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Worker preferences between defined-benefit and defined-contribution pension plans are estimated using a sample of faculty members at North Carolina State University. Newly hired faculty must decide between the state retirement plan (a final pay, defined-benefit plan) and one of three defined-contribution plans (TIAA/CREF, VALIC, Lincoln National). This analysis allows the authors to estimate the choice of a pension plan holding constant the place of employment. The study uses both university employment records and a faculty survey to examine the factors that determine the choice of a pension.  相似文献   

We look at the survival rate of defined-benefit pension plans with at least 500 participants over the period 1987–1995. We find that termination in favor of defined-contribution plans is a rare event and that the vast majority of these plans survive, albeit often under a different plan sponsor or in a new merged plan. Indeed, the frequency of mergers is an important feature in the pension market and partially explains the growing number of large defined-benefit plans.  相似文献   

Drawing on psychological contract theory, we develop predictions regarding the moderating influence of the meaning employees assign to their marginal quit costs, as well as on the role of stayer perceptions and saver effects, on various work outcomes under a defined-benefit pension. Results show pension incentives can have favorable or unfavorable effects depending on whether employees perceive them as supportive relational contracts or as low-trust transactional contracts. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines labor-oriented aspects of pensions and deferred benefits. Recent work has embedded pensions in the framework of optimal compensation schemes that induce workers to behave in certain ways. Most pension formaulas present workers with securities that look like optioons the tendency for turnover rates to fall as vesting approaches, even though there has been no change in the naive valuation of pension accrual. The paper also discusses the use of pensions as severance pay and notes that the various pension formaulas have different incentive effects.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of pension age on hospitalization for cardiovascular diseases using administrative social security and hospital discharge records in Italy. The endogeneity of the retirement decision is addressed using an instrumental variable strategy exploiting the exogenous variation in pension age determined by quarter of birth. Results indicate a detrimental effect of higher pension age only for retirees who, before retirement, were suffering worse health and were employed in lower quality and more physically demanding jobs. Among them, a 1-year delay in pension claiming increases the risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular diseases by approximately 2.6 percentage points.  相似文献   

Once an employee has qualified for early retirement, continuing to work involves an implicit tax in the form of forgone pension payments. We explore this implicit pension tax in a Canadian setting and find that, contrary to Lazear (1983), but consistent with most U.S. studies, pension wealth generally does not peak at the date of first eligibility for early retirement. We highlight the importance of the earnings path posited for older workers, anticipated enrichments to flat benefit formulas, and the distinction between reduced and unreduced early retirement as determinants of this result.  相似文献   

Economic analysis of private pensions commonly assumes that incentives for long tenure and early retirement enhance workforce productivity. An implication of the productivity theory of pensions is that workers who receive job training are more likely to be covered. We test this prediction with data from the Current Population Survey (CPS). We find a strong positive relationship between pensions and training, even after controlling for income and other worker and firm characteristics.  相似文献   

Even though Greek pensions are particularly unsustainable and inequitable, recent attempts at significant reform have ended in failure, mostly because of union opposition. The article draws on research into the competing role of narrow versus encompassing interests, in order to analyse union policy on pensions in the light of membership composition. It finds evidence of a severe bias of representation in terms of gender, age/cohort, ethnic origin and, in particular, social insurance affiliation and sector of the economy. It concludes that when legitimate interests are imperfectly represented, negotiated reform will tend to reproduce the inegalitarian tendencies latent in Bismarckian pension systems.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, the defined benefit (DB) plan has been replaced by the defined contribution (DC) plan as the most popular form of pension plan. This study examines the likely consequences of this transformation for both the level and distribution of future pension wealth using a sample of DB and DC plans from the Survey of Consumer Finances. The results reveal that the shift from DB to DC plans is likely to simultaneously increase the level and inequality of pension wealth at retirement. The evidence also suggests that the shift to DC plans may result in less pension wealth at retirement for low‐income workers, women, and minorities.  相似文献   

A concurrent increase in the demand for state age pensions and health care has led to reforms in delaying retirement. We employ thirteen waves of longitudinal data to examine the mental and physical health effects of Australian men and women at “early” and “traditional” retirement. We use before and after propensity score matching (PSM) estimates between treatment and control groups of retired and not retired individuals aged 60 and 65 years. The results indicate a negative health effect according to occupational strain for both genders but a positive mental health effect for retirees with access to self‐funded retirement.  相似文献   

This article investigates how European welfare states respond to reform pressures arising from European integration. We focus on the field of public pensions and examine the impact of two institutional variables that mediate the impact of reform pressures: the extent of public pension provision and the number of national political veto points. We argue that, all else equal, member‐states with few veto points and a relatively small public pension sector are the most likely cases of policy change in response to Europeanization, whereas member‐states with a high number of veto points and extensive public pension commitments are the least likely candidates for policy change. We test these arguments in four cases of Europeanization in three countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy).  相似文献   

This study uses a two-stage econometric framework with farm household level data to investigate whether off-farm work of operators and spouses influences healthcare expenditures and retirement savings. Results indicate that agricultural policy discourages off-farm work by farm operators and spouses. However, off-farm work decisions of farm couples significantly decrease healthcare expenditures and increase retirement savings of farm households in the US. The effect of farm spouse’s off-farm employment on household retirement saving is more pronounced. These conclusions can extend to middle-income countries where off-farm work may enable farmers to afford better healthcare and retirement pension plans.  相似文献   

Using data for pension plans in the private sector for males in Canada, this paper examines flat benefit plans, which predominate in the union sector, documenting their work and retirement incentives, the extent to which retroactive enrichments redistribute wealth within union membership, and the impact of anticipated enrichments on the timing of early retirement decisions  相似文献   

近一个时期以来,作为社会热点和难点问题的社会保障制度改革问题,在建立人人享有社会保障的目标下,涌现了大量研究成果。比较有代表性的包括《中国社会保障发展战略》、《建立全民共享的发展型社会福利体系》和作为中国经济研究咨询项目首期成果的《中国的社会保障报告》。尽管这些成果观点有不少共同之处,但在关键问题上也有一些重大分歧。本文围绕《中国的社会保障报告》提出的观点,主要针对五个问题(记账式个人账户问题、养老保障制度框架问题、农村社会保障发展模式问题、社会保险管理体制问题、养老保障基金债务管理与国有股转持问题)展开讨论。提出一些评论和意见。希望对正在进行的社会保障制度建设发挥一些参考作用。  相似文献   

Employer‐provided health insurance may restrict job mobility, resulting in “job lock.” Previous research on job lock finds mixed results using several methodologies. We take a new approach to examine job lock by exploiting the discontinuity created at age 65 through the qualification for Medicare. Using a novel procedure for identifying age in months from matched monthly Current Population Survey data and a relatively unexplored administration measure of job mobility, we compare job mobility among male workers in the months just prior to turning age 65 to job mobility in the months just after turning age 65. We find no evidence that job mobility increases at the age 65 threshold when Medicare eligibility starts. We also do not find evidence that other factors such as retirement, reduction in hours worked, Social Security eligibility, pension eligibility, and sample changes confound the results on job mobility in the month individuals turn 65.  相似文献   

近年来, 随着人口老龄化速度不断加快, 养老问题不断凸显, 法国政府推动了一系列多样化、 产业化的养老服务, 一方面完善了社会保障体系, 另一方面还创造了就业岗位, 推动了经济的发展。 可以预见, 我国也将进入人口快速老龄化时期, 应该借鉴法国养老服务的发展经验, 从完善社会保障制度, 明确政府投入责任, 加快发展养老服务产业等五个方面入手, 加快推动养老服务产业发展, 使其成为社会养老保障体系的必要  相似文献   

Existing research on managerial compensation is based primarily on optimal contracting and managerial hegemony theories. Under the optimal contracting theory, observed compensation contracts are optimally determined, aligning the interests of managers and shareholders. Under the managerial hegemony theory, observed compensation contracts deviate from the optimum because top managers with power over boards are able to influence their own pay. I argue that the impact of managerial power over boards on managerial pay, and hence the deviation of compensation contracts from the optimum, is contingent on the transparency of managerial compensation. Within this framework, I investigate the impact of supplemental executive retirement plans (SERPs)— historically the least transparent compensation component— on opportunistic decision making. An empirical analysis based on a time series sample of CEOs of S&P/TSX60 firms provides support of the compensation transparency theory. I find that SERP benefits are primarily driven by variables proxying for CEO power over the board, whereas more transparent compensation components are primarily driven by economic factors. The results also suggest that CEOs whose SERPs are contingent on firm performance appear to reduce firm R&D expenditures as they approach retirement. Both findings provide important contributions to existing research on the impact of managerial compensation on opportunistic decisions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Labour force reductions have been a major issue in industrial relations in Western countries since the mid-1970s. Early retirement has enabled employers to structure these reductions better to suit their interests, and to reduce the damage to industrial peace which would otherwise occur. This paper looks at the role and nature of early retirement in cases of redundancy in three countries with different industrial relations and social insurance systems. Attention is given to how compensatory policies undermine protective policies; how the costs of early retirement are shared between the state and enterprises; the adequacy of early retirement benefits and their impact upon post-retirement income; and whether the state can be said to encourage early retirement.  相似文献   

Recent pension plan conversions by numerous large employers have sparked debate about the merits of cash balance plans. This article compares pension wealth in traditional defined benefit (DB) plans and cash balance plans for a national sample of covered Americans aged 51 to 61. The simulations indicate that replacing DB plans with cash balance plans would redistribute pension wealth from those with long-term jobs to those with multiple short-term jobs and from those with substantial pension benefits to those with more limited benefits. Perhaps unexpectedly, women at midlife in 1992 with DB coverage would lose wealth in cash balance plans, but future cohorts of women are likely to fare better.  相似文献   

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