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社会经济地位、社会支持与流动农民身份意识   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过对南京市 383份有效问卷调查资料的分析 ,探讨了在制度过渡时期 ,影响流动农民的自我身份意识的因素。分析结果表明 ,控制其他变量后 ,主要有三个变量发挥显著作用 :主观感知的收入在城市中的位置、感受到的城市社会歧视、家庭对其外出务工经商的支持 ,证实了阶层意识产生的动态模型的有效性。  相似文献   

通过对南京市383份有效问卷调查资料的分析,探讨了在制度过渡时期,影响流动农民的自我身份意识的因素.分析结果表明,控制其他变量后,主要有三个变量发挥显著作用:主观感知的收入在城市中的位置、感受到的城市社会歧视、家庭对其外出务工经商的支持,证实了阶层意识产生的动态模型的有效性.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展、城市化进程的加快,越来越多的打工一族流动进城市,在城市里谋生养家,数量庞大的流动儿童作为典型的处境不利群体,受到了政府与社会各界的关注。通过以社会融入为落脚点,从家庭经济融入、学校生活融入、文化心理融入三个方面分析流动儿童社会融入状况,并据此总结出流动儿童目前在社会融入方面的问题及需求,希望能推动流动儿童的社会融入问题的解决。  相似文献   

农民工在流入地定居关乎城镇化质量和市民化水平,是促进经济内生性增长以及国内大循环的重要动力。基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,综合运用Probit、有序logit以及中介效应模型等方法,剖析了身份认同视角下社会歧视对进城农民工定居意愿的影响及其作用机理。研究结果显示:社会歧视对农民工定居意愿存在显著的抑制效应,其内在逻辑是"社会歧视→身份认同→定居意愿"。进一步研究发现:教育水平、住房性质、福利保障及社会关系等因素是社会歧视产生的重要来源。提升农民工身份认同能促进其城市定居,而职业教育、公共服务均等化,以及社区活动建设等措施则有助于解决农民工受歧视问题,进而提升其定居意愿。  相似文献   

文章目的是调查精神障碍患者与家属遭受歧视的现状,并就歧视对患者及其家属带来的影响进行探讨。方法是通过对患者与家属遭受歧视问卷与不同人群对于精神障碍患者社会歧视看法问卷向精神障碍患者、患者家属、医护人员以及社区居民实现调查。调查结果结果是具有30%以上患者存在未受到单位公正待遇、邻居轻视以及恋爱和婚姻失败。而且有50%的患者家属的调查报告为防止歧视出现未将患者精神障碍进行公布。75%之上的人认为歧视会为家属带来极大的心理压力,大于70%的人认为歧视会对患者自信心加以降低,多于60%的人们认为歧视会对患者生活造成严重影响。得出的结论是精神障碍患者遭受歧视主要表现在和患者生活具有密切联系的工作、交往以及婚姻方面,社会歧视对于患者和家属在社会生活与心理上均造成严重的影响。  相似文献   

通过对三省及一个市与出生登记相关的工作人员的访谈及相关文献检索,描述了中国流动儿童出生登记的现状;探索了宏观层面上影响流动儿童出生登记的因素;总结了未登记对流动儿童权益的影响;提出了政策建议。中国流动儿童出生登记状况较差,存在一系列问题;宏观层次上影响流动儿童出生登记的因素众多;未进行出生登记会影响到流动儿童的众多权益。  相似文献   

通过对三省及一个市与出生登记相关的工作人员的访谈及相关文献检索,描述了中国流动儿童出生登记的现状;探索了宏观层面上影响流动儿童出生登记的因素;总结了未登记对流动儿童权益的影响;提出了政策建议.中国流动儿童出生登记状况较差,存在一系列问题;宏观层次上影响流动儿童出生登记的因素众多;未进行出生登记会影响到流动儿童的众多权益.  相似文献   

流动人口是生活在城市当中的弱势群体,由于在空间、政治、文化、政府管理等方面受到排斥,使流动人员在城市的谋生过程中备感艰辛。城市管理人员应本着"以人为本"的理念,关注流动人员在社会中承受的排斥及其流动人口反排斥可能带来的社会威胁;在政府层面上,将流动人员纳入城市居民的管理体系中,排除城市对流动人员的歧视,改变观念,运用多种手段来保护流动人员的合法权益,在此基础上,实现流动人口的规范管理。  相似文献   

当前我国城市流动儿童由于受到户籍、家庭状况、居住环境等因素的限制,正在成为城市中的弱势群体之一。城市流动儿童的困境主要表现在他们无法与拥有城市户口的儿童享有平等的受教育权。当前我国城乡二元户籍制度和城市教育资源分配不公是造成城市流动儿童教育困境的主要原因,应通过户籍制度改革和拓宽义务教育供给渠道等加以缓解。  相似文献   

国有企业作为社会经济发展的奠基石,肩负着艰巨的历史使命和现实重任,而国有企业员工作为企业发展的第一要素,员工组织承诺对企业的发展具有十分重要的影响。文章从身份视角切入,基于社会认同威胁理论,探讨员工编制身份如何影响组织承诺,以及这一影响过程是否受内在薪酬感知的调节作用。281份有效问卷的研究结果表明:员工编制身份对组织承诺有正向影响;内在薪酬感知在“编制身份-组织承诺”关系中部分起负向调节作用,即内在薪酬感知能够部分减少“双轨制”带来的员工价值认同、回报以及继续留在组织意愿的差距。内在薪酬感知的具体调节作用存在差异,即内在薪酬管理并不如预想中有效。文章对国有企业雇佣制度的理论研究和管理实践具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

This study broadly explores consumers' perceived unfairness, negative emotions, internal reference price, and store choice under five common methods of price discrimination using two experimental studies. Study 1 investigates the interaction between discriminating bases and inequality status. Results reveal that discriminating bases only influence perceived unfairness for advantaged consumers, but affect all four responses for disadvantaged consumers. For disadvantaged consumers, direct discrimination that complies with social norms evokes the weakest unfavorable responses, whereas direct discrimination against social norms triggers the highest perception of unfairness and negative emotions but has similar effects on internal reference price and store choice to indirect discrimination. Study 2 examines the effect of information disclosure timing by comparing pre- and post-purchase disclosure policies. Results show that post-purchase disclosure of discrimination information elicits higher negative emotions for indirect discrimination involving coupon and purchase quantity, but is rather inconsequential for direct discrimination or indirect discrimination through membership.  相似文献   

冲突与人才聚集效应的关系已引起学术界的探讨,但是,冲突与人才聚集效应的实证研究并未引起重视。本文以科研团队为分析对象,采用回归分析与调节效应检验等统计分析方法,研究冲突对人才聚集效应的影响,并分析社会资本对冲突与人才聚集效应之间关系的调节作用。研究表明,任务冲突对人才聚集效应具有显著正向影响,关系冲突对人才聚集效应具有显著负向影响。当进一步考虑社会资本的维度特征时,冲突对人才聚集效应的影响也将随着不同的维度特征呈现出内在的差异性。其中,结构资本水平越高,关系冲突与人才聚集效应之间的消极关系越强,而任务冲突与人才聚集效应之间的积极关系越强的结论未通过统计检验。此外,高水平的认知资本削弱了任务冲突与人才聚集效应之间的积极关系,弱化了关系冲突与人才聚集效应之间的消极关系。  相似文献   

团队多样化是否以及如何影响团队创新是创新管理研究和实践的重点话题。文章收集了多篇中英文献,采用元分析技术探讨不同类型的团队多样化(关系型和任务型)对团队创新的作用,并同时检验了多样化研究中基于信息资源理论所提出的知识分享和基于社会冲突理论所提出的人际冲突这两种中介机制的作用。结果显示:(1)关系型多样化通过人际冲突负向作用于团队创新;(2)任务型多样化同时存在两种不同的作用机制,即任务型多样化一方面促进团队的知识分享,另一方面又增加团队的人际冲突;(3)任务型多样化的两种机制作用具有不对称性,任务型多样化对团队知识分享的作用更强,因而有利于团队创新。  相似文献   

The study examines the role of social media marketing (SMM) activities and the influence of perceived candidate image in building voter–candidate relationship equity within the context of United Kingdom (UK) politics. Drawing from branding literature and social identity theory the article further investigates the role of candidate image as a mediator between SMM and voter–candidate relationship equity, whilst also testing the moderating effect of political ideologies. Survey results from 235 young UK voters indicate that while all SMM activities appears to positively influence the perceived candidate image, not all SMM variables directly relate to relationship equity. The relationship rather appears to be an indirect one, mediated through the political candidate's image. Surprisingly, political ideology also does not appear to moderate the connection between candidate image and voter–candidate relationship equity. The study findings highlight the growing importance of SMM activities and candidate image in political contexts, providing insights for political campaigners.  相似文献   

How does affective conflict influence identification of knowledge sources in MNE teams? We apply social exchange theory and consider the effect of two types of affective interpersonal conflict: relational tension and self-interest on identification of knowledge sources in MNE teams. We further analyse how these effects are related to geographic and nationality differences. We test our hypotheses with a field study of 1181 dyadic interactions between 160 members within 40 MNE teams engaged in product innovation, human resources, and operational improvement in three large diversified MNEs. We find that affective conflict has a direct negative relationship to identification of knowledge sources in MNE teams. This relationship is further negatively moderated by geographic differences and nationality differences. Our study contributes to theoretical and empirical micro-foundations of conflict and identification of knowledge sources in MNE teams.  相似文献   

高管团队价值观、团队氛围对冲突的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章实证分析了高管团队成员的社会价值观和团队氛围对冲突的影响。结果表明,高管团队的绩效观和集体主义观与任务冲突有正向联系,集体主义观异质性和绩效观异质性抑制任务冲突,利己权力观异质性引起任务冲突。研究发现高管团队开放性和信任构成的团队氛围与任务冲突有正向联系,总经理的集体主义导向与任务冲突正相关。研究没有发现价值观与关系冲突联系的直接证据,关系冲突更可能与情绪因素相联系。  相似文献   

As the process of globalization has gained momentum in the past few decades, so too has interest in the effects of globalization on various socioeconomic outcomes grown. In this paper, I investigate the relationship between globalization and primary school enrollment. Both the economic globalization and social globalization measures from the KOF Index of Globalization are utilized in the analysis in order to capture the broad nature of globalization. The results of the panel data analysis indicate that there is a weak relationship between economic globalization and primary school enrollment, whereas the relationship between social globalization and primary school enrollment is both robust and highly significant. Examining the data by groups of countries indicates that relationship between economic globalization and school enrollment is positive and significant in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Asia, while it is weakly negative in Eastern Europe. The positive relationship between social globalization and school enrollment on the other hand is driven by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East and Africa.  相似文献   

Mutual adaptation in buyer-supplier relationships   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In buyer-supplier relationships, effective partnerships require mutual adaptation to execute strategies effectively. Using LISREL, we test a model of relational exchange factors that includes dependence, joint action and trust and their influence on the mutual adaptation of supplier and buyer firms in the U.S. automotive industry. The results of the study indicate that both economic and social dimensions of the relationship impact mutual adaptation, but that these two are not necessarily complementary. Specifically, supplier adaptation is negatively impacted by trust between supplier and buyer, but positively impacted by dependence and joint action. Buyer adaptation, on the other hand, is positively impacted by trust between the two, joint action and the adaptation undertaken by the supplier. The negative relationship between trust and supplier adaptation may be symptomatic of deeper issues in the U.S. automotive industry that should merit concern.  相似文献   


Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to report empirical research that examined the impact of conflict in two different buyer-seller situations, an ongoing relationship and a choice situation where the buyer had to choose between two or more alternative suppliers. Conflict was defined as social conflict and has two distinct types, affective and cognitive.

Methodology/Approach. The methodology used was two mail surveys to a random sample of purchasing association members who had buying responsibilities in their firms. In one survey respondents were asked to self-select a current buyer-seller relationship they had for a period of at least one year and to indicate the degree of perceived conflict they had with the key supplier representative as well as the amount of relationship loyalty they perceived they had with that supplier. The second survey randomly assigned respondents to evaluate either a supplier whom they gave business to in a choice situation or one they did not, thus establishing as the dependent variable the actual choice of whom they gave business to.

Findings. The findings are clear for affective types of conflict. When affective conflict is perceived as higher the chance of getting an order in a choice situation as well as the magnitude of the relationship loyalty perception is negatively related. Cognitive conflict is not as clear. In choice situations conflict was negatively related to choice, whereas in on going relationships there was no impact. There was no indication of cognitive conflict having a positive relationship.

Originality/Value/Contribution of the paper. This study is the first to examine perceptions of conflict with a significant other in a buyer-seller relationship to try to determine how those perceptions might relate to either buyer choice or loyalty. While the findings support the expected relationship between affective conflict and outcomes, the findings with regards to cognitive conflict suggest that this may be more complex then originally thought and further points out the difficulty in managing conflict across organizational boundaries.  相似文献   

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