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2008年以来,含权债逐渐成为银行间债券市场的热点,丰富了市场的投资品种。但目前,市场成员在含权债的会计处理上仍存在较大的分歧,不利于市场交易的活跃。该文根据新会计准则中关于嵌入衍生工具分类会计核算的总体原则,分不同资产类别对含权债会计处理的适用性进行了梳理,并根据分析结果给出了交易性金融资产项下含权债的具体会计核算方法。  相似文献   

文章分析了银行间市场含权债实际成交价格的变动规律,介绍了市场实践中常用的定价方法,并对以理论模型为基础的一般估值方法进行了研究。结果发现,虽然目前市场上含权债的交易价格基本合理,但估值实践中较少利用理论模型,一般参考市价简单处理。含权债定价可以从建立二项式模型开始,逐步改变目前市场定价随意、缺少理论支撑的现状。  相似文献   

本文旨在设计一套有效的ESG整合固收投资的方法学路径。研究发现,投资期限与经济周期识别、双重重要性目标界定是构建有效的固收ESG投资的两个关键前提。为揭示ESG因素对信用利差的潜在影响,本文对ESG因子值与期限之间的相关性展开实证分析,结果表明:ESG评级与信用评级有一定的相关性,ESG评价对传统信评有较好的补充作用;ESG得分和E、S、G维度得分均能显著解释债券的信用利差,ESG评级能够影响信用债风险定价,能够为投资者提供信用评级之外的信息。此外,策略实证结果证明:基于双重重要性因素区分后构建的财务偏好优选策略,既在ESG得分分布上呈现出较好的区分度,也在3年以上的回测周期的波动率和投资收益上有相对基准的优良表现。后续,结合盈利与偿债相关性分析和单因子有效性分析,可以考虑在ESG财务优选策略组合基础上进行策略优化,如结合政策面分析、久期策略、收益率曲线策略等。  相似文献   

受7.23甬温动车事故影响,铁道债在债券一二级市场一度遇冷,其信用利差定位和信用展望成为市场关注的重点。该文结合相关财务指标分析,通过纵向透视铁道部、横向比较其他超AAA级主体资质情况,寻求铁道债信用利差水平的合理评估,并就超AAA级债券的投资策略提出建议。  相似文献   

欧债危机的持续蔓延为中国企业对欧投资带来了机遇,但在抓住投资机会的同时,企业更应充分了解其在经济、金融、资产价值等各方面潜在的风险并做好应对措施。  相似文献   

欧债危机的持续蔓延为中国企业对欧投资带来了机遇,但在抓住投资机会的同时,企业更应充分了解其在经济、金融、资产价值等各方面潜在的风险并做好应对措施  相似文献   

投资咨询产品的生产、流通、交换、消费均具有不同于一般物质产品的特性,因此对其定价的不确定性很大.目前,国内学术界对投资咨询产品的定价问题至今没有形成科学的理论,投资咨询业界在经营实务中也未能形成通行的标准.这一问题给投资咨询产品的生产、交换、推广利用及投资咨询产品市场的培育和完善带来了许多困难,严重影响了投资咨询产业的健康发展.因此,探讨投资咨询产品的价格形成原理和投资咨询产品定价策略,从而使投资咨询业运营更加适应资本市场发展的需要,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

随着欧债危机的爆发,跨国公司投资世界的战略受到了一定的影响.对中国而言,欧债危机一定起相当大的影响,面对危机四伏的局势,跨国公司对中国投资将如何发展,本文结合欧债危机背景下,跨国公司投资中国进行了探讨.  相似文献   

随着欧债危机的爆发,跨国公司投资世界的战略受到了一定的影响。对中国而言,欧债危机一定起相当大的影响,面对危机四伏的局势,跨国公司对中国投资将如何发展,本文结合欧债危机背景下,跨国公司投资中国进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Growth-indexed bonds have been suggested as a way of reducing the procyclicality of emerging-market countries’ fiscal policies and the likelihood of costly debt crises. Investor attitude surveys suggest that pricing difficulties are seen as a considerable obstacle. In an effort to reduce such concerns, this article presents a simple way of pricing growth-indexed bonds. As a pleasant by-product, the analysis tracks the quantitative implications of an increase in the share of growth-indexed bonds in total debt, measuring the ensuing decline in the probability of default and the reduction in the spreads at which standard bonds can be issued.  相似文献   

关于三月浮息债负利差产生的原因与投资建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于Shibor报价工作实践,首先从投资者类型、债券流动性等多角度列举了浮息债定价的影响因素,分析了当前3M_Shibor浮息债利差持续为负的原因,然后在探讨归纳3M_Shibor的定价机理和阐释近期Shibor报价新特征的基础上,对3M_Shibor中期走势进行展望,并就投资3M_Shibor浮息债时需关注的问题予以提示。  相似文献   

可赎回债券可以分解成普通债券和债券看涨期权的组合,可回售债券可以分解成普通债券和债券看跌期权的组合.本文使用BDT模型对国家开发银行自2001年以来发行的可赎回债券和可回售债券定价,结果发现可赎回债券被高估,而可回售债券被低估.  相似文献   

As a government-sponsored enterprise, Fannie Mae enjoys certain advantages over other firms. The extent of these advantages, while widely discussed, have not yet been fully quantified. This paper empirically examines the returns to Fannie Mae general obligation bonds under the assumptions of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory. The model provides an explicit method for estimating the risk premium on Fannie Mae bonds. The results indicate that liquidity and tax effects are important in explaining the returns to Fannie Mae bonds. The results also indicate that the market does not incorporate changes in the riskiness of the mortgage market into the returns on Fannie Mae bonds. The results provide support for the contention that Fannie Mae, as a government sponsored enterprise, enjoys a significant advantage over other firms in the capital market.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(4):437-445
We develop a sequential pricing framework in a continuous time cash flow model allowing for repeated valuation of different cash flow claims. One claim is valued until a prespecified boundary is hit, which is subsequently used as the new valuation starting point for the next claim. This highly flexible pricing framework is applied to the pricing of rating-trigger step-up/-down corporate bonds, the coupon payments of which depend on the issuing company’s credit rating. We present a simple closed-form pricing solution for this type of bonds including both a step-up and step-down threshold, as well as a lower default boundary.  相似文献   

The direct valuation procedure of performing discounted expectation to obtain the prices of multi-state lookback options may lead to insurmountable complexity and numerical difficulties. The computation may require numerical differentiation of the joint distribution function of the extremum values, then followed by numerical integration over a semi-infinite domain. In this paper, we illustrate the use of an alternative approach that significantly simplifies the calculations of multi-state lookback option prices. The financial intuition behind the new approach involves the choice of a sub-replicating portfolio and the adoption of the corresponding replenishing strategy to achieve the subsequent full replication of the derivative. The replenishing premium is obtained by performing the integration of an appropriate distribution function over the range of asset price within which under replication occurs. The sub-replication and replenishment procedures may be utilized as hedging strategies for the lookback options. The pricing and hedging properties of multi-state lookback options are also discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

注册制下,券商应承担优化资源配置、服务实体经济、稳定二级市场的责任,围绕承销组织、研究估值、机构销售、信息披露等IPO定价全流程,提升市场化定价效率。监管层面需要完善信息披露管理体系,丰富网下报价方式,优化战略配售和二级市场稳定机制,为券商履职及能力提升提供制度保障。本文还创新性构建了券商IPO定价能力评价体系,提出了包含承销能力、组织能力、项目筛选能力、投价报告质量、估值偏离度、定价偏离度、销售能力以及信息披露能力等指标在内的评价体系。  相似文献   

The Pricing of Equity Carve-Outs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the pricing of stock for 251 equity carve‐outs during the 1986–1995 period. We document a mean initial‐day return of 5.83% and a mean one‐week return of 5.43%. Among carve‐outs, the initial underpricing is lower for issues represented by high prestige investment bankers and those that have a lower offer price. In comparison with 251 initial public offering (IPO) firms matched by size and book‐to‐market ratio of equity, carveouts exhibit significantly lower initial‐day returns, but their buy‐and‐hold returns for sixmonth and one‐year periods are not significantly different from IPOs. The IPO firms have a three‐year return of 28.82% which is significantly higher than the 21.07% return for the carve‐out firms.  相似文献   

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