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首先对资本流动性进行了概念界定,认为资本流动性即为资本流入流出占一国国民生产总值的比值,并对几种测量资本流动性的方法进行了简要评述。在总量规模法的基础上运用直接测算法、间接测算法、克莱因测算法、非直接投资净额调整法测量了我国的资本流动性。结合对我国资本流动性结构特征的变化的分析,发现直接投资的流动性稳步下降,证券投资和其他投资的流动性为上升趋势,而总资本流动性呈震荡上升趋势。其中,在不考虑资本外逃时,其他投资对总资本的流动性变化起到主要作用。  相似文献   

Turkey has been implementing import surveillance measures. A possible impact of that is the over-invoicing of imports to avoid surveillance procedures, as goods whose prices are under a predefined reference undergo surveillance. We extend mirror statistics methodology with panel data techniques using highly disaggregated data in order to test for such an impact. Our findings show that import figures of Turkey are inflated by about 2 billion USD in 2011, due to over-reporting induced by surveillance. This might also be the source of systematically positive net errors and omissions item in the balance of payments during the sample period.  相似文献   

Natural capital contributes to the quality of life of a region in two complementary ways: first, by directly providing environmental services that cannot be imported, and second, by supplying the natural resources that, through a human controlled production process, become valuable to humans. The evolution of the combination of these two components of the quality of life determines the path of development a region takes. Environmental services also determine the ability of natural capital to regenerate itself. Ecosystems and other components of the regional natural capital produce environmental services that provide life-support functions necessary for natural capital reproduction. The destruction of this critical natural capital impairs the internal sources of improvement of the quality of life of a region, leading to a non-sustainable path of development. This article describes a model of the relationship between natural capital and quality of life that provides a stricter definition of sustainable development through explicit characterization and classification of natural capital according to its ability to produce life-supporting environmental services, by its substitutability, and by its possible reconstruction. Application of this model then shows that there are 51 possible regional development paths, only 32 of which are sustainable and only 14 of which are sustainable while also providing improvements in quality of life. Only six of these 14 sustainable development paths are attained with economic growth, however, while the other eight paths increase quality of life by increasing the production of environmental services. The model could help in the development of institutional interventions that would promote regional development paths that are sustainable.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the United Kingdom's society's long-term intervention into the energy flows of domestic terrestrial ecosystems through the human appropriation of aboveground net primary production (aHANPP) covering the period 1800-2000. The depicted aHANPP trajectory and the historical development of its components are discussed in view of a continuously increasing population and the transition process from an agrarian to an industrial socioecological regime. During the 19th century, aHANPP shows a steady decline from its level of 71% in 1800. While even higher levels were reached during the mid 20th century, the trend during the last forty years of the period under investigation again shows a reduction of aHANPP, which lies at 68% in the year 2000. The high values of aHANPP in the United Kingdom are primarily attributable to the limited amount of forest in comparison to large agricultural areas. At the beginning of the studied period, the relative stabilisation or even decrease in aHANPP in comparison to population development was made possible through the area expansion of and productivity increases on cropland and permanent pastures. Later this was made possible through the outsourcing of biomass harvest, by satisfying local nutritional demands by means of overseas imports, and as from the mid 20th century through huge amounts of fossil fuel based inputs into agriculture (e.g. increased amounts of fertilizers and motorized traction) which allowed increases in biomass harvest to be decoupled from HANPP.  相似文献   


This study highlights the importance of founders’ human capital on firms’ absorptive capacity for explaining the external knowledge sourcing (licensing-in and joint R&D) of start-up firms, using panel data from original questionnaire surveys conducted in Japan. The results of a probit model with an endogenous regressor show that firms managed by founders with a high level of specific human capital, measured as prior innovation experience and industry-specific work experience, tend to engage in external knowledge sourcing because of their superior absorptive capacity. The findings indicate that this type of human capital also promotes research and development (R&D) investment. Contrariwise, this study finds that firms managed by founders with a high level of general human capital, measured as educational attainment, tend to invest more in R&D, which enhances their absorptive capacity and thereby promotes external knowledge sourcing. Finally, the implications of these findings are discussed from the perspective of public policy.  相似文献   

Qingtian County of Zhejiang Province, China has maintained the traditional rice-fish agriculture for about 2,000 years and formed exceptional cultural heritage based on this kind of production mode, so it was ed by FAO as a pilot site for the rice-fish agricultural heritage systems in 2005. This research has applied the indicators of ecological footprint and biocapacity to monitor the environmental conditions of Qingtian County, aiming to find the impact that the traditional agricultural production mode and the local inhabitants lifestyle have placed on the local environmental conditions as well as the role they have played in maintaining ecological balance, cultural inheritance and regional sustainable development. Results show that Qingtian County is characterized by a nearly breakeven total ecological balance, as opposed to Zhejiang Province, the world and other agricultural regions. However, compared with another rice-fish agricultural region, Congjiang County which enjoys a considerable ecological reserve, Qingtian County has consumed a greater amount of environmental resources. Specifically, about half of the ecological footprint of Qingtian County can be attributed to the cropland (50.8%) while the CO2 area only accounts for 11.2%, which is dramatically different from that of the modern industrialized regions. And a vast of percentage of energy is caused by the combustion of fuelwood which not only requires the land to absorb the CO2 emission it has generated but also occupies the forest where it has been chopped.  相似文献   

地方政府的有限理性导致地方利益固化,造成区际生态恶化和区际环保公共物品供给不足。以区际纳什均衡作为路径选择,试图建立旨在打破行政边界刚性约束的羁绊,突破地方政府利益固化的藩篱,以经济内在联系为协调基石的区际生态补偿机制。文章以京冀地区流域生态联防联控为例,构建区际横向生态补偿机制模型并通过最优化该模型达到区际纳什均衡。  相似文献   

银企关系与中小企业成长——关系借贷价值的经验证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用世界银行在我国18个城市1186家中小企业调查的样本数据,对我国银企关系与中小企业成长的相关性进行了实证研究,发现样本企业建立关系银行的数量和维持银行关系的时间长度与企业成长具有负相关关系,而中小企业与银行采用关系借贷融资所形成的关系深度与企业的成长却具有显著的正相关性,并在规模较大的企业、非国有企业和处于弱市场竞争环境下的企业群体中有所体现.文章为中小企业关系借贷理论在中国的实践提供了经验证据,揭示了中小企业培育紧密银企关系的应用价值.  相似文献   

The nature of TVEs and the real functions of township-village governments are rooted in the Chinese township-village organization. The management of common property in a village group or a rural community is quite different from management in a situation where the boundaries of common property are unclear. Before economic reform, the cooperative elements or interspecific resources, such as low information costs, kinship ties, trust and cooperative spirit belonged in common to all villagers, yet cooperation was absent because the Chinese state appropriated the collective benefits. During the course of reform, the link between village official and state is being gradually broken down and the official is returning to his own village organization. The original interspecific resources of villagers and the identity of the village leader as government official are institutionalized as specific contractual relations in China's reform circumstances. The Chinese village behaves as a firm-type organization and the collective benefits can be internalized during the economic transition.  相似文献   

本文围绕“三江源”日益恶化的生态环境及由此引发的生态难民问题,从地理学的角度进行了综合分析,明确提出独特的自然环境系统和现代环境的变迁给源区牧民提供了极其狭小的空间,而人类活动中传统的生产方式、现代价值取向的变化、社会管理的失误以及落后的经济发展水平,无限制的对自然的索取,超越了环境系统所能承受的阀值,人类不得不听任自然的“安排”。因此,应通过合理规划,积极妥善地安置源区生态难民;调整产业结构,积极发展源区经济;科学管理,有计划地节制外来流动人员;发展教育,构建与源区生态相适宜的生态文化,实现区域可持续发展的“双赢”目标。  相似文献   

园林图咏是以绘画描绘园林景观、附有题跋诗咏予以阐释的传统图册,由唐宋史地杂咏和八景绘画发展而来。园林景观并非古迹,却在文化上与古迹紧密联系,利用古迹进行景观创作,古迹是园林创作的重要源泉之一。以具有代表性的清代皇家园林图咏——圆明园和避暑山庄图咏为例,分析图咏景名、序言、御制诗及注释文本,对比各景绘图与相关古迹图像,提出了园林图咏阐释古迹的3种方式,即景名源于古迹典故、主题内涵索引古迹、形象布局写仿古迹,阐释了古迹的社会价值以及文物价值中的历史和艺术价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents some empirical evidence on the factors determining changes in wage differentials between skilled and unskilled workers and in their employment. An ``analysis of variance' (ANOVA) model is estimated using UN data for five OECD countries in order to assess the relative importance of industry-specific, country-specific and international shocks (as well as interactions between industry and country effects). It is found that both international shocks and national policies affect wage differentials over the whole sample, whilst skill-biased technical change (SBTC) was a significant factor in the seventies. Employment responds mainly to international shocks, although national policies and SBTC were important determinants in the seventies and eighties respectively. Some of the results are found to be sensitive to the technology level of the industries considered.  相似文献   

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