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We formulate a mean-variance portfolio selection problem that accommodates qualitative input about expected returns and provide an algorithm that solves the problem. This model and algorithm can be used, for example, when a portfolio manager determines that one industry will benefit more from a regulatory change than another but is unable to quantify the degree of difference. Qualitative views are expressed in terms of linear inequalities among expected returns. Our formulation builds on the Black-Litterman model for portfolio selection. The algorithm makes use of an adaptation of the hit-and-run method for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. We also present computational results that illustrate advantages of our approach over alternative heuristic methods for incorporating qualitative input.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了投资组合理论与copula,然后给出基于概率的收益率等定义,建立基于概率的收益率的投资组合选择模型并给出具体解法,接着通过选取上证领先指数与深证领先指数2004年9月1日至2006年5月26日的日收盘数据进行实证分析,发现在收益率(基于概率的收益率)一定的情况下,通过投资组合可以降低风险。pápápá  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a closed-form solution for a representative investor who optimally allocates her wealth among the following securities: a credit-risky asset, a default-free bank account, and a stock. Although the inclusion of a credit-related financial product in the portfolio selection is more realistic, no closed-form solutions to date are given in the literature when a recovery value is considered in the event of a default. While most authors have assumed some recovery scheme in their initial model set up, they do not address the portfolio problem with a recovery when a default actually occurs. Given the tractability of the recovery of market value, we solved the optimal portfolio problem for the representative investor whose utility function is a Constant Relative Risk Aversion utility function. We find that the investor will allocate larger fraction of wealth to the defaultable security as long as the default-event risk is priced. These results are very intuitive and reasonable since it indicates that if the default risk premium is not priced properly the investor purchases less defaultable securities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that if asset returns follow a generalized hyperbolic skewed t distribution, the investor has an exponential utility function and a riskless asset is available, the optimal portfolio weights can be found either in closed form or using a successive approximation scheme. We also derive lower bounds for the certainty equivalent return generated by the optimal portfolios. Finally, we present a study of the performance of mean–variance analysis and Taylor’s series expected utility expansion (up to the fourth moment) to compute optimal portfolios in this framework.  相似文献   

We consider robust optimal portfolio problems for markets modeled by (possibly non-Markovian) Itô–Lévy processes. Mathematically, the situation can be described as a stochastic differential game, where one of the players (the agent) is trying to find the portfolio that maximizes the utility of her terminal wealth, while the other player (“the market”) is controlling some of the unknown parameters of the market (e.g., the underlying probability measure, representing a model uncertainty problem) and is trying to minimize this maximal utility of the agent. This leads to a worst case scenario control problem for the agent. In the Markovian case, such problems can be studied using the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman–Isaacs (HJBI) equation, but these methods do not work in the non-Markovian case. We approach the problem by transforming it into a stochastic differential game for backward stochastic differential equations (a BSDE game). Using comparison theorems for BSDEs with jumps we arrive at criteria for the solution of such games in the form of a kind of non-Markovian analogue of the HJBI equation. The results are illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

We outline a method of portfolio selection incorporating asymmetric dependency structures using copula functions. Assuming normally distributed marginal returns, we illustrate how asymmetric return correlations affect the efficient frontier and subsequent portfolio performance under a dynamic rebalancing framework. Implementing this methodology within the context of tactically allocating a small set of market indices, we demonstrate several key findings. First, we establish the manner by which the efficient frontier constructed under asymmetric dependence differs from a mean‐variance frontier. By establishing a paper portfolio based on these differences, we find that asymmetric correlation structures do have real economic value. The primary source of this economic value is the ability to better protect portfolio value and reduce the size of any erosion in return relative to the normal portfolio when asymmetric return correlations are accounted for.  相似文献   

We extend Relative Robust Portfolio Optimization models to allow portfolios to optimize their performance when considered relative to a set of benchmarks. We do this in a minimum volatility setting, where we model regret directly as the maximum difference between our volatility and that of a given benchmark. Portfolio managers are also given the option of computing regret as a proportion of the benchmark’s performance, which is more in line with market practice than other approaches suggested in the literature. Furthermore, we propose using regret as an extra constraint rather than as a brand new objective function, so practitioners can maintain their current framework. We also look into how such a triple optimization problem can be solved or at least approximated for a general class of objective functions and uncertainty and benchmark sets. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of this approach by examining its performance against other common methods in the literature in several equity markets.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of valuing a European option written on an asset whose dynamics are described by an exponential Lévy-type model. In our framework, both the volatility and jump-intensity are allowed to vary stochastically in time through common driving factors—one fast-varying and one slow-varying. Using Fourier analysis we derive an explicit formula for the approximate price of any European-style derivative whose payoff has a generalized Fourier transform; in particular, this includes European calls and puts. From a theoretical perspective, our results extend the class of multiscale stochastic volatility models of Fouque et al. [Multiscale Stochastic Volatility for Equity, Interest Rate, and Credit Derivatives, 2011] to models of the exponential Lévy type. From a financial perspective, the inclusion of jumps and stochastic volatility allow us to capture the term-structure of implied volatility, as demonstrated in a calibration to S&;P500 options data.  相似文献   

Portfolios in which all assets contribute equally to the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) represent an interesting variation of the popular risk parity investment strategy. This paper considers the use of convex optimization to find long-only equal risk contribution (ERC) portfolios for CVaR given a set of equally likely scenarios of asset returns. We provide second-order conic and non-linear formulations of the problem, which yields an ERC portfolio when CVaR is both positive and differentiable at the optimal solution. We identify sufficient conditions for differentiability and develop a heuristic that obtains an approximate ERC portfolio when the conditions are not satisfied. Computational tests show that the approach performs well compared to non-convex formulations that have been proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

For financial risk management it is of vital interest to have good estimates for the correlations between the stocks. It has been found that the correlations obtained from historical data are covered by a considerable amount of noise, which leads to a substantial error in the estimation of the portfolio risk. A method to suppress this noise is power mapping. It raises the absolute value of each matrix element to a power q while preserving the sign. In this paper we use the Markowitz portfolio optimization as a criterion for the optimal value of q and find a K/T dependence, where K is the portfolio size and T the length of the time series. Both in numerical simulations and for real market data we find that power mapping leads to portfolios with considerably reduced risk. It compares well with another noise reduction method based on spectral filtering. A combination of both methods yields the best results.  相似文献   

This article investigates the portfolio selection problem of an investor with three-moment preferences taking positions in commodity futures. To model the asset returns, we propose a conditional asymmetric t copula with skewed and fat-tailed marginal distributions, such that we can capture the impact on optimal portfolios of time-varying moments, state-dependent correlations, and tail and asymmetric dependence. In the empirical application with oil, gold and equity data from 1990 to 2010, the conditional t copulas portfolios achieve better performance than those based on more conventional strategies. The specification of higher moments in the marginal distributions and the type of tail dependence in the copula has significant implications for the out-of-sample portfolio performance.  相似文献   

A new dynamic criterion for measuring the performance of self-financing investment strategies is introduced. To this aim, a family of stochastic processes defined on [0, ∞) and indexed by a wealth argument is used. Optimality is associated with their martingale property along the optimal wealth trajectory. The optimal portfolios are constructed via stochastic feedback controls that are functionally related to differential constraints of fast diffusion type. A multi-asset Ito-type incomplete market model is used.  相似文献   

Portfolio Insurance with Liquidity Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies a portfolio insurance problem with liquidity risk. We consider an investor who wants to maximize the expected growth rate of wealth in a low liquid market. The investor can trade assets only at random times and his wealth must not fall below a predetermined floor. We find the optimal expected growth rate and an optimal strategy. The optimal strategy is closely related with a traditional constant proportion portfolio insurance strategy. Also we show that the same strategy maximizes the growth rate almost surely. Further we study the floor effect on the growth rate.  相似文献   

赵铮  王瀛 《南方金融》2012,(7):61-66,45
本文以棉花、铜、天然橡胶三个期货合约为研究对象,基于t-Copula模型,利用Monte Carlo模拟法计算在一定权重下由三个品种构成的期货投资组合的VaR和ES值作为投资组合的保证金数值。Kupiec回溯测试结果表明,t-Copula模型结合极值理论计算出的期货投资组合保证金相比其他方法能够在较好覆盖极端风险的同时降低投资成本。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of maximization of expected utility from terminal wealth for log and power utility functions in a market model that leads to purely discontinuous processes. We study this problem as a stochastic control problem both under complete as well as incomplete information. Our contribution consists in showing that the optimal strategy can be obtained by solving a system of equations that in some cases is linear and that a certainty equivalence property holds not only for log-utility but also for a power utility function. For the case of a power utility under incomplete information we also present an independent direct approach based on a Zakai-type equation.   相似文献   

Quasi-Monte Carlo methods with applications in finance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We review the basic principles of quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) methods, the randomizations that turn them into variance-reduction techniques, the integration error and variance bounds obtained in terms of QMC point set discrepancy and variation of the integrand, and the main classes of point set constructions: lattice rules, digital nets, and permutations in different bases. QMC methods are designed to estimate s-dimensional integrals, for moderate or large (perhaps infinite) values of s. In principle, any stochastic simulation whose purpose is to estimate an integral fits this framework, but the methods work better for certain types of integrals than others (e.g., if the integrand can be well approximated by a sum of low-dimensional smooth functions). Such QMC-friendly integrals are encountered frequently in computational finance and risk analysis. We summarize the theory, give examples, and provide computational results that illustrate the efficiency improvement achieved. This article is targeted mainly for those who already know Monte Carlo methods and their application in finance, and want an update of the state of the art on quasi-Monte Carlo methods.   相似文献   

We investigate and compare two dual formulations of the American option pricing problem based on two decompositions of supermartingales: the additive dual of Haugh and Kogan (Oper. Res. 52:258–270, 2004) and Rogers (Math. Finance 12:271–286, 2002) and the multiplicative dual of Jamshidian (Minimax optimality of Bermudan and American claims and their Monte- Carlo upper bound approximation. NIB Capital, The Hague, 2003). Both provide upper bounds on American option prices; we show how to improve these bounds iteratively and use this to show that any multiplicative dual can be improved by an additive dual and vice versa. This iterative improvement converges to the optimal value function. We also compare bias and variance under the two dual formulations as the time horizon grows; either method may have smaller bias, but the variance of the multiplicative method typically grows much faster than that of the additive method. We show that in the case of a discrete state space, the additive dual coincides with the dual of the optimal stopping problem in the sense of linear programming duality and the multiplicative method arises through a nonlinear duality.   相似文献   

We propose a model of portfolio selection under ambiguity, based on a two-stage valuation procedure which disentangles ambiguity and ambiguity aversion. The model does not imply “extreme pessimism” from the part of the investor, as multiple priors models do. Furthermore, its analytical tractability allows to study complex problems thus far not analyzed, such as joint uncertainty about means and variances of returns.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a robust approach maximizing worst-case utility when both the distributions underlying the uncertain vector of returns are exactly unknown and the estimates of the structure of returns are unreliable. We introduce concave convex utility function measuring the utility of investors under model uncertainty and uncertainty structure describing the moments of returns and all possible distributions and show that the robust portfolio optimization problem corresponding to the uncertainty structure can be reformulated as a parametric quadratic programming problem, enabling to obtain explicit formula solutions, an efficient frontier and equilibrium price system. We would like to thank Prof. Zengjing Chen from School of Mathematics and System Sciences, Shandong University for helpful suggestions, and to thank the anonymous referee for valuable comments.  相似文献   

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