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李先江 《财经论丛》2016,(7):94-103
为了探索先动式顾客导向对突破式产品创新的真实影响,本研究以绿色创业企业为研究对象,将突破式绿色产品创新划分为以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新和以市场为基础的突破式绿色产品创新,将突破式绿色产品创新兼容性与重要性作为中介变量构建了先动式顾客导向和两种类型突破式绿色产品创新之间关系的概念模型,并以国内193家企业为样本进行了实证研究。研究发现:先动式顾客导向在促进突破式产品创新的过程中存在着局限性,即先动式顾客导向对以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新有正向的显著影响,但对以市场为基础的突破式绿色产品创新的正向影响不显著,突破式绿色产品创新兼容性与重要性在先动式顾客导向和以技术为基础的突破式绿色产品创新之间发挥着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

随着贸易保护主义愈演愈烈,我国企业面临的贸易政策不确定性增加。本文以2008—2018年中国上市公司为研究样本,构建了行业层面的贸易政策不确定性指标,实证检验了贸易政策不确定性对企业创新的影响。研究发现,贸易政策不确定性对企业创新具有倒逼效应,即能够显著提升企业创新数量和创新质量。影响机制分析表明,这种倒逼效应具体表现为内部驱动和外部压力:内部驱动体现为企业内部创新策略的转换,包括提升利用式创新策略倾向和加强创新合作;外部压力来源于外部关注的信息效应和监督效应,包括投资者关注和媒体关注。异质性分析表明,贸易政策不确定性对创新的激励作用在技术水平高、政府补贴低的企业和市场化程度高的地区更为显著。在当前贸易政策不确定性上升的背景下,本文的研究对于推动我国实施创新驱动发展战略并实现高水平科技自立自强具有重要意义。  相似文献   

要素市场的扭曲弱化甚至也影响了政府补贴对企业创新的激励效应,为更准确反映这两个因素的作用程度及综合效应,本文以我国制造业2009-2016年A股上市公司为研究样本,在双边随机边界模型统一框架下测度和验证政府补贴、要素市场扭曲对企业创新的影响。研究发现:平均而言,政府补贴对企业创新的驱动效应并未完全冲抵要素市场扭曲对企业创新的抑制效应,二者的综合效应最终导致企业实际创新低于有效创新7.91%;通过产权异质性、地区差异和不同生命周期视角的考察,发现政府补贴和要素市场扭曲的综合效应使得企业实际创新低于有效创新这一状况并未随着企业特征分组而明显改善。因此,应优化创新生态系统,建立更加完善的政府补贴机制,完善要素市场,充分发挥要素市场对企业创新的驱动效应。  相似文献   

徐松松 《中国物价》2022,(8):121-124
当前众多老字号面临各种环境压力纷纷寻求转型,以求突破瓶颈实现品牌复兴。本文以环境压力为视角,构建“环境压力-企业创新-购买意向”模型,进行环境压力下产品与品牌创新对消费者购买意向影响的内在机理研究。研究结果表明,环境压力与产品创新、品牌创新均显著正相关,环境压力能驱动企业进行创新进而增加消费者购买意向。  相似文献   

在国际投资理论中,传统观点认为具有产品创新的优势企业有更大的动机进行对外直接投资,而近年来发展中国家的实践则表明劣势企业出于获取创新资源的目的也有较大的动机进行对外直接投资,文章从产品创新和企业对外直接投资速度视角对此进行检验。文章匹配《中国工业企业数据库》和《境外投资企业(机构)名录》构建微观实证研究数据库,并对企业对外直接投资速度和产品创新进行度量。在此基础上,文章的实证研究发现,一方面在产品创新倾向维度,无产品创新的企业比有产品创新企业有更快的对外直接投资速度;另一方面,在有产品创新企业内部,创新程度的提升则能加快企业对外直接投资速度。进一步地,文章利用倾向得分匹配对产品创新倾向如何影响企业对外直接投资速度进行反事实估计,验证了实证研究结果的稳健性。  相似文献   

创新驱动是经济高质量发展的重要模式,也是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。文章以浙江省县域经济为研究对象,基于创新驱动理论,以社会创新、企业创新、科技创新、创新氛围和创新服务作为创新驱动因子,构建了经济创新驱动水平指标体系,测度了浙江省69个县域单元的创新驱动水平。测度结果表明,杭州市区、宁波市区、嘉兴市区等创新驱动水平较高,县域经济创新驱动水平与创新要素和创新资源的集中度相匹配。基于新经济地理学视角,文章对浙江省县域创新驱动因素空间演化及分布特征的研究表明,各维度的创新驱动因子有向杭州湾地区集聚的趋势,创新驱动因子的空间溢出效应与空间集聚水平高度相关。  相似文献   

数据要素作为数字经济时代的核心生产要素,是驱动企业创新的新引擎。基于数据要素的多重异质属性,界定了企业层面数据要素应用的核心内涵,从数据资源、数据应用过程、数字技术和数字业务支撑系统四个维度筛选关键词,通过文本分析测度了数据要素应用程度指标,并以2007—2021年中国A股上市企业为样本,实证检验了数据要素应用对企业创新数量和创新质量的影响效应。研究发现:数据要素应用同时促进了企业创新数量增长和创新质量提升,该结论在内生性处理和稳健性检验后依然成立。机制分析表明,数据要素应用通过资源配置优化效应和市场偏好匹配效应促进企业创新量变和质变。基于环境动态性视角的进一步检验发现,数字基础设施环境优化会强化数据要素驱动企业创新量变,制度环境改善和技术更迭能同时激发数据要素引领企业创新的量变和质变。  相似文献   

"供给侧改革"与创新驱动对于广东外贸转型升级有何影响?文章围绕这一问题展开,通过对赫克歇尔-奥林-萨缪尔森模型进行改良和增加相关研究因素,借鉴Markusen和Venables的研究方法得出结论,创新驱动是供给侧改革的核心因素。文章同时验证了创新驱动是推动外贸供给侧改革的主动力,异质性企业的创新差异性是导致外贸商品与服务出口供给端异质性的根源。  相似文献   

COSO框架是对内部控制认识的全新突破。全新的COSO框架充分适应当前经济形势的发展以及利益相关者的需要。本文基于COSO框架理念,系统阐述了内部控制五要素对于企业内部控制制度的影响,并据此影响设计相应的内部控制。  相似文献   

王立新  李博 《中国市场》2022,(29):105-107
在国家提出创新驱动发展战略、纺织行业“十四五”规划愿景下,纺织企业如何利用产学研合作,以全面有效提升创新能力,成为一个颇具现实意义的研究命题。文章选取在2012—2020年度内参与产学研合作的49家纺织服装行业上市公司作为研究对象,分析产学研合作对纺织企业创新数量和创新质量的影响,以及内部研发水平的调节作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between internal and external integration practices and innovation success of new products and new services. Building on the idea that key success drivers in new product and new service development may have implementing costs besides their obvious benefits, this article examines the possibility that a nonlinear relationship in the shape of an inverted U exists between innovation success and the antecedents examined in this research. The present study also addresses scholars' call for research to investigate differences in the drivers of new product and new service success. The findings suggest that differences exist in the nature of the relationship—that is, linear versus nonlinear—between cross-functional integration, customer integration, and interfirm collaboration and innovation success in a new product versus new service setting.  相似文献   

While innovations generated by international supply channel relationships, as opposed to individual partners, are playing an increasingly important role in the success of all international supply chain partnerships, research on how international supply chain relationships cultivate the process of such innovation generation, particularly for contracting suppliers firms, remains scant. This study explores how supplier joint learning capability can play a role in developing both incremental and radical innovations. The empirical test, which used a sample of 204 Taiwanese executives in electronic suppliers, supports most of the hypotheses in the study. The results demonstrate that different strategic orientations can drive various types of innovation through different paths by the mediating effect of joint learning capability. Specifically, we find that long-term orientation influences only incremental innovation, whereas radical innovation is driven by electronic integration and proactive customer orientation by joint learning. Furthermore, environmental uncertainties such as technological uncertainty and demand uncertainty are found to be moderating the impacts of joint learning capability on radical innovations. Some implications of the results are discussed at the end.  相似文献   

Purpose: In business markets, working with customers and users has become increasingly important to get knowledge about customer needs and to develop new products. The purpose of this article is twofold: (1) to develop a framework for analyzing customer involvement in product development in a business market context, and (2) to apply this framework to a particular company to describe and analyze how it practices customer involvement.

Methodology/approach: The article takes its main theoretical starting point in the industrial network approach, but also uses other literature from the innovation and product development field. The empirical study applies a qualitative case study approach and focuses on one company in the truck business.

Findings: The suggested framework deals with four key aspects of customer involvement: Why, when, how, and who. The observed pattern of the truck manufacturer shows how dealers, hauliers, and truck drivers are all part of the overall understanding of the customer. These actors are involved for different, typically very clear, purposes at different points in time through surveys, product clinics, and field testing. The pattern, referred to as mixed facilitative, is not one of close collaboration with individual customers, but one of broad involvement of several customers through business intelligence and direct involvement.

Research implications: First, the article provides researchers with a framework and method for studying customer involvement in product development. Second, the case study provides an illustrative example of the customer involvement pattern pursued by a leading company in a major industry. This enhances the understanding of the focal phenomenon, leads to managerial implications, and gives ideas for future research.

Practical implications: There are several managerial implications related to the why, when, how, and who questions. For example, it is pointed out that managers should consider involving customers more extensively than what seems to be common today—for example, by using customers as codevelopers, working with them throughout the entire development process (i.e., not only early and late), and including different types of users (with different requirements and wishes).

Originality/value/contribution of the article: The contribution lies in the development of a framework centered on the four key questions of customer involvement in

product development and using this framework for observing a pattern, and finding explanations and relating this pattern to how other firms are doing.  相似文献   


The existing literature acknowledges the importance of emotions in consumer decision-making and the challenges of radical innovation adoption; however, the literature seldom combines these two streams. The purpose of this study was to analyse potential adopters’ considerations concerning an innovation that is targeted at intense negative emotions. Choosing a case-study strategy enabled us to focus on extremely negative emotions (related to death) and the acceptance of a radical innovation (a memorial stone made of glass). In this study, we applied a longitudinal mixed-methods approach. Data were collected via interviews with consumers (357 respondents), the entrepreneur and her employee. Findings show that an emotionally sensitive radical innovation evokes more intense emotions and emotional ambivalence among consumers. Its acceptance also seems to depend on the age and gender of the customers and requires cultural change. A lengthy adoption process seems to be characteristic of emotionally intensive innovation. This study has implications for managers facing the challenge of creating new markets for a radical innovation that involves extreme emotions on the part of consumers. Theoretically, the study contributes to both innovation adoption and consumer decision-making literature.  相似文献   

This study examines, for the first time, the influence of national culture and industry structure on customer loyalty in grocery retailing. Grocery retailers have a long and continued history of international expansion and it is vital to understand how loyalty can be nurtured in different contexts. Thematic analysis of focus groups conducted in the culturally and structurally disparate countries of the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka provide unique insights. Key differences have been identified around consumer preferences and perceptions of loyalty programmes and the key drivers of different loyalty types. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

文章基于信息加工理论以及“信息→认知→行动”框架,探索并验证了高管危机警觉性与组织二元创新策略间(渐进式创新和突变式创新)的内在机制与路径模型,即组织响应和组织自省的双中介效应。本研究基于218家企业调研数据,所采用的层次回归、结构方程建模和Bootstrapping等方法的检验结果显示,高管危机警觉性正向影响组织渐进式创新和突变式创新;高管危机警觉性通过组织响应影响渐进式创新,通过组织自省影响突变式创新。研究结论为企业在危机下实现绿色创新与可持续发展提供理论与实践启示。  相似文献   

This paper estimates a simple model of innovation in the U.S. manufacturing sector and derives summary indicators of product and process innovation. Our empirical work reveals that the drivers of innovation extend well beyond business research and development spending. Capital investment, cutting-edge scientific output from academic institutions, and the growth of the science and engineering workforce all matter. The dynamic structure of our model suggests that policymakers must look beyond the short-term when developing and evaluating innovation initiatives because there can be lags of several years before inputs are fully realized in innovative performance. But simple simulations conducted with our equations indicate that even a modest increase in key innovation inputs reaps significant benefits. JEL Classification O31  相似文献   

This study attempts to state some facts about the importance of innovation in the service economy, and especially the hotel industry by classifying the configurations of innovation in Taiwanese hotels, as well as considering the types of innovation configuration that will maximise performance. Technological innovation, organisational innovation, and human capital innovation may be key sources of innovation. This study classified the configurations of innovation based on several innovation activities with two-step cluster analysis. Numerous empirical findings facilitate improved understanding of the relationship between the configurations of innovation and firm performance in the Taiwanese hotel industry.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of network board capital (i.e., human capital and relational capital) on total, radical and incremental network innovative performance. Results from a five-year longitudinal study of network boards in 53 strategic networks suggest that a network board's diversity, education level, and interlocking directorates with other such networks affect network innovative performance. The degree of board diversity and interlocking directorates primarily influence incremental innovation, whereas education level influences radical innovation. The study finds that a network board's diversity of expertise and education level are important for improving all components of innovative performance (total, radical and incremental) in smaller networks. Managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process through which micro‐businesses ‘go green’. It builds upon previous studies that have identified the different drivers of this greening process. However, rather than a static focus on specific drivers, the study articulates the evolution of environmental practices over time. The paper uses comparative case studies of six micro‐businesses to build a composite sequence analysis that plots the greening process from its roots through to large‐scale and ambitious ecological projects. The study identifies three distinct stages that businesses pass through during this greening process. This has important implications for policy‐makers and advisors as it was found that the support needed by the businesses changed as they passed through these different stages. In particular, it was found that appropriate support is currently lacking at certain key points of the businesses' greening development. The paper therefore adds to current understanding of small business ecological responsibility by showing how activities and drivers change with the level of engagement. Pointers are provided as to how support can be improved.  相似文献   

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