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Some scholars would legalize all purely vertical resale price maintenance (RPM). They acknowledge that RPM can harm consumers when it facilitates horizontal collusion among manufacturers or dealers. But when RPM is purely vertical (i.e., when it is imposed by a manufacturer acting independently), they argue that it must be procompetitive. Recent theoretical research has shown, however, that purely vertical RPM can reduce economic efficiency. This result occurs when the higher prices and dealer services induced by RPM benefit marginal consumers but substantially reduce the welfare of intramarginal consumers, who would have preferred the product without the services at a lower price. Since these circumstances are empirically plausible, a rule of per se legality may not be appropriate. At the same time, evaluating RPM under the rule of reason might not be workable. Anticompetitive instances of the type described could be difficult to prove. These research findings, therefore, are most consistent with a rule of per se illegality for RPM, with exceptions for situations in which RPM is most likely to be pro-competitive (e.g., new entry).  相似文献   

Japanese antitrust law exempts a variety of vertical and horizontal restraints that remain closely regulated in the United States. Despite these dissimilar antitrust environments, however, market concentration, firms' exercise of market power, and deadweight loss from monopoly are highly similar in the two countries. The hypothesis that antitrust alters the relative mix of price to non-price competition rather than the absolute level that competition assumes might explain this empirical puzzle. Thus, this paper studies Japanese antitrust exemptions for resale price maintenance and export cartel associations to illustrate how adopting vertical and horizontal restraints has allowed Japanese firms to substitute towards forms of non-price competition better tailored to industry characteristics.  相似文献   

In applying economic theory to evaluate antitrust laws, Judge Robert Bork explicitly favors a partial equilibrium over a general equilibrium approach. He believes the general model assumes away too many real-world aspects to be usefully employed as a criterion by which to judge real-world laws.
However, Bork's partial equilibrium replacement, the Oliver Williamson trade-off model, implicitly contains many of the same assumptions as general equilibrium theory. Equilibrium prices in all industries, an absence of external effects, and well-defined demand curves are assumptions of both general equilibrium theory and the Williamson trade-off model. If one theory is judged inadequate because of these assumptions, so should the other.
Bork's analysis is more consistent with market process theory than with his own partial equilibrium approach. Market process theory assumes neither the absence of externalities, nor the presence of well-defined demand and equilibrium prices in all industries.  相似文献   

Limited information is the key element generating price dispersion in models of homogeneous-goods markets. We show that the global relationship between information and price dispersion is an inverse-U shape. We test this mechanism for the retail gasoline market using a new measure of information based on commuter data from Austria. Commuters sample gasoline prices on their commuting route, providing us with spatial variation in the share of informed consumers. Our empirical estimates are in line with the theoretical predictions. We also quantify how information affects average prices paid and the distribution of surplus in the gasoline market.  相似文献   

该文综述了中国农村到城镇迁移问题的经济学研究.综述主要的关注点有四个:(1)城乡分割和移民的演化;(2)对于农村到城镇迁移的解释;(3)迁移与劳动力市场演变的互动关系,特别是劳动力市场的分割、劳动力市场的柔性和工资差距;(4)今后进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

该文综述了中国农村到城镇迁移问题的经济学研究.综述主要的关注点有四个:(1)城乡分割和移民的演化;(2)对于农村到城镇迁移的解释;(3)迁移与劳动力市场演变的互动关系,特别是劳动力市场的分割、劳动力市场的柔性和工资差距;(4)今后进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

This paper examines price‐level determination from the perspective of portfolio choice. Arbitrages among money balances, bonds, and investment goods determine their relative demands. Returns to real balance holdings and after‐tax returns to investment goods determine the relative values of nominal and real assets. Because expectations of government policies ultimately determine the expected returns to both nominal and real assets, the price level depends on interactions among current and expected future monetary and fiscal policies. The quantity theory and the fiscal theory emerge as special cases produced by restricting both the margins and the policies considered.  相似文献   

With banking currently in turmoil, a new formula for bank structure and activities, for deposit insurance, and for bank regulation is necessary. This paper reviews the dilemmas of the current structure of banking in the United States and explains how the banking sector arrived at its current state of crisis. It then suggests three alternative formulas, along with their advantages and disadvantages, that could provide the future framework for banking, deposit insurance, and regulation.  相似文献   

Construction has traditionally constituted one of the problem areas in the preparation of industry price and quantity statistm with in the system of national accounts of most countries. The difficulty stems from what is considered to be the unique character of construction projects. This has unnecessarily impeded the calculation of output price indexes and has resulted in the use of various input-based prices as proxies for output prices. One of the objectives of the development of the system of construction price statistics described in this paper is to permit deflation of the outputs of construction industries in order to produce industry output data in constant prices in a manner consistent with measures for the rest of the economy. This is a more promising approach to improving constant price industry and expenditure measures within the SNA framework than attempting such improvements through the collection of a vast array of quantity data. Construction industries sell specified configurations of materials-in-place which are, to borrow the jargon of other fields, sub-assemblies of some total system. As in other areas of industrial pricing, some of these products are simple and some are complex. Trade contractors sell these sub-assemblies or commodities mainly to an owner-builder or to a general contractor who, in turn, resells the trade contractors’ commodities along with whatever sub-assemblies the general contractor has produced. These sub-assemblies, when combined with, for example, the relevant outputs (or sub-assemblies) of manufacturers, the design services of service industries and the purchasers’ own contributions, yield the wide variety of plant and structures which constitute the various classes of gross fixed capital formation, which are not typically solely the outputs of the construction industries. The resulting contractors’ selling price indexes will provide deflators for the whole range of outputs of the various construction industries. These will become part of the system of industry selling price indexes from which relevant indexes for the various goods and services can be selected and combined with appropriate weights to yield arrays of deflators for the highly complex capital expenditures of business, institutions and government. Ultimately this integrated system of construction industry statistics will permit the preparation of gross output and value added measures, in both current and constant prices, to be calculated for the construction industries as an integral part of the Canadian System of National Accounts, as well as provide a key element for improving the deflation of fixed capital formation.  相似文献   

This article investigates the potential impact of a shift in market expectations about a country's eurozone entry date on long-term yields and the spot exchange rate in a simple uncovered interest parity (UIP) framework. The results suggest that the size of the reactions depend on how far the entry date is postponed, how far current inflation is from the Maastricht-satisfying level, and whether the credibility of the central bank's target inflation path is sensitive to changes in the expected entry date. In the empirical part, the authors apply the framework for Hungary and draw some policy conclusions for the timing of ERM II entry. (JEL E44 , E52 , F33 )  相似文献   

This paper aims to discover the mechanism behind the positive correlation between local fiscal expenditure and industrial land price in China, a stylized fact discovered by bivariate and regression analyses. The model shows that if the positive externality of government expenditure on growth is sufficiently high, the local government has an incentive to increase public spending in exchange for the reduced demand for industrial land by charging a higher markup and driving up the industrial land price. Therefore, we observe a positive correlation between the local fiscal expenditure and industrial land price. (JEL D42, H72, R51)  相似文献   

本文对我国上市公司并购绩效与本次并购之前五年内的并购次数之间的关系进行了实证研究,结果发现二者在整体上存在反向关系,但并不是线性的,而是一个先上升后下降的倒"U"型趋势,且在国内首次运用配方法对二者倒"U"型关系进行了进一步验证;本文还发现高管的薪酬与并购绩效并未直接挂钩,在并购后公司绩效并没提高的情况下高管薪酬却明显地增加了。  相似文献   

The anti-tying section (Sec. 106) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1970 severely limits U.S. banks' or bank holding companies' ability to link one product or service to another. Though the provisions of Sec. 106 resemble the anti-tying provisions of the U.S. antitrust laws, the latter are considerably less restrictive and more flexible. Sec. 106 represents a misguided legislative effort to deal with a perceived problem of banks' market power. Though tying can be a manifestation of market power, it is more likely—especially for banking—to represent efficient combinations of complementary components. Regulatory and judicial enforcement of Sec. 106 surely has seriously inhibited the flexibility and efficiency of bank pricing and product offerings. A simple solution to this legislative over-regulation is to repeal Sec. 106 and instead extend the reach of the antitrust laws to cover abusive tying by banks.  相似文献   

In the July 1992 Contemporary Policy Issues edition, Lawrence J. White (1992) argues that the inherently unstable character of the banking system requires that depositors be protected by various types of government intervention. The comment here outlines the opposite argument: government intervention destabilizes an inherently stable banking system. A framework developed in the comment provides the basis for criticizing White's general approach and policy proposals .  相似文献   

Abstract. The exchange translated price spreads between domestic stocks and their American depositary receipts (ADRs) are conventionally ascribed to market friction. However, price spreads vary over time and sometimes fluctuate dramatically, which is hardly explainable by friction costs and implies the existence of arbitrage opportunities. This study hypothesizes that changes in trading volume and macro events generate heterogeneous expectations between two markets, which augments price spreads. Using a sample of 37 dual‐listing firms of six Far Eastern countries, we confirm this hypothesis by showing that domestic volume and macro events shift price spreads. We also find that: (i) the liberalization of capital control in Korea and Taiwan slashed price spreads; and (ii) investors can profit by trading Hong Kong stocks and ADRs.  相似文献   

中国经济正在其改革历程中经历着经济增长和通货膨胀的周期性波动.关于货币在这些波动中所起的作用,经济学家有着不同的观点.该文运用基于交易方程式的结构化 VEC 模型,对这些观点进行了探讨.我们发现,在长期,货币对产出和价格的变化做出适应性调整,而并非这些变化的原因.而在短期,价格变动要归因于那些对货币和价格有持久影响而对真实产出没有持久影响的冲击.这些冲击对多数的货币波动负责,并且强烈地影响产出.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate intergenerational income mobility in Sweden by means of a representative sample drawn from tax-data files. Longitudinal data on actual parent-child pairs spanning 1978–92 are employed. Regression and correlation coefficients are analyzed and transition matrices calculated in order to investigate income mobility over generations. The results achieved show high intergenerational income mobility in Sweden between fathers and sons in comparison to estimations performed in most other countries and more especially compared to the U.S. This indicates that Sweden does not only have lower cross-sectional income inequality, but also higher intergenerational income mobility than those countries. The mother's earnings influence children's earnings less than the father's. However, the mother's earnings correlate more strongly with a daughter's earnings than they do with that of a son. The major indication of immobility across generations is found in the upper income deciles.  相似文献   

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