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粘合衬布由于以粘代缝,简化了服装加工工艺,提高了缝制工效,同时由于使用了粘合衬,对服装起到造型和保形作用,使服装更加美观、轻盈、舒适,大大提高了服装的服用性能和使用价值。  相似文献   

根据目前监狱服装企业的特点,分析了监狱服装企业在服装加工生产中存在的问题,监狱服装企业为了生存下去,降低生产成本提高产品质量是当务之急,服装模板技术的兴起将彻底改变行业现状,本文从人力资源管理、作业管理、成本管理、质量管理、创新管理等环节总结了服装模板技术对监狱服装企业的作用,更好地推进监狱服装企业的健康发展。  相似文献   

对服装专业课程进行创新设计,新的课程将"服装人体工学"、"服装结构设计"、"服装缝制工艺"专业知识点的系统综合,并给出以裙子为例的典型课程实例。新的课程设计取得良好的教学效果,并有效激发学生的学习兴趣、提高实践能力,形成系统的知识体系。  相似文献   

在传统男装企业中,总是存在用工荒,招工难,生产效率不高,生产管理难等问题,文章从智能化服装模板设计与制作,让大家了解智能服装模板,并通过智能化服装模板在男装企业中的应用发现,智能化服装模板能简化男装生产工序,降低男装生产难度,提高男装生产效率,也是服装智能化、规范化、标准化的重要途经之一,从根本上解决男装企业生产效率、...  相似文献   

服装结构设计课程是服装与服饰设计专业的核心课程,但传统的服装结构课程的教学内容无法与服装设计、服装工艺等核心课程结合,而且授课方式也大多采用手工打版的方式,课堂效率低下且不能提起学生学习的兴趣,学生不熟悉平面制图与成衣立体造型的相互关系,传统教学中只有通过缝制完成才能看到造型效果。本研究将教学任务与企业订单结合起来,以服装工作室为依托,结合真实订单任务,利用3D虚拟试衣系统以及CAD打版软件,解决了平面与成衣立体造型关系难以理解的难题。  相似文献   

浙江将建国家纺织与服装产品质量监督检验中心 国家质量技术监督局日前正式同意,将在浙江省建立“国家纺织与服装产品质量监督检验中心(浙江)”。此举将有力促进浙江省纺织服装产品的开发与应用,提升纺织服装产品档次、扩大出口。 浙江省是纺织服装大省,服装产销量居全国之最。“国家纺织与服装产品质量监督检验中心(浙江)”的建立,将加强对纺织服装产品的技术规范、技术标准制定和产品质量的监督管理力度,指导浙江省企业在原材料、加工工艺、高新技术应用方面提高水平。(C06  相似文献   

服装工艺是将服装的设计要素和材料要素合二为一的技术手段,无论多么简单的服装都离不开工艺环节。工艺水平的高低直接影响到设计意图表达的正确与否,加工过程是否合理也影响到服装品质的好坏。服装口袋除了基本的功能性和实用性,它们还给服装增添了情趣与变化,服装中的贴袋更是有着醒目的实用及装饰效果。服装贴袋的缝制质量的优劣将直接影响到服装的使用功能和外观效果,其种类繁多,相应的工艺也十分的多样化。如何运用不同的工艺制造出不同类型的服装贴袋来满足消费者的需要是当今服装企业应当考虑的问题。  相似文献   

本文针对高校大学生服装工艺基础差、课堂学习时间有限的特点,对服装的主要构成部件进行分析和归类,并将每一类中的典型部件进行缝制录制,利用多媒体辅助教学手段,为补充课堂教学、学生课后自学、教师教学交流及课程网络教学提供重要帮助。  相似文献   

刘燕 《山东纺织经济》2014,(1):59-62,73
服装工艺是将服装的设计要素和材料要素合二为一的技术手段,无论多么简单的服装都离不开工艺环节。工艺水平的高低直接影响到设计意图表达的正确与否,加工过程是否合理也影响到服装品质的好坏。服装口袋除了基本的功能性和实用性,它们还给服装增添了情趣与变化,服装中的贴袋更是有着醒目的实用及装饰效果。服装贴袋的缝制质量的优劣将直接影响到服装的使用功能和外观效果,其种类繁多,相应的工艺也十分的多样化。如何运用不同的工艺制造出不同类型的服装贴袋来满足消费者的需要是当今服装企业应当考虑的问题。  相似文献   

服装模板技术作为一种高效能的生产技术,在确保服装规格一致性,提高品质和生产效率方面体现出重要价值.文章从实际应用的角度出发,以传统男士衬衫为例,对各部件模板的设计进行具体分析,明确注意事项.  相似文献   

对半毛圈袜分别进行款式设计、组织结构设计、用纱设计、工艺设计,对设备选用、制造坯袜、缝头、定型、包装等一系列流程也进行了详细的叙述。介绍了打样生产工艺流程和大货生产工艺流程,最后总结了半毛圈袜的设计与生产的注意事项。  相似文献   

企业为了确保在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,必须运用信息技术、计算机技术等先进技术提高企业质量管理的水平,增强质量保证和质量控制的有效性。现代制造技术系统CIMS的质量保证系统是在网络数据库的支持下,从产品设计、开发,到售后服务全生命周期中对质量有关的数据进行有效的采集、处理、评价和决策,对质量管理、质量保证、质量控制活动进行有效的管理,实现企业质量管理的整体优化.以达到全面满足顾客要求,提高市场竞争能力的目的。  相似文献   

任健 《山东纺织经济》2012,(6):66-68,71
干燥是腈纶生产后处理的重要步骤,相比传统型干燥技术,新型干燥技术具有干燥效率高、品质好以及性能可靠等一系列优点。主要介绍了热泵干燥技术、微波干燥技术、射频干燥技术和热辊干燥技术等几类干燥技术的性能和特点。  相似文献   

环氧氯丙烷的生产及市场前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
环氧氯丙烷是一种重要的有机化工原料和精细化工产品,其生产方法主要有丙烯高温氯化法和乙酸丙烯酯法两种。目前,世界上环氧氯丙烷的总生产能力约为1050kt/a,产量约为850kt/a。我国环氧氯丙烷的生产能力约为90kt/a,产量约为31kt/a,预计2005年我国环氧氯丙烷的需求量将达到200kt/a,缺口很大,因此,应扩大生产规模,来满足市场需要。同时还应拓展环氧氯丙烷的应用范围,改进生产技术,提高产品质量,努力开拓国外市场,参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

从螺杆泵采油技术在油田应用中的实际出发.阐述了该项技术在从试验向规模化推广应用过程中,以强化全面质量管理为基点.重视螺杆泵采油技术应用中各个环节的质量控制,从组织机构的建立、管理制度的制定、人员素质的提高、配套技术的完善等方面。强化管理和质量控制,使这项试验技术成功转型为常规技术,并得以规模化应用。阐明了全面质量管理在螺杆泵采油技术应用中发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着中国农产品物流规模不断壮大,农产品物流系统无法从源头保证产品采摘、包装、物流中的可信性。为了解决这个问题,提出一种现场作业可视化系统,即将可视化技术应用于农产品防伪溯源监控系统中,从而满足远程管理的需求。对相关可视化技术的一般方法进行了分析,选择COFDM作为主要解决方案。农产品防伪溯源监控系统有效克服了复杂环境下的各类干扰,将物流中的实时监控信息传送到中继通信和监控设备上,并依托公用通信网络或专用通信网络进一步实现广域范围内的实时高质量监控图像传输、存储和浏览。通过实时现场视频监控,消费者可以保证买到真实可信的高质量农产品;生产者可以提高农产品的生产、运输效率,还可以提升相应产品的信誉,促进高质量农产品的销售。  相似文献   

Semisolid die casting (SSDC) is a newly developed technology to improve the quality of products and to reduce the costs of liquid die casting process. We assessed the gas-induced semisolid process (GISS), which generates a semisolid metal for die casting, in this comparison of the costs per unit between a traditional liquid die casting process and the semisolid die casting process. A process-based costing model (PBCM) was created to estimate the production costs. In principle, the PBCM consists of three submodels: process model, operation model, and financial model. This study indicates that three main factors, namely cycle time, rate of waste, and die life, affected the unit production costs. The production cost estimates decreased by approximately 13% when the process was switched from a liquid to a semisolid one.  相似文献   

Extant research has largely ignored empirically examining how information technology (IT) affects new product effectiveness. Using the knowledge-based theory as a foundation, this study examines if, and how, particular IT tools used in the discovery, development, and commercialization phases of the new product development (NPD) process influence NPD effectiveness dimensions, namely, market performance, innovativeness, and quality of a new product. Based on data collected from NPD managers in the US and Canada, the findings indicate that specific IT tools contribute to various measures of new product effectiveness differently. Moreover, the results show the positive effect of these IT tools in different phases of the NPD process. This suggests that with regard to NPD, a decompositional approach that examines the role of IT within each phase of the NPD process is best. Based on these findings, the authors discuss theoretical and managerial implications of the study and suggest paths for future research. Managerially, some interesting results of our study are that decision support systems, file transfer protocols, and concept testing tools would significantly improve NPD effectiveness regardless of the phase they are used.  相似文献   

本文基于柯布--道格拉斯生产函数,结合微观经济学的相关理论,分析了协同技术创新对高技术企业与传统企业生产过程的提升作用。同时,通过实证研究和回归分析,结果表明,高技术企业和传统企业之间的技术互补和资源互补对高技术企业和传统企业的技术创新能力都有着积极显著的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the nature of the Stage‐Gate®process in the context of innovative projects that not only vary in new product technology (i.e., radical versus incremental technology) but that also involve significant new product development technology (i.e., new virtual teaming hardware‐software systems). Results indicate that firms modify their formal development regimes to improve the efficiency of this process while not significantly sacrificing product novelty (i.e., the degree to which new technology is incorporated in the new offering). Four hypotheses were developed and probed using 72 automotive engineering managers involved in supervision of the new product development process. There was substantial evidence to creatively replicate results from previous benchmarking studies; for example, 48.6% of respondents say their companies used a traditional Stage‐Gate®process, and 60% of these new products were considered to be a commercial success. About a third of respondents said their companies are now using a modified Stage‐Gate®process for new product development. Auto companies that have modified their Stage‐Gate®procedures are also significantly more likely to report (1) use of virtual teams; (2) adoption of collaborative and virtual new product development software supporting tools; (3) having formalized strategies in place specifically to guide the new product development process; and (4) having adopted structured processes used to guide the new product development process. It was found that the most significant difference in use of phases or gates in the new product development process with radical new technology occurs when informal and formal phasing processes are compared, with normal Stage‐Gate®usage scoring highest for technology departures in new products. Modified Stage‐Gate®had a significant, indirect impact on organizational effectiveness. These findings, taken together, suggest companies optimize trade‐offs between cost and quality after they graduate from more typical stage‐process management to modified regimes. Implications for future research and management of this challenging process are discussed. In general, it was found that the long‐standing goal of 50% reduction in product development time without sacrificing other development goals (e.g., quality, novelty) is finally within practical reach of many firms. Innovative firms are not just those with new products but also those that can modify their formal development process to accelerate change.  相似文献   

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