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社会主义市场经济体制的确定,犯罪规律特点的变化,客现上要求改革旧的干部任用制度。新的干部任用制度的基本内容是要紧紧围绕市场经济的运行进行,亦即干部是否胜任,谁来充任.由市场来决定,鉴别市场是否接受的主体是党委。得到市场认可,可继续留任和续聘,否则将做新的选择。这样可从制度上解决“铁交椅”、“铁饭碗”的弊端。其理论依据:一是依据市场经济运行规则:二是依据人的心理需求规律;三是依据党的民主集中制原则。  相似文献   

犯罪人格之于刑事法的价值主要体现在:促进动态、整体犯罪人观的形成,有针对性地进行犯罪预防;定性分析犯罪人格,合理划定犯罪圈;定量分析犯罪人格,用以评估人身危险性;促进刑法的公正和刑事政策的合理化。结合犯罪人格的特点;从宏观和微观两个层面通过对犯罪人格的生成控制,有针对性地进行犯罪预防,可以更好地促使刑法预防犯罪目的的有效实现。  相似文献   

旅客列车流窜犯罪是严重危害列车治安、影响旅客生命财产安全的突出犯罪类型。当前旅客列车上流窜犯罪团伙的主要特点:(一)流窜犯罪团伙在途经外局的普通旅客列车上作案相对突出;(二)流窜犯罪团伙成员构成上由简单向复杂型发展;(三)流窜团伙作案既有随机性又具规律性;(四)流窜团伙成员普遍具有较强的反侦讯意识。依据流窜犯罪具有的案犯成分复杂、侵害目标广泛、逃离现场迅速、活动区域多变的特点,结合当前“三基”建设工作,建立完善预防和打击旅客列车流窜犯罪的长效机制已经成为当前铁路刑侦工作的重要内容。  相似文献   

预审中被告人的基本心理特征主要有以下几个方面:一是趋利避害.二是自相矛盾,三是蒙混侥幸.四是对立抵触,五是畏罪消极。这几种心理特征对于不同的被告人在预审中其表现形式是有一定差异的,因此对于不同的被告人我们的审讯对策也应有所不同,这样才能达到我们证实犯罪,深挖余罪的目的。笔者试从下面几个方面谈谈这个问题。  相似文献   

邓聿文:应开创公共政策制定新范例让民众更有话语权 公共政策之所以姓“公”,不只是政策的结果能够体现和反映公共利益,更在于政策制定过程本身,要有公众参与。设想一下,如果公共政策的制定仅由政府体制内外的少数人来把持,那么,这少部分的政策精英很容易从自身的立场、观点出发,在决策中反映自己的价值观,也就很难保持客观、中立的立场,  相似文献   

最近,南京市汽运总公司被评为“南京市文明单位”,实现了企业多年追求的目标。南京市汽运总公司在创建文明单位过程中始终坚持抓好“六个一”,即制定一个计划,每年初,在制定企业生产经营工作指标的同时,制定企业精神文明建设工作目标,明确企业两个文明建设任务,强化目标管理;签定一份责任书,每年初,总公司党政领导与基层单位党政领导签订《企业两个文明建设责任书》,落实工作责任。  相似文献   

所谓控制职能,是指企业按照既定计划活动所决定的政策、指标和经济性原则对生产经营活动进行监督、检查,发现偏差,采取纠正措施,调整计划,以使工作按既定计划进行,最终达到预划目的的管理活动。根据这个定义,控制职能应包含以下几个方面: 一、制定计划。为了控制,首先必须有计划。但是,由于计划在细节上复杂程度上各不相同,而且管理者通常不可能注意到每一件事情,同时,还必须制定出特殊的标准,即对每项主要活动或工作预先制定出确实的目标,这个目标包括明确的数量要求。二、科学地、客观地测定实际工作成果。这项工作一般是在工作结束之后进行,但是在目标执行中,  相似文献   

江苏盐城市是江苏省机构改革的首批单位之一。为了保证机构改革工作的顺利进行,该市结合实际情况,制定了机构改革五大纪律。一是要认真贯彻执行有关机构改革的方针、政策,坚决做到“思想不散、秩序不乱、工作不断、国有资产不流失”,杜绝争职能、争机构、争编制现象的发生,积极稳妥地推进这项工作。二是凡在机构改革中涉及到干部任免、人员分流、资产处置等重大事宜,都必须坚持集体讨论决定。突击进人、突击提干或擅自评定专业技术职称,一不准,二无效,三还要追究有关人员的责任。  相似文献   

现金流量反映企业支付红利、利息、偿还债务以及扩大经营规模的能力,它对政府主管部门、债权人、投资者、经营者都至关重要,对所有市场主体都有十分重要的影响。●对政府各部门的影响企业的经营活动、经营业绩是国家分析经济形势,制定经济政策,调整产业结构的依据。财政、经贸、统计等各部门决策的依据是企业披露的信息,特别是财务信息。现金流量分析对完善信息披露制度,缩小会计政策差异空间发挥了巨大作用。按照会计制度,利润是以权责发生制为原则,收入减去费用的差额。但收入和费用是会计人员根据会计制度和个人主观判断而确认的…  相似文献   

第一条为加强机动车登记管理,强化对公安交通管理部门车辆管理所(以下简称车管所)工作的内外监督,依据《人民警察法》,制定本规定。第二条机动车登记项目公开分为对内公开和对外公开。对内公开的项目是指向车管所所有岗位公开的项目,即车管所各机动车业务岗位每日办理机动车登记业务的台帐记录。对外公开的项目是指向社会公开的项目,即:(一)每日办理国产、进口机动车登记牌证数量;(二)车辆的牌照号码;(三)车辆的厂牌型号;(四)车辆所有人分类(单位/个人);(五)车辆登记类型(初次登记/转籍过户);(六)车辆登记的…  相似文献   

铁路企业为提高运输效率,普遍进行了岗位工作考核。但在目前的考核工作中,还存在着考核指标设置不合理;考核基数调整不及时;考核单位提供资料不真实、考核兑现不及时等问题,没有真正达到考核的预想目标。为此,提出科学运用经济杠杆,提高运输生产效率,真正发挥考核激励约束作用的几点措施。  相似文献   

This study investigates how much extra air travellers are willing to pay to upgrade to premium economy class by using a suitable econometric model. Since a large portion of travellers' willingness to pay for premium economy class is zero, the spike model is applied to overcome the issues that may occur when traditional statistical models are used. Three flight distances, short, medium, and long hauls were separately estimated to investigate the effects of flight distance on willingness to pay. Travellers’ willingness to pay to upgrade from economy class to premium economy class round-trip was US$138 ,1 US$309, and US$545 for short-, medium-, and long-haul, respectively. The research results should be a helpful reference for the civil aviation industry in strategic pricing planning.  相似文献   


In the wake of global safety and security concerns, it is important to understand and document perceptions held by tourists so as to inform destination recovery efforts post terror attack. This exploratory study employs focus groups to examine American millennials’ perceptions of risk and their intentions to travel to terror-stricken destinations, specifically Nice, France. Perceived risks related to general international travel articulated by participants included, health, theft, and safety concerns. Participants indicated that they were willing to travel to Nice, post terror attack, with the exception of one group that would choose to travel elsewhere in France. Participants’ rank ordering of the sources they would consult during the decision making process for travel to a terror stricken destination included: family, people with lived experience of the destination, and government. This paper contributes to risk perception literature, particularly scholarship on the nexus between terrorism and tourism.  相似文献   

In this paper we use discrete choice data to analyze asymmetries in the preference for freight transport attributes. A reference dependent utility specification allowed us to test for the existence of substantial asymmetries in perception of the transport cost. Hence, the re-estimation of our models in the WTP/WTA space helped us to quantify significant discrepancies between the WTP and WTA for the attributes included in the choice experiment, namely transit time, service frequency and delays in delivery time. Results are deemed essential to define alternative services to road capable to attract substantial volumes of freight.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of space–time constraints in determining the conditions under which people access to basic social services. To do so, the paper addresses two empirical questions: (i) how travel time impacts families’ strategies for choosing and using social services, and (ii) how service characteristics become part of the constraints families have to face when using services. Both questions refer to problems that are of “time nature” (e.g., long waiting hours or the imposition of additional tasks and travel to finally obtain access to the service). The use of a space–time approach introduces a theoretical innovation for studying access to urban public social services in the region, shedding light on the micro-processes underneath macro-aggregated indicators. This is performed by examining in a qualitative manner the way in which space–time constraints are distributed among different types of families and by looking at families’ strategies for accessing services in a city like Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. The empirical evidence is a qualitative study with 13 households with at least one child between 0 and 3 years of age. These households were selected from a purposive sample that allowed the study of a group of cases from different socioeconomic strata living in different geographical locations. The paper results suggest that households use travel time as an input to manage total time investment (travel plus participation) when defining a strategy to reach better services. In addition, empirical evidence reflects the distorting effects that uncertainty about the time to be spent in using the services may have on the activities of households.  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a better understanding on cruise travel experience by studying cruise ship passengers motivation, satisfaction and likelihood of return to the port of Heraklion (Crete, Greece). From the findings, it is evident that ‘exploration’ and ‘escape’ were among the main motivations of visitors, and ‘product and services’ as well as ‘tour pace’ were significant dimensions in shaping overall satisfaction levels. Nevertheless, onshore activities were restricted to sightseeing and shopping, because of the limited available time. Based on these findings, relevant proposals are made in order to provide positive port experiences. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hypotheses are derived concerning the effectiveness of entry barriers in deterring route entry in liberalised airline markets. Survey data are used to reflect the perception of airline managers in Australia/New Zealand, Canada, the European Union (EU) and the US. We find that industry conditions, and an entrant's objectives, characteristics and strategies influence the effectiveness of entry conditions in hindering entry. The results suggest that effectiveness is a function of the perceived height of the barrier, the perceived ability of the entrant to overcome it, and the reward expected from entry.  相似文献   

With the tourism industry expanding post‐2001, research on the impacts of tourism development continues to be important. Previous research has focused both on the types of impacts on the residents and the segmentation of the host community. Most of these studies have used attitudes as the clustering base. Although the resultant cluster groups have been able to discriminate community groups who either support or oppose future tourism development, these groups are difficult to identify in the community and the influence these attitudes have on the behaviour of residents remains unknown. This research investigated the link between positive and negative attitudes and the residents' intentions to act either to support or protest future tourism development. The results found no significant relationship between negative intentions to act (protest) and demographics, attitudes or the various community cluster groups. However, positive intentions to act (support future development) were related to gender, age, education, life cycle, length of residence and tourism business connection. Further, positive intentions to become more involved in tourism development within the community were related to both positive and negative attitudes. Finally, this research found that residents who traditionally involved themselves in proactive community groups had the strongest intention to ensure future tourism development benefited the community. Implications for the tourism industry, local government and the management of future tourism development were explored. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extent to which tourism destination marketing narratives with different themes influence readers by imaginatively ‘transporting’ them is quite varied. This study investigates the different degrees of influence such narratives have on destination image and the intention to visit, exploring how the intensity of readers' experiences of being transported by narratives with different themes can influence their intention to visit the places described. Our results reveal the extent to which different narrative themes affect destination image and significantly influence readers' intention to visit. The extent to which narratives with different themes make readers feel transported also has a significant moderating effect on their intention to visit. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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