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李焱 《首都经济》2007,(8):72-73
最近.朝阳区推出了一系列活动:北京CBD标识(Logo)征集活动7月正式启动.第八届北京CBD国际商务节将于9月12日至15日举办.而于今年3月成立的朝阳区人民政府金融服务办公室也在日前举行了挂牌仪式.  相似文献   

一年一度的朝阳商务节和中关村电脑节都将在本月上演。两大节日都已经成为北京的品牌,对各自领域的发展有很大的促进作用,但是,“创新”的呼声也越来越高。“热点调查”对此进行了比较充分的报道。体育教育产业和生物医药也是北京当前两大投资热点。“奥运经济”和“产业分析”中,专家和业内实践者提出了很多有价值的建议。  相似文献   

李焱 《首都经济》2011,(7):80-81
北京CBD—定福庄国际传媒走廊上又涌现出一颗耀眼的明星!享誉海内外的北京老字号"懋隆",将依托三间房仓库旧址,打造集中国工艺精品创作、展览、销售于一体的高端艺术品展示交易中心  相似文献   

本文针对国务院关于允许保险资金开展创业投资试点的意见精神,从统计数据和案例分析两个角度总结了发达国家的基本经验,并提出了我国保险资金开展创业投资试点的多项策略建议。  相似文献   

韩信波 《特区经济》2010,(2):127-129
新保险法的颁布标志着保险业投资不动产的渠道已经打开,意味着进一步拓宽保险资金运用渠道的格局已经形成。基础设施建设周期长、投资回报稳定安全,非常适合保险资金运用要求,保险资金投资基础设施无疑是一种明智的选择。保险资金投资基础设施目前可选择市政债券模式、贷款模式和资金信托模式等。我国保险业对这个领域的投资缺乏专业经验,有效控制投资中出现的风险至关重要。  相似文献   

东方愚 《新财经》2007,(3):83-83
2月1日出版的《南方周末》再度将浙江东阳26岁的神秘女富豪吴英纳入人们视线。据悉,这位本色集团的年轻掌门人三个月捐款630万元,可列胡润慈善榜第95位;据传其总资产38亿元,可排在杨澜(40亿元)之后,居胡润“女富豪榜”第6位。  相似文献   

作为社会保障体系建设的重要补充部分,近几年来商业健康保险在中国有了较大的发展。本研究显示家庭生命周期、教育、家庭收入、社会保险是当前影响健康保险需求的最重要原因,而性别、个人收入对健康保险消费的并影响不大,逆向选择现象也不明显。本研究也发现,不同收入群体对健康保险的需求有着不同的态度,其决定因素也有着较大的差别。本研究还发现,商业健康保险已在社会保障体系中发挥着重要的补充作用。  相似文献   

The human capital approach increasingly has been absorbed within the folds of cultural determinism. The trend has been so pronounced that it prompted the organization of a session at the December 1984 American Economic Association meetings in Dallas, Texas, entitled “Human Capital and Culture: Analyses of Variations in Labor Market Performance.” The papers from that session are available in the May 1985 issue of theAmerican Economic Review. One of the discussants for the session was Stephen Steinberg, a sociologist at Queens College. Steinberg was invited to comment on the presented papers for two major reasons—first, he had written an outstanding study that debunked many of the conventional linkages made between culture and ethnic achievement,The Ethnic Myth, and second, as a sociologist, he was expected to provide a perspective on the subject quite different from the rest of the panelists, all of whom were economists. In the midst of the coven of economists, Steinberg appeared well armed. He arrived with his own paper, a paper that went far beyond comments on the presented papers. Unfortunately, the current rules governing the inclusion of papers in the AEA proceedings prohibit publication of the discussants’ remarks. Fortunately, Steinberg graciously has consented to have the paper appear in theReview of Black Political Economy.  相似文献   

左小蕾 《新财经》2007,(3):80-80
我国A股市场总市值半年之内从3万亿元上升到10万亿元人民币。沪综指从1400点上升到2800点之上。每天交易量高达800亿~1000亿元。这些迅速膨胀的数据吸引了全球注意力。资本市场究竟发生了什么实质性变化?是否与短期内的数字膨胀有直接关系?下一步改革如何深化?这些是我们需要想明白的事情。  相似文献   

医疗保险中的逆选择问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
医疗保险市场信息不对称导致的逆选择是市场失灵的主要原因。通过对期望效用理论、预期理论、进入理论三种医疗保险需求理论的探讨,本文对医疗保险市场失灵做了两种经济学分析和解释。认为由于逆选择控制难题,商业医疗保险应以群组保险为主,个人市场以高额医疗费用保险为主。  相似文献   

王晓慧  张晶 《新财经》2008,(2):42-46
一直以作秀、另类为搜狐做代言的张朝阳在沉寂了好一段时间以后,近日,又频繁现身于各类媒体  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which insurance companies modified their investment policies during the interwar years, arguing that this period marked the start of the transition from ‘traditional’ to ‘modern’ investment practice. Economic and financial conditions raised considerable doubts regarding the suitability of traditional insurance investments, while competitive conditions forced insurance offices to seek higher‐yielding assets. These pressures led to a considerable increase in the proportion of new investment devoted to corporate securities, including ordinary shares. Meanwhile new insurance investment philosophies began to be advocated, which accorded both legitimacy and importance to the role of ordinary shares in insurance portfolios.  相似文献   

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