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Germany experienced a devastating period during the First World War due to severely restricted import possibilities and a general shortage of foodstuffs. This study uses the heights of some 4,000 individuals who served during the Second World War to quantify biological living standards from the 1900s to the 1920s, and focuses primarily on socioeconomic inequality during this period. The results suggest that generally the upper social strata, measured by fathers' occupation, exhibited the tallest average height, followed by the middle and lower classes. These socioeconomic differences became more pronounced during the First World War when the rationing system provided a limited food supply. Wealthier individuals were able to purchase additional foodstuffs on black markets. Therefore, children from upper‐class families experienced only a small decline in average height compared to their counterparts from the middle and lower social strata.  相似文献   

Making profits in wartime: corporate profits, inequality, and GDP in Germany during the First World War. This article reconsiders, and rejects, Kocka's (1973) hypothesis that a strong income redistribution from workers to capital owners occurred in Germany during the First World War. A small number of firms profited from the war, but the majority experienced a decline in real income, similar to the decline in workers' real wages. This finding also has important implications for the political history of the Weimar Republic. The authors also use their figures to improve German GDP estimates for the war period, since their sample makes it possible to estimate private service sector development. Economic indicators were worse for the war year of 1917 than previously believed.  相似文献   

Soldiers born during the late nineteenth century were taller in Australia than in Canada. A widening of the gap for those born in the 1890s supports the more optimistic interpretation of Australia's 1890s depression and is consistent with the ‘hazardous growth’ hypothesis of an inverse relationship between economic change and public health. The rural–urban stature gradient was steeper in Australia although Canada had greater stature inequality in all other dimensions. Native-born soldiers were taller than the British-born in both countries. We see no evidence of selective migration effects that would imply feedback from stature to growth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the First World War on one of the major British engineering industries - that of cotton textile machinery. From 1915 all the important firms came under direct Government control and were required to give priority to munitions manufacture. The consequent decline in machinery output combined with the disruptions to international trade drastically reduced exports. Since Britain was the foremost supplier to the world market, the growth of cotton manufacturing was directly affected. The varied response to this in the different markets forms the central focus of our study.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the First World War and its aftermath on decisions relating to the economic development of Kenya. The rather incoherent and inconsistent pre-war policy towards development was transformed by the coming of the war into a concentrated and exclusive concern for the future of European settler agriculture. The labour and taxation aspects of post-war policy in Kenya aroused much opposition. The Colonial Office in the face of challenges from the settlers, the Indian population and from rioting Africans and of a financial crisis in Kenya declared itself in favour of a dual policy of development.  相似文献   

In this article it is claimed that, at least in the aircraft industry, the development of German armament production and productivity was much more continuous than Wagenführ's armament index and both the Blitzkrieg thesis and the inefficiency thesis suggest. In order to prove this new thesis of continuity, we show on the basis of firm‐level data, firstly, that investment in production capacities had already started before the war and was especially high in the early phase of the war, and secondly, that the regulatory setting of aircraft production management was rather constant and was not dramatically changed after 1941. In addition, we demonstrate that the driving forces of productivity growth were primarily learning‐by‐doing and outsourcing, the latter being generally neglected by economic historians.  相似文献   

Adelaide entered the Second World War with an industrial urban axis extending north-west from the city to its port, and emerged from the War re-aligned to the north. This article asks why the re-alignment occurred. It argues that previous explanations for Adelaide's north–south alignment are inadequate, and concludes that the orientation is the result of Commonwealth Government investment in military–industrial development and accompanying urbanisation on a remote rural site to the north of Adelaide's metropolitan area. These explanations are now hidden in the landscape and almost forgotten in historical accounts.  相似文献   

Formed in the mid‐nineteenth century, the building societies grew rapidly from their humble beginnings as localized ‘self‐help’ institutions to become the dominant players in the house mortgage market by the interwar period. Throughout their early history, the societies presented themselves as champions of home ownership among the working classes, but historians of housing have generally disputed the role that building societies played, or could have played, in extending home ownership before the First World War. The case study presented in this article shows that it was possible for a building society to lend to working‐class borrowers, and that home ownership before the First World War was not beyond the grasp of such people. While it was undoubtedly an exception within the movement, the Co‐operative Permanent Building Society showed a genuine commitment to working‐class owner‐occupation, providing the majority of its loans to both skilled and unskilled workers on easy repayment terms. How it was able to overcome the adverse selection and moral hazard risks involved in lending to such groups of people is the focus of this article.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of the three largest regime changes following World War One on the foreign debt repayments of the succeeding regimes. The Bolsheviks repudiated the Tsarist debt, both external and internal in early 1918, and could not borrow internationally until the 1970s. The Austro-Hungarian successor states, with the exception of Romania, remained on good terms with lenders, and quickly gained access to foreign capital. However, the Ottoman successor states entered into protracted negotiations before accepting responsibility for a share of the debt, which meant they faced a lengthy delay before being able to re-enter the international capital market. We analyze these events using a game theoretical model of incomplete information, whereby capital markets can not directly observe a government’s ‘type.’ We find that there were two main economic reasons why countries did not settle their debts after their regimes changed. Some countries, in particular Russia, did not value continued credit market access as highly as before, and second that international lenders will not trust a regime in default with a new loan.  相似文献   

In this paper we present some preliminary ideas on a comparative study of the economic and social effects of World War I on Latin America. We argue that this issue has generally been conceived too narrowly, and that the events of the war years have much to tell us about the nature of capitalist development in the region. We begin by outlining some of the major external factors which influenced the course of economic change in the years before 1914. The initial impact of the war is then considered, particularly with regard to finance, trade and social dislocation. Finally, we briefly examine similar topics during the remaining war years. We conclude by arguing that the war did not provide an opportunity to alter the course of economic growth, but tended to highlight the weaknesses and magnify the contradictions of Latin America's brand of capitalist development.  相似文献   

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