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中国传统图案多不胜数,形式也多种多样,这一宝贵资源应被现代家用纺织品设计师充分利用。本文希望通过研究中国传统图案的发展和形式美法则,从而有效的将中国传统图案应用于现代家用纺织品设计中,既对本土文化肯定,又借鉴国外一些精妙的设计内涵,留心国际审美时尚,多利用先进的技术手段,从形式上升华,形成国际间的对话与交流。 相似文献
本文主要论述了装饰图案形式美的问题。关于此问题的论述主要从三方面展开,第一方面谈的是进行装饰图案设计的第一步如何构思;第二方面谈的是装饰图案设计的常用的五种表现方法,在这五种表现方法中,又重点介绍了对比表现法的运用;第三方面谈的是关于装饰图案形式美的四个基本规律,在这四个基本规律里,变化与统一、对称与均衡是设计活动中应用最广泛、最重要的两个规律。 相似文献
江西工业职业技术学院的纺织品装饰设计专业的学生以文理科生为主,绘画基础薄弱,要学好后面的图案设计就要有平面构成和色彩构成的基础,两者缺一不可。笔者认为平面构成也要放在此专业的课程上来。 相似文献
装饰图案艺术是人类发展史中的艺术形态之一,也是人类社会最普遍的艺术形式。本文通过分析举例对我国传统装饰图案的文化内涵进行解析,说明了中国传统装饰图案文化具有很高的艺术文化价值。 相似文献
袜品作为服饰的附属品,其实用性和功能性受到消费者的重视。对于追逐时尚的人们来说,袜品是能让其更加出彩的装饰品。而图案是袜品最直观的表现元素,也是满足人们审美要求的重要因素。现如今袜品图案的种类、装饰形式也越来越丰富多样。以袜品设计为研究对象,通过对袜品图案的应用种类、装饰形式进行研究探讨,试图总结出适合用于装饰袜品的图案以及其装饰形式,为袜品的发展提供一定的参考依据。 相似文献
汕头市东田转印有限公司在开发成功多项自主创新技术后,继续进行延伸开发,将自身开发的热转印花膜生产技术成功地应用到金属制品(不锈钢制品或铝制品)的表面装饰,并取得了中国专利权。该专利技术实施以来,已取得明显的经济效益和社会效益。 相似文献
彝族服饰的外观和审美反映了丰富的彝族传统文化,传统的民族服饰也需要进步和发展,彝族服饰的设计应表现得更为时尚和现代。 相似文献
岭南地区畲族人民以织、绣、挑、贴等各种工艺手法创造了千姿百态、色彩斑斓、古朴纯真的服饰纹样。本文着重探讨畲族服饰纹样的创作题材、构图形式及蕴含在纹样背后的民族信仰、精神追求和思想情感。旨在充实岭南民族文化和民族习俗的研究,也为现代创作提供素材。 相似文献
This study analyzes the empirical literature concerning the influence of various factors on shareholder wealth creation in mergers and acquisitions using a multivariate framework. Overall, results indicate that while the target firm's shareholders gain significantly from mergers and acquisitions, those of the bidding firm do not. Findings also indicate that the use of stock financing has a significant impact on the wealth of both the target and bidding firms' shareholders. The presence of multiple bidders and the type of acquisition influence the bidders' return, while regulatory changes and tender offers influence the targets' returns. The paper also provides a comparison of our findings with that of previous narrative reviews and discusses their implications from the viewpoint of managers and researchers. 相似文献
徐元 《地质技术经济管理》2011,(3):77-81
在国际贸易中,因知识产权滥用而导致的知识产权纠纷时有发生。我国学者对知识产权滥用这一问题的认识并不一致,主要有否定说、狭义说和广义说三种代表性观点。在广义理解的基础上,对我国企业在对外贸易中遭遇的知识产权滥用的具体表现形式进行了简要的归纳和分析。 相似文献
Uta Jüttner Author Vitae Susan Baker Author Vitae 《Industrial Marketing Management》2007,36(3):377-392
This paper endorses demand chain management as a new business model aimed at creating value in today's marketplace, and combining the strengths of marketing and supply chain competencies. Demand chain design is based on a thorough market understanding and has to be managed in such a way as to effectively meet differing customer needs. Based on a literature review as well as the findings from a co-development workshop and focus group discussions with marketing and supply chain professionals, a conceptual foundation for demand chain management is proposed. Demand chain management involves (1) managing the integration between demand and supply processes; (2) managing the structure between the integrated processes and customer segments and (3) managing the working relationships between marketing and supply chain management. Propositions for the role of marketing within demand chain management and implications for further research in marketing are derived. 相似文献
紧密结合北京煤矿机械公司发展实际,阐述了只有紧紧围绕科学发展这一中心任务,才能扎实有效地开展创先争优活动,从而推动企业又好又快发展。 相似文献
We study 892 Italian motorcycle industry projects carried out via 184 different buyer–supplier and supplier‐supplier relationships to provide evidence on the knowledge dynamics occurring in dyads and networks and to understand the underexplored but important (perhaps even dominant) leading role that some firms play in the evolution of networks and interfirm learning processes. We develop a multiphase model which, from a multilevel perspective addressing different relational subsets, suggests how firms can best organize to generate and exchange knowledge efficiently. We argue that extant theoretical perspectives can profitably draw on our findings to strengthen their dynamic components and help them explain the widely diffused ‘exploring through partner’ strategies more effectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Noam Wasserman 《战略管理杂志》2017,38(2):255-277
Research summary: Does the degree to which founders keep control of their startups affect company value? I argue that founders face a “control dilemma” in which a startup's resource dependence drives a wedge between the startup's value and the founder's ability to retain control of decision making. I develop hypotheses about this tradeoff and test the hypotheses on a unique dataset of 6,130 American startups. I find that startups in which the founder is still in control of the board of directors and/or the CEO position are significantly less valuable than those in which the founder has given up control. On average, each additional level of founder control (i.e., controlling the board and/or the CEO position) reduces the pre‐money valuation of the startup by 17.1–22.0 percent . Managerial summary: A founder's vision and capabilities are key ingredients in the early success of a startup. During those early days, it is natural for the founder to have a powerful, central role. However, as the startup grows, founders who keep too much control of the startup and its most important decisions can harm the value of the startup. Both qualitative case studies and quantitative analyses of more than 6,000 private companies highlight that startups in which the founder has maintained control (by retaining a majority of the board of directors and/or by remaining as CEO ) have significantly lower valuations than those where the founder has relinquished control. This is especially true when the startup is three years old or more . Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
叙述了面料二次设计的概念及其分类,分析了礼服设计中面料二次设计的表现技法,阐述了面料二次设计对礼服设计的影响,为服装设计师提供礼服设计的新思路。 相似文献
Laurence Capron 《战略管理杂志》1999,20(11):987-1018
This paper examines how value is created in horizontal mergers and acquisitions. More specifically, it examines the impact of post‐acquisition asset divestiture and resource redeployment on the long‐term performance of horizontal acquisitions. The data come from a detailed survey of acquiring firm managers and cover 253 horizontal mergers and acquisitions that were initiated by European and U.S. firms in manufacturing industries for the period 1988–1992. This study incorporates insights from the cost efficiency and resource‐based theories to propose a model of the effects of asset divestiture and resource redeployment on long‐term acquisition performance. Overall, our results show that both asset divestiture and resource redeployment can contribute to acquisition performance, with, however, a significant risk of damaging acquisition performance when the divested assets and redeployed resources are those of the target. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献