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当今中国社会,青年消费群体和中年消费群体扮演着社会生活中最主要的消费角色。社会环境和时代需求的不同,使他们形成了不同的价值取向,随之表现出来的消费特点、消费行为也千差万别。本文以中、青年消费群体为研究对象,对比其消费价值的差异,及由此对消费行为的影响。  相似文献   

闫华 《中国市场》2022,(11):130-132
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人们日常生活水平的快速提升,青年群体成为消费市场的主力军。在新时代背景下,青年群体的消费心理、消费行为等发生了极大的变化,为企业带来了巨大的发展机遇。企业必须深入分析新时期青年消费群体的消费心理特征,制定针对性的营销策略,在满足消费者消费需求的同时,提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

随着我国老年人口数量及比重的迅速上升,中国社会正快步进入老龄化,老年消费市场日益庞大,发展前景广阔。文章分析了我国老年群体的消费心理和消费行为特征,进而提出了更好地满足老年消费群体消费需求的思路和对策。  相似文献   

中国人的消费观念正在发生变化,“你不理财,财不理你”的说法被越来越多的人所接受,保险被更多消费者重视,刷卡消费日渐成为时尚。为把握中青年消费者金融消费的脉搏,CTR市场研究个案研究部对北京、上海、广州一线城市的中青年网民进行了一次在线调查。  相似文献   

日本在上世纪90年代初经历泡沫经济崩溃后,政治、经济、社会等多个方面都发生了较大的变化.其中,在消费领域,与泡沫经济相伴随的高度消费时代彻底结束,国民的消费热情不再,出现了平均消费倾向不断下降的厌消费现象.引人注目的是,消费心理理论所认为的消费欲望最高的青年群体也存在厌消费现象,平均消费倾向甚至低于全年龄段的平均值.同...  相似文献   

中国大学生消费心理与行为问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体正受到越来越大的关注。由于大学生年龄较轻,群体较特别,他们有着不同于社会其他消费群体的消费心理和行为。一方面,他们有着旺盛的消费需求,另一方面,他们尚未获得经济上的独立,消费受到很大的制约。消费观念的超前和消费实力的滞后,都对他们的消费有很大影响。特殊群体自然有自己特殊的特点,同时难免存在一些非理性的消费甚至一些消费的问题。本文主要研究大学生消费情况,引导大学生合理消费。  相似文献   

随着汽车消费日益普及,自行车市场受到了前所未有的挑战,本文针对自行车市场主要消费群体——学生,分析其消费心理及倾向是受商品特性与消费观念及能力影响,对中国未来自行车市场发展趋势进行展望,为市场各方提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

青年群体是我国消费的主力军,降低其消费相对剥夺是释放消费潜力和提高人民群众获得感的必然要求。本文利用2017—2019年CHFS的平衡面板数据,探讨青年债务对消费相对剥夺的影响及其机制。实证结果表明:青年债务对消费相对剥夺有显著的缓解作用,促进了青年消费升级;而青年过度负债则会加剧消费相对剥夺。从债务来源来看,正规信贷更能缓解青年消费相对剥夺;从债务结构来看,具有人力资本投资属性的教育负债缓解作用最大。机制分析发现,青年通过债务降低收入不平等程度、缓解流动性约束和促进社会互动,缓解了消费相对剥夺;从债务需求和供给两端来看,青年债务对消费相对剥夺的缓解作用在“相对困难”的月光族、低就业质量、高年龄段和农村等青年群体,以及数字普惠金融发达地区更大。因此,应营造有利于青年合理消费的舆论环境,科学开发符合青年发展特点和需求的信贷产品,防范青年过度负债风险,引导青年合理消费。  相似文献   

绿色消费刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article provides an editorial introduction to the special issue of Consumption Markets & Culture on “Communication Identity/Consuming Difference.” The issue brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines and approaches to share research about how identities are presented and performed in consumer culture, and why it matters. Together, the papers showcase interdisciplinary perspectives that discuss and theorize how identity is communicated, constructed, and consumed in contemporary and historical consumer culture.  相似文献   

This paper considers Derrida's principal works on the animal as comprising a summons to the consuming animal, the human subject. It summarizes, firstly, Derrida's accusation that the entire Western philosophic tradition is guilty of a particularly pernicious disavowal of its repudiation of the animal. This disavowal underpins what he calls the ‘carnophallogocentric order’ that privileges the virile male adult as a transcendental subject. The paper shows how he calls this line of argument into question by challenging the purity of the predicates that are presumed to secure human self-presence, such as capacity of response. This questioning is extended to consider marketing discourse in relation to the animal. In the second part of the paper, Derrida's arguments from the points of view of ‘animalséance’ (which here is referred to as ‘animalmalaise’) and ‘limitography’ are compared and contrasted with those of animal ethicists, Peter Singer and Tom Regan, and with Emmanuel Levinas. Finally, some implications are discussed for what it might mean to eat well.  相似文献   

跨期效用最大化是经济和金融学研究范式之一,在完全理性框架下资产定价的理论取得了突破性进展,但对现实的解释还远远谈不上完美,比如"股权溢价之谜"和"消费平滑之谜"。本文在有限理性的前提下,认为消费和财富是有替代效应的,提出了和前人完全不同的效用函数,以此来阐述消费、投资和资产收益率之间的关系,该模型通过实证检验能较好地解释现实情况。  相似文献   

Marketing food directly from producers to consumers, so circumventing the ‘middlemen’ in the food supply chain, has many potential benefits. For consumers, direct marketing initiatives are providing people with locally grown, fresh, healthy and, in many cases, organic food at affordable prices. Through buying locally grown produce, consumers are giving their support to local producers as well as helping to revitalize rural economies. Producers benefit through retaining more of the value of their produce, which can help them survive through the current crisis in UK farming. There are also environmental benefits. Creating markets where people can buy produce from local farmers and growers reduces the distance that food travels between producers and consumers, which in turn decreases global environmental pollution. One direct marketing scheme – the farmers’ market – has proved to be particularly popular with local people, producers and the local councils, organizations and institutions who are involved in setting them up. This paper focuses on one such market, the Stour Valley Farmers' Market, which commenced trading on 20th June 1999. Customers who attended the first three of these monthly markets were interviewed to investigate the reasons for their attendance at the market, and their attitudes towards a number of food issues including organic and genetically modified food, local and seasonal food and concerns they may have over the way their food is produced. The research has shown that most customers visited the markets initially out of curiosity, although some attended specifically to buy healthy fresh foods. The vast majority of interviewees expressed a preference for food which is organically grown and free from genetic modification. Organic foods are generally perceived to be healthier and more flavoursome. When buying fresh foods, interviewees stated the importance of quality and freshness in their choice of produce.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,“休闲”作为一个新兴的要领越来越被人们所重视。作为休闲市场重要组成部分的休闲仪器市场,自然也备受关注。当我们走进超市就会看到薯片、虾条、雪饼、果脯、话梅、花生、松子、杏仁、开心果、鱼片、肉干等休闲食品琳琅满目,包装新颖、时尚,而消费者的购买更是络绎不绝,休闲食品已悄然成为今天的消费新宠。  相似文献   

With consumers and their activities routinely visible through online, mobile and social media, to both their peers and to corporations, this article examines surveillance as a marketplace icon. Surveillance is central to the construction of consumers and markets. Many contemporary marketing practices are surveillant as they rely on the collection, analysis and application of consumer data to place advertising, define market segments and to nudge consumer behaviours. Consumer surveillance is also an enactment of corporate power, attempting to align individual preferences with corporate goals. The historical origins of surveillance and the emergence of the surveillance–industrial–entertainment complex are explored, which highlights how surveillance, as well as a process for defining markets is also an object of consumption. The future sees a huge struggle for consumer data between two great centres of surveillance power – the state and the corporation – as they battle over data use for national security.  相似文献   

文化品牌建设对尚处在起步阶段的特色文化产业而言是全新的课题。建立一套科学的特色文化品牌认证指标体系,是培育、评选、发布有社会公信力的特色文化品牌的题中之义。本文从特色文化产业自身的发展情况出发,结合一般商业品牌的认证标准,建立了一套符合特色文化品牌认证的指标体系,包括6个一级指标,18个二级指标,50个三级指标,探讨了认证的方法和流程,最后提出了推进我国特色文化品牌认证的对策建议:第一,指定认证机构,履行授权职责;第二,展开动态认证,规范品牌认证流程;第三,建立多方合作的沟通协调机制;第四,建立特色文化品牌发布机制。  相似文献   

Many consumers report being concerned about sustainability but they do not necessarily consume in a sustainable manner. Understanding why this occurs is vital to encouraging sustainable consumption practices. Understanding the phenomenon in relation to adolescents is particularly important. In addition to being a significant segment of current consumers, adolescents are learning consumption habits and preferences that they will carry into adulthood. This research contributes to the domain by fulfilling two research objectives. The first objective was to develop and use a scale for measuring adolescents' sustainability concerns (ASC). The second objective was to identify and examine adolescents' reasons for not consuming sustainably. The research used a three‐stage multi‐method design that included small group interviews and two online surveys with adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. The ASC scale that we produced identifies 14 key sustainability concerns across the dimensions of environment, well‐being and society. The reasons for not consuming sustainably varied across these dimensions. For example, the most frequently reported reasons in the environmental dimension included cost and convenience whereas peer pressure and hedonic preferences were the dominant reasons for well‐being. More broadly, three groups of reasons for unsustainable consumption emerged. These included (i) limited application of sustainability concerns across consumption; (ii) deviating from concerns due to competing priorities; and (iii) limiting or eliminating personal responsibility. The contributions of this research have theoretical, methodological and practical implications for consumer researchers, social marketers and policy makers.  相似文献   


The marketing of certain tourist destinations can be analyzed as discourse that conveys meaning to the consumer and to the consumed. This discourse, which I refer to hereafter as paradisal discourse, is a combination of Orientalism, travel writing, discourse of the Primitive, and diverse forms of Otherness. This paper begins with an exploration of discourse as a tool of knowledge and of power, illustrated through a detailed assessment of Said's Orientalism and other relevant works and concepts. The discourses of “Orientalism,” “primitivism” and travel writing are likened to the paradisal discourse found in the marketing of certain types of tourist destinations. The second section of the paper presents an historical and cultural analysis of the concept of paradise in Western society, summarizing the elements which, over time, have come to form this distinctive discourse. The third section of the paper assesses the way in which this discourse forms the framework by which a specific tropical paradise, Hawaii, is marketed and consumed today.  相似文献   

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