), an area largely neglected by a performance audit (PA) focus. It argues that assessing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (the three Es) are key to any PA, but that their nature is contextually defined; that auditing for effectiveness involves going beyond a 'watchdog' to a 'sheepdog' role; and that internal evaluation procedures provide insights that are necessary, but not necessary and sufficient to evaluating the achievement of the three Es in the PPPS mature operating stage. Findings are based on an analysis of the literature and an engagement with an audit office. The paper elucidates the meaning of each of the three Es in the context of PA of the PPPS mature operating stage.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of audit regulation in New Zealand, using audit quality reviews undertaken by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) between 2013 and 2017. Regulation has more than halved the number of registered audit firms indicating that it imposes costs on audit firms. The results show that audit quality is improving, but a high proportion of audits do not meet the FMA's requirements. A key area for improvement is the consistency of quality across audits performed by the same audit firm. The FMA advises audit firms to investigate the underlying cause of audit deficiencies to ensure that internal quality control systems are effective in producing high‐quality audits on a regular basis. A comparison of audit file ratings with the United Kingdom shows that New Zealand's audit quality is much lower. The variation in audit quality across countries concerns the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR) as it has the potential to undermine stakeholder confidence in the audit industry. Thus monitoring progress in improving audit quality in New Zealand is important. This paper provides insights into audit quality at a country level, whereas most research focuses on the firm level.  相似文献   

我国政务数据共享长期面临政务部门不愿、不会、不便、不敢共享之困境。作为应急工具,健康码借由政治压力,依托工作专班和大数据管理机构,利用互联网企业力量,通过授权决定,一定程度上实现了突破。但这种突破仍有局限,因为在后疫情时代,政治压力难以持续,专责机构面临挑战,政企合作有待转型,授权规范仍需细化。要真正实现政务数据共享,有赖于来自政务部门内部和外部社会公众的压力和促动。而要降低政务部门共享数据的法律风险,降低民众对政务数据共享的担忧,就需明确共享的法治边界。现有制度和实践存在三大问题: 原则上,笼统要求“以共享为原则,不共享为例外”与个人信息保护法制的基本逻辑相抵触;规则上,无条件共享、有条件共享和不予共享的数据分类不准确,以数据定共享的做法不合理,共享方式分类不适当;程序上,共享行为公开和告知的法定要求未落实。这些问题需以原则修正、规则重塑和程序完善的方式来解决。  相似文献   

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