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After the phasal cease of the financial crisis, from the latter half of 2009 and on, the international hot money has been trying to make a comeback and has once again viewed China as its ohieet.Many have chosen Hong Kong as the path into China.In the third quarter of 2009, the hot money which uses Hong Kong as its gateway to flow into mainland China has forced the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to inject capital into the market.  相似文献   

The Chinese government officially resumed its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. On this historic occasion, the China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation officially renamed itself as the China Machinery Import and Export Group Corporation, with the approval of the relevant department of the state, and moved into its new office building. The change of name marks the progress it has achieved in a the course of exploring the establishment of a modern enterprise system. It was designated by the State Council in 1994 as one of the first group of 100 enterprises in China to introduce the modern enterprise system on a trial basis.In particular since 1995, when its scheme  相似文献   

Introduction Since China joined WTO,it has played an increasingly important role in global trade.China has demonstrated its competence in the global trade market.Wong Kam Hong,Deputy Chairman of Midland Holdings Ltd (Hereafter as Midland) believes trading not only exports goods and services,but also encourages cultural exchange.Midland and its subsidiaries is now the largest listed real estate agency in Hong Kong.Wong Kam Hong believes this is not as simple as buying and selling trading between the East and the West.To breed a kind of unique national treasure (国家资产),we need to blend the culture of the East and the West.With reference to Wong Kam Hong's over-30-year experience of living in Hong Kong,an international trading hub,and working in the very sophisticated real estate and finance industries.Through trading process,we can merge Tai Chi,the most powerful national asset of the East with the West's modern business management.  相似文献   

In the past months, Hong Kong has warmed up for celebrating the 10th anniversary of its return to the Chinese motherland with all kinds of anniversary-related activities. Concerns from all over China and abroad are mainly focusing on what changes the Hong Kong economy has undergone in the 10 years since the handover and what are the external and internal factors affecting Hong Kong. Authorities from Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) have shared their views with China's Foreign Trade on Hong Kong's economic development in the past 10 years.  相似文献   

With the deepen economic integration between mainland China and Hong Kong SAR,more and more mainland enterprises choose Hong Kong as their platform to enter the international market. At the end of 2008,more than 3,800 mainland enterprises have invested in Hong Kong with the total amount of US$20.7 billion;  相似文献   

International businesses have always relied on Hong Kong to get ahead inChina. Now it's even easier!Hong Kong recently signed its first ever freetrade deal with China. Known as the Closer Economic PartnershipArrangement, or 'Cepa', it offers faster and easier access to China'smarkets, for Hong Kong-based companies and Hong Kong-made products.  相似文献   

About a decade ago, Hong Kong's return to China on July 1,1997 sparked great celebrations all over the country. Shortly after the handover, the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis shocked this beautiful island and woke up its people from a jubilant mood. In the following 6 years, Hong Kong has undergone a long and hard period of economic recovery fighting against the  相似文献   

Guangzhou (广州 Guangzhou or just simply GZ) is the capital of .Guangdong province in southern China and has a population of over 10 million. It is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau. In the era of tea clippers, Guangzhou was known in the West as "Canton".The food and the language of the area are still known as "Cantonese".  相似文献   

The Standard & Poor's rating agency announced on August 5 that it has downgraded the U.S.credit rating to AA+ from its top rank of AAA for first time.In response to S&P's move,Asian and Oceania markets saw intense volatility on August 8 as major stock markets in Australia, New Zealand,Japan,South Korea,Singapore, Mainland China,Taiwan and Hong Kong en-  相似文献   

Shanghai‘s Yangtze River Delta haslots of big corporate names. ButHong Kong‘s Pearl River regionmay have an edge in its go-go culture eversince Hong Kong‘s return to Chinese rulefive and a half years ago, the former Britishcolony has been warily eyeing other regionalcities vying to take its place as the premierbusiness hub for Asia. Singapore was themain competitor back in 1993, but the Asianfinancial crisis staggered much of SoutheastAsia, and the impact still lingers. Today,  相似文献   

More than twenty years ago, Shenzhen was just a small fishing village called Bao'an County. In 1979, it was renamed Shenzhen City. When the Special Economic .Zone was built, the city was divided into six zones,four of which are located in the Special Economic Zone. In 1980, the first Special Economic Zone of China was built in Shenzhen. From then on, Shenzhen become a highlighted city of China, one known for its rapid economic growth. Currently, it has a population of approximately 14 million. In September 2009, the Global Financial Centers Index ranked Shenzhen as number five centre in the world after London, New York Hong Kong and Singapore.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Trade De velopment Council has established CEPABusiness Opportunity Centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and free hot line for CEPA business opportunity begins to go smoothly today as well. From now on, the companies in mainland  相似文献   

Hong Kong has sailed through several economic crises while undergoing economic adjustment since its return. However, industrial trade has been a firm force driving Hong Kong's economy through the past decade. Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong's total trade volume has grown from HKD 2.9 trillion in 1997 to HKD 5 trillion in 2006, representing a remarkable increase of 70%. In spite of economic twists and turns in Hong Kong, its foreign trade has maintained continuous growth. Especially over this decade, foreign trade has made noticeable contribution to Hong Kong's economic development. But where will Hong Kong's foreign trade stand in 10 years' time? And what will Hong Kong's advantages lie in the future?  相似文献   

Following Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Federation of Hong Kong Industries' heightening the predicted economic growth in Hong Kong, on July 1 HangSeng Bank declared that the local GDP of Hong Kong in this year is predictedto raise from 5.5% to 6%, and it further estimated that the economic growthof Hong Kong in the  相似文献   

Reuters is to start of fering its products directly to consumers in China as part of a strategy that will see the company push into consumer markets across the world.The British-based news and financial information giant has appointed Glenn Asano as the newly created head of consumer media for China.As the company's former head of media for Asia,  相似文献   

After the phasal cease of the financial crisis, from the latter half of 2009 and on, the international hotmoney has been trying to make a comeback and has once again viewed China as its object.  相似文献   

Cantonese opera is the main drama class of Lingnan opera. It is a local drama sung in Guangzhou dialect, putting together the music skill from north and south, home and abroad. Belonging to a kind of imagist opera, Cantonese opera is fluent, fresh and flexible, winning the reputation of "red bean of south China". During the development of more than 300 years, Cantonese opera has formed its own style and deep influence. It is not only loved by Cantonese, but also by Hong Kong people, Taiwanese and overseas Chinese, becoming the first Chinese opera that walks to the world. For hundreds of years, Cantonese opera emerged many famous musicians and groups which are famous for voice. The famous female role Hong Xiannu (Kuang Jianlian) is named as the "national-class" artist.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong,there have been many small restaurants.However,few of them can last three generations and become well-known in the world.Wing Lai Yuen Chan Fung Ying Limited (hereinafter referred to as Wing Lai Yuen),with its 64 years of history,is an exception.It has turned to an international catering group from a family run operation. With its historical and traditional cooking style,Wing Lai Yuen becomes one of the most famous Sichuan restaurants across the world.It is Wang Xiaoling,CEO of Wing Lai Yuen,has made it a great success.  相似文献   

On October 20, Liang Baorong, Director of Beijing Office of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR) stated at the press conference for the "2004 Tianjin · Hong Kong Week", in order to promote the trade and economic cooperation and exchanges between Tianjin and Hong Kong under the frame of "Closer Economic Partnership Agreement between Mainland China and Hong Kong" (CEPA), to enhance the mutual understanding and  相似文献   

As China successfully achieved its accession to WTO, it has attracted world attention. Where will be the next spot for economy booming. The world's attention begins to focus on China. Will it be the next economic giant in the world?The USA Business Week on December 9, 2002, issued an article - Greater China, Rise of a Economic Superpower, which describes that the mainland is absorbing the economies of Hong Kong and Taiwan faster than you think. How will this new superpower affect the world?  相似文献   

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