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本文对能源约束下的南通市产业结构优化的路径进行探讨,认为优化产业结构尤其是能源消耗结构、提高资源使用效率是其必由之路,具体措施包括大力发展服务业尤其是生产者服务业、按限制整合与提高的原则调整工业内部结构、优化和调整能源消费结构、促进服务业与新型工业化相结合等。  相似文献   

车晓惠 《时代经贸》2011,(18):147-147
本文利用广东省1990-2008年的时间序列数据,通过LMD分解方法研究了广东省近年来的碳排放的趋势以及其影响因素,研究结果显示:经济发展促进广东省碳排放提高的积极因素,而能源结构以及能源效率的变化是其抑制因素。能源效率在研究期间是抑制广东省碳排放的主要根源,而能源结构的抑制作用一直未能充分发挥,从而导出今后作为影响能源结构的产业结构优化是减少广东省碳排放的主要途径和方法。  相似文献   

发展低碳能源是领先世界经济的新机遇。能源低碳化是全球趋势,也是中国的目标,中国发展低碳能源的意义重大。实现低碳化的、有序的能源结构是中国能源战略定位的根本。中国低碳能源发展的战略重点在于:大力发展分布式能源系统;重点加强建筑、交通两大消耗领域低碳能源利用;尽最大可能促进生物质能源的有效利用;全方位推进太阳能、风能、水能和核能的安全利用等等。  相似文献   

中国能源的可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能源是经济和社会发展的重要物质基础 ,也是中国实现现代化、提高人民生活水平的先决条件。中国是一个能源消费大国 ,也是能源环境问题较为严重的国家之一。为了减少资源的浪费、防止环境的破坏 ,中国政府必须重视能源的可持续发展 ,能源建设要发挥资源优势 ,优化能源结构 ,提高能源利用效率。  相似文献   

王宁 《经济纵横》2019,(2):111-120
丹麦为确保能源安全、应对气候变化和促进新兴产业发展,制定了明确的能源发展规划和目标,建立职责清晰、统筹各方的能源监管部门,为可再生能源开发利用提供有力的政策支持,同时推动能源供给的多元化,综合利用多种能源以提高能源效率,鼓励公众积极参与和促进可再生能源交易的国际化,有力推动了可再生能源的发展和能源结构的优化。我国与丹麦虽然国情不同、能源资源禀赋差别较大,但同样面临能源结构调整和发展可再生能源的迫切需求。借鉴丹麦经验,我国有必要加强对能源产业的统筹规划和协调,不断优化能源结构、促进能源的综合利用,完善电力系统和电力市场以适应可再生能源持续发展的需要,积极引导公众参与开发和利用可再生能源,加强对可再生能源技术研发的引导和支持。  相似文献   

在新形势下,应从全球化视野、新能源安全观和可持续发展理念的角度出发,研究我国能源战略转型的基本思路,具体可从推进节能降耗、促进能源绿色发展和优化能源结构、构建能源多元供给体系及深化体制改革、释放能源市场活力等方面,实现我国能源战略的转型。  相似文献   

中国能源问题分析及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,是经济平稳运行的必不可少的物质基础.改革开放以来,中国经济持续高速发展,对能源的需求也越来越迫切.由于中国的能源供求、利用率、产业结构以及能源利用结构等方面存在的种种问题,使得在现有的国情下,中国部分能源是极为短缺的.需要从提高能源利用率、优化产业结构和能源利用结构、加强政府的宏观调控方面加以解决.  相似文献   

在21世纪初中国所面临的诸多挑战中,能源瓶颈问题成为制约中国经济社会进一步发展的一个极为重要的问题。能源瓶颈问题(主要是石油资源)主要包括能源短缺、能源结构、能源安全以及由于不合理的能源结构引发的环境问题。为了应对能源瓶颈问题,国家可以考虑制定能源发展大战略、从供需两个方面应对能源短缺、积极调整和优化能源结构、多管齐下保障能源安全以及实施环境友好战略应对环境污染问题等。  相似文献   

能源消费约束下中国出口贸易结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出口贸易的发展在拉动本国经济增长的同时,对能源消费也产生直接的影响。出口产品结构是影响能源消费的重要因素,不同的出口商品中"内涵能源"消费量存在很大差异。能源密集型的商品相对于普通商品出口数量的大幅度增加是出口结构能源密集化的表现,在当前中国出口规模要保持稳定增长的前提下,有针对性地提出合理的能源政策与贸易政策,优化出口贸易结构,实现对能源消费快速增长的有效缓解是中国面临的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

未来20年中国经济所面临的最严峻的问题,一是不可再生资源的节约利用与替代资源的寻找,二是可再生资源的再生状态的维持,未来20年,我国水能和核能的开发将逐步进入更大的视野,在总量和结构两方面的变化将进上步 经我国的一 能源构成和利用结构。总的趋势是天然气率先填补煤炭在结构退行中的份额,天然气、水能、核能在高科技支持下进上步优化能源结构。我国清洁能源的利用技术,尤其是煤的清洁利用技术将在21世纪初叶进  相似文献   

税收政策是我国促进节能减排的重要工具之一。采用Engle-Granger协整检验方法,对我国节能减排税收政策效应的实证研究结果表明,从长期看,节能减排税收收入与我国单位GDP能耗之间存在协整关系,但各个税种的节能减排效应差异较大。其中,增值税的节能减排效果显著,但仍有改善空间,而消费税和资源税并未发挥应有的作用。因此,建议通过全面改革资源税制、扩大消费税征税范围以及优化增值税税率等系列措施,促进我国节能减排税收政策效应的发挥。  相似文献   

In this paper the environmental and economic effects of the introduction of a unilateral energy tax in the Netherlands are analysed using an applied general equilibrium (AGE) model. The effects of a small user energy tax and a general energy tax are compared, while taking into account different tax recycling mechanisms. The model contains a great level of detail with respect to emissions and environmental indicators (greenhouse effect, acidification, eutrophication and waste), which is helpful for assessing environmental quality. The results show that the introduction of a small environmental tax reform not only improves the environment but also raises non-environmental welfare, which is due to an improvement of the efficiency of the tax structure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of anenergy tax on technical improvements and on prices ofconsumer durables induced by strategic competition inenergy efficiency. If the gasoline tax is raised thisdoes in principle not affect the producers of carsbecause the motorist pays for it in terms of a highercost of using the car. This, however, affects the unitsales of car producers because of substitution towardsother modes of transportation. A second element ofreaction to energy price variation is an indirect oneand relates to the effect of energy prices ontechnology. Competition forces car producers todevelop more energy efficient cars in order to reducethe cost of using a car. This indirect effect canpartly offset the direct effect of higher energyprices on demand if it is profitable for theautomobile industry to engineer more energy efficientequipment. We will analyze the impact of an energy taxon energy efficiency and on the price of a durablegood. This will be done within the framework of aduopoly competing in prices and in the energyefficiency of its products. The government chooses awelfare maximizing energy tax as an incentive toinnovate. Then we will analyze a strategic two-stagedecision process in which the duopolists first decideabout energy efficiency and then compete in prices.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对汽车这一既具有生产资料属性又具有耐用消费品属性的商品的需求也在不断增加。汽车的消费既提高了普通百姓的生活质量,同时也消耗了大量的自然资源,污染了空气,给能源供给、环境质量等带来极大的压力。文章从我国两次调整消费税税率的角度出发,运用月度数据实证分析国家的消费税政策的变动对汽车消费量的影响,得出两次消费税税率的调整在一定程度上鼓励了小排量车消费,抑制大排量车消费的结论。  相似文献   

We compare the economic and environmental effects of several specifications of a green tax reform (GTR) where tax revenues are used to support renewable energy sources (RESs) and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) activities. With this aim, we propose an equilibrium model where final-goods production uses labour and energy, and energy production uses nonpolluting RES and polluting fossil fuels. The comparison is based on three key indicators: output per worker, energy intensity and the ratio of renewables over nonrenewables. We test five variations of the GTR in addition to the no-policy case. Results show that a GTR as the one we propose here never provides a double dividend. There are environmental benefits but at the expense of the economy. Additionally, for lower tax levels, prioritizing RES support has lower economic costs and potential environmental benefits. For higher tax levels, CCS support becomes more competitive.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the advantages andimplications of the implementation of aEuropean tax on carbon dioxide emissions as anown resource of the EU and it focuses on itseffects on intercountry distribution. Incontrast to a harmonized tax, which would onlyhave distributive effects within each memberstate, a tax collected at European scale wouldalso have important distributive effects amongdifferent countries. These effects would alsodepend on the use of tax revenues. The paperinvestigates through a simple empiricalanalysis the distributive effects among themember states of three tax models: a pureCO2 model; a 50%/50% energy-CO2model and a CO2 model with a burden onnuclear power.  相似文献   

In recent years, China has faced tremendous pressure to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. At the COP 15 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2009, China committed itself to achieve a 40%–45% per GDP carbon dioxide emission reduction in the near future. To reach this goal, China is willing to adopt a series of new policies, including attempts to introduce a carbon tax, and to start an energy-resource-tax pilot program in the western provinces. For this research, we constructed a Multi-Regional Computable General Equilibrium model. Then we used six scenarios to evaluate the economic effects and effectiveness of energy-resource tax policy for control of carbon dioxide emissions for different regions of China. The main result of this research is the finding that an ad valorem energy resource tax can reduce carbon dioxide emissions in China. At the same time, fiscal policy might engender different effects in different regions of China. Additionally, this policy is more efficient for controlling petroleum and natural gas resources than it is for coal resources.  相似文献   

王德发 《财经研究》2006,32(2):98-105
作为政策分析的有力工具,可计算一般均衡(Computable General Equilibri-um,简称CGE)模型经过40多年的发展已在世界上得到广泛应用,并逐渐发展成为应用经济学的一个分支。目前,我国的CGE模型研究已取得了一些具有开拓性的成果,主要产生了有国务院发展研究中心的DRCCGE和中科院数量经济与技术研究所的PRCGEM两套CGE模型。在这些成果的基础上,文章首先分析了对煤征收能源税的重要性与必要性,随后详细介绍了采用由四大模块组成的CGE模型系统,并且给出了具体的求解处理过程。其次根据2002年上海市投入产出表数据,建立了一个地区性(上海市)可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,结果表明能源税的征收有效地推动了劳动对能源的替代,促进了经济结构和能源结构的调整,导致大气污染物的减少,同时对实际产出的影响较小,表明对煤征收能源税的可行性和合理性。最后对模型的改进提出了一些建议,为日后地区CGE模型应用及政策分析提供了一些支持。  相似文献   

In March 1997 the European Commission adopted aproposal that increases existing minimum levels oftaxation on mineral oils by around 10 to 25% andintroduces excises for other energy products. Thispaper analyses the macroeconomic impacts of theproposal. It employs three models: HERMES, GEM-E3, andE3ME. All models confirm that the proposal will havepositive macroeconomic impacts when the tax revenuesare used to reduce social security contributions paidby employers. For the EU as a whole, both GDP andemployment are expected to be higher and CO2emissions are 0.9 to 1.6 percent lower. The positiveEU-wide effects can be observed in practically allmember states. The sector impacts are modest, with theenergy sector expected to face the most negativeimpacts. Differences between model results are due tothe model type (general equilibrium ormacro-econometric), the EU countries covered and theway tax exemptions were handled. Crucial assumptionsto obtain the ``double dividend' are the modelling ofthe labour market and the impacts on EU externaltrade. The sensitivity of the results for the use oftax revenues, tax exemptions and tax rate increases isassessed.  相似文献   

本文认为,结构性减税就是要在税收总规模不变甚至适当增加的前提下,削减一些特定纳税人或特定税收项目的税负,其中最主要的是要削减中低收入者缴纳或负担的税收;在减税的方案上,主要是降低对人民衣食住行课征的增值税和营业税并全面推开“营改增”,适时调减企业所得税税率,并在工薪个人所得税制度中加进个性化的费用扣除标准。上述降税的收入损失可以通过提高消费税和个人所得税最高税率的办法加以弥补。  相似文献   

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