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商家的成功经营来源于其持久的赢利,而持久赢利的实现又必需依赖于以下几方面,首先是尽可能地满足顾客需求来增加营业额,其次要尽量控制成本来提高利润率,同时还要有一个开拓创新的管理团队。  相似文献   

李宏 《中国市场》2012,(23):64-67
通过发放调查问卷,获取网络团购市场发展的信息,运用列联分析法、相关回归分析法等明确团购市场的现状,并提出了相应的建议:进行市场细分,选准目标顾客群;调整团购商品的类型结构,适应顾客需求;综合提升各方面满意度,建立整体竞争优势;企业营销活动重点放在维护老客户上,同时积极开发新客户;诚信经营是企业长远发展的基石。  相似文献   

社交媒体的迅猛发展为电子商务带来了一种新的发展模式——微店,因其经营门槛低、成本小、足不出户便可参与销售和推广等特点,深受在校学生青睐,依靠微店经营赚点零用钱或不菲收入;而且大学生互联网创业也成为职业学院学生毕业就业的重要渠道。为此,充分调查、分析、研究职业院校学生微店经营中的种种问题,有利于引导大学生的微店创业向着积极健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

日本自战后确立"贸易立国"的经济发展战略以来,迅速成长为工业品的出口大国,但却成了世界上最大的农产品纯进口国,农业和工业的对外贸易发展严重失衡。从小泉内阁开始促进农产品出口的气势日渐高涨。但要解决日本农产品出口面临来自国内和国外的多重阻力,要靠日本自身的努力,如加快国内农业改革的步伐;减少对农业的过度保护;提高农产品的价格竞争力等。  相似文献   

该调研报告以咸阳市袁家村经营户为调研对象,通过问卷调查、深入访谈等方式对袁家村经营户经营现状进行了解,通过对调研结果的分析,找出其中存在的不足,以期为袁家村更好的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来浙江省体操运动得到了较快发展,在全国比赛中取得了较好的成绩,特别是自从成立体操俱乐部以来,温州市竞技体操水平有了一定进步,但竞争整体水平有停滞不前的趋势。如何进一步提高我市竞技体操运动整体水平成为一个亟待解决的问题,针对这一情况,本课题通过收集文献资料、专家访谈和数理统计等方法,对温州市运动员、教练员、场地器材、训练方法等进行调查研究。旨在发现问题所在为推动温州市竞技体操运动的整体发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

邹凤莲 《北方经贸》2014,(12):276-276
随着我国旅游业的发展和商务活动的日益频繁,酒店业得到了迅猛发展,其中,经济型酒店以其低廉的价格得到广大用户的欢迎,并迅速发展起来,部分地区经济型酒店一度出现供过于求的竞争状态.面对竞争日益激烈的酒店市场,经济型酒店如何提高核心竞争力,获得长期稳定的发展,是每一位从业人员都需要格外关注的课题之一.  相似文献   

通过对江西省南昌市、宜春市、新余市、鹰潭市、赣州市、抚州市、吉安市、萍乡市、九江市等大型体育场馆负责人及工作人员进行深入调查。充分了解了江西省大型体育场馆目前在管理、经营、服务、公益性、政府财政拨款、场馆维护、场馆利用等一系列问题,严重影响了江西省体育产业发展步伐。大型体育场馆经营改革是摆在政府和场馆管理部门面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

In Poland, in recent years, the number of Japanese cuisine restaurants is still increasing. The aim of this article was to estimate the popularity of Japanese cuisine in Poland and to examine attitudes of Polish consumers towards it. The reasons why this cuisine is chosen by consumers are also studied. The scope of this work includes two anonymous questionnaires. The first study was conducted in Warsaw among 527 random respondents to estimate the level of familiarity with Japanese dishes. The second one was conducted among 115 consumers of a particular Japanese restaurant in Warsaw. Research of the target group was aimed at the characteristics of Japanese dishes consumers. On the basis of the results, it was found that random respondents have relatively little knowledge of Japanese dishes. However, a large percentage of them declared interest in Japanese culture and traditions and was inclined to taste the dishes of this region. Japanese restaurants are mainly popular among young people who follow current culinary trends and fashions and also care about their diet. High prices limit the customer group to well‐off people. Polish consumers visiting Japanese restaurants are usually persons between 31 and 40 years old, with higher education, live in the big cities, as well as with very good or good financial situation. Regular restaurant goers eat out quite often: once a week (38%) or at least once a month (27%). The restaurant studied is mainly visited by people familiar with Japanese cuisine. Sushi is the most popular of the dishes offered.  相似文献   


Will customers' intention to return to a restaurant increase with coupon promotion? To answer this question, this study examines the hypothetical effects of coupon promotion on return visits to restaurants. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses were developed to test the effect of a coupon, its face value, and a patron's prior dining experience on return intention. The authors found that neither coupon use nor coupon face value contributed to explaining respondents' return intentions. However, repeat customers have a greater likelihood of returning to the restaurant than new customers. The study also showed that the quality of food and service were key indicators of return intention.  相似文献   

Increasing restaurant supply chain participants’ knowledge of consumer preferences toward the use of locally produced ingredients in restaurants may provide insight into a valuable marketing opportunity. This study uses conjoint analysis to evaluate consumers’ locally produced ingredient preferences relative to two other key restaurant attributes (the price of the dining experience and restaurant type). Results suggest that, for one fifth of surveyed restaurant consumers, a restaurant’s practice of “buying locally” is the primary restaurant attribute of importance. The implications of these results for supply chain providers (e.g., producers, manufacturers, and food service distributors) are discussed.  相似文献   

陈淑祥 《商业研究》2003,(21):179-181
当今全球经济发达的美国和日本商业在其发展进程中,有与众不同的特色,积累了丰富的经验,对之进行分析具有重要的意义。在分别分析了美国、日本商业发展的历史经验和经营特色的基础上,简析了两国商业发展的异同点。  相似文献   

近年来,我国许多著名的老字号餐饮企业经营状况不佳,营业收入不断下滑,甚至出现入不敷出现象,在市场竞争中处于不利地位。老字号餐饮企业不仅属于劳动密集型企业,更是知识型企业,只有实施知识管理才能提高其竞争力。通过实证研究,证实了知识管理对老字号餐饮企业经营和发展的影响,进而提出了老字号餐饮企业知识管理的实施策略。  相似文献   

文章按时间序列将二战后日本的经济发展过程划分为四个阶段,分别概括了每个阶段经济发展的结构性特征、模式、动力、机制和主要问题,并试图找出每个阶段发展所依据的理论基础。文章认为战后日本经济发展所取得的巨大成就,与日本建立起适应产业资本主义逻辑的独特的经济系统有密切关系;而泡沫经济破灭后日本所经历的长达20年的经济萧条和徘徊,在某种意义上归结于日本的经济系统同金融资本主义的矛盾与冲突。或许日本已经到了重新定义经济、创新整个经济系统的历史的转折点上。  相似文献   

商业在现代经济中发挥着至关重要的作用,商业的发达程度已经成为衡量一个国家或城市市场经济发达程度的重要标志。进入21世纪以来,发展上海现代商业,探索出适合上海的现代商业模式和对策,是加快上海现代商业发展的关键,对此进行研究具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   


Factors affecting the longevity of independently owned ethnic restaurants in four Alabama cities were identified. A proportional stratified random sample of 43 restaurateurs representing African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Mediterranean cuisines was selected. A questionnaire was administered to restaurateurs during face-to-face interviews to explore factors affecting viability of ethnic restaurants. Twenty (46.5%) restaurants were open fewer than five years and 23 (53.5%) were open more than five years. Significant differences between newer and established restaurants included whether the owner purchased an existing restaurant business or began a new one, employment practices, method of customer payment, and marketing strategies.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):405-430
Japanese firms have a firmly established reputation as influential foreign investors, originating from the surge of foreign direct investment into North America and Europe during the 1980s. This paper examines trends in Japanese corporate behaviour in the United Kingdom, a key investment destination for Japanese firms, over the period 1991 to 2010. Our ‘demographic’ analysis of Japanese firms' investments includes both investment and exit strategies. It is found that Japanese firms have reconfigured their UK presence in response to a rapidly changing market environment, with an enduring proclivity to cluster, notwithstanding government incentives intended to channel investment towards specific regions of the country.  相似文献   

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