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出口企业由OEM向ODM和OBM升级浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对外贸易主要为OEM,即整体尚处于产业分工价值链的低端,扮演着世界产品加工基地的角色,长此以往,只会使国内企业与世界市场之间的距离越拉越远。价值链中利润空间大的两端是技术和市场,ODM和OBM是每一个企业都希望的战略和经营方式。根据新兴国家和地区的经验,从企业发展的角度来看,在OEM具有了一定的规模和实力,比较成熟的阶段,我国企业积极向ODM和OBM升级是获得新的发展和提升国际竞争力的必然选择。  相似文献   

周源 《商业时代》2012,(14):64-65
在2006年,我国提出了"提倡自主创新,构建创新型的国家"的口号,我国越来越多的企业开始注重研发和设计环节,越来越注重打造自身的强势品牌,构建自身的核心竞争力。本文通过对相关文献的总结,探究OEM向OBM转变的路径了,对转变中的种种障碍及其风险进行详细地分析,认为我国企业需要坚持走O E M与O B M业务同时并举的多元化发展模式,增强核心能力,以谋求向ODM/OBM水平升级。考虑到我国企业的实际发展情形,本文提出由O E M向ODM,再由ODM向OBM进行转化的迂回路径。以期为我国长期实施代工生产且希望转变这一商业模式的企业提供了参考意见。  相似文献   

OEM、ODM与OBM   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放20多年来,中国的加工贸易经历了OEM的较长阶段,目前正处在从OEM向ODM转变过程,从长远看,必将迈向OBM。  相似文献   

OEM,ODM and OBM     
改革开放20多年来,中国的加工贸易经历了OEM的较长阶段,目前正处在从OEM向ODM转变过程,从长远看,必将迈向OBM.  相似文献   

我国企业的OEM/OBM之路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凭借廉价的劳动力成本和巨大的市场潜力,我国已经成为世界制造业大国,名副其实的“世界工厂”,OEM生产方式在这一过程中功不可没。许多企业获益匪浅,目前,有些企业已经在国际市场上崭露头角,但OEM只是一个开始,由OEM/ODM生产方式转向OBM才是我国企业的发展方向。  相似文献   

罗华 《中国海关》2010,(12):30-31
作为世界工厂的一分子,广州国光电器股份有限公司曾经为世界知名音箱企业提供代工。然而,2005年至今的5年时间里,广州国光完成了由纯粹的OEM向OEM+ODM的转变,由100%出口转向国内外市场并举,并通过收购国内外音箱品牌,开辟了品牌经营之道。  相似文献   

一般后进国家参与国际营销体系大概有三种模式:加工生产(OEM);原创设计生产(ODM);原创品牌生产(OBM)。中国已经有许多企业拥有自主设计和自创品牌能力,有条件参与国际品牌竞争。  相似文献   

文章分析了OEM模式的优势和不足,对OEM,ODM及OBM模式进行了比较,认为发展自有品牌对于参与国际运营的中国制造企业而言是一条漫长而曲折的道路.  相似文献   

OEM—ODM—OBM是“中国制造”的最理想的升级路线,从“橄榄型”企业转变为“哑铃型”企业标志着中国制造企业的成熟与成功。  相似文献   

本文从产业的层面,以浙江纺织出口企业实际调研为例,借助结构方程模型,实证结论较好的支持了理论分析结果,即在从OEM向ODM型态演进的过程中,贸易企业对贸易知识的结合过程增强,在ODM向OBM型态演进的过程中,内化过程增强。  相似文献   

从OEM到ODM代表厂商在垂直价值链活动范围的扩大,也是经营升级和国际竞争力增强的必然。资源理论、厂商合作理论和价值理论为厂商垂直经营范围选择与国际合作提供了相关的理论基础,在国际垂直分工框架下,从OEM向ODM演进。因此大多数中国厂商应该设法实现从OEM到ODM的升级,并强化自身运用ODM的策略能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review how original equipment manufacturing (OEM) firms break the “lock in the global value chains” (GVCs) and upgrade to original/own brand manufacturing (OBM) through accelerated internationalization. We focus on investigating how Lacquer Craft Mfg (later referred to as Lacquer Craft), an OEM firm in southern China successfully upgraded to OBM through reverse acquisitions. By proactively utilizing the resources (including the mindset or perspectives formulated) generated from practicing OEM, Lacquer Craft developed the needed capabilities to build its own brand in an international setting. Lacquer Craft’s successful experiences show that in a globalized economy, the ability to identify and exploit opportunities to link with established players, and the ability to search, acquire, and integrate strategic assets from the developed world rather than replicating the entire previous technological trajectory greatly facilitate the OEM firm in climbing up the value-added ladder and upgrading to OBM. This is a more aggressive upgrading approach. Its experiences also reveal that a firm’s product and technological upgrading strategies are closely interwoven with its internationalization strategy.  相似文献   

Although Chinese manufacturers are considered as latecomers or followers in global commodity chains, they have also been experiencing rapid progress in upgrading performance from own equipment manufacturing (OEM), original design manufacturing (ODM) to own brand manufacturing (OBM). Current literature on the global commodity chain has focused primarily on economic conditions that help explain manufacture upgrade while giving limited attention to what marketing capabilities support and sustain firm competitiveness through upgrading. This article examines eight different marketing capabilities to assess influence on manufacture upgrade performance. A survey of electronics manufacturers in mainland China and Hong Kong shows the significance of individual marketing capabilities and implications of their interdependency for manufacture upgrade performance. In particular, product development, marketing communication and channel management capabilities are crucial for manufacture upgrade. The results also highlight the importance of selective marketing capability development and the potential of secondary support for the relationship between substantive and dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

本土代工企业在全球价值链嵌入中进行代工关系专用性投资,具有何种升级功效?针对主流全球价值链理论的“升级”与“伪升级”争议,文章基于跨国买供间关系治理理论与关系租金攫取视角的升级界定,采用浙江本土代工企业146个二元代工关系层面调查数据的实证研究表明,关系专用性投资通过关系建构,有助于本土代工企业的关系租金攫取,具有“升级”效应;但同时会导致权力销蚀,存在“伪升级”效应。当代工能力具有较高的专有性水平时,升级效应处于主导,反之则伪升级效应处于主导。结论表明,本土代工企业在全球价值链嵌入中进行关系专用性投资,只能锦上添花、不能雪中送炭。这一结论澄清了本土代工企业“升级”与“伪升级”争议,对代工企业升级的战略决策具有直接应用价值。  相似文献   

外部需求衰退与代工企业自创品牌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际需求衰退的背景下,我国的代工企业面临着如何在外部需求衰退的约束下实现产业升级的新问题。外部需求衰退固然给代工企业生产经营带来困难,但这一外生冲击也在开拓市场、突破进入壁垒、获取营销渠道等方面给其自创品牌带来机遇。此外,代工企业品牌策略的成功还取决于企业自身效率、学习能力、资本和技术积累等多种因素。文章用韩国三星电子在亚洲金融危机中实现品牌成长的案例进行了说明,并分析了代工向自创品牌的转化条件。  相似文献   

代工制造是跨国公司主导全球价值链治理和资源优化配置的重要形式。中国已成为全球代工制造大国,但长期以来代工制造业的国际竞争力并没有随规模扩张实现同步提升。文章概述了全球价值链理论的核心内容,并基于全球价值链分工的视角,分析了代工制造模式的主要类型、价值链分工位置、产业组织特征和技术追赶过程。最后,提出了中国代工制造业技术追赶的几点建议。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how entrepreneurs create wealth and capabilities in the early stages by practicing original equipment manufacturing (OEM) and later on transcend to original brand manufacturing (OBM). The author deliberately selects three cases of Taiwan's firms (Johnson Health Technology Corporation, CVC Technology Corporation, and HTC Corporation) to study firm growth and firm transformation by incorporating concepts from research fields of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and leadership. How Taiwan's firms thrive from transforming to create own brands and how they deal with ensuing issues of branding dilemma offer a useful lesson for latecomer economies.  相似文献   

We examine an emerging market multinational company's (EMNC's) transformation from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to an original brand manufacturer (OBM) and global leader. Our longitudinal study of Hisense—China's largest TV company (and the world's third largest) spans three decades and involves detailed interviews with over 50 executives. We study how the company's global value chain network evolved, how it reconfigured its organization, upgraded its capabilities, and enhanced its brand reputation. We develop propositions that may contribute to improved explanations for an EMNC's internationalization sequence, development of competitive advantages, overseas management practices, and brand building.  相似文献   

在中国,品牌名称和价格能够影响消费者对于自有品牌的感知质量和感知风险,进而影响其购买意向,其中品牌名称的影响要大于价格的影响。零售商在市场策略上,应该更加注重品牌建设,以提高消费者的购买欲望,而不是单纯依靠低价竞争。但是,价格和品牌名称只是最重要的外部因素,未来的研究可以综合考虑更多的外部因素。  相似文献   

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