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经过三年的"整合积淀",中国国际家用纺织品及辅料(春夏)博览会的展会规模、专业性以及知名度更上一个台阶,在这个展会中展示的家纺、布艺产品可以说代表了行业的高水准。3月5~7日,2013中国国际家用纺织品及辅料(春夏)博览会在这春大里将再度启航,向纵深发展。  相似文献   

一场“从远古走来、向未来走去”的跨年代的时尚大秀10月31日在北京饭店炫目绽放。在荡气回肠的背景音乐下,从T台前走出的模特们不是身穿潮流靓装,而是身着各式蒙古部落的民族服饰。音乐节奏的突然变换,在观众仍沉浸在悠远的年代时,以“胡社光的东方”为主题的2013春夏时装新品发布会正式亮相。  相似文献   

总主题:环境·后自然 大凡人们在遭遇突如其来的天灾人祸时,总是沉浸在深深的怀旧情节之中而不能自拔。待这灾难终于过去,审视自身的生活方式,必然在历史和现实的沉淀中找到新的社会认同和人文精华。  相似文献   

时尚的家用纺织品材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会生活和文化观念的变化,人们的消费观念也逐步向时尚性、舒适性、健康性发展,人们对家用纺织品的要求会愈来愈注重它的生态环保性、功能性、智能性,开发保健型和环保型家用纺织品,极其必要。化学纤维作为服装材料的原料经过百年的发展而趋于成熟,但由于不少品种在生产中污染环境,舒适性不如天然纤维等原因,在石油资源枯竭,环保畅行,消费层次提高,崇尚自然的今天,舒爽、自然、绿色的天然纤维特别受推崇,随着科学技术的进步,生态环保的化学纤维、特殊功能的新型高科技合成纤维陆续问世。因此,本文提出,当今时尚的家用纺织品材料要有一定的生态环保性、功能性、智能性。  相似文献   

综合国际流行趋势及亚洲特色,上海国际服装纺织品贸易博览会(FASHIONSHANGHAI,2007年3月15~17日,上海新国际博览中心)将于本展会发布2007/08春夏纺织品流行趋势,旨在为纺织企业提供全面的趋势走向和信息,以利市场开拓。趋势发布的主题是矛盾特调:从多面向完美的角色要求,让现在的生活呈现断续的拼接和重叠,人们必须理性地调用感知经验,将丰富的情感欲求恰到好处的展现转换,以拥有多元的美好体验。这个季度是精确而不是游移不定的并存意象,冲突与协调竞相展现,以趣味拼凑出幽默,用想象层叠成真实,优雅地突出华丽,细腻地融合为精致的…  相似文献   

中国国际家用纺织品(春夏)博览会在上海刚刚闭幕,和展馆外温暖的阳光相比,展馆内家纺行业的春天显得更加的明媚与精彩。越来越多的行业"大牌"汇聚,最新的家纺产品、布艺产品争奇斗艳,众多采购商、经销商齐集,面对复杂多变的国内外形势,众多家纺企业吹响了不断升级的"集结号"。  相似文献   

家用纺织品是纺织最终产品。服装、家用纺织品、产业用纺织品的三大领域之一。家用纺织品的国际竞争力大大低于中国服装的竞争力,特别是难以进入欧美市场。随着人们生活质量的提高和社会的全面发展,对家用纺织品的需求正日益扩大。从发展趋势看,家用纺织品将成为扩大内需的新的增长点。中国家用纺织品行业,既是一个传统行业又是一个新兴的产业。家用纺织品在过去是复制行业,无非是毛巾、床单。随着人们生活水平的提高,经济的发展,家用纺织品行业已是一个全新的概念。已从铺铺盖盖、遮遮掩掩的实用功能,逐渐向装饰、美化、保健等多功能方面发展,家居软装饰文化正在中国勃然兴起。目前,家居装修越来越趋向理性化,由重装修(硬装饰),逐步转向重装饰(软装饰)。软装饰挂一个窗帘,一下子就把  相似文献   

室内纺织品因以单件产品设计为主,缺乏整体的空间意识。本文从室内空间设计的角度,通过家用纺织品的图案、色彩、质地等在室内物理空间、心理空间、文化空间氛围等方面对室内装饰与空间的营造作用及装饰方法进行归纳分析,以期提高家用纺织品的设计和整体运用水平。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了抗菌防螨健康家用纺织品的开发以及细菌和螨虫等对人体的危害,通过实验检测整理织物的抗菌性能和防螨性能、断裂强力和透气性。通过分析其具有很好的服用性能。  相似文献   

家用纺织品品牌效应的分析与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 品牌,是一个产品区别于另一个产品的标志,是企业综合水平的市场体现。家纺品牌不仅是家用纺织品本身的名称和标记,更是家纺生产企业一种重要的营销手段。由于家用纺织品具有个性化鲜明、文化底蕴厚雷、既强调时尚与潮流、又注重整体与协调等特征,是市场消费覆盖率很大的一种纺织产品,因此,随着家居  相似文献   

Sex Discrimination in Job-Related Training   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Women and men have unequal chances of obtaining training. Estimates of market discrimination in access to training are obtained using the 1984 Labour Force Survey. These show that young women suffer considerable discrimination, their chances of receiving training being reduced by a third or more, and their chances of receiving job-specific training being reduced by one-half or more, in comparison with young men. By contrast, older women either suffer much less discrimination or are even slightly favoured in comparison with older men.  相似文献   

Casey S 《Fortune》2005,151(11):113-4, 116

Sex and Interoccupational Wage Differences in Israel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An examination of the influence of the sex identification of an occupation on earnings reveals that: (1) male occupations earn more than female occupations; (2) nonsegregated occupations tend to be more similar in earnings to female than to male occupations; (3) the majority of female occupations earn below the mean for occupations at each level of education; the inverse is true for male occupations; (4) men in female occupations earn less than they do in male occupations; and (5) women in male occupations do not consistently earn more than women in female occupations at comparable levels of education. Our data indicate that they tend to gravitate toward the lower earning male occupations. These findings support the hypothesis that in Israel, as elsewhere, occupational segregation is an important factor underlying earning differentials between women and men. Wage differentials are the result not only of differences in human capital resources, but also of unequal opportunities within the occupational structure. The division of labor by sex does not cause inequality—rather it permits the perpetuation of a system of social relations in which the work women do is allocated inferior status and economic rewards. The social forces which produce and sustain this reality are worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

We use data from the 2000 decennial U.S. Census to compare differences in earnings, hours worked, and labor‐force participation between members of different household types, including same‐sex couples, different‐sex couples, and roommates. Both same‐sex and different‐sex couples exhibit some degree of household specialization, whereas roommates show little or no degree of specialization. Of all household types, married couples exhibit by far the highest degree of specialization with respect to labor‐market outcomes. With respect to differences in earnings and hours, gay male couples are more similar to married couples than lesbian or unmarried heterosexual couples are to married couples.  相似文献   

The hiring process is currently probably the least understood aspect of the employment relationship. It may very well be the most important for understanding the broad processes of stratification with allocation by sex and race to jobs and firms. A central reason for the lack of knowledge is that it is very difficult to assemble extensive data on the processes that occur at the point of hiring. We analyzed data on all applicants to a large service organization in the U.S. in a 16-month period in 1993–1994. We investigated the rating at the time of application, the probability of getting hired, and the ratings achieved one, three, and six months after hire. Overall differences between men and women were (a) negligible in rating received at the time of application, (b) small but slightly in favor of women in probability of getting hired, and (c) clearly in favor of women for ratings after hire. The evidence points unambiguously in one direction: Women do not come out worse than men in the hiring process in this organization. To the extent there is a difference, it is to the advantage of women. However, if the posthire performance ratings are free of sex bias, then women should have been hired at an even higher rate. When analyses were done separately by occupation, there are few differences between men and women in getting hired in the three occupations accounting for 94 percent of hires. In the other two, only 8 and 15 hires were made, making statistical analysis less meaningful. However, there is evidence that blacks face a disadvantage in getting hired, and also receive lower ratings after hire. Hispanic men are especially disadvantaged in getting hired.  相似文献   

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