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中国旅游产业"理性发展"刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出.经过多年的努力,我国的旅游产业取得了令人瞩目的成就,但也出现了一些不容忽视的问题:一是游客的旅游体验和感受备受冷落.各地关注的焦点是如何推进旅游经济快速增长,而很少有地方政府和学者关注游客的游览体验和感受.  相似文献   

文物是文化旅游的重要依托.随着经济社会发展,目前在"世界(文化)遗产"、"文化财产"、"文化遗产"、"有形文化遗产"、"无形文化遗产"、"物质文化遗产"、"非物质文化遗产"等外来术语和"古玩"和"古董"等故有称谓的冲击下,"文物"这一中华人民共和国成立后的法定称谓已在很多情况下被"文化遗产"等取而代之.因此,它和文物本身一样面临所谓的"保护"问题.应焕发"文物"称谓活力,重新认识和定义为"文化事物".主要包涵有(无)形文物、古生物化石等.  相似文献   

刘恒武  袁颖 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):40-41
本文通过对联合国教科文组织大会于1972年颁布的<保护世界文化和自然遗产公约>英、中、日3种文本中"文化遗产"定义的比照分析,指出<公约>现行正式中译本的"文化遗产"定义中存在若干表述不当之处.  相似文献   

中国文化遗产保护利用研究综述   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
本文通过对 1994年以来有关中国文化遗产保护利用研究文献的统计分析 ,从国外经验借鉴研究、价值功能等基础性研究、城市发展和文化遗产保护研究、旅游发展和文化遗产保护研究等 7个方面对中国文化遗产保护利用研究进行了综述 ,并对研究中存在的问题和今后需要进一步重视的问题进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

"改进中国自然文化遗产资源管理"国际会议述评   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
李双杰 《旅游学刊》2002,17(1):77-79
国家自然文化遗产 ,是指分布在国家内的自然遗产、文化遗产和自然文化双重遗产。 1972年 11月16日在巴黎召开的联合国教科文组织第 17届会议通过了《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》 ,公约的独特性在于它强调了自然文化遗产具有“突出的普遍价值” ,其第 4条重申 :自然文化遗产的  相似文献   

中国变化遗产保护利用研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过对1994年以来有关中国文化遗产保护利用研究文献的统计分析,从国外经验借鉴研究、价值功能等基础性研究、城市发展和文化遗产保护研究、旅游发展和文化遗产保护研究等7个方面对中国文化遗产保护利用研究进行了综述,并对研究中存在的问题和今后需要进一步重视的问题进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的旅游之用——以武强年画为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
非物质文化遗产能否为旅游所用近年来我国在非物质文化遗产保护方面做出了积极的努力,昆曲、古琴、新疆维吾尔族卡姆艺术和蒙古族长调民歌先后被列入联合国教科文组织第一、二、三批“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”,去年国务院又公布了第一批518个国家级非物质文化遗产。同时,我国于2004年8月正式加入《保护非物质文化遗产国际公约》,《非物质文化遗产保护法》也已列入全国人大2007年的立法计划,各地还颁布了一些地方性的保护法规。但是,不容忽视的是,随着全球化趋势的加强和现代化进程的加快,一些依靠口授和行为传承的文化遗产正在不断消失,许多传统技艺濒临消亡,因此保护非物质文化遗产成为了社会各界的共识。然而对于如何保护这些珍贵的非物质文化遗产,能否对其进行合理而必要的利用,非物质文化遗产能否用作旅游开发等问题,却还是众说纷纭。  相似文献   

面对珍贵的世界文化遗产在保护与开发利用之间的问题,多年来,在不同部门或地区总有些不尽一致的见解与取舍,也引发了许多争论.近年来,曲阜也一直在遗产的有效保护与永续利用中探索.现将一些思考与体会与业界人士共同探讨.  相似文献   

<正>红色文化遗产是发展红色旅游的有效载体,是一种独特的综合性旅游资源。伴随数字赋能沉浸式红色文旅,沉浸式体验为红色文化遗产活化创新提供了更广阔的空间。文章为探究游客在沉浸式体验中对红色文化遗产的文化感知,基于心流理论及沉浸式体验应用现状,采用问卷调查法了解游客的体验目的、体验工具及体验任务,使用用户体验地图提炼游客触点,从感官体验、个体认知、交互参与及情感记忆层面提出红色文化遗产旅游的沉浸式体验设计策略,试图引导游客在红色文化遗产沉浸式体验中聚焦文化感知,进行文化符号解码和深度思考。  相似文献   

"文化边际域"中东西方旅游者行为比较研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以2004年7-8月对我国6大旅游热点城市--北京、上海、西安、广州、桂林和昆明入境游客市场调查为基础,从东西方不同的文化背景入手,比较分析了"文化边际域"中不同文化体系的群体在旅游消费行为方面的差异和相似模式.跨文化研究东西方文化的差异有助于促进旅游目的地本土文化的保护和发展,有助于提出更加合理的市场细分和具有针对性的市场策略.  相似文献   

中国自然文化遗产管理模式的改革   总被引:72,自引:10,他引:72  
王兴斌 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):15-21
本文从中国自然文化遗产保护、利用和管理的现状出发,比较分析了自然文化遗产管理的国际模式,指出旅游服务是为游客提供某种经历、感受与体验,而并非购买风景资源本身,从而提出自然文化遗产的所有权归国家所有,管理权由各级、各行政主管部门行使,旅游经营权可进入市场运行,同时建立完整而有效的监督保护体系,实行“四权分离”的管理模式。  相似文献   

我国自然与文化遗产可持续发展的组织体系建设   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
罗佳明 《旅游学刊》2003,18(1):51-55
自然与文化遗产管理的组织改革是遗产管理中的难题,在转型期中的遗产保护和旅游经营开发之间的各种矛盾都会在组织问题上体现出来。本文在总结国内外现阶段自然与文化遗产管理组织现状的基础上,概括了遗产管理组织体系建设的约束条件,并对我国的遗产管理现状进行分析,最后提出若干组织改革的建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对一名茶僧参与策划径山茶宴全过程的民族志研究,采用参与观察和深入访谈的研究方法,讨论和反思旅游文化背景下非物质文化遗产的再发明问题。文章从旅游文化和"真实性"的概念出发,讨论旅游研究领域对"光环"研究的缺失,提出关注文化实践中对光环的利用存在的问题,进一步探讨径山茶宴再发明过程中"谁需要真实性以及为什么"以及"如何使用真实性"两个核心问题,以期补充现有真实性讨论的局限性。笔者认为,遗产旅游文化是文化市场化的结果,具备其真实性,而遗产的光环促进着地方文化品牌的推广,径山茶宴在旅游发展背景下的遗产化过程呼吁我们反思非物质文化遗产认证存在的批量化、标准化以及文化多元性等问题。  相似文献   

To date, authenticity conceptualizations have taken into account the views of both suppliers and tourists. However, most studies, at the a priori stage, have not taken a market segment perspective but considered tourists to be a homogeneous population. This study challenges that by focusing on a distinct market segment based on age and life experience: Generation Y, drawing out an a priori-based sub-segment of Generation Y's perspectives of authenticity. It investigates if authenticity ideologies influence decisions to become a heritage tourist. Additionally, it determines other factors that predict differences between a heritage tourist and a non-heritage tourist. The study unveils interesting findings. With the exception of the objectivist and negotiation stance, other authenticity ideologies fail to inspire this generation to be heritage tourists. Intervention factors such as party size (and with it a social experience) and ethnicity prove to be better predictors of heritage preference. The results offer important implications for the heritage industry. For instance, “time travel” demand based on purely objective or negotiated versions can help promote conservation efforts and the sustainable development of heritage. This can lead to enhanced opportunities for partnership between the tourism industry and cultural/heritage site managers, and help revive discontinued or forgotten traditions.  相似文献   

Although Dar es Salaam City is endowed with numerous cultural heritage resources, it fails to exploit such potentials. While there were some initiatives to boost cultural heritage tourism in the city, their efficacy was unknown and they remain undocumented. This study was designed to assess public awareness means and their effectiveness in promoting cultural heritage tourism in Dar es Salaam City. Data collection was through questionnaires, focus group discussions, observations, and key informant interviews. Findings indicated that most of the existing potential sites were not known as cultural heritage tourism sites such that they were regarded like any other normal places in the city. Available public awareness strategies (except a few) were ineffective and inaccessible. One could then wonder how available cultural heritage assets may be made known and attract others to take part. The study calls for public awareness strategies to improve knowledge on available cultural heritage assets to the general public, a measure, which will positively enhance accessibility to cultural heritage assets, improve goodwill as well as cooperation to tourists and improve ethics of their care. Such undertakings eventually will lead to sustainable cultural heritage tourism growth.  相似文献   

朱桃杏  陆林 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):82-88
论文通过对国外《Tourism Management》、《Annals of Tourism Research》及国内《旅游学刊》3大期刊近10年来发表的有关文化旅游的82篇文献进行研究方法的分类和分析讨论,从概念与综述、文化旅游地景观厦其形象研究、文化旅游者厦市场研究、文化旅游赍源厦开发研究、文化旅游环境与保护研究、文化旅游管理研究、文化旅游理论与方法研究7个方面对文化旅游研究内容进行了综述,井对近年朱国内外文化旅游研究的重点问题和未来研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

Heritage, especially with World Heritage status, is increasingly becoming the main attraction of many tourist destinations. Heritage tourism is also the major tourism product in Hue city, Vietnam. Hitherto, there are almost no official statistics and research pertaining to heritage tourism as well as heritage tourists in Hue. This study aims at providing a preliminary profile of heritage tourists to Hue city and identifying different categories of heritage tourists, with a special focus on package tourists. The international heritage tourists' profile seems to be similar to official statistics of international arrivals, indicating almost no difference in socio-demographic profile between heritage tourists and general tourists in the context of Hue. Various significant differences were found between international and domestic tourists in terms of tourist characteristics, trip profile and the perception of Hue. Adopting McKercher's [(2002) Towards a classification of cultural tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 29–38] cultural tourist classification, five categories of heritage tourists were identified, including purposeful heritage tourists, sightseeing heritage tourists, casual heritage tourists, incidental heritage tourists and serendipitous heritage tourists. Among these, sightseeing heritage tourists and purposeful heritage tourists were dominant.  相似文献   

世界文化遗产旅游深度开发研究——以曲阜为例   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文以旅游者问卷调查为基础,对曲阜世界文化遗产旅游深度开发进行了研究.认为文化遗产旅游的深度开发应该有两个纬度的内容:基于遗产特性的产品体系的深化与扩展以及旅游产品质量的提升.用因子聚类归纳了曲阜文化遗产内涵的产品表现形式,分析了产品体系开发的路径;通过满意度分析,明确了完善旅游服务质量的对策,进而提出了文化遗产旅游深度开发的基本框架模型.  相似文献   

Many studies on destination loyalty intention of the heritage tourists have failed to examine the influence of historical nostalgia. This paper examines the effect of historical nostalgia generated during the trip to a cultural heritage site on destination loyalty intention of the heritage tourists through perceived value and satisfaction. A survey was conducted at one of the world cultural heritage sites – Mahabalipuram, India. A conceptual model was developed and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling technique. The results revealed that the historical nostalgia had a significant positive effect on the perceived value, satisfaction and tourists’ destination loyalty intention. The paper contributes to the tourism studies by revealing the antecedent role of historical nostalgia and suggests tourism managers to use historical monuments and structures to evoke historical nostalgia in order to attract heritage tourists.  相似文献   


In today’s tourism industry, merely offering tourists a variety of cultural events is not enough. Fully understanding their desire for an experience is the key. The attraction value increases if tourists can become personally involved and be affected by the narratives involved in place-making. This article examines the connections and cooperation among museums in a region where an important heritage trail is operating. When the old Telemark Canal was active (1892–1990), this enabled important products to be shipped from the upper mountainous areas to the coastal urban region in Telemark County, Norway. Shortly after being closed, the canal was transformed into a heritage trail and tourist attraction through renovation initiatives. Based on a closer examination of two of the attraction clusters along the heritage trail of the canal, we ask whether there is a key narrative that can link the local museums and cultural centres in the canal region. The discussion will consider how the widespread use of the internet has created new options for museums and cultural centres to benefit from neighbouring tourist attractions such as heritage trails.  相似文献   

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