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By analogy to inter-industry analysis, this paper addresses the Inter-institutional linkage analysis through an accounting multiplier approach and a social accounting matrix framework that has a flow of funds. Such an analysis provides a useful tool to identify and quantify structural features of an economy in terms of productive and financial backward and forward linkage indices, which are estimated from the accounting multipliers. As an empirical application of this analysis, we identify and measure the accounting multipliers and the respective linkage indices for the Mexican economy. The results may help to improve the quality of policy decisions by detecting key linkage and partial linkage accounts (production sectors or institutions) and by providing a better understanding of how an impact of an initial exogenous injection runs within a complex economic structure.  相似文献   

The study investigates (i) the time-varying and directional connectedness of nine equity sectors through intra- and inter-sector volatility spillover periods and (ii) assesses the impact of state variables on aggregate volatility spillovers. The study finds about 76% of volatility linkage is associated with cross-sector volatility transmissions. Aggressive sectors, which are sensitive to macroeconomic risk, play the net volatility transmission role. Defensive sectors that are largely immune to macroeconomic risk play the net volatility receiving role. The intensity and direction of volatility transmissions among the sectors vary with economic expansion and recession periods. Over time, some sectors switching from net transmitting to net receiving role and vice versa. Macro and financial market uncertainty variables significantly impact volatility spillover at lower volatility spillover (economic expansion period) and higher volatility (economic recession periods) volatility spillover quantiles. Political signals are seemingly more imprecise and uninformative during economic expansion or low quantiles, intensifying volatility spillover. Overall, the causal effects of macro, financial, and policy uncertainty variables on aggregate volatility spillover are asymmetric, nonlinear, and time-varying. The study's result supports the cross-hedging and financial contagion views of volatility transmission across nine US equity sectors.  相似文献   

We examine the spillovers of the US subprime crisis to Asian and European economies and in particular to what extent currency and stock markets have been affected by the crisis. Linear and nonlinear dependencies are detected after pairwise and system-wise causality analysis. A new stepwise multivariate filtering approach is implemented after controlling for conditional heteroskedasticity in the raw data and in VAR/VECM residuals using multivariate GARCH models. Significant nonlinear causal linkages persisted even after the application of GARCH-BEKK, CCC-GARCH and DCC-GARCH modelling. This indicates that volatility effects might partly induce nonlinear causality. Perhaps new short-term asset-pricing models could be developed to explain this stylized fact. These results might also have important implications for hedging, trading strategies and financial market regulation.  相似文献   

We analyse the forecasting power of different monetary aggregates and credit variables for US GDP. Special attention is paid to the influence of the recent financial market crisis. For that purpose, in the first step we use a three-variable single-equation framework with real GDP, an interest rate spread and a monetary or credit variable, in forecasting horizons of one to eight quarters. This first stage thus serves to pre-select the variables with the highest forecasting content. In a second step, we use the selected monetary and credit variables within different VAR models, and compare their forecasting properties against a benchmark VAR model with GDP and the term spread (and univariate AR models). Our findings suggest that narrow monetary aggregates, as well as different credit variables, comprise useful predictive information for economic dynamics beyond that contained in the term spread. However, this finding only holds true in a sample that includes the most recent financial crisis. Looking forward, an open question is whether this change in the relationship between money, credit, the term spread and economic activity has been the result of a permanent structural break or whether we might return to the previous relationships.  相似文献   

This paper surveys some relevant contributions to the economic literature on co‐integrating vector autoregressive (VAR) models [vector error correction mechanisms (VECMs)], emphasizing their usefulness for economic policy. It further discusses some theoretical aspects that are necessary for a complete understanding of their potential. The theoretical introduction of the co‐integrating VAR model is followed by an illustration of its applications to monetary policy, fiscal policy and exchanges rates as well as in establishing the effects of structural bilateral shocks between countries (the so‐called global VAR, or GVAR, models). Special attention is paid to the VECM capacities of being used in conjunction with dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models and of jointly specifying the short‐ and long‐run dynamics, thus representing the steady‐state of economic systems (by means of the co‐integration relations) and the short‐run dynamics around it.  相似文献   

As nonfundamental vector moving averages do not have causal VAR representations, standard structural VAR methods are deemed inappropriate for recovering the economic shocks of general equilibrium models with nonfundamental reduced forms. In the previous literature it has been pointed out that, despite nonfundamentalness, structural VARs may still be good approximating models. I characterize nonfundamentalness as bias depending on the zeros of moving average filters. However, measuring the nonfundamental bias is not trivial because of the simultaneous occurrence of lag truncation bias. I propose a method to disentangle the bias based on population spectral density and derive a measure for the nonfundamental bias in population. In the application, I find that the SVAR exercises of Sims (2012) are accurate because the nonfundamental bias is mild.  相似文献   

This study investigates the correlation and interdependence between and within the U.S. and Canadian corporate bond markets. The empirical framework adopted allows credit spreads to depend on common systematic risk factors derived from structural models and incorporates dynamic conditional correlations (DCC) between spreads. Results show that there is a surprisingly weak correlation between the two markets in normal times. However, during crises, there is a sudden and strong increase in the correlation between U.S. and Canadian credit spreads. The analysis of credit spread correlation within each market also shows an unusual increase in credit spread correlations between sectors and between risk classes in the U.S. during the 2007–2009 global financial crisis. This increase persists over the post-crisis period. By contrast, in Canada, credit spread correlations between sectors remain remarkably stable over time, suggesting an interdependence of credit spreads within the Canadian market.  相似文献   

陆珩瑱  马颖灏 《价值工程》2010,29(10):38-40
随着中国经济不断地融入国际经济环境中,中国内地证券市场的国际化进程也逐渐加快,表现为与世界主要资本市场的联动效应明显增强。本文通过运用协整检验对中国内地、香港以及美国股票市场联动效应的研究发现,金融危机改变了三地股市间的长期均衡关系。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the empirical investigation of causal relationship between financial deepening, economic growth and poverty reduction using quarter frequency data in case of Pakistan over the period of 1972–2011. We applied the autoregressive distributed lag model bounds testing approach by incorporating structural breaks stemming in the series. The order of integration of the variables is examined by applying structural break unit root test. Our empirical exercise indicated that the long run relationship between financial deepening, economic growth and poverty reduction exists in case of Pakistan. The causality analysis implied that causality results are sensitive with the use of proxy for poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates, from a sustainable finance viewpoint, a machine learning model implemented in a fintech platform, whose aim is to assign credit ratings. The aim of the model is to learn from both micro economic data and macro economic trends the credit rating of companies that ask for credit. We show that the proposed model is able to reward the companies that have better financial performances with better ratings and, therefore, a higher probability/lower cost of obtaining credit. At the same time, the model correctly takes into account the overall evolution of the economy, favoring financial inclusion for the more penalized economic sectors, particularly during crisis times. The model, its application to credit rating, and its evaluation, are illustrated with reference to more than 100,000 European companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The results shows that, while the impact of the financial variables does not change over time, and particularly during the pandemic, the impact of sectors changes considerably, favoring financial inclusion and resilience.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of the transmission of US shocks to Asian economies with consideration of financial linkages and trade linkages. Using the sign restriction vector autoregression (VAR) approach during 2000–2012, our empirical results can be summarized as follows. First, both US financial and trade linkages exert a significant impact on production in Asian economies. Second, through both financial and trade linkages, US spillover shocks account for around 50% of the production fluctuation in Asian economies. Third, during the episodes of 2007–2009 US financial crisis, the impact of financial shocks is greater than that of trade shocks. Results suggest that (i) Asian economies are not decoupled with US; and (ii) different from conventional findings, financial linkages between US and Asian economies are strong, especially for highly developed Asian economies. Therefore, investors and policymakers of Asian economies should take account of US financial conditions.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 76 banks from the Gulf Cooperation Council region, we use accounting- as well as market-based measures of financial stability to examine whether Islamic banks outperformed conventional banks in the time of financial shocks during the period 2000–2013. We find that the difference between the two banking types was initially not significant during the GFC. However, when the financial shock spread to the real economy during the later phases of the crisis, Islamic banks suffered a significantly higher level of financial instability than conventional banks. This result holds true for large banks but not for small Islamic banks. Small Islamic banks demonstrated a relatively better handling of the economic downturn than large Islamic banks, supporting the argument that Islamic banks are more stable when they operate at a small scale but lose this stability when they increase their scale of operations. Hence, while Islamic banks may have escaped the consequences of highly volatile financial instruments, they were not spared from a major shock in the real economic sectors.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian shrinkage approach for vector autoregressions (VARs) that uses short‐term survey forecasts as an additional source of information about model parameters. In particular, we augment the vector of dependent variables by their survey nowcasts, and claim that each variable modelled in the VAR and its nowcast are likely to depend in a similar way on the lagged dependent variables. In an application to macroeconomic data, we find that the forecasts obtained from a VAR fitted by our new shrinkage approach typically yield smaller mean squared forecast errors than the forecasts obtained from a range of benchmark methods. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes a Bayesian approach to examining money‐output causality within the context of a logistic smooth transition vector error correction model. Our empirical results provide substantial evidence that the postwar US money‐output relationship is nonlinear, with regime changes mainly governed by the output growth and price levels. Furthermore, we obtain strong support for nonlinear Granger causality from money to output, although there is also some evidence for models indicating that money is not Granger causal or long‐run causal to output.  相似文献   

Inspired by the empirical findings, we include international traders to capture linkage between markets and propose a two-market heterogeneous agents model to simulate financial crisis with contagion effect. This paper manages to calibrate sudden crash behavior of US and UK stock markets during “Black Monday” of 1987 besides smooth crisis and disturbing crisis categorized in literature. It is implied that financial crisis and its contagion could be endogenous, which supports a scenario of over-valuation causing a financial crisis. In addition, the model shows that financial system could be fragile in which small shock(s) hitting individual market’s fundamental could cause financial crisis spreading to the other market. This also supports a scenario of external shock triggering a financial crisis. Lastly, to demonstrate the relevance of our model to financial markets, we manage to match typical stylized facts, especially cross-correlation which is exclusive to a multiple-market case.  相似文献   

We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the identification (point‐identification) of structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) with external instruments considering the case in which r instruments are used to identify g structural shocks of interest, rg ≥ 1. Novel frequentist estimation methods are discussed by considering both a “partial shocks” identification strategy, where only g structural shocks are of interest and are instrumented, and a “full shocks” identification strategy, where despite g structural shocks being instrumented, all n=g+(n?g) structural shocks of the system can be identified under certain conditions. The suggested approach is applied to investigate empirically whether financial and macroeconomic uncertainty can be approximated as exogenous drivers of US real economic activity, or rather as endogenous responses to first moment shocks, or both. We analyze whether the dynamic causal effects of nonuncertainty shocks on macroeconomic and financial uncertainty are significant in the period after the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

We incorporate external information extracted from the European Central Bank’s Survey of Professional Forecasters into the predictions of a Bayesian VAR using entropic tilting and soft conditioning. The resulting conditional forecasts significantly improve the plain BVAR point and density forecasts. Importantly, we do not restrict the forecasts at a specific quarterly horizon but their possible paths over several horizons jointly since the survey information comes in the form of one- and two-year-ahead expectations. As well as improving the accuracy of the variable that we target, the spillover effects on “other-than-targeted” variables are relevant in size and are statistically significant. We document that the baseline BVAR exhibits an upward bias for GDP growth after the financial crisis, and our results provide evidence that survey forecasts can help mitigate the effects of structural breaks on the forecasting performance of a popular macroeconometric model.  相似文献   

There are two main questions that have attracted considerable attention in the financial literature over the last few years: whether international diversification benefits are still substantial in the current context of increasing market correlations and which approach provides better results in terms of out-of-sample returns and risk. In this context, the aim of this study is to provide empirical evidence about the economic gains that a US investor could obtain with a dynamic strategy based on the use of time varying returns and volatility forecasts from a multivariate VAR–DCC approach for the exchange trade funds of US, UK and Japan which are the most actively traded on the New York Stock Exchange in recent years. These findings are relevant not only for academics, but also for practitioners, especially for professional portfolio managers.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the notion of common non‐causal features and proposes tools to detect them in multivariate time series models. We argue that the existence of co‐movements might not be detected using the conventional stationary vector autoregressive (VAR) model as the common dynamics are present in the non‐causal (i.e. forward‐looking) component of the series. We show that the presence of a reduced rank structure allows to identify purely causal and non‐causal VAR processes of order P>1 even in the Gaussian likelihood framework. Hence, usual test statistics and canonical correlation analysis can be applied, where either lags or leads are used as instruments to determine whether the common features are present in either the backward‐ or forward‐looking dynamics of the series. The proposed definitions of co‐movements are also valid for the mixed causal—non‐causal VAR, with the exception that a non‐Gaussian maximum likelihood estimator is necessary. This means however that one loses the benefits of the simple tools proposed. An empirical analysis on Brent and West Texas Intermediate oil prices illustrates the findings. No short run co‐movements are found in a conventional causal VAR, but they are detected when considering a purely non‐causal VAR.  相似文献   

This study assesses the dependence structure of insurance sector credit default swap indices, using a copula-GARCH approach. We use daily data of the US, EU, and UK insurance sectors, covering the period from January 2004 to June 2013. We find substantial increases in dependence during the financial crisis periods. Prior to the crises, various copulas are found to best fit each pair; specifically, asymmetric tail dependence is found for the UK–US pair, suggesting the possibility of large simultaneous losses. However, during the crisis periods, the Frank copula fits best, with no significant tail dependence detected, implying low systemic risks.  相似文献   

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