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The problems faced by U.S. regulatory authorities in controlling residential housing cycles have resulted in a continuing search for methods of reducing the volatility of housing construction. One of the most widely discussed methods of decreasing volatility in mortgage credit is the variable rate mortgage (VRM) whose interest rate is linked to some interest rate index. In this paper we employ a portfolio theory approach to examine the relative riskiness of the VRM and fixed rate mortgage (FRM) for borrower and lender. As expected, we find that relative riskiness depends on the composition of the borrower/lender portfolio of assets and liabilities.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how non-contractual legal rules sometimes alleviate contractual incompleteness. A serious incompleteness in debt contracts is the borrower's ability to fraudulently transfer assets to third parties, rendering the borrower insolvent. The incompleteness arises because contractual remedies are ineffective against third-party transferees who are not bound by the debt contract, while the borrower has no assets to recover. Fraudulent conveyance law is a non-contractual legal rule allowing recovery against these transferees. This increases debt capacity most dramatically for borrowers with highly liquid assets. Without non-contractual legal rules, high liquidation value implies low debt capacity. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G32; G38.  相似文献   

This paper combines data on the performance of mortgage loans with detailed borrower, neighborhood, and property characteristics to examine the factors that determine the outcomes of seriously delinquent loans. We employ multinomial logit models in a hazard framework to explain how loan, borrower, property, servicer and neighborhood characteristics affect which of the following four outcomes results from a seriously delinquent loan: (1) the borrower cures the delinquency; (2) the borrower and lender agree to modify the loan; (3) the borrower suffers a liquidation (short sale, deed in lieu, foreclosure auction sale or REO); or (4) the loan remains delinquent. In particular, we focus on mortgage modification. We find that the outcomes of delinquent loans are significantly related to: current LTV, FICO scores, especially risky loan characteristics, the servicer of the loan, neighborhood housing price appreciation, and whether the borrower received foreclosure counseling.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of whether economic incentives exist for mortgage lenders to avoid or to minimize mortgage originations in neighborhoods inhabited primarily by low-income racial minorities. The Option Pricing Model is utilized to determine what mortgage borrower characteristics affect the market value of the mortgage contracts. It is found that existing laws do not enable mortgage lenders to vary either origination prices or mortgage terms so as to adjust for differences in the market values of mortgages. As a result, incentives are created for both the mortgage lender and the mortgage insurer to avoid originations and underwritings in areas with relatively high default probabilities. Various changes in mortgage lending regulations are suggested to eliminate these incentives, and the effects of alternative programs to subsidize mortgage borrowers with relatively high default probabilities are considered.  相似文献   

House price volatility; lender and borrower perception of price trends, loan and property features; and the borrower’s put option are integrated in a model of residential mortgage default. These dimensions of the default problem have, to our knowledge, not previously been considered altogether within the same investigation framework. We rely on a sample of individual mortgage loans for 20 counties in Florida, over the period 2001 through 2008, third quarter, with housing price performance obtained from repeat sales analysis of individual transactions. The results from the analysis strongly confirm the significance of the borrower’s put as an operative factor in default. At the same time, the results provide convincing evidence that the experience in Florida is in part driven by lenders and purchasers exhibiting euphoric behavior such that in markets with higher price appreciation there is a willingness to accept recent prior performance as an indicator of future risk. This connection illustrates a familiar moral hazard in the housing market due to the limited information about future prices.  相似文献   

Abstract:   We examine the hypothesis that firm size affects the sensitivity of bank term loan maturity to its underlying determinants. As borrower size increases, negotiating power with the lender and information transparency increase, while the lender is able to spread the fixed costs of loan production across a larger dollar value of the loan. We find strong evidence of firm size dependency in the determinants of bank term loan maturity and show that this is unrelated to syndication. Only large borrowers can manipulate bank loan contract terms so as to increase firm value.  相似文献   

Credit screening models suggest that lenders vary loan rates and debt ceilings across applicants on the basis of credit risk. We argue that regulatory constraints such as Fair Lending Laws may preclude rate sorting while increasing lender use of debt ceilings to adjust for applicant credit risk. Using household data from the 1983 SCF, we find that mortgage rates do not vary with applicant credit risk whereas related studies find that debt ceilings vary with borrower risk attributes. Together, these findings support arguments that regulatory constraints reduce rate sorting while increasing the use of non-price terms in the mortgage contract.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the problems associated with the renegotiation of debt contracts involving a bank (the lender) and a firm (the borrower) when the latter is operated by a risk averse manager. Firms undertake risky projects with loan capital borrowed from the bank. When a firm cannot pay off a loan it is technically bankrupt. Both the borrower and the lender may however experience a Pareto-improvement in their positions by renegotiating the loan. By renegotiating the terms of the debt the financially distressed firm can avoid the stigmatization of bankruptcy and the bank can avoid the costs of seizing the borrower's assets. However, our main finding is that, from the bank's point of view, renegotiating as a policy of recovering loan payments may be inefficient in practice because of false bankruptcy claims and moral hazard problems associated with exposure of the borrowing firm to the risk of default. We present a solution to the false bankruptcy claim problem that involves a mixe d strategy between asset seizure by the bank and debt renegotiation.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of private credit agreements between U.S. publicly traded firms and financial institutions, we show that over 90% of long-term debt contracts are renegotiated prior to their stated maturity. Renegotiations result in large changes to the amount, maturity, and pricing of the contract, occur relatively early in the life of the contract, and are rarely a consequence of distress or default. The accrual of new information concerning the credit quality, investment opportunities, and collateral of the borrower, as well as macroeconomic fluctuations in credit and equity market conditions, are the primary determinants of renegotiation and its outcomes. The terms of the initial contract (e.g., contingencies) also play an important role in renegotiations; by altering the structure of the contract in a state contingent manner, renegotiation is partially controlled by the contractual assignment of bargaining power.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the contractual response to incentive divergencies in the housing-finance sector of the economy. Emphasis is placed on the role played by the private mortgage insurance master policy in stemming the moral hazard of lenders. The structure of the coinsurance feature of the policy is shown to induce the lender to lessen foreclosure costs. Cases are identified where the inducements of coinsurance are not complete. This incompleteness explains the role of the time constraints and bidding instructions imposed on the lender by the master policy.The paper also considers the effects that securitization is having on the incentives of the players in housing finance. The decoupling of the lender from the investor role is lessening the effectiveness of coinsurance, thereby creating new agency costs. Responses such as increased explicit monitoring and the use of reputational bonding are noted and the expected future direction of the contractual structure is discussed.  相似文献   

Credit Markets in Northern Nigeria: Credit as Insurance in a Rural Economy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article addresses the issues of incomplete markets andimperfect information in the context of credit markets in ruralnorthern Nigeria. In much recent theoretical literature, theproblems of moral hazard and adverse selection are assumed tobe decisive for the organization of agrarian institutions. Incontrast, it is found that in the four villages surveyed credittransactions take advantage of the free flow of informationwithin rural communities. Information asymmetries between borrowerand lender are unimportant, and their institutional consequences—theuse of collateral and interlinked contracts—are absent.Credit transactions play a direct role in pooling risk betweenhouseholds through the use of contracts in which the repaymentowed by the borrower depends on the realization of random productionshocks by both the borrower and the lender.  相似文献   

Using a measure of contract strictness based on the probability of a covenant violation, I investigate how lender‐specific shocks impact the strictness of the loan contract that a borrower receives. Banks write tighter contracts than their peers after suffering payment defaults to their own loan portfolios, even when defaulting borrowers are in different industries and geographic regions from the current borrower. The effects persist after controlling for bank capitalization, although bank equity compression is also associated with tighter contracts. The evidence suggests that recent defaults inform the lender's perception of its own screening ability, thereby impacting its contracting behavior.  相似文献   

为担保借款合同,当事人同步签署商品房买卖合同,约定借款人不能归还借款本金及利息时,应履行商品房买卖合同。此类具有担保功能的商品房买卖合同,在性质上属于债务清偿协议。法释\[2015\]18号第24条虽要求当事人以民间借贷提起诉讼,但未否定商品房买卖合同的效力。在确认应还本金及利息及借款人没有如期清偿的前提下,出借人请求移转房屋所有权的,应予支持。  相似文献   

A new prepayment model is developed, which improves the modeling of the borrowers decision process by incorporating an occupation-time derivative in the valuation framework of a fixed-rate mortgage. This option-theoretic mortgage valuation model is based on stochastic house-price and interest-rate models, and requires a particularly subtle technique to incorporate a new type of occupation-time derivative, where the barrier (which activates the derivative) is in the value process and not the underlying process (as it is in standard occupation-time derivatives). This new model simulates a delay in prepayment by the borrower (beyond the time simple ruthless prepayment dictates), thus increasing the value of the mortgage to the lender, compared to the value gained using more basic models. This allows for a more advanced borrower decision process, where a rational exercise structure is retained in a modified form. Empirical evidence supports this theory, which should be beneficial for accurate mortgage-backed security pricing. The results in this paper explore thoroughly the effect on the mortgage value of a delay in prepayment by the borrower on the embedded options held and on the insurance component.
Peter W. DuckEmail:

本文从农贷市场的不对称信息视角,集中讨论了农户与贷款者的信贷行为关系.通过分析他们之间信息不对称的两类性质后,从信号博弈角度分析了农地使用权抵押对降低农贷风险的信号发送过程,并给出了基于贷款者的农地抵押金融合约模型.本研究得出的结论是农地使用权抵押金融既可以提高农贷资金的安全性,又蕴涵着农地使用权市场化流转的可能.  相似文献   

Collateral is a widely used, but not well understood, debt contracting feature. Two broad strands of theoretical literature explain collateral as arising from the existence of either ex ante private information or ex post incentive problems between borrowers and lenders. However, the extant empirical literature has been unable to isolate each of these effects. This paper attempts to do so using a credit registry that is unique in that it allows the researcher to have access to some private information about borrower risk that is unobserved by the lender. The data also include public information about borrower risk, loan contract terms, and ex post performance for both secured and unsecured loans. The results suggest that the ex post theories of collateral are empirically dominant, although the ex ante theories are also valid for customers with short borrower–lender relations that are relatively unknown to the lender.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper presents closed form solutions to price secured bank loans and financial leases subject to default risk. Secured debt fair credit spreads always increase in the debtor's default probability, whereas financial leasing fair credit spreads may well decrease in the lessee's default probability and even be negative. The reason is that the lessor, unlike the secured lender, can gain from the lessee's default, especially when the leasing contract envisages initial prepayments or the lessee's terminal options to either purchase the leased asset or to extend the lease maturity. This result, which critically depends on contractual and bankruptcy code provisions, can explain some of the empirical evidence and the use of financial leases as an alternative to secured bank lending to finance small, risky and relatively opaque firms.  相似文献   

The literature on corporate governance and entrepreneurial finance suggests that when lender–borrower relationships are of longer duration, they tend to be more successful in solving the informational asymmetry problems related to small business debt financing. Using the data from Canadian financial markets, this study first confirms this finding, insofar as the quality of lender–borrower relations is affected by traditional solutions to agency conflicts, lender requirements, and negative changes in the borrowing terms offered by lenders. However, in testing this conclusion further, we empirically demonstrate that, counter-intuitively, the quality of the lender–borrower relationship does not affect a small firm's access to debt, or change the terms of borrowing. We also show similar supporting evidence from lenders to small firms in China, where business relationships involving “guanxi” (or connections that are beneficial for both parties) are commonly expected to influence access to debt. The robustness of the study's results is shown by the data from numerous lending institutions in a province of China.  相似文献   

In a setting where the lender and the borrower have heterogeneous beliefs about the likelihood of a disastrous shock to the borrower's economy, we study the debt contract that defaults at the occurrence of that shock, as proposed by Barro (2006). We find that a higher belief by the lender compared to the borrower can lead to countercyclical interest rates and credit spreads in non-default times, and to an increase in the borrower's indebtedness in default times, as often observed in emerging market economies. When calibrating the model to prices in the credit default swap market, we show that heterogeneous beliefs can account for more than 40% of the variation in CDS spreads associated with shocks to the borrower's economy in non-default times.  相似文献   

This study adds to an emerging literature on the lending practices of mortgage brokers during the run-up in home prices prior to 2006. Following a sample of low— and moderate-income borrowers through the first years following home purchase, the analysis identifies differences in the refinancing transaction associated with the use of mortgage brokers vs. retail lenders. Specifically, the analysis includes measures of the refinancing process, including whether the lender initiated contact with the borrower, whether the terms of the mortgage changed at closing, and the level of borrower satisfaction in hindsight. Care must be taken in extrapolating from this sample to the broader mortgage market, as all borrowers refinanced out of 30-year fixed-rate purchase mortgages in the Community Advantage Program (CAP). Nevertheless, analysis of this sample offers unique insight into borrowers’ interactions with mortgage brokers during the refinancing transaction. Origination with a mortgage broker, compared with origination through a retail lender, is associated with both a less satisfactory refinancing process and a higher likelihood of refinancing into an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM).  相似文献   

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