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模块化管理是当前国际银行变革与发展的主流模式,模块化以网络化的组织形式,实现了各种资源在银行内部、银行与外部经济组织之间的有效整合。模块化体现了客户导向、市场观念和成本的最小化等基本管理理念。模块化应用到流程银行建设是中国金融界的全新经营管理视角和新的尝试。中国目前的银行开始实行了一些流程银行方面的初步探索,但认识还不清晰,措施还不完善,变革成效还不明显,未来的变革之路还很长。流程银行的模块化研究很好地回答了这一系列的管理问题,指明了中国商业银行未来“流程银行”建设的目标和方向。  相似文献   

基于摸块化核心的流程银行变革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模块化管理是当前国际银行变革与发展的主流模式,模块化以网络化的组织形式,实现了各种资源在银行内部、银行与外部经济组织之间的有效整合.模块化体现了客户导向、市场观念和成本的最小化等基本管理理念.模块化应用到流程银行建设是中国金融界的全新经营管理视角和新的尝试.中国目前的银行开始实行了一些流程银行方面的初步探索,但认识还不清晰,措施还不完善,变革成效还不明显,未来的变革之路还很长.流程银行的模块化研究很好地回答了这一系列的管理问题,指明了中国商业银行未来"流程银行"建设的目标和方向.  相似文献   

李翔 《新金融》2009,(1):52-56
本文将价值链模型引入到对银行再造的研究中。首先分析了银行价值链的基本构成及特征,其次对我国银行从部门银行向流程银行转型过程价值链模型理论所发生的一系列变化进行比较,最后对我国银行构建流程银行提出了建议。  相似文献   

基于网格的流程银行变革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网格技术是令组织或者系统的资源实现共享和协同的技术,而网格化管理就是借用网格的资源共享、协同工作的核心理念来整合组织相关资源达到资源高效利用的一种管理模式.网格不仅是一种新的信息技术,更是一种管理工具,将其应用到流程银行的变革中将为中国银行业的经营管理模式转变提供一种全新的尝试.本文从介绍网格和网格化管理的特点入手,构建了一个网格化管理下的流程银行模式,对其运作机理进行了详细阐述,进而设计了与该模式相配套的银行组织架构,以实现流程银行变革的目标.  相似文献   

从部门银行向流程银行转变是商业银行组织架构变革的主要方向。国外主要大型银行大多已按流程银行理念建成了扁平化、垂直化的组织架构体系。中国商业银行自2005年起启动流程银行建设,在前中后台分离、事业部制改革等方面取得了重要进展,但总体上仍处于起步探索阶段,其核心问题是各类经营管理单元之间的关系较难协调处理。本文探索通过选择性突破、分行平台化、柔性组织应用、共享协同机制建立等策略,克服体制机制障碍,合理处理条块关系,逐步实现由部门银行向流程银行的转型。  相似文献   

银行流程分类框架的开发和应用能为包括中国商业银行在内的全球银行业的标杆管理、流程的标准化和测评、银行治理和问责等提供有力的支持和帮助。中国商业银行可引进银行流程分类框架,建立"以市场为导向,以客户为中心,以风险控制为基础,以资本回报为目标"的流程分类框架;同时,在流程银行概念的指引下,参照该框架进行标杆比较,打造核心竞争优势,提升经营业绩。  相似文献   

本文分析了银行的核心竞争力与经营效率、风险管理能力的内在联系,基于风险管理的视角对核心竞争力进行了分析,剖析了我国商业银行风险管理存在的问题。本文从观念与文化、机制与体系、技术与工具、人才培养与全员培训四个方面提出了商业银行培育风险管理能力的建议。  相似文献   

李东 《济南金融》2007,(5):55-57
当前国内商业银行仍普遍实行按职能部门划分管理权限的管理模式,本文称之为“部门银行”。随着金融业竞争加剧,新的管理体系“流程银行”需要推广。本文在分析流程银行特点和部门银行弊端的基础上,提出了我国商业银行构建流程银行的相关建议。  相似文献   

当前国内商业银行仍普遍实行按职能部门划分管理权限的管理模式,本文称之为"部门银行".随着金融业竞争加剧,新的管理体系"流程银行"需要推广.本文在分析流程银行特点和部门银行弊端的基础上,提出了我国商业银行构建流程银行的相关建议.  相似文献   

银行价值链模块化视角的专业化银行发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从银行价值链模块化改革的视角出发,探讨如何构建专业化银行、核心银行和综合化银行共同发展的银行体系。  相似文献   

近年来,我国商业银行积极开展轻型化转型。本文采用2008-2017年我国14家上市 银行的数据构建指标衡量我国银行轻型化发展的现状,从理论上探讨了轻型化转型对银行风 险承担的影响机理,并进行实证检验。研究结果表明:次贷危机以来,我国商业银行向轻型化 转型趋势明显,不同层面轻型化对银行风险承担的影响并不相同。在轻资产和轻收入层面,增 加金融市场业务占比和非利息收入占比会增加银行的风险承担,而在轻资本层面,增加资本利 用效率则会将降低银行的风险承担。针对以上结论,本文从银行与监管当局的角度,提出相关 政策建议。  相似文献   

流程银行的战略认知及合规风险管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以流程为主线、以客户为核心、以IT技术为支撑,以组织创新和流程优化、变革和再造、以全方位的资源整合为主要特征的流程银行模式,它体现现代银行层次扁平、责权明确、团队合作以适应市场快速变化的柔性能力和竞争能力.流程银行的建立,为合规风险的管理提供了一个很好的落角点,即将合规风险的管理建立在对作业(流程的组成单位)的合规管理上.流程银行是当前国际先进银行普遍采用的经营管理模式.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the two major sources of bank default risk: liquidity risk and credit risk. We use a sample of virtually all US commercial banks during the period 1998–2010 to analyze the relationship between these two risk sources on the bank institutional-level and how this relationship influences banks’ probabilities of default (PD). Our results show that both risk categories do not have an economically meaningful reciprocal contemporaneous or time-lagged relationship. However, they do influence banks’ probability of default. This effect is twofold: whereas both risks separately increase the PD, the influence of their interaction depends on the overall level of bank risk and can either aggravate or mitigate default risk. These results provide new insights into the understanding of bank risk and serve as an underpinning for recent regulatory efforts aimed at strengthening banks (joint) risk management of liquidity and credit risks.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between legal, extra-legal and political institutional factors and earnings quality of banks across countries. We predict that earnings quality is higher in countries with legal, extra-legal and political systems that reduce the consumption of private control benefits by insiders and afford outside investors greater protection. Using a sample of banks from 35 countries during the pre-crisis period from 1993 to 2006, we find that all five measures of earnings quality studied are higher in countries with stronger legal, extra-legal and political institutional structures. We also find that banks in countries with stronger institutions are less likely to report losses, have lower loan loss provisions, and higher balance sheet strength during the 2007–2009 crisis period. Our findings highlight the implications of country level institutional factors for financial reporting quality and are relevant to bank regulators who are considering additional regulations on bank financial reporting.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical assessment of the level of competition in the Nigerian banking industry following the consolidation exercise, using a bank-level panel data, for the period 2005–2014. Empirical evidence from the Panzar and Rosse (1987) H-statistic reveals that market power in the Nigerian banking industry is consistent with monopolistic competition, which implies that firms are independent in their decision-making and conduct. This study innovates by incorporating non-interest income accounts in the assessment of revenue, and findings suggest that bank competitiveness decreases as revenue tends toward an inclusion of non-interest income or fee-based services.  相似文献   

The aim of our research is to investigate the important role of banks in the governance of companies listed in the Euronext 100 index. Primarily, this research seeks to examine the impact of a bank’s presence within a firm, as a creditor or shareholder, on firm performance, as well as the motivations of banks to acquire holdings, and whether the presence of a bank as a shareholder of a firm facilitates its access to bank loans. Empirical analyses are conducted with a sample of 86 nonfinancial institutions listed in the Euronext 100 index over the period 2008–2013 using the three-stage least squares method. The study shows, first, that the presence of a bank within a firm, as a creditor or shareholder, is positively related to firm performance. Moreover, the firm’s performance is an important determinant of the presence of bank shareholding. Finally, the presence of a bank as a shareholder of a firm does not facilitate its access to bank loans.  相似文献   

It is well known that banks in England did not publish their 'true' profits until 1969. This article discusses the problems encountered in establishing the banks' 'true' profits and capital for earlier periods from their published accounts and unpublished archival sources. Definitions of profits and capital are considered and the methods used by the authors elsewhere in the calculation of true profits, capital, and rates of return are described. A number of areas causing particular difficulty are identified and discussed in detail. The accounting practices followed by the banks are compared to more generally-used financial accounting practices.  相似文献   

财务危机是指商业银行经营过程中由于费用成本过大,收入减少,或资产出现严重损失,造成财务亏损或资不抵债的一种经济现象。化解商业银行财务危机的紧急有效措施是采取减员增效、压缩节支等手段,而从根本上解除财务危机在于不断提高商业银行的经营质量,做到既好又快地发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国部分农村信用社改制成农村股份制商业银行,据银监会数据统计,截至2013年底,全国共改制组建并开业的农村商业银行共计590家(其中农村商业银行468家,农村合作银行122家)。农村商业银行(农村合作银行)各项业务已占据全国的半壁江山。但随着金融改革与利率市场化进程的加快,农村商业银行在体制、机制、金融创新及全面风险管理等方面面临前所未有的严峻挑战。在新形势下农村商业银行要加快转型发展,稳步提升农村金融市场竞争力,实现可持续发展。本文揭示了农村商业银行战略转型的难点,提出农村商业银行转型发展的建议。  相似文献   

In light of the policy debate on too-big-to-fail we investigate evidence of economies of scale for 103 European listed banks over 2000–2011. Using the Stochastic Frontier Approach, the results show that economies of scale are widespread across different size classes of banks and are especially large for the biggest banks. At the country level, banks operating in the smallest financial systems and the countries most affected by the financial crises realize the lowest scale economies (including diseconomies) due to the reduction in production capacity. As for the determinants of scale economies, these mainly emanate from banks oriented toward investment banking, with higher liquidity, lower Tier 1 capital, those that contributed less to systemic risk during the crises, and those with too-big-to-fail status.  相似文献   

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