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“校企合作打造专业人才,把实践课堂搬到企业门店的一线操作层面去。”日前,浙江纺织服装职业技术学院时装学院服装陈列与设计展示专业的大二学生,来到太平鸟女装专卖店进行服装陈列与营销、色彩搭配等课程的实践教学。  相似文献   

迈入陈列师行列,总是要先学一些规矩的。“服装摆放要整齐”、“服装与配饰风格要统一”、“一组模特要尽量姿态各异”??曾经是每位陈列师初学时,被耳提面命的“规则”。然而走在巴黎街头,只能感叹原来常规是用来被颠覆的。也许只有当大师们做了之后,我们才知道陈列原来也可以这样。  相似文献   

在当今竞争十分激烈的服装零售业,如何从众多的竞争对手之中脱颖而出,吸引越来越“挑剔”的顾客成了服装零售商们的首要任务。具有美感和特色的店铺陈列不光能有效地吸引顾客进入店铺,还能帮助提高品牌认知度。本文对服装店铺的布局、商品的展示和服装陈列进行了分析,并提出了一些实际的操作技巧。  相似文献   

《服装产品设计》是服装与服饰设计专业项目导向模块中的专业必修课程。为了达到对学生的“立德树人”的目标,将课程内容与实际教学相结合,注重改革课程教学实施方式和改革课程考核方式,有效地融合思政课,在课堂教学中探求中国元素、弘扬民族文化、增强民族自豪感和文化自信,文中对《服装产品设计》课程“课程思政”教学改革进行了初步探索设计。  相似文献   

随着世界经济的发展,时尚产业的重要地位日益突显。以服装陈列师、家居陈列师、时尚编辑、时尚买手等为代表的各种时尚、自由、高收入的前卫职业,越来越引起人们的重视并受到年轻人的追捧。中赫时尚在这样的需求背景下应运而生,在短短的五年里为中国的时尚产业培养了千余名专业陈列设计人才,是国内陈列培训当之无愧的领跑者。目前,由中赫时尚主办的"中国陈列设计师金奖"评选正在火热进行中。为此,《纺织服装周刊》记者采访了中赫时尚陈列设计培训机构校长郭非华。  相似文献   

在服装陈列中,侧挂陈列色彩的设计至关重要,它是制造和谐、有序卖场色彩的基础。合理的侧挂陈列色彩设计,不仅能吸引顾客进店,而且不断的在卖场中制造惊喜,更重要的是能用色彩的魅力唤醒顾客的购买欲望。本文通过对侧挂陈列形式的分析,结合色彩基本原理,介绍了三种最常见的设计方法:渐变法、彩虹法和间隔法。总结了服装卖场侧挂陈列色彩设计的运用步骤。对今后服装卖场侧挂陈列色彩设计的策划与应用,提供理论和实践方面的参考。  相似文献   

陈列设计是服饰企业创造品牌终端形象、增加产品销售的一种有效手段。本文结合我国服装陈列发展现状探讨我国服装陈列发展的策略。  相似文献   

在欧美发达国家,陈列是服装产业必不可少的组成部分,随着"品牌消费"、"体验经济"浪潮席卷整个世界,陈列在营销价值体系中的作用更加凸显。意大利著名服装设  相似文献   

随着服装市场竞争日趋激烈、越来越多的服装企业开始意识到以消费为主导的市场竞争策略的重要性。在对服装陈列相关要素和消费者购买行为的相关理论进行分析的基础上,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,总结归纳出对消费者购买行为产生重要影响的服装陈列的各个因子。在此基础上进行了实践调查和实证分析,并采用聚类分析的方法,得到细分人群。  相似文献   

白玉苓 《中国纺织》2003,(10):174-175
销售活动其实是导购员与顾客之间的一种“游戏”,服装销售卖场是导购员和顾客以服装为中心展开的“势力争夺”的场所。顾客渴望获得自己所需要的服装,而导购员希望实现销售。  相似文献   

The real intent for technology education is to prepare young people so that they may fully participate and function in human society. To achieve this aim, learners are guided towards the development of attributes that include perceptive, critical, creative and informed decision making. Although effective teaching strives to inspire the creative spark in every learner, there is little guidance to inform actual classroom practice. The selection of strategies and implementation methods that engender creative responses in students, is usually left to an individual teacher’s interpretation. A working knowledge of design processing provides a most advantageous methodology to guide teaching and learning as students develop ways “of knowing through thinking and doing,” Sharma and Poole (Des Manag Inst 20(4):64–74, 2010) within classroom design and technological practice. This article looks at the broad stage of Ideation in creative design practice, where designers instigate and generate ideas within their own practice. Insight and transferable skills are observed to inform classroom practice. One event from the ideation stage of design practice processing is selected to enhance student visual communication skills. A pedagogic approach is then shared to inform the implimentation of a teaching and learning strategy that has been trialled with design (aged from 12 to 18 years) and Initial Teacher Education adult students.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze what generic competencies at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) are most evaluated by the teaching staff belonging to the first curricular block of industrial engineering degree courses at the Barcelona Escola Universitaria d’Enginyeria Técnica Industrial, and also to relate these competencies to the assessment tools and the types of session most frequently used in the evaluation of the said competencies. Furthermore, it is intended to determine the level of acquisition of the generic competencies (related to their profession) as perceived by the students themselves during their course of study and their completion of the Final Year Degree Project (Project Trabajo Final de Grado—TFG). To that end, a group of 140 university teachers and a population of 145 students were each the object of an anonymous online survey while they were engaged on the Final Year Degree Project (TFG). The results of this survey show that the competencies most evaluated by the university teaching staff, in order of importance, are as follows: autonomous learning, the effective use of information resources, teamwork, and good oral and written communication, while the most frequently used tools of assessment are the rubrics. Autonomous learning is the generic competence perceived by the students as being the one most acquired during their completion of the TFG.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinarity is becoming a critical issue of concern for design schools across East Asia in their attempts to provide industry graduates with the skills and competences to make creative contributions in a global economy. As a result, East Asian higher education institutions are aggressively endeavouring to provide interdisciplinary undergraduate curriculum that combine traditional designerly skills with engineering knowledge and methods. The current study takes an interdisciplinary undergraduate course as case-study to examine how the pedagogic strategy of team teaching influences student learning experience. Two surveys of student learning were conducted for this research purpose. The first provided an indication of the holistic student learning experience, while the second explored the conditions of team and non-team teaching as influence upon learning experiences specifically. Results showed how students taught by a single instructor provided a more positive overall opinion of course quality and experienced significantly more encouragement to participate compared to team taught respondents. However, findings also indicated how team teaching significantly increased the students’ experience of a balanced contribution from different disciplinary perspectives and how the team teaching approach was significantly more effective in providing students with greater opportunities to understand the relevance of the different disciplines to the course subject. We conclude with a discussion of results in terms of the effective use of team teaching at undergraduate level as strategy for interdisciplinary learning experiences.  相似文献   

高职英语教学存在着学生英语基础较差,上课课时少,任务重的状况。由于学生是工科专业的,对英语缺乏兴趣,另外每班学生数量较多,人均交流次数很少,课堂互动受到限制,学生的交际能力难以培养,2000年颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》调整了语言技能要求,明确了交际范围,突出了学生跨文化交际能力的培养。英语教学中培养学生跨文化交际能力,使高职学生不仅能够掌握流利的英语口语,而且具备丰富的跨文化交际知识和熟练的跨文化交际能力是英语教学面临的重要课题。因此高职英语教师要从根本上转变观念,逐步培养学生跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

Technology is one of eight learning areas of the New Zealand national curriculum. It aims to develop a broad technological literacy through students participating in programmes in which the practice of technological development is experienced, as is knowledge informing practice, and students gain an understanding of technology as a domain in its own right. In New Zealand children begin school at 5 years of age and this paper describes a classroom research project during which these students design and then construct a photo frame. The inducement for this development arose from students needing to safely transport home and then display a class photograph. This provided the opportunity for developing technological knowledge and skills within a real and relevant context—two key drivers when working with young students (Ministry of Education 2007) [MoE]. The results of this project suggest that teaching technology to five-year-old students is achievable and a valuable addition to other learning opportunities provided in the new entrant classroom. Strategies are suggested that will enable students to successfully achieve their goals whilst gaining a simple understanding of the technological process. By making good use of these it is possible to create a worthwhile and imaginatively challenging activity that reflects the essence of the technology education curriculum.  相似文献   

The world of technical education is moving towards an information collapse. This situation entails an aggravation of the contradiction between the desire to deliver more information to engineering students and the limitation imposed by the actual time that can be devoted to this activity. This, in turn, results in extensive competition between the subjects being taught and the consequent downgrading of certain areas. The second-grade subjects, such as drawing, subjects providing empirical knowledge, and the teaching of ideas about how things work are being pushed into the background by modern, updated, computer-aided and computer-serving subjects. The negative results of this competition in terms of teaching time and the better use computerized technology education are considered in this paper.  相似文献   

通过对高职学生英语学习的现状分析,提出教师在教学过程中,应坚持自主学习的教学理念,培养和提高高职学生英语自主学习能力,通过各种有效策略切实提高教学质量,培养学生终身学习的观念,从而具备可持续发展的能力。期待通过对自主学习能力培养的探讨,对今后的英语教学改革和英语学习有一定的启发和促进作用。  相似文献   

Computing and computers are introduced in school as important examples of technology, sometimes as a subject matter of their own, and sometimes they are used as tools for other subjects. All in all, one might even say that learning about computing and computers is part of learning about technology. Lately, many countries have implemented programming in their curricula as a means to address society’s dependence on, and need for programming knowledge and code. Programming is a fairly new school subject without educational traditions and, due to the rapid technological development, in constant change. This means that most programming teachers must decide for themselves what and how to teach. In this study, programming teachers’ teaching is studied. With the aim of exploring the connection/possible gap between teacher’s intentions and the teacher’s instructional practice, an expansion of the conceptual apparatus of phenomenography and variation theory is tested. In the article, phenomenography and variation theory and the suggested supplementary theoretical tool (Georg Henrik von Wright’s model of logic of events) are briefly presented and then deployed upon one selected case. Findings reveal that teachers’ intentions (reflected in their actions) include an emphasis (of teachers’ side) on the importance of balancing theory and practice, using different learning strategies, encouraging learning by trial-and-error and fostering collaboration between students for a deeper understanding of concepts. In conclusion, logic of events interpretations proves to be useful as a complementary tool to the conceptual apparatus of phenomenography.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on the use of a purpose built Computer Support Collaborative learning environment designed to support lab-based CAD teaching through the monitoring of student participation and identified predictors of success. This was carried out by analysing data from the interactive learning system and correlating student behaviour with summative learning outcomes. A total of 331 undergraduate students, from eight independent groups at the University of Surrey took part in this study. The data collected included: time spent on task, class attendance; seating location; and group association. The application of ANOVA and Pearson correlation to quantized data demonstrated that certain student behaviours enhanced their learning performance. The results indicated that student achievement was positively correlated with attendance, social stability in terms of peer grouping, and time spent on task. A negative relationship was shown in student seating distance relative to the lecturer position. Linear regression was used in the final part of this study to explore the potential for embedding predictive analytics within the system to identify students at-risk of failure. The results were encouraging. They suggest that learning analytics can be used to predict student outcomes and can ensure that timely and appropriate teaching interventions can be incorporated by tutors to improve class performance.  相似文献   

高职高专学生对理论教学学习缺乏兴趣,这在很大程度上阻碍了学生的知识掌握水平,因此探究有效的、能够适合现代高职高专学生学习的方法显得非常重要。技能大赛注重动手能力培养,符合现代高职高专学生的特点,这是提高高职教育教学水平的新突破口和有效手段。  相似文献   

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