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突出功能定位,发挥路网互联互通作用,是高速铁路互联互通方案研究的关键。在阐述石衡沧港城际铁路互联互通现状的基础上,针对石衡沧港城际铁路客流特点和功能定位,分析石衡沧港城际铁路石家庄铁路枢纽、衡水铁路枢纽、沧州铁路枢纽和黄骅铁路枢纽等互联互通主要节点枢纽,通过衡水、沧州和黄骅铁路枢纽比选方案分析,提出石衡沧港城际铁路在通道中的枢纽方案,为区域连接线、城际铁路在方案互联互通作用提供研究支撑。  相似文献   

在分析铁路枢纽的车流结构和作业流程的基础上,研究铁路枢纽内编组站作业分工多目标优化的内在机理和相互关系,构造基于集合创分意义下的数学优化模型,讨论了铁路枢纽内编组站作业分工问题的内在本质及其复杂性,并结合武汉枢纽具体情况进行分析。  相似文献   

向莆铁路从南昌(向塘)枢纽新南昌站引出,分别引入外福铁路福州站和福厦铁路莆田站,正线全长603.6 km,其中福建境内384.3 km,投资349.2亿元,建设工期5年。厦深铁路从厦门铁路枢纽厦门西站引出,引入深圳铁路枢纽新深圳站,  相似文献   

为解决怀化铁路枢纽“两线一站”项目建设造成的运能紧张问题,分析怀化铁路枢纽内部各线路以及站所布局,计算关键站、线的运输通过能力和利用率,深入探讨怀化西编组站、怀化站及部分咽喉制约枢纽运输通过能力的主要原因,在此基础上,从设备升级、车流调整、径路优化等3个维度,提出优化怀化铁路枢纽运输组织的2个方案,即:渝怀、沪昆铁路7对普速旅客列车全部由怀化站调整到怀化南站营业;调整渝怀、沪昆铁路5对普速旅客列车由怀化站到怀化南办理客运业务。经过方案的综合比选,最终采用将渝怀、沪昆铁路7对普速旅客列车调整到怀化南站的营业方案。优化方案实施后,怀化铁路枢纽运输通过能力提高了22.6个百分点。优化方案体现了将普速列车调整到高速铁路线上运行的新思路,可为全国铁路枢纽运输能力提升提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

铁路枢纽是铁路网的一个组成部分,为优化南京铁路枢纽与其他运输方式顺畅衔接,提升南京铁路枢纽服务功能,在分析南京铁路枢纽概况、南京铁路枢纽客运作业量预测及苏南沿江城际引入南京铁路枢纽接轨方案的基础上,提出苏南沿江城际引入南京铁路枢纽方案研究,即仙林站接轨方案(方案I)、沧波门站接轨方案(方案II)、南京南站接轨方案(方案III)、江宁站接轨方案(方案IV),并从工程投资、运输组织、工程实施、对既有线运营干扰、与铁路枢纽总图规划结合、对城市发展影响等角度进行了综合比选论证,以优化铁路枢纽格局、提升铁路服务功能为指导思想,推荐江宁站接轨方案,为南京铁路枢纽规划提供参考。  相似文献   

青岛铁路枢纽是全国的重要铁路枢纽之一,车流组织优化有助于充分发挥青岛铁路枢纽运输能力,提高铁路枢纽作业效率。在阐述青岛铁路枢纽现状的基础上,分析青岛铁路枢纽车流、主要车站车流和车流径路。针对青岛铁路枢纽折角车流、疏港车流、蓝村西站车流、中欧班列车流组织,提出相应的折角车流组织优化方案、疏港车流组织优化方案、蓝村西站车流组织优化方案、中欧班列车流组织优化方案等,加快提升青岛铁路枢纽的运输能力,切实提高车流组织水平。  相似文献   

从铁路枢纽的地位和作用出发,论述了构建和谐铁路枢纽,是铁路改革发展的需要,是实现安全畅通的保障和需要;提出以人为本。科学规划管理,促进和谐铁路的发展。  相似文献   

从铁路枢纽的交通运输与城市运输相互干扰的现状出发,着重分析柳州铁路枢纽总 规划中,必须与城市配套的重要性,对枢纽的而已形式提出探讨性建议。  相似文献   

为加强鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽建设,提高鄂尔多斯与外界联系通道的运输能力,完善铁路枢纽内客运系统布局,基于鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽现状分析,结合城市现状规划和枢纽客运预测,从铁路枢纽内线路走向、铁路枢纽内客运站布局、枢纽内高速铁路车站选址3个方面,对鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽客运系统布局方案进行研究。经综合比选分析,分别采用沿既有铁路通道的中线引入方案、高速铁路"两站"格局方案及新设东胜北站。在此基础上,提出鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽内客运站建设方案,不断提高鄂尔多斯与外界联系通道的运输能力。  相似文献   

为实现铁路枢纽畅通,以铁路网能力适应性为背景,阐述目前铁路枢纽发展现状及存在问题,在此基础上,对铁路枢纽布局、功能、服务、配套保障等方面的发展趋势进行研判,基于全路在建的铁路枢纽技术改造项目调查及分类研究,依据确保安全第一、做好统筹兼顾、加强点线能力匹配、保障枢纽运输畅通的铁路枢纽技术改造基本原则,针对不同类别的铁路枢纽技术改造工程项目,提出强化新线引入及联络线功能布局、提高编组站及区段站改造质量、细化客运站改造方案、完善枢纽其他设施配套等确保铁路枢纽畅通的对策。  相似文献   

This study investigates the use of road networks both within and outside of home jurisdictions (city (or town) and county of residence) by analyzing GPS data collected in the Minneapolis—Saint Paul metropolitan area. The study tracked volunteers' travel behavior to determine which roads (and thus which class of roads) users chose to accommodate their travel needs. More than half of the travel on county roads and city streets occur outside of one's home city, but most travel is within one's home county. The average share of travel distance in the home county is more than 70% for both county and city streets. The high share, which does not account for non-residents destined for the county to work or shop, e.g., implies that the free rider problem on city and county streets at the county level is minimal. Of particular concern is travel on city roads in cities other than one's own. To the extent that this is to go to a destination in that city, that travel is also local. However, because city and county roads are typically funded by those jurisdictions from land-based sources such as property taxes, through trips with neither end in the city through which they are traveling are in a very real sense “free riders”, and pose a problem. With growing trip lengths and emerging economies of scale in road management, it may be appropriate to consider moving more roads from township, town, or city level to the county level of government.  相似文献   

This article examines changing architecture in Itacaré, Brazil, as it transitions from a fishing village to an international tourist destination. Tourism, as an assemblage of practices and perspectives, recreates places in specific ways that structure social and environmental relationships. Through an examination of historical architectural styles, tourist architecture, and popular architecture in Itacaré, this article analyses the ways a tourist economy has physically and socially rebuilt the city. Socially, the changing architecture marks and creates differences between class, racial, and regional identities while also providing an idiom through which public conversations about these changing economic systems and demographics are articulated. At the same time, the expansion of the city has led to racial-, regional-, and class-based segregation. Environmentally, tourist architecture creates new relationships to nature through re-imagining Itacaré’s position in relation to other rural and urban places and a new emphasis on the aesthetic value of nature.  相似文献   

The field of aviation research is entering the era of big data. While data-driven advancements in aviation have clearly brought about applicable models and results with immediate implications, we argue that the influx of aviation data should be better characterized and documented to enable more efficient and standardized usage. To this end, we examine 200 well-cited research articles from sub-disciplines ranging from revenue management to air traffic control published on or after 2010 in order to analyze the diversity, availability, tractability, applicability, and sources (DATAS) of data utilized in aviation research. We find high levels of data diversity within aviation research, with 16 data categories ranging from air traffic flow management-type data to data from distributed sensors in line with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. We identified a dominance of proprietary, non-public data in aviation research, with 68% of the 200 research articles utilizing solely proprietary data in deriving their results, and a further 8% utilizing a mixture of proprietary and publicly available data. The pervasiveness of proprietary data has implications on reproducibility and extending research results. We also highlight the increasing tractability of the data by surveying the computational power required to process the data sets, and present vignettes of applications and results that stem from these data-driven studies. Finally, we propose several recommendations regarding standardizing data source nomenclature as well as increasing the availability of and usage of publicly available data.  相似文献   

为迅速贯彻落实全国铁路工作会议精神,认真学习贯彻中央领导关于做好铁路工作的一系列重要指示和全国铁路工作会议精神,总结2004年运输工作,分析面临形势,部署2005年重点任务,动员全路运输系统干部职工进一步认清形势,坚定信心,勇挑重担,攻坚克难,努力开创铁路运输工作的新局面,为全面深入推进铁路跨越式发展和国民经济稳步较快发展做出新的更大贡献。  相似文献   

铁通公司成立1年来,虽取得一定成绩,但还存在诸多问题和困难;如:公司与铁路局间的建设投资与服务清算关系,创建品牌占领市场,员工素质有待提高等问题,必须通过提高铁路局股东的地位,发挥铁路局法人财权作用,走创新发展之路,走业务优势和品牌经营的路子,建立有效的激励与约束机制,激发内部活力和潜力,提高干部和职工的素质和积极性,才能使铁通的事业不断向前发展。  相似文献   

This article explores how travel practices are structured and harnessed to politics. While travel practices operate through claims of innocence, curiosity and adventure, they are deeply political practices that participate in projects and programmes ranging from statecraft to appropriation of peoples and places in the service of global finanscapes. In Michel de Certeau's words, travelling in economies of desire, travel practices partake in the 'production of specific politico-cultural orders' in travel spaces that often articulate narrow horizons in identity, ethnicity, nation, participation and governmentality. In worst cases, travel practices are instrumental in the production of orders that create and simultaneously hide the alterity of peoples and their places. This article reflects on the politics of travel that escapes notice or is concealed in travel discourses and representations in Hawai'i. More specifically, it examines how travel acts participate in the production of (1) a politico-cultural order in Hawai'i that creates and hides the alterity of Hawai'i's indigenous peoples, (2) a plural nation-story of the United States that operates through the interstices of the tourist orders and (3) a capital story that enlists both indigenous resources and predominant political powers to excavate profits.  相似文献   

The US airline industry was deregulated in 1978 and has undergone significant changes in industry structure, profitability, employment, passenger volume, and patterns of service and fares, among other characteristics. This paper sets out to make three contributions to the literature as related to the story of airline deregulation. First, discussion of economic theory will provide the context for an updated overview of the positive, negative, and really negative results of US airline deregulation, summarized in the form of “the good”, “the bad”, and “the ugly”. Second, this paper provides a periodization of the 30-year history of US airline deregulation that is important in understanding the cycles of change as reflected in the industry’s financial performance and other relevant data. Third, this paper contributes to the renewed debate about the efficacy of deregulation and liberalization policies, particularly at a time when the global financial crisis has cast a harsh spotlight on the (un)desirability of these policies. Some of the good results during the 30 years of airline deregulation, from the industry and consumer perspective, include higher passenger volumes, more service to the most popular destinations, and lower fares on average. Bad results include financial and employment instability, diminution in the quality of airline service overall, and fewer flights and higher fares to smaller places. The recent 2000–2005 period has been particularly ugly, as the airline industry has lost over $30 billion, and several high-profile carriers, such as United, Delta, Northwest, and US Airways, were forced into bankruptcy.  相似文献   

总结2001年全路调度部门所做的主要工作和取得的成绩,客观分析了2002年调度工作面临的形势和存在的难点,围绕全路工作会议提出的2002年运输生产经营任务,从强化安全管理、挖潜扩能提效、提高指挥水平、确保重点运输、抓好调度工作基础、推进信息系统应用等6个方面,提出了2002年调度工作的主要对策和意见。  相似文献   

Museums have several functions as custodians of heritage and culture, disseminators of knowledge about heritage and as places that attract tourists as well as local residents. Arguably all these functions require visitors to be satisfied with the visit experience if museums are to achieve their objectives. This paper reports findings from 411 visitors to the Cham Museum, Danang, Vietnam. It describes the nature of the museum and argues that satisfaction involves the conative, which may be measured by the willingness of visitors to make recommendations to others. However, the study identifies that interpretation and displays are important determinants and simply adjuncts to the generation of satisfaction.  相似文献   

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